r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/Luke90210 5d ago

The Ferguson Police Department of Missouri openly pointed their weapons in broad daylight with supervisors present at unarmed and peaceful protestors demonstrating against the police killing of an unarmed African-American teen. What got more attention was the fact active American servicemen in Afghanistan said they would have been court-martialed if they did the same thing over there. Military rules are soldiers are not supposed to point their weapons at anyone unless they are going to shoot.


u/PhIegms 5d ago

Well the Ferguson thing was probably Russia stirring shit up to begin with, it was riots based on lies. Philando Castille was a murder but for some reason it flew under the radar while America was frothing over a controversial shooting with unreliable witnesses in Ferguson.


u/confused_ape 5d ago

Philando Castille went against the narrative that if you do everything right and legally, and you comply, then everything is going to be fine.

"Frothing over a controversial shooting with unreliable witnesses" allows everyone to get involved on different sides, allows everyone to have a different perspective and allows the talking heads to reinforce stereotypes and reinforce division.