r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/ArkamaZ 5d ago

My partner's family are Belarusian refugees from the fall of the Soviet Union, and it's insane that a lot of them support Putin. I've no doubt that they'd sell out their own family if it came to it.


u/HuckleberryTiny5 5d ago

My parents neighbour is Ukrainian man who moved in our country 30 years ago. His wife is Russian. You guessed it, this Ukrainian worships Putin. I don't understand it, not in the slightest.


u/Otherwise-Ad-8404 5d ago

Ask your neighbour if he loves Pootin so much why hasn’t he and his wife moved to Russia? See what he says. 🤷‍♂️


u/coltaaan 5d ago

I legitimately don't understand how you can live in the US for 30 years and be pro-Russia/Putin at this time.

So form of extreme cognitive dissonance, ig...


u/Turtleturds1 4d ago

Consume a lot of fat right republican news like Fox Propaganda Network and it starts to make sense.


u/DukeOfLongKnifes 5d ago

It is a hate based on social media groups. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine have been feeling threatened by Ukrainian ultranationalists(even in the minority).


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

Can you guess why? Russian is trying to destroy Ukraine and wipe them from history.


u/ConsultingntGuy1995 5d ago

Nope, they are just imperialist fashists. Just today Russian military helicopter pilot on a propaganda channel bragged about how he reported a woman speaking Ukrainian in Ukranian Berdyansk. He proudly said she was arrested and sent to torture camp. Name at least one case when Ukrainians arrested someone for speaking Russian.


u/Turtleturds1 4d ago

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. 


u/Xenobreeder 5d ago

This is super bullshit, at least in my city. Lots of people speak Russian (me included when I feel like it) and nobody cares.


u/dughorm_ 5d ago

It's more like, Russian nationalists in Ukraine have been feeling threatened by the tales of the Russian propaganda they watch.


u/Verbose_Hamster 5d ago

Keep in mind that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a deeply traumatic time for all involved. And people have a tendency to only remember the good times: in their minds the bread queues, secret police, and daily repressions are minimised while the feeling of being part of a strong cohesive union that could go toe to to with the west is magnified.

Like how so many Americans voted for Trump because he promised to bring back the "good old days", your family probably look at Putin through that same lens.


u/hanzo1504 5d ago

Also life in most parts of the Soviet Union was a lot better than in today's Russia.


u/Embarrassed_Coast_45 5d ago

Can you please elaborate on this?


u/Zanadar 5d ago

For a lot of places the Soviet Union was essentially a bottomless piggy bank which kept paying for things for ideological reasons rather than practical ones.

Once it was gone and that supply of "free"* money dried up, it was back to abject poverty for a lot of people.

The same ideology that had fed them had also denied them any sort of self-sufficiency, so they couldn't stand on their own without it.

*Terms and conditions may apply.


u/MalificViper 4d ago

It also encouraged selling people out for the benefit of the state, so that mentality has obviously not gone away.


u/betterwithsambal 3d ago

Yeah but most of those idiots woke up and saw the orange pos for what he is. russians are no where near as insightful or intelligent.


u/str85 5d ago

OT but a scary part here is that this is where some of the Trump megalomaniacs are heading as well. Of their own free will.