r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 5d ago

That was Trump 2020. Trump 2024: "And the Russians, they had to put a 15 year old boy in jail because he talked bad about Putin. That's what kids are like in school these days. You go in a school and you can't go fifteen yards without a seeing a kid. And these kids, they have books. And books can be dangerous. You drop them from a high place, they fall down and BOOM someone gets a concussion. And that's why we need God back in schools."


u/HFY_HFY_HFY 5d ago

Too coherent sorry


u/FallacyDetector9000 4d ago

I can't not read it in his voice.


u/satireplusplus 4d ago

Trump 2024: "Let me tell you about these Russians, they're locking up kids for speaking their minds! Some 15-year-old kid said something about Putin, and they throw him in the slammer. That's the state of our schools these days - it's like a zoo in there! You walk in, and boom, kids everywhere - carrying these books, big, heavy, dangerous books. Let me tell you, yes, books are like weapons. You drop one of - like my father used to do when he was younger - from a high place. Someone could get seriously hurt, concussion - that's why we need to bring God back into our schools - broken bones, maybe even worse. We need to teach these kids some respect and discipline. You know, back in my day - it was perfect - they stood for the national anthem. Nowadays, it's like they're running the asylum. We need to take back control, bring back prayer in schools, and teach them right from wrong. And while we're at it, let's get rid of these crazy woke teachers who are brainwashing our kids with their liberal agenda. It's time to make our schools great again!"