r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/meteorprime 5d ago

What are you even fighting for at that point?

Your children jailed for speech…


u/Neat-Opportunity1824 5d ago

These stories come up every 2nd week. A 6-year old draws Ukrainian flag in school? Straight to jail.


u/AnotherBigToblerone 5d ago

Draw a blue rectangle above a yellow rectangle, go to jail. Fuck Putin


u/hereforthefeast 5d ago

I recall an article about a Russian woman who was arrested because she posted a photo wearing a yellow raincoat while on vacation. 

The thinnest of skins lol. 


u/UnholyLizard65 5d ago

Well this is actually pretty standard tactic from Soviet times. Every little transgression is monitored. Everybody is watching and reporting on everybody else.

Most people obviously didn't like it, but were scared to say anything because they could be the ones thrown in jail.

Its pretty effective and extremely evil way of controlling society through fear. Everybody is paranoid and in the end unwillingly supporting the regime. It alters people's minds and the next generation raised in such shit doesn't even know anything else could be possible.


u/nighthawkndemontron 5d ago

I had a Romanian friend who spoke at her naturalization ceremony back in 2017 say... although communism ended in Romania, it never left... that stuck with me


u/UnholyLizard65 5d ago

That sucks. But honestly I wouldn't even call it communism. More like Russian paranoid authoritarianism.

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u/The_Hipster_King 4d ago

You have no idea. We are in EU, but some still cry for Ceausescu and saying that those were the best times Ro had.

My mother was happy that my father could bring powder milk, since he was a sailor. She said that if she had stopped lactating (giving brest milk) I would have probably suffered starvation or death (as a baby). There was no milk and if you wait in line, like 6 hours you might get 1 liter.

My father would also bring music cassettes and bribe his enterance with a pack of Marlboro. He could have gone to jail for listening to music in English.


u/ironflesh 4d ago

And this is how Chernobyl happens.


u/BullSitting 5d ago

'Smith!' screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. '6079 Smith W.!

Yes, YOU! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You're not trying. Lower, please! THAT'S better, comrade. Now stand at ease, the whole squad, and watch me.'


u/Froopy-Hood 4d ago

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”


u/boogiewugie33 3d ago

👹Zzzz kingdom ... the king of FEAR and LIES




u/boogiewugie33 3d ago

👹Zzzz kingdom ... the king of FEAR and LIES 🦇 SATAN 🦇 ⚖️🔥⚖️


u/yobboman 5d ago

Agreed but don't be fooled into thinking that anywhere else is different to this, its just harder to spot. Group thinking is all about maintaining power over the herd


u/UnholyLizard65 5d ago

Well I live in one of the states that used to be in Soviet union and I would say it's is very different. Older generations still can be a little paranoid sometimes, but we definitely do have freedom of speech.

Group thinking is all about maintaining power over the herd

Crazies are everywhere, but they are the fringe. It's definitely nowhere near the current situation in Russia.


u/EconomySwordfish5 5d ago

A raincoat the stereotypical colour a raincoat should be? Somebody arrest this maniac!


u/niz_loc 5d ago

Warrant issued for Paddington Bear....


u/GenerationKilled 4d ago

Yeah but that’s for indecent exposure


u/Angry-Dragon-1331 4d ago

No that’s Pooh Bear


u/TobyTheArtist 5d ago

[Purin to himself in his head while counting on his fingers]: Using the word "rain" implies water, which implies blue, as water reflects the colour of the sky. Together, the words "rain" and "coat" implies something used when its raining, which requires visibility, which, in turn, means that the coat must be coloured in a way that would enhance visibility during downpour. Yellow if one of the colo-- omG ITS A VERBAL AGENT. ITS THE UKRAINIAN FLAG. SEND THE DISSENTING LEXICONOGRAPHERS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRAVESTY TO JAIL AND CHANGE THE WORD IMMEDIATELY.


u/Sam5253 4d ago

The United Kingdom is famous for its rain. It rains in the UK.... UK rain... UKrain... UKRAINE!!!


u/TobyTheArtist 4d ago

Spot on, m8!


u/PoopyMcFartButt 4d ago

Well said good point


u/alpacafox 5d ago edited 5d ago

School buses must be valid targets then, since they are just Ukrainian military vehicles according to their color-logic.


u/Paeyvn 5d ago

Just googled it, doesn't sound like she was arrested, just approached by an agent and forced to write a public apology basically and that that was not what she was promoting.

Still nuts though.


u/What_Dinosaur 4d ago

A yellow raincoat with the blue sea on the background?!



u/WonderfulShelter 4d ago

They arrested protestors who had blank pieces of paper held up.


u/Eptalin 5d ago

It's illegal for children to draw beaches.


u/sir_spankalot 5d ago

All blue and yellow 2x6 duplo bricks in Russia has been destroyed.


u/something-burger 4d ago

Those two bricks stacked has been the symbol of Ukrainian support in my house since the war began.


u/Jesusaurus2000 5d ago

And fields.


u/Soggy-Log6664 5d ago

Beach, please


u/SizeApprehensive7832 5d ago

In Russian accent: TheR aRe no beaches in Russia.


u/SymphoDeProggy 4d ago

Beaches get steetches, blyat


u/glidespokes 5d ago

Plant yellow sunflowers under a blue sky? Off to jail


u/Foreign-Duck-4892 5d ago

Whoever kills Putin should get the Nobel Peace Prize


u/DropsTheMic 5d ago

Don't forget there are Pro Putin Americans on every block.


u/UnpleasantFax 4d ago

It isn't Putin's clone army enforcing his will.


u/netchemica 5d ago

Wear a yellow jacket when the skies are blue? You guessed it: Jail!

We have the best conscripts in the world. Because of jail.


u/TravelSizedRudy 5d ago

Totally stable/safe way of living I'm sure we'll be told here soon for "reasons".


u/Doodahhh1 5d ago

This is why democracy must be protected.


u/FrankyHo 5d ago

You know who idolized Putin....i cant remember his name some old ass reality star...

yeah protect democracy and stop edgelord voting. Dont tell me you didnt in '16. Im talking to you penis wrinkle!


u/Dirty-Soul 5d ago

The one who shit himself in court, the one who tried to bribe a storm named Daniel to keep quiet, the one who stole a president's LPs, or the one who tweets like a budgie?


u/Doodahhh1 5d ago

Was he kind of an orange color?


u/Dirty-Soul 5d ago

Orange like a lozenge.


u/Low-Union6249 5d ago

And yet nobody’s out campaigning for Biden because they take it for granted


u/Allegorist 5d ago

Really people should just be campaigning against Trump


u/Low-Union6249 5d ago

Either way works, but when I see some fucking girl on TV saying “I’m voting for Trump because I want to show Biden I support Palestine” I’m like…. Lady, you have sooooo lost the plot. If you care at all about Palestine and what it represents you’ll vote for Biden.


u/Doodahhh1 5d ago

That's really happening a lot more than the comment before you.


u/Doodahhh1 5d ago

I agree, people take it for granted


u/UnholyLizard65 5d ago

As for stable part, this was the norm for almost 50 years in Soviet union. Pretty depressing.


u/Serious_Goose5368 5d ago

Putin is seriously becoming more paranoid than Teodoro Nguema or Saddam at this point.


u/Zolo49 5d ago

Hey, that sun up in that blue sky looks kind of yellow to me. Jail for everybody!!!

(Fun fact: From space, our sun looks white but is actually tinged green. It only looks yellow from down here because of the blue light getting scattered by our atmosphere.)


u/rowger 5d ago

TBH she was not arrested, she just had to talk to a policeman to respond to the accusation brought upon her by some idiot.


u/kghyr8 5d ago

Miss a dentist appointment, believe it or not, jail. Best patients in the world.



Undercook chicken - jail..... overcook fish, also jail... undercook/overcook...


u/Gen-Jack-D-Ripper 5d ago

Forget an umbrella on a rainy day… you guessed it, jail!


u/Deltamon 5d ago

Run out of Vodka? Oh now you've done it bad gobnik, straight to Jail.



You charge too high prices for sweaters.... glasses...... straight to jail. No trial, nothing..... jail.


u/Arkayjiya 4d ago

I read that as undercooked children and I wasn't sure if "- jail" was because of "children" or because of "undercooked"



Without question, undercooking children is definitely jail... cooking them at all is quite frowned upon.


u/FrozeItOff 5d ago

In Mother Russia, the undercooked chicken jails YOU....


u/Dirty-Soul 5d ago

Hmmbrrgrr hmmbrrgrr hmmbrrbrr hmm hmmbrrgrr hmmbrrgrr hmmbrrgrr hmm

Hmmbrrgrr cheezbrrgrr bggmkk woh-prr. Hmmbrrgrr cheezbrrgrr bggmkk woh-prr.


Go to jail.


u/CoheedNadCap 5d ago

Is this a real thing fuxk


u/Special-Affect-7928 4d ago

Its a line from the Parks and Rec show.


u/Spara-Extreme 5d ago

Draws a russian flag with the wrong proportions - also jail.


u/TrixieShakeswell 5d ago

Believe it or not…….. jail.


u/FieserMoep 5d ago

School assignment: Paint a clear sky above wheat fields.

10yos heavy sweating


u/Dirkerks 5d ago

Undercook chicken? Straight to jail. Overcook fish, believe it or not, straight to jail.


u/Master-o-none 4d ago

You undercook OR overcook chicken, believe it or not, straight to yale


u/bluck_t 4d ago

I mean being against war is one thing but supporting the enemy during wartime is tantamount to treason


u/infirmiereostie 4d ago

Assignment: draw a desert...


u/zashiki_warashi_x 3d ago

There was a story like this. Girl painted some pro-peace/anti-war picture in school assignment. She was taken from her single father to foster home. He tried to rescue her and flee the country, but was caught. He was sentenced for 2 years in jail, but managed to escape for Belorussia. Local police found him and returned to Russia. Later girl's mother agreed to take the girl to her new family.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Depicting an aggressor in an active war surely must be treason, right? Seems appropriate. The conversation should be focused on the parents media input that forced the child to learn this


u/Wrest216 5d ago

WTF? Just...wow. Sometimes i forgot how privileged i am.

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u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

There was this interview with older man in Russia and he was asked why don't you protest. His response was "Why would I go to the barricades for these people waves around at the people passing by, they would happily report you to the government."

Russian people are a miserable bunch that would happily stab each other in the back. Its sad.


u/ArkamaZ 5d ago

My partner's family are Belarusian refugees from the fall of the Soviet Union, and it's insane that a lot of them support Putin. I've no doubt that they'd sell out their own family if it came to it.


u/HuckleberryTiny5 5d ago

My parents neighbour is Ukrainian man who moved in our country 30 years ago. His wife is Russian. You guessed it, this Ukrainian worships Putin. I don't understand it, not in the slightest.


u/Otherwise-Ad-8404 5d ago

Ask your neighbour if he loves Pootin so much why hasn’t he and his wife moved to Russia? See what he says. 🤷‍♂️


u/coltaaan 5d ago

I legitimately don't understand how you can live in the US for 30 years and be pro-Russia/Putin at this time.

So form of extreme cognitive dissonance, ig...


u/Turtleturds1 4d ago

Consume a lot of fat right republican news like Fox Propaganda Network and it starts to make sense.


u/DukeOfLongKnifes 5d ago

It is a hate based on social media groups. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine have been feeling threatened by Ukrainian ultranationalists(even in the minority).


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

Can you guess why? Russian is trying to destroy Ukraine and wipe them from history.


u/ConsultingntGuy1995 5d ago

Nope, they are just imperialist fashists. Just today Russian military helicopter pilot on a propaganda channel bragged about how he reported a woman speaking Ukrainian in Ukranian Berdyansk. He proudly said she was arrested and sent to torture camp. Name at least one case when Ukrainians arrested someone for speaking Russian.


u/Turtleturds1 4d ago

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. 

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u/Verbose_Hamster 5d ago

Keep in mind that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a deeply traumatic time for all involved. And people have a tendency to only remember the good times: in their minds the bread queues, secret police, and daily repressions are minimised while the feeling of being part of a strong cohesive union that could go toe to to with the west is magnified.

Like how so many Americans voted for Trump because he promised to bring back the "good old days", your family probably look at Putin through that same lens.


u/hanzo1504 5d ago

Also life in most parts of the Soviet Union was a lot better than in today's Russia.


u/Embarrassed_Coast_45 5d ago

Can you please elaborate on this?


u/Zanadar 5d ago

For a lot of places the Soviet Union was essentially a bottomless piggy bank which kept paying for things for ideological reasons rather than practical ones.

Once it was gone and that supply of "free"* money dried up, it was back to abject poverty for a lot of people.

The same ideology that had fed them had also denied them any sort of self-sufficiency, so they couldn't stand on their own without it.

*Terms and conditions may apply.


u/MalificViper 4d ago

It also encouraged selling people out for the benefit of the state, so that mentality has obviously not gone away.


u/betterwithsambal 3d ago

Yeah but most of those idiots woke up and saw the orange pos for what he is. russians are no where near as insightful or intelligent.


u/str85 5d ago

OT but a scary part here is that this is where some of the Trump megalomaniacs are heading as well. Of their own free will.


u/eaturfeelins 5d ago

Man it was the same in Cuba, still is. I remember we’d huddle over in the kitchen and close the windows and shutters and whisper whenever we wanted to discuss the regime or discuss buying beef (people were being jailed for selling and buying beef since the government owned it all), and one of us would stand by the back door keeping watch. Our next door neighbor was a snitch for the government police.


u/maditqo 5d ago

the difference is, however, in Russia, you can be jailed for a failure to report someone the government will later convict


u/Falcon_4L 5d ago edited 5d ago

Same applies in Australia, specifically New South Wales. It's a crime to not report a serious offence without reasonable excuse.

*Edit - for the down voters, google section 316 of the New South Wales Crimes Act.

For the lazy

CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 316 Concealing serious indictable offence 316 Concealing serious indictable offence (1) An adult-- (a) who knows or believes that a serious indictable offence has been committed by another person, and (b) who knows or believes that he or she has information that might be of material assistance in securing the apprehension of the offender or the prosecution or conviction of the offender for that offence, and (c) who fails without reasonable excuse to bring that information to the attention of a member of the NSW Police Force or other appropriate authority, is guilty of an offence. : Maximum penalty--Imprisonment for-- (a) 2 years--if the maximum penalty for the serious indictable offence is not more than 10 years imprisonment, or (b) 3 years--if the maximum penalty for the serious indictable offence is more than 10 years imprisonment but not more than 20 years imprisonment, or (c) 5 years--if the maximum penalty for the serious indictable offence is more than 20 years imprisonment.


u/yoingydoingy 4d ago

That's completely irrelevant, the issue is that discussing the regime is considered a "serious offence" in these places...


u/youdoaline_idoaline 4d ago

We are so oppressed down here, might as well just become an authoritarian oligarchy, seeing as there's no difference between Australia and Putins Russia/S


u/sailirish7 5d ago

Our next door neighbor was a snitch for the government police.

If this was known, how did these people never "disappear"? I don't mean this as an accusation, I'm just legitimately curious.


u/Luke90210 5d ago

Dissidents who used to protest the Putin government largely gave up and left the country when the war started. They understood under wartime laws they would be wiped out. Men of fighting age would be drafted and sent to the front immediately. Everyone else could slowly die in the brutal prisons. Putin would not even pretend to be fair anymore.


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

Yeah I watched a doco about a poet that protested by telling his poem in public. He got 7 years. When they arrested him he was raped. They stuck a pipe up his ass. Threaten to rape his girlfriend but just beat her instead. After he was put in prison they arrested her as well even though she didn't do a thing. Horrible nasty place.


u/Zilskaabe 5d ago

Yeah, and putin didn't do all that. Lots of russians support him.


u/OpeningDimension7735 1d ago

The siloviki are psycopaths given power over others, and they earn attention and praise by their sadistic acts.  Dictator 101 - empower the worst to intimidate the many.


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

Yeah. your are completely right! Its not just him, that whole country supports his movement. Russian people are not to be trusted.


u/CurrencyFit7659 5d ago

So, the guy and his girlfriend also support putin, right?


u/Pixie1001 5d ago

Yeah, like lets not sit here pretending soldiers and police in western countries don't do fucked up shit as well.


u/CurrencyFit7659 5d ago

Let's not pretend privileged kids in western countries are any better or smarter. All this "freepalestine" propaganda is identical to Russian propaganda about Ukraine, word by word, and so many people believe in it on the West it gives me a hope about my people - at least we have mostly older people who are weak for propaganda


u/Necessary_Apple_5567 5d ago

Because lot of them died and another part jailed.


u/FoobarGecko 4d ago

They didn't give up and left, they were exiled.


u/Luke90210 2d ago edited 2d ago

Exiled means being forced out of your own country. Thats not Putin's style. He prefers to have you murdered (the old gunshot to the head before going out the window or poison) or imprisoned and then die in Mother Russia. When the war started so many young men fled the country to avoid conscription its unbelievable Putin's goons were actually helping anyone leave.

The protest band Pussy Riot defied Putin for years and went to jail for it. They left Russia too believing protesting under war conditions and laws was tantamount to suicide.


u/juzzbert 5d ago



u/hanzo1504 5d ago

JorJor Well


u/10poundballs 5d ago

centuries of collective punishment baked into the culture


u/Jackbuddy78 5d ago

That would be a charitable view but the reality is much less sympathetic. 



u/Dedushka_shubin 5d ago

I am Russian and I live in Russia. I can confirm it is 100% true.


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

I hope you are on the right side and can escape. I know I'm right, I was with a Russian girl for 5 yrs. From what she said she hated the place. She was a model and Russian men treated her like trash. Western men treated her well.


u/Dedushka_shubin 5d ago

Sounds strange. I worked as a photographer and a cameraman in the past. I know that it is impossible to achieve good result without cooperation with a model. So treating a model "like trash" is completely unprofessional. But sometimes it happens.


u/espresso_martini__ 4d ago

You're thinking professionally. I'm talking about the average Russian man treating her like trash. She loved leaving Russia because men treated her differently.


u/kosmokomeno 5d ago

Probably be better to say the Russian history is miserable. People are people


u/yellekc 5d ago

Russian people are a miserable bunch that would happily stab each other in the back. Its sad.

Yep, I have run out of all sympathy for Russians at this point. Putin isn't the one sitting in command centers targeting apartments, he is not the one shooting or beheading POWs, he is not the one raping civilians. That is all regular Russians. They are not victims, they are the abusers.


u/grchelp2018 5d ago

This is the case for all dictators.


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

I don't have any sympathy either. I went out with a Russian gf. She was nasty and so were all her friends, family and ever other Russian she introduced me to. I'm glad to have moved on with her.


u/_DirtyYoungMan_ 5d ago

Not much different in every former Soviet state in Europe. Even in Hungary strangers don't talk to each other and when I asked why(I've lived in the US my whole life so I only spent summers and shorter vacations there) my cousin told me that it's just not part of the culture. When I asked my mom(grew up in Soviet Hungary) why, she told it's because back in the Soviet days you didn't know who to trust so you just wouldn't talk to strangers because they might report you to the authorities.


u/espresso_martini__ 5d ago

Yes! that is not a way to live. I can say I hate Trump and no one is going to knock on my door. Freedom is everything. Unfortunately Russian people have no freedom and no will to fight for it. They are a wasted people.


u/yogtheterrible 5d ago

Like crabs in a bucket. When one tries to leave it gets dragged down by the rest.


u/ThiefMortReaperSoul 4d ago

I dont think you understand mind washing. You know the whole was was it, palvikos dog? experiment?

The entire nation is mind washed to misery. They dont see an alternative. They cant see an alternative. They'd rather live out the option they have than go against it. Its not the vibrant democracy you live in, where you go out with 5 people to a protest, and a bunch of people joins you agreeing or at least cheer you on. You end up fearing because , you fear if you dont report then protester, that you might also get nabbed along as an accomplice.

There are comments on the following video, explaining the same fear people had under soviet/russian iron fist.



u/MrsACT 5d ago

That’s the US if Donvict gets I


u/Swapzoar 5d ago

What are they supposed to do?


u/espresso_martini__ 4d ago

Grow a backbone and protest. It wasn't that long ago they protested (1991) when the USSR became just Russia. Since then Russian people have become weak, pathetic souls.


u/Swapzoar 4d ago

Easy for you to say who won’t have to die for said actions


u/espresso_martini__ 4d ago

Yeah isn't that sad when people have to die when they protest. Shows what a horrible place Russia has become. But in numbers they can't be stopped. It wasn't that long ago Ukraine managed to overthrow their corrupt government.


u/Cdru123 4d ago

Yeah, I've also been disappointed by a lot of people around me

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u/MentionWeird7065 5d ago

Russia bootlickers living in the US will find some way to blame the 15 year old for this lmao


u/nuclearswan 4d ago

But did you see the bread they have at the supermarket??


u/MentionWeird7065 4d ago

Oh and the carts that take change…absolute innovation! Thanks Tucker!


u/his_purple_majesty 5d ago

Didn't parents routinely rat their children out in communist Russia, or maybe it was children ratting their parents out?

So it can get even worse.


u/kuldnekuu 5d ago

There were legends of it happening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlik_Morozov


u/Boffinito 5d ago

I think this is described in one of the biographies of Stalin, quite possible the ones by Simon Sebag Montefiore. If so, it would have been properly researched. Might be one of the books by Beevor if it wasn't Montefiore.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/BigOldCar 5d ago

No, he's thinking of 1984, where a youth organization called the Junior Spies encourages children to report their parents to the authorities if they question Big Brother or complain about conditions.



It was pretty common in soviet Russia for people to rat each other out for a number of reasons...


u/sillyskunk 5d ago

"For Mother Russia you dumb... blyat, this isn't the internal IRA troll farm message board"


u/Thor_2099 5d ago

Gonna be happening in the US pretty soon if people don't vote and/or stay ignorant.


u/crankybobenhaus 4d ago

Please get real


u/squangus007 5d ago

Funny how tankies are totally fine with supporting such a country that jails children who say something bad about the government or war.


u/Sensitive-Cat-6069 4d ago

That’s the whole point.

Putin absolutely wants people to feel that dissenting against him is essentially throwing their lives away for no reason, and no change will ever come through that.

And so this kid’s arrest is sending a message to parents across Russia - pay attention to what your children are saying, and teach them the “right” way of thinking early on - or else!


u/YugeGyna 5d ago

Republicans will still tell you Putin is for free speech and they’d rather vote for him than Biden


u/BagHolder9001 5d ago

MRGA, Make Russia Great Again ofc


u/iantibba 5d ago

To conscript him a year later, Naturally


u/Expert-Longjumping 5d ago

Most of them of probably taught not to speak


u/Buck_Thorn 4d ago

What scares me the most is how close we could be to that if DT gets elected again.


u/Valonis 4d ago

You don’t keep hold of a dictatorship and kleptocracy without breaking a few eggs. And by that, I mean jailing children.


u/Due-Street-8192 4d ago

It's RuZZia, this is understandable!


u/Soundwave_13 4d ago

I feel bad for the kiddos who probably have no idea.

But this is all on the parents for "voting" or allowing this to happen.

Cough it might be time for that rebellion...


u/sacredgeometry 4d ago

This isn't and never was Russia or the Russians war. This is Putins war.


u/AnalogFeelGood 4d ago

They’re not fighting for anything. The Russians are nothing more than subservient serfs that do as tell master tell them. That’s it.


u/ibking46 4d ago

Just ask old Marge Taylor Green… this should be what happens in US of A, comrade!


u/ReturnOfTheGempire 4d ago

And if this war keeps going he won't serve those 5 years in prison. He will be on the front lines of the war he spoke against.


u/Luk3ling 4d ago

That's exactly what they're fighting for.

Dictators get absolutely rock hard seeing the peasantry one another n their name. Trump desperately wants to empower his sycophants to enable these exact thing to happen in the US, in his name.


u/Bitter_Cry_8383 4d ago

The articles and reports linking Trump and the Republican party to Putin and supporting Russia are so separated we can't actually understand how deep the relationship is or how far back it goes.

But if you're a true Christian do you really want to see this insanity after the next election? This is Project 2025 and they have us so confused and screwed up we're about to elect a dictator controlled by (look it up it's all there: BILLIONARES and encourage a Nationalist civil war)

It's not a joke.


u/5etrash 4d ago

Once he’s out he can get conscripted to the army and then the punishment really begins.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/meteorprime 4d ago

Child, and jail there is a death sentence.


u/Loki9101 4d ago

Action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility. The ultimate test of a moral society is the world that it leaves behind to its children.

Wherever a society of peace, truth, and the rule of law is in danger or is at risk of suffocating, the community of peace must be torn asunder, and a strife against these forces must commence." Bonhoeffer


u/OhanaUchiha 4d ago

They’re fighting to not go to jail / executed… unfortunately


u/LiveLaughSlay69 3d ago

Thousands of young Russian men who were probably born after Putin took power are scattered in pieces all over Ukraine. Power hungry madmen have no logic that the rest of us could comprehend.


u/OpeningDimension7735 1d ago

The president of Turkey once sued a child for joking about him.  Funny who we allow to hold power over us.


u/Traditional-Bat-8193 5d ago

You say that like it’s crazy, but a growing corner of Reddit has been advocating for the ability to jail people for speech as well. Certain supposedly developed countries like Germany already have the authority to jail people for speech the state doesn’t approve of, and Reddit often cheers.


u/DameonKormar 5d ago

Every country has laws that prohibit certain speech. Contrary to the famous quote, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me," words can, in fact, hurt others.

Free speech laws protect citizens from punishment for criticisms of the government and political leaders. They are not, and should not be, absolute.


u/Traditional-Bat-8193 5d ago

Free speech laws protect citizens from punishment for criticisms of the government and political leaders.

They do far more than that in most developed countries, and rightfully so. Limiting the scope as you described creates a slippery slope. Let’s say Putin were Jewish. He could prosecute any criticism as “OMG antisemitic hate speech!”

This is why civilized countries don’t give government that power. Expressing opinions is 100% protected, without exception, in most western countries.


u/piratepoetpriest 5d ago

“Expressing opinions is 100% protected, without exception, in most western countries.”

Nope. Not only is that false in western countries, expressing opinions is NOT 100% protected, in ANY country.

Here’s a thought experiment: someone says “I think the country’s government should be overthrown, and we should assemble to do so”. Well, that’s just expressing an opinion. It’s also sedition. If one were to express that opinion, even taking no further action, it’s seditious speech in probably every country on earth. The speaker COULD likely be charged with sedition based upon the letter of the law, but it would be up to the relevant authorities as to whether or not WOULD be charged. Without further speech or action, in a country with presumed innocence and a trial by jury, that speech alone would not be likely to convict the speaker. Yet, to the letter of the law it could. In the US, this would be chargeable under the Sedition Act of 1918, and the Alien Registration Act of 1940. So, no, “Expressing opinions is 100% protected” isn’t true in the US, nor likely any country.

Anything that violates a court order (gag order or otherwise) or an NDA, even if merely “expressing an opinion” is absolutely against the law, criminal or civil. So again, that makes for less than 100%

Further, name a single western country where “Expressing opinions is 100% protected”. Just one. Certainly isn’t the case in: Germany, France, nor the UK. Those all have laws that absolutely restrict expressing opinions in MANY cases. Whatever is considered to be “hate speech” is restricted in Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, and many other nations.

I’ll freely admit I don’t know if there are restrictions in all “western countries”, but luckily I don’t have to do the research. You have made a claim. Now support it with evidence and citation. Or concede your loss.


u/TheThunderbird 5d ago

Certain supposedly developed countries like Germany already have the authority to jail people for speech the state doesn’t approve of

Name a country that doesn't. Before you suggest the US, try incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, or threats, and see where those get you.

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u/beener 5d ago

Certain supposedly developed countries like Germany already have the authority to jail people for speech the state doesn’t approve of, and Reddit often cheers.

Imagine being so obtuse you even miss the context of uh... WORLD WAR 2. Jesus fuckin Christ like come on dude. They had one big naxi problem already that fucked the whole world and especially Germany, after something like that you just don't let it happen again.

And why is speech so inherently sacred? Why not my right to walk anywhere I want? Feels kinda arbitrary, just Americans jacking off thinking they should be allowed to say any vile shit they like and deserve an audience for it


u/Traditional-Bat-8193 5d ago

In this article you’re witnessing the direct repercussions of the people allowing their government to restrict their speech. There’s a quite long and bloody history that the U.S. has explains why we find speech such a sacred right.


u/No-Clothes3649 5d ago

Those who go to war typically don't use Reddit...

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