r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/erock84titan 5d ago

This young Russian boy has what most Russian men lack...balls


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/CFLurker 5d ago

I mean, that’s also easy to say when your family and friends aren’t being slaughtered en masse in a “special military operation” of which you are denied any specific details.  


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/A_Texas_Hobo 5d ago

Name one social or political movement where people didn’t suffer? Shit, look at the civil rights movement in the US. People fought for what’s right and many got messed up because of it, but they never gave up. Russians don’t seem to have the stones to do a damn thing. It’s not important enough to them, or most of them support it


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/A_Texas_Hobo 5d ago

MLK was literally shot in the head.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/A_Texas_Hobo 5d ago

I’m not arguing, I’m just saying that people must suffer for progress. There is no other way. Period.


u/[deleted] 5d ago


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u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot 5d ago

And this is exactly why. It's easy to sit on a computer and say that people lack balls; but would you give up a moderately comfortable life for 5 years just to say you didn't like the president?

Especially when you grow up in it, it's hard to fight back.


u/Newdaytoday1215 4d ago

The primary difference between why this is happening somewhere else and not here is the number of people who made that choice was large enough. I completely get what you are saying but the problem is that it fails acknowledge how this whole thing works. People do lack the balls of the few people (esp the nameless ones lost to history) we owe everything to when it comes to putting up with corrupt government. Read up on the imprisonment of protestors & activists during the 20s to early 70s. The kid deserves credit that he is better than most of his elders.


u/mr_doppertunity 5d ago

You’re free to come and show your big titanium balls. “Oh, I don’t have to solve your problems.” But as far as I know, this is way past a solely Russians’ problem.


u/IowaKidd97 5d ago

Damn that comment got a little too close to home huh?


u/Dull_Possibility_333 5d ago

Wow. You definitely took that as a personal attack. Says a lot about you.


u/mr_doppertunity 5d ago

How did you come up to this conclusion? Everyone talks about Russians being a slave nation for not protesting, meanwhile Russia had more anti-government protests than “brave Ukraine” (which is a prime example of survivorship bias — popular revolutions rarely work out), and maybe even US. Even Ukrainians think that deposing Putin is purely Russians’ problem. As far as I know they kinda die every day because of him, but they still think it’s Russians’ problem. That’s mind blowing.

Everybody thinks Russia is some kind of democracy and you can just protest and Putin will go away. Nope. No one wants to spend the rest of their lives in gulag. And everyone giving such a dumb statement about the balls is free to check theirs. It’s very comfortable to speak like that, sitting somewhere far away knowing nothing will happen to you. You’d talk differently if you were in a that situation.


u/Dull_Possibility_333 5d ago

I'm sorry you're a coward. Everyone has a choice. I personally would go to the gulag instead of participating in that madness. I would also choose death instead of having to kill another.


u/mr_doppertunity 5d ago

Most of the population of earth are cowards. Even new Ukraine draftees, Ukraine imposes harsh laws to mobilize them. You think “oh, they’re so brave”. Nope, that were only the first ones and some volunteers, the rest weren’t so eager to die and were forced to go.

And that’s ok. People don’t want to die or waste their lives for an idea. That’s the era of individualism. Only some people are brave enough like you. The rest would adapt their lives somehow.

And given that a lot of Russians took Zelenskyy’s request and left Russia to not participate in the Russian economy, to not go to the front, to just being called cowards in the end, be pushed from everywhere, be visa banned by request of the same Zelenskyy, there’s zero incentive to protest, to sabotage, or just to stick out. If you don’t succeed, you will be forgotten and rot in prison, and Ukrainians will celebrate it because that’s one less Russian (because “all of Russians are imperialists, and if they protest that’s either to save their way of life or to whitewash their genocidal actions”). Yes, they do it in comments, if you know Ukrainian you can do a wonderful trip. If you think those people are allies with the anti-war Russians, nope. They perceive them as an enemy and act accordingly. Why would anyone help those that perceive you as an enemy?

Russians left the country, started their lives over. Like Zelenskyy requested. They could stay and be fine. Nope, they chose to leave. But now they’re called cowards for helping Ukraine the way Ukraine asked. No one would make the same mistake twice. And gratitude of Ukraine raises concerns even among the western allies.


u/Dull_Possibility_333 4d ago

That's a lot of words to try to justify being a coward and now Ukraine isn't grateful enough for you. Fuck off. Goddamned you magats are pathetic.


u/Yaaallsuck 5d ago

Literally a million of you fled the country when Putin announced mobilization. Rosgvardia and police combined didn't have that kind of strength. If those people or any Russians that claim to oppose Putin has went to the streets with bats and molotovs instead of just escaping the country like cowards, or waving signs Putin's regime could not stand.

While the rest of you cry about "It's so scawy to do anything about the literal genocide we're committing, womebody come rescwue us." Yes, itxs absolutely your problem to fix your shithole, since sadly you have nukes and no ones going to come rescue you as long as those exist.


u/Makiave1 5d ago

People went to the streets in Belarus in 2020. Why Lukashenko is still there?


u/Naki-Taa 5d ago

What happened to all the Iranian hijab protests? What about the hong Kong protests? Those were MASSIVE protests that everyone was cheering on saying how Russians are pussies for not doing the same.


u/System32Sandwitch 5d ago

there were literally protests tho?


u/Naki-Taa 4d ago

And what happened to them? They are supposed to solve all problems according to Reddit


u/Yaaallsuck 4d ago

Yeah and protesting or violent insurrection never works. Best not try it ans give into nazis. Fucking moron.


u/mr_doppertunity 5d ago

It doesn’t work like that. “Oh, you have bigger numbers than the police”.

Iranian, Venezuelan, Belarusian protesters didn’t succeed. Myanmar is in the middle of civil war — that’s what you’d expect in case of a successful protest. Thanks, we don’t need it.

And my brother in Christ, Russia has more police per capita than any of the other countries. https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/1540/russia-is-the-worlds-most-heavily-policed-country/

That’s one policeman per 177 citizens, including kids, disabled ones and seniors.

Technically, even if it was 1 policeman per 10 citizens, you’d still say that policemen have less numbers than protesters, wearing the shittiest grin ever. But answer a question: why no country, even the most totalitarian one, has even 1 per 100 ratio?

BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT. You don’t have to match population to effectively police it. Moreover, you can only heavily police the capital and some big cities to stay in power. Hence Moscow has a lot of CCTV cameras with face recognition, but not other cities.

Adding to that in case of big protests even army will come to help, and that’s an additional million or so. No one wants to die. Is this really a hard concept?


u/bisccat 5d ago

If you actually went to Russia you'd realize how lied to you're being. People generally can critizise him publicly and even online without even worrying. Jesus fuck. Can you even read the article? It doesn't work for me