r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/bud_little6128 5d ago

This is the "free" country Nazis and tankies love.


u/flonky_tymes 5d ago

Trump: "Completely perfect punishment!"


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 5d ago

That was Trump 2020. Trump 2024: "And the Russians, they had to put a 15 year old boy in jail because he talked bad about Putin. That's what kids are like in school these days. You go in a school and you can't go fifteen yards without a seeing a kid. And these kids, they have books. And books can be dangerous. You drop them from a high place, they fall down and BOOM someone gets a concussion. And that's why we need God back in schools."


u/HFY_HFY_HFY 5d ago

Too coherent sorry


u/FallacyDetector9000 4d ago

I can't not read it in his voice.


u/satireplusplus 4d ago

Trump 2024: "Let me tell you about these Russians, they're locking up kids for speaking their minds! Some 15-year-old kid said something about Putin, and they throw him in the slammer. That's the state of our schools these days - it's like a zoo in there! You walk in, and boom, kids everywhere - carrying these books, big, heavy, dangerous books. Let me tell you, yes, books are like weapons. You drop one of - like my father used to do when he was younger - from a high place. Someone could get seriously hurt, concussion - that's why we need to bring God back into our schools - broken bones, maybe even worse. We need to teach these kids some respect and discipline. You know, back in my day - it was perfect - they stood for the national anthem. Nowadays, it's like they're running the asylum. We need to take back control, bring back prayer in schools, and teach them right from wrong. And while we're at it, let's get rid of these crazy woke teachers who are brainwashing our kids with their liberal agenda. It's time to make our schools great again!"


u/Feukorv 5d ago

"The best punishment in the history of punishments"


u/Ghune 5d ago

I wish I could ask him what he thinks of that.


u/paperchampionpicture 5d ago edited 5d ago

“Perfect punishment. Beautiful punishment. The best punishment. Some people don’t think so, but I think it’s perfect punishment. The Radical Left want to abolish punishment in this country. They want to abolish it, can you believe that? But it’s true. Crooked Biden and Hunter’s Laptop want to eliminate punishment in this country. If we don’t win 2024 — we will win, but if we don’t win — each and every man, woman and child in this beautiful country — the BEST country, in my opinion — will be individually raped and murdered, and they’ll get away with it. Can you believe that, folks? They’ll get away with it. They’re afraid to do what Putin — big, smart Putin who I think is just terrific… just terrific — would do, to get this country back on track. If we don’t start governing this beautiful, democratic country like Putin, we will descend into Communism. Communism! Folks, some say Communism isn’t bad — ‘Isn’t bad,’ they say — but I’ll tell you one thing: if we don’t start running this country more like Putin runs Russia, America will NEVER be free of the Radical Corrupt Left.”

  • Trump, probably

Edit: words


u/Etzell 5d ago

Edit: words

The best words?


u/paperchampionpicture 5d ago

Best, most beautiful words. A lot of people say it, that the words are terrific.


u/Dpek1234 5d ago

"Incoherant rambaling" "Screaming about imigrants" "Incoherant rambaling"


u/fpoiuyt 5d ago

*Incoherent rambling


u/Neat-Opportunity1824 5d ago

Yeah and 101 reason why they don't wanna go there actually.


u/skuraiix 5d ago

Well, some did but got the reality checked in.


u/Neoliberal_Boogeyman 5d ago

Chomsky: look, I just like a good old fashioned genocide, okay?


u/TeddyBridgecollapse 5d ago

Everyone's daily reminder that that dickweed is a celebrated genocide denier and apologist for brutal regimes, as long as they're nominally socialist.


u/dumptruckacomin 5d ago

This is news to me. Got the details?


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 5d ago

Obligatory fuck Gnomespy


u/fiduciary420 5d ago

Why are uneducated conservatives so weak and easy to manipulate?



known uneducated, conservative chomsky


u/fiduciary420 5d ago

Why would you say something so ridiculous in front of all of these people dude


u/TeddyBridgecollapse 5d ago

I like to think that kind answers itself. An educated populace is less susceptible to manipulation because it has the knowledge to think for itself and reject bad ideas.

I don't think that has much to do with my comment above, though. Most people I know who are vocal supporters of Chomsky are college educated liberals.


u/Any-Book-4990 5d ago

IMO and in my experience, Chomsky is mostly for people either mildly but not extensively educated in philosophy and/or any social science. No one who has actually read and understood any decent philosopher since and after Nietzsche would do anything else than laugh or shake their head when listening to him speak, and that's coming from someone immensely anti-capitalist and anti-state.


u/zeranos 4d ago

I don't disagree with you, but I would like your opinion on the following fact:

The official philosophy Discord (that I am a member of) strongly simps for Chomsky. In fact, he is the only(!) philosopher(?) who has his own channel and dedicated weekly seminars. This philosophy Discord has members who have PhDs and master's degrees in philosophy and they all simp for Chomsky.


u/tehfink 5d ago

Chompster went tête à tête with my man Foucault. Love him or hate him, that’s street cred


u/Any-Book-4990 4d ago edited 4d ago

If you think that debate went somewhat tied, it's because you don't understand yet how flawed most of his arguments were, and what Foucault was trying to say to show that. Of that I was faulty too when I was getting into those lines of philosophy, and many friends who are well versed in psychology even leaned in favor or Chomsky; just to mention something, some of his major flaws come from observations and analysis based on material conditions that we've been used to see throughout most of western modern history, sometimes mistaking learned axioms and mental structures for innate nature. It's very easy to take those words as truth, since it doesn't go against anything we observe. The problem resides more in the abstract. Well, even Lacan and Freud fall for this trap, since it's not easy to know for certain what aspects are innate when some learned mechanics have been deeply ingrained for centuries.

That alone heavily drifts his conclusions about human nature. I don't ask for him to be that perfect about it, Nietzsche would've discredited most if not all of his speech and he hasn't read anything after 1900~. Regarding politics and geopolitics, that's a long talk.

For learning about most of the topics he touches on I recommend Anti-Oedipus, though it doesn't really try to be readable without a considerable background; I don't know yours.

I do think that F was quite ineffective at communicating and conveying his ideas in such a way that it would be well explained and understood to someone not so familiar with his literature, though. It seems understandable to someone who would be able to rebate Chomsky without Foucault's interventions. In that sense it could be said that yes, he didn't convincingly win the debate/argument.

Just a reminder and incentive to keep reading! Sorry if I couldn't choose the right tone, I'm not native


u/MoonDoggoTheThird 5d ago

Because they want to be.


u/fiduciary420 5d ago

They’re very deeply enslaved, aren’t they? Trained to obey.


u/TastyFennel540 4d ago

yes, Chomsky the rightwing socialist. The uneducated professor


u/Accomplished-Cat3996 5d ago

The nicest thing I can say about Chomsky is he probably doesn't even believe some of the BS he spews. He says he "just likes to stir the pot". Because hey, why be an academic who has made some modest progress in their field when you can spout lies in a totally other field to manipulate people for your own personal fame, right?

If it wasn't clear that he was is an asshole after his 9/11 Apologism then his Holocaust denial sure as heck should've been the last piece of evidence we need to not listen to this piece of work.


u/No_Introduction9065 5d ago

The United States supported Indonesia's actions in East Timor, particularly through diplomatic and military assistance. Noam Chomsky has criticized the U.S. for its role in enabling the atrocities committed by Indonesian forces against the East Timorese population. He highlights that the U.S. provided crucial support, including arms used illegally but with covert authorization from Washington, which significantly contributed to the violent suppression of East Timor's bid for independence. Chomsky condemns this support as part of a broader pattern of prioritizing strategic and economic interests over human rights and ethical considerations.

Chomsky is vocally against genocide and the complicity of powerful nations in such acts. He calls for a reevaluation of international responsibilities and urges the U.S. and its allies to acknowledge their roles in the suffering of the East Timorese people. By doing so, he challenges the intentional ignorance of the international community and advocates for moral accountability and reparations for the victims. His critique is aimed not only at bringing awareness to the specific situation in East Timor but also at challenging the global patterns of behavior that allow such tragedies to occur without adequate intervention.


u/stilljustacatinacage 5d ago

Cool. Now would you like to write a response yourself, or shall we just give your seat to ChatGPT?


u/No_Introduction9065 4d ago

Do you want to suck me? It sounds like you want to suck me. I'll let you, but you have to wear a wig.


u/Neoliberal_Boogeyman 5d ago

Man that's a long essay just to try to white wash the Cambodian genocide denial done by chomsky


u/No_Introduction9065 4d ago

It is very telling that this is the only criticism that has stuck to Chomsky, and it is so easily refuted. You guys are brainwashed, you believe what you want to believe, and ignore evidence and logic.

Noam Chomsky has consistently refuted accusations that he denied or covered up the genocide in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge. He and his co-author Edward Herman have been criticized for their portrayal of the situation in Cambodia during the late 1970s, where they questioned high death toll estimates and emphasized the context of U.S. bombing and its aftermath as significant factors in the devastation that followed. In their works, they argued that while the Khmer Rouge regime was oppressive and brutal, it was important to understand the full picture, including external influences that exacerbated internal issues.

Chomsky has stated that their intent was to provide a balanced view, critiquing both the U.S. role in Southeast Asia and the actions of the Khmer Rouge, without exaggerating or downplaying the atrocities committed. He pointed out the contrast in media coverage and international response to similar atrocities in different contexts, such as East Timor, which he argued was largely ignored due to U.S. involvement. Chomsky believes that his critiques were among the most accurate of the time, based on the evidence available, and vetted by experts before publication.


u/No_Introduction9065 5d ago

Trump loves Putin, Chomsky does not.


u/Nice-Firefighter5684 5d ago

He sure did ride russian dick. So same thing


u/No_Introduction9065 4d ago

He is a massive critic of Russia and the Soviet Union. You're just talking out your ass.


u/Cool-Presentation538 5d ago

"But their cheap produce!" Fucker Carlson probably


u/TheKanten 5d ago

The irony being that Putin insists he's "da-nazifying" the world.


u/veringer 5d ago



u/CockroachFinancial86 4d ago

Yeah they complain how being arrested for violating time, place, and manner restrictions on private land is infringement of free speech (which we all know it’s not).

Watch not a single one of them be upset about Russia doing this though.

They have no idea what it’s actually like to live in a country with no free speech.


u/Temporal_Somnium 5d ago

I don’t think those 2 are working together here


u/EmbarrassedHelp 5d ago

The far right likes Russia because of their far right policies, and Tankies like Russia because they hate the West.


u/SulliverVittles 5d ago edited 5d ago

What tankies? Tankies don't like Russia.

If you think tankies like Russia, you have absolutely no idea what a tankie is.


u/Relnor 5d ago

Tankies are people who provided apologia for the 1958 and 1968 Soviet invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia. That's why they're called 'tankies', because the Soviets rolled onto people with tanks in Budapest and Prague.

The same people do it today with Ukraine. These are always westerners who like the aesthetic of socialism and are reflexively anti Western establishment but otherwise have little to no actual morals or strong beliefs, other than West=bad. Those people love Russia.


u/SulliverVittles 5d ago edited 5d ago

So your belief is that the people who provide apologia for Soviet invasions, noted Communists, absolutely love the hypercapitalist state of Russia?

I've met a lot of communists. Many of them love the Soviet Union. Many of them are more than happy to point out that Ukraine is propped up by the West. Not a single fucking one of them likes Russia.

If you actually had a conversation with a communist instead of just reading memes about them maybe you'd learn something.


u/computer5784467 5d ago

every tankie I've ever encountered spouts nonsense like NATO expansion caused this. further, the soviet union was a colonialist project, not communism. oligarchs didn't emerge from it by coincidence. and there's a reason that Poland and the Baltic states hate Russia and joined NATO as soon as they escaped from under the Russian boot, a boot placed on them when Russia allied with the Nazis to invade them I might add. what tankies like is imperialism and ethnic cleansing, so long as it's "their guy" doing it.


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

Even fucking Joe Biden said that expanding NATO into eastern Europe will cause Russian hostility.

Oligarchs emerged when Yeltsin started auctioning off Soviet companies and assets following the dissolution of the USSR.

The USSR signed a non-aggression pact with the Nazis after the rest of the West refused to sign allied agreements with them.

Your entire fucking post is historical revisionism.


u/computer5784467 4d ago edited 4d ago

you fucking morons love to "forget" the secret protocols of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact and the coordinated invasions that directly followed them and then you accuse me of historical revisionism? they're short enough to read in 5 minutes, and the pictures of Russians and Nazis holding joint parades in the middle in Poland is a simple search away. tell me, in what world does specifically agreeing how you'll divide up countries you'll invade fit the description of "non aggression"? it's the polar opposite of non aggression you clown, it's the dictionary definition of an alliance. gtfo here with your cherry picked history.

edit: Jesus wept, you're in some comments saying that no communist likes Russia, and in this one cherry picking their history to erase their crimes for them. you're a big fucking mess of contradictions. I can't wait to see what you come back with, and I'm absolutely certain it'll sidestep the existence of the secret protocols and the parades Russia and the Nazis held in the middle of Poland.


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

Ah yeah the Molotov Ribbentrop pact where the Soviets had to decide to either invade and split it with Germany or...what? What was the alternative? Let Germany take the entirety of Poland and have the Germans right next to them? Should they have immediately declared war on Germany and invade? The US and Britain wasn't going to help and they made that clear, so what would you have done? The world is so black and white I am sure you have a brilliant idea that would have solved the entire issue.

I haven't cherry picked anything. The Soviets had to deal with the Germans and they did it the only way they could that minimized risk to Soviet Russia.


u/computer5784467 4d ago

The USSR signed a non-aggression pact with the Nazis

where the Soviets had to decide to either invade and split it with Germany

did you lie in the first comment? or are you still claiming that coordinating an invasion is a non aggression pact?

The Soviets had to deal with the Germans and they did it the only way they could

by occupying these countries for almost half a century after the defeat of the Nazis? are you claiming Germany was still a threat in 1990? or are you further cherry picking history?


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

I am stating that coordinating an invasion can indeed be a non-aggression pact seeing as how it necessitated non-aggression between both parties. The USSRs involvement with Germany went no further than that.

Germany wasn't a threat after 1950 but the West sure as fuck was. I don't know if you've heard of it but there was a pesky little thing called the Cold War. The Soviets lost quite a few people in the war so they may have been a little wary since American saber rattling started before WW2 was even over.

Nuance is dead with people like you, it seems. You still haven't answered my question. What should Russia have done with Poland? Stop sidestepping the question.

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u/throwaway_account450 4d ago

Being a communist doesn't necessarily equal being a tankie.


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

But being a tankie means being a communist. And no communist likes Russia.


u/throwaway_account450 4d ago edited 4d ago

But being a tankie means being a communist. And no communist likes Russia.

It literally does not. You can find plenty of MLs and adjecents who contort themselves into a pretzel to cape for modern russia.


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

Bud you might want to Google what Marxist Leninism is because literally every source will tell you that it is a communist ideology.

Unless you are one of those weird communists who only will adhere to a specific purist definition.

Regardless you can find a lot of Floridians who will say Biden is a communist. Doesn't make them right.


u/throwaway_account450 4d ago

Google what Marxist Leninism is because literally every source will tell you that it is a communist ideology.

Yes, ML are communists. And plenty of ML tend to support Russia, which you deny.

Let's walk you through it via examples:

Would you say someone like this is communist? Do you think they support Russia?


u/SulliverVittles 4d ago

You're right. You found a crazy person.

That definitely doesn't represent a majority of communists.

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u/2shayyy 4d ago

I’m so sick of the far-right and far-left.

They’re the ones ruining the world. Making every political conversation a hostile nightmare for normal moderate people of both wings.

They’re the ones perpetuating this endless, fruitless culture war that distracts us from solving any of the meaningful issues people actually care about. Not just pro and anti woke issues.

I’m so sick of them and their constant hyperbole.

I want to put them on an island so they can all just scream at each other without us.