r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/echoron 5d ago

Well, one by one Russian people wont be able to do something against the regime, only huge mass protests could make a difference. But there is a catch, Putin wont just peacefully looking out from the window, he will use brutal force to suppress them, while talking about doing the right thing...Its not looking good.


u/OkExtension9526 5d ago

True, but the more we see these young heroes go to jail, the more people hate putin's regime. At least I wanna believe it.


u/MisterHotTake311 4d ago

I doubt THEY see it on their media though


u/Jackbuddy78 5d ago

Imo sentences are usually reflective of the support something has from the general population. 

He voiced support for FRL which most Russians consider treason right now. 


u/SmarmySmurf 5d ago

According to polls from RT.


u/Jackbuddy78 5d ago

I think after about 2 and a half years we can quite clearly say this with certainty.