r/worldnews 7d ago

Russia says three killed, nearly 100 wounded in Ukrainian ATACMS attack on Crimea Russia/Ukraine


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u/sionnach_fi 7d ago

The Russians shot missiles down over an area in use by civilians. Ukraine did not target civilians with ATACMS.

The Russian Defence Ministry said four of the U.S.-delivered Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles, equipped with cluster warheads, were shot down by air defence systems and the ammunition of a fifth had detonated in mid-air.

Russian-installed authorities said missile fragments fell near a beach on the north side of the city of Sevastopol where locals were holidaying. About a hundred people were injured, Mikhail Razvozhayev, the Russian-installed governor of Sevastopol, said on Telegram.


u/perfectchaos007 7d ago

Russians on holiday in territory they illegally annexed while they are at war… just fucking great.


u/_zenith 7d ago

And their government HEAVILY promotes it as a tourism destination. I honestly believe a lot of that is for human shield purposes. Accidents are bound to happen when it’s jammed with civilians in a war zone (that they started, on land they stole), and when they do, they can cry as loud as possible about it, in hopes of getting clueless Westerners to think it was deliberate so they oppose further aid. See: here


u/MrL00t3r 7d ago

Plus fueling hatred towards Ukraine among own population, maybe some "avengers" rush join army.


u/_zenith 7d ago

Good point. It’s incredible that they could get so mad that they had family or friends die while living it up in occupied territory they stole and helped occupy that they’d join the army, but I absolutely believe it happens.


u/Hootbag 7d ago

Glorious Leader says for vacation this year, we can go to beach in war zone, or tour asbestos mine.

Such is life.


u/Belgand 7d ago

Damn Russians bragging about being able to go on vacation.


u/Significant-Star6618 7d ago

Is that note of sarcasm i hear fellow Ivan? Now off to Siberian field mines to grow potatos for baby vodka.


u/periclesmage 7d ago

baby vodka

i'm scared to ask, fellow russian, but is that vodka for babies, vodka made by babies, or vodka made from babies?

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u/project23 7d ago


u/_zenith 7d ago

Yup, I am well aware, but I’d have expected that after the war, not during it. Yes, it is their way of making it harder and harder for the victim country to escape their grip.


u/Tolbek 7d ago

I honestly believe a lot of that is for human shield purposes.

This, but some of it is also probably to drum up volunteers to move in once the war is over, y'know? "Holiday on peninsula was great! Uncle Borislavivanov only get thirteen shrapnel wounds, and because from shiny new munitions, not even need tetanus shot! Nothing like leftover mines from home"

Exporting local inhabitants elsewhere in Russian territory and moving ethnic Russians in has always been Russia's favourite instrument of genocide.


u/_zenith 7d ago edited 7d ago

Oh, absolutely it is, but I’d have expected them to do that after the war was over (if they won it and retained the territory, obviously), not during it. But yes you are 100% right about that, and I mentioned the same thing in another comment of mine.

And it’s so convenient for them, as they can come back for more territory later on, saying they’re doing so to “protect Russian speakers/ethnic Russians”. They did it with the existing Russian population that they moved in during Soviet times… that previous time they fucked up Ukraine (and many others), in their long history of doing so. And they can use them as a sabotage element, making it harder for the country they put them in to escape their influence, too.

Another aspect to this I think plays a role, now I think about it some more, is the government trying to make it seem like the war is just a small matter, a trifle really, as if their winning it is absolutely inevitable. After all, why else would they promote going there as a tourist ;) (is the intended effect) - this is a means of trying to suppress dissent about the choice to pursue the war. And to dissuade aid to Ukraine, again.


u/Tolbek 7d ago

Definitely trying to downplay the shitshow, no doubt whatsoever, anything to maintain the strongman image for dear leader, right?

On your second point, it's not even for later, they're actively manufacturing supporting evidence for their cassus belli of protecting ethnic Russians...by encouraging ethnic Russians to vacation in an active war zone. Classic Russia.

Of course, nobody with a sliver of sense outside Russia buys it, but most of what comes out of the Kremlin these days isn't necessarily meant for foreign audiences to believe, it's for internal propaganda, or just to muddy the water.


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

Crimea has been a traditional tourist destination for a long time. They’re trying to keep the appearance of normality as well.


u/Tarum_Bklyn 7d ago

I have family in Crimea, before Russia annexed it, it was always a summer destination for Russians. But I do agree with you they are promoting it more now for human shield purposes.


u/wrosecrans 7d ago

It's wild how so many Russians are just completely unwilling to accept that there is a war at all, but also they have to win the massive war against NATO at any cost, at the exact same time. They seem absolutely shocked that Crimea is a warzone. But also the nightly news is saying they might nuke London at any moment because the war in Ukraine is such a big deal. The cognitive dissonance is just at levels you wouldn't find credible in a comedy movie. Like, what do they think the war is ?

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u/ptwonline 7d ago

Imagine doing a home invasion, kicking out or killing the owners, holding parties there, and then not expect repercussions.


u/fizzlefist 7d ago

I mean, that’s basically been Russia’s MO for over a century.


u/YourDogIsMyFriend 7d ago

Fun Italian political map from the 1800’s


Russia just being Russia


u/eldpay 7d ago

Norway and Sweden just chilling.


u/nekonight 7d ago

Finland going winter is coming before it was cool.

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u/rearwindowpup 7d ago edited 7d ago

What the hell is even going on in France? Dudes getting feather tickled in the ear riding a three heading dragonish thing.

Edit - I dont want upvotes, I want answers people!!!


u/Atanar 7d ago

The beast is the sleeping revolution, with a Jacobite riding on top and clergyman holding him back. He's tickeled by a bloomer.

I think the carricaturist wants to tell us that emancipation is dangerous. The whole thing is unsurprisingly very pro-catholic.


u/2xw 7d ago

Are you able to explain the rest of it? Who is the woman chained to an anchor between Russia, Austria and Germany (Prussia?)


u/SizzleBird 7d ago

That is Poland (Polonia) — I’m more curious about who is the figure in the far north west

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u/MerryGoWrong 7d ago

Makes me want to go to France to ride the dinosaurs.


u/Belgand 7d ago

The Swiss haven't changed a bit.

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u/FreshwaterViking 7d ago

Balkans gonna Balkan.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/dj-nek0 7d ago

Just a little hanky panky

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u/an_agreeing_dothraki 7d ago

"all of you suck, except central Spain"


u/wrosecrans 7d ago

I think I need like three masters degrees in history to understand half the jokes in that map.

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u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

Been going on for quite a few centuries. Crimea was first annexed (in violation of a treaty, shocking I know) in 1783.

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u/Buff-Cooley 7d ago

*the last several hundred years

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u/retrolleum 7d ago

It’s kinda worse. It’s like they did a home invasion, only took over a couple of rooms while the owners shot back and barricades themselves in the rest of the house, and then they let their friends come into one of the rooms and party while them and the owners continued to shoot at each other.


u/Minute-Phrase3043 7d ago

This is still not accurate. They then placed a metal shield in the path of the bullets which then ricocheted into the room where the friends were partying, and they blame the shooters and not their metal shield which caused the bullet to ricochet.


u/fzammetti 7d ago

Isn't it funny how it takes, what, three attempts, to illustrate the assholed-ness of Russia... probably because none of us can actually believe how big of assholes they are, and so our analogies inevitably fall short each time?


u/abolish_karma 7d ago

They're in the process of declaring Mariupol apartments ownerless if people don't register them with Russian officials. 

Genocide 80% of the town and fundraise when you resell the few homes not turned into rubble. 

The worst part of Russian invasion isn't the war crimes of  targeting civilians but how goddamn casually shameless they are about doing it, all the while acting like they are the victim 🙃


u/_zenith 7d ago

Yup, I assume you’ve seen the videos of smug Russians moving into their “new” apartments there (in the rare buildings that weren’t turned to rubble…) going on about how convenient it is that all these apartments are “available” and so cheap, and pre-furnished (yup, they didn’t even take out the previous owner’s stuff, it’s just included as a perk. Well, the expensive small items got looted, but most of the furniture and stuff remains)

Yeah, guess why? 🤬

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u/Intelligent_Town_910 7d ago

If Germans went on a holiday to the beaches of Normandy in 1944 World War 2 people would think "no way, that's too stupid to be real".
And yet that's the equivalent of what russians are currently doing. God they are so fucking dumb that its almost incomprehensible.


u/TricksterPriestJace 7d ago

Truth is always stranger than fiction because in fiction the character decisions need to make sense.


u/Jackanova3 7d ago

Extremely fun fact - "war tourism" has been a thing for at least a few hundred years. Companies would advertise recently fought battlegrounds as tourist spots literal days after the battles ended. Tourists from all over Europe would rock up to a battle Napoleon had just fought, dead soldiers literally rotting on the ground, and rummage around picking up souvenirs like bullets and such. Even wwI had tourists after major battle sites.

Not quite the same as this of course, but thought it was interesting to share.

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u/cxmmxc 7d ago

One of them is a redditor.

Edit: I mean a Russian tourist in occupied Crimea. I don't know if they got struck.


u/WhoNeedsRealLife 7d ago

lives in London and goes to occupied Crimea on vacation. Just deport him.


u/CalendarFar6124 7d ago

Lol, what a fucking moron.


u/AnotherBigToblerone 6d ago edited 6d ago

There's something I've been noticing with lots these random Russian people who appear on reddit. A lot of them are some variety of complaining about sanctions, or complaining that reddit is a "propaganda machine" with not a even trace of self awareness of the irony, and then you look through their posting history and a bunch of it is stuff like "London might be one of the best cities in the world. But for me it's Moscow." and posting on subreddits for expensive cars or other expensive hobbies

And often some religious apologism for Russia's actions and always never a trace of concern for what's happening in Ukraine.

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u/TheGoalkeeper 7d ago

Given the quality of their air defense, it probably more likely that the ATACMS hit their target and Russian air defense fell on the beach


u/sender2bender 7d ago

First thing I thought, so 100 killed and 3 wounded. 


u/abolish_karma 7d ago

Just about right for a S300 missile. They should be able to identify by its very distinct fragmenta

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u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

Four shot down and a fifth blew up by itself in mid air. I smell bullshit here. Anyone want to guess how many casualties were actually caused by Russian AD weapons?


u/TheFatJesus 7d ago

Anyone want to guess how many casualties were actually caused by Russian AD weapons?

Even if we take their claims at face value, they chose to engage the targets over areas in use by civilians with no warning to the civilians, so I'd say all of them were.


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

That’s my best guess, but I’m just some dude on Reddit. The fact that there was no air raid sirens/alerts audible in the video I saw makes me suspect they picked up the incoming pretty late and just cut loose. Not enough time to inform the civilian authorities. Kind of like that S400 system launching multiple missiles as the ATACMS was literally detonating overhead a couple of weeks ago.


u/peanutmanak47 7d ago

Russia is always lying about their air defense success.


u/Seige_Rootz 7d ago

5 bucks says a TOR 2 decided to follow an ATACM into the ground into the beach


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

Something like that would not surprise me.


u/Kitchen_Philosophy29 7d ago

It is russia. Who know what happened. Could have been north Korean missles that failed in flight. Might have shot down atcams.

Hell it could be fake

I'm skeptical because russia hasn't had much luck taking down atcams; but that might be from radar jamming etc


u/USA_A-OK 7d ago

I also don't think there any confirmed ATACMS shootdowns yet. Russia has claimed a couple times, but it hasn't been independently verified (and is pretty unlikely given the difficulty involved)


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

It’s certainly possible they’ve taken some out, but not at the ratio Russia is claiming here. Seems like a high percentage get through to their targets. GPS jamming seems to be a lot more effective for Russia than their SAM systems as far as I can tell.


u/_zenith 7d ago

Yup, and these ATACMS have high quality INS so it will detect the kind of GPS spoofing they’re doing and just ignore the faulty inputs (well they do a combination of jamming and spoofing, but high importance systems like SAMs probably justify the expensive spoofing equipment)

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u/kerbalsdownunder 7d ago

Considering the atacms have been taking out S400 systems, I think it's mostly doubtful. If you can't intercept the thing flying straight at you, how do you intercept the ones 50 miles away?

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u/[deleted] 7d ago

My kids and I want to go to the beach. Got any recommendations?

Sure. Remember, we live in the world's biggest country, so we have an unfathomable number of beaches. Are you looking for anything in particular?

Yeah. Ideally somewhere occupied, you know? Like somewhere in the middle of an active war zone. I want the locals to be really, really hostile.

I know just the place! Just remember, if they don't bomb you, we definitely will.


u/Pretty_Good_At_IRL 7d ago edited 7d ago

There aren’t that many beach destinations in Russia. At least not where the people live. Maybe on the pacific coast, but that’s basically the other side of the world. It’s why there are so many Russians in Miami. 


u/parentscondombroke 7d ago

what are the best beaches?


u/Pretty_Good_At_IRL 7d ago edited 7d ago

I think Sochi and Crimea are pretty much the choices. Soviets used to go to the Baltics, but Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia don’t want anything to do with them any more. 

Probably something near Kaliningrad?

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u/Emu1981 7d ago

Remember, we live in the world's biggest country, so we have an unfathomable number of beaches.

Do remember that a whole lot of their coastline is in the arctic regions so the beaches there are not exactly tourist destinations lol

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u/Salt_Attorney 7d ago

No, Russian claimed a lot of shit and barely anything is confirmed. Russia makes completely made up reports about shot down missiles all the time, so we have no evidence thqt any missiles were actually intercepted.

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u/tree_squid 7d ago

I mean... Why would we even believe their numbers or their account of things at all? They lie about literally everything. They lie so much, nothing they say has any meaning anymore.

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u/64-17-5 7d ago

If I remember correctly Ukraine warned tourists in Crimea for a long time ago. In a video too.


u/nagrom7 7d ago

They've also literally been striking Crimea pretty frequently for the last year or two. It almost seems like every other week there's a new strike against a target in Crimea. Hell there's loads of footage of past strikes taken by people on these beaches. Anyone who is pretending this came out of nowhere is either lying or a fucking moron.


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

I remember when Ukraine absolutely whacked the Black Sea Fleet HQ and people were just strolling around. If you can’t leave then for God’s sake use common sense.


u/BigKatKSU888 7d ago

That video is metal af. Fuck the Black Fleet

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u/liito-orava1 7d ago edited 7d ago

I wonder what the actual target of the missiles was - were there military assets nearby? People staying in annexed Crimea are definitely putting them and their children at risk.


u/Njorls_Saga 7d ago

Sevastopol was founded as the HQ for the Russian Black Sea Fleet in 1783. It’s been a major military base since. It’s full of military targets.

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u/Codwarzoner 7d ago

I saw info about airfield nearby of that beach


u/bobbypinbobby 7d ago

There are what look like SU-27 about 1km from that beach on google maps

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u/SelectiveEmpath 7d ago

They’d be a lot safer back in Russia


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/zenlume 7d ago

76.4% Russians, 12.7% Native Tatars and 7.7% Ukrainians according to a 2021 census.

That doesn't take into account tourists, which would be more Russians.


u/SpartanFishy 7d ago

That’s ethnicity. Not citizenship. Russia isn’t an ethnostate, and Russians live in other countries as well. Many Crimean Russians are Ukrainian by birth.

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u/sgrams04 7d ago

GTFO of Crimea then. 

You shot the missiles down over a crowded beach during an active war you started. You are to blame. 


u/P1xelHunter78 7d ago

And they’ve been active in trying to get people to vacation there even with the ongoing war. At this point I think they’re using tourists in Crimea as a human shield.


u/Cobble23 7d ago

Of course, that is what terrorists do. Russia only learns from the best.


u/fortisvita 7d ago

Russia only learns from the best.

Oh, please. Russia is the one that teaches this stuff.


u/Chief_Mischief 7d ago

The Soviets deployed penal battalions at the literal worst of the action in WWII. Convicts or captured deserters would run through minefields to clear them for the troops. Russia is just continuing the tradition of viewing people as expendable. Case in point: Vovchansk is being fought entirely with infantry despite having access to armored vehicles


u/fortisvita 7d ago

To be fair, Ukraine has been laying waste to Russia's armor with drones so it's not surprising they keep them back. Although there is an absolute disregard towards troops' lives.


u/Chief_Mischief 7d ago edited 7d ago

Sure, but you would think if you're fighting a defender who has drones you can't effectively counter, you'd retreat and regroup. Sending infantry to attack defenders who have the ability to bomb them from the air also does not seem like a wise strategic decision.

At least according to the article, Russia has the capability to build or restore up to 1000 APCs or IFVs a year, and they lost at least 288 in the month of May alone. To lose over a quarter of your annual production capacity in a month is staggering. Makes total sense why they'd be more careful with their vehicles, just not the decision to continue to advance with unsupported infantry.


u/Emu1981 7d ago

Sure, but you would think if you're fighting a defender who has drones you can't effectively counter, you'd retreat and regroup.

This would only be tactically sound if you actually cared about the lives of your soldiers. If you don't care then you just keep sending wave after wave of soldiers in the hopes that some survive and can hunker down near Ukrainian lines without being discovered and killed. When you have enough soldiers hunkered down then you get them to go storm the Ukrainian positions. Rinse and repeat until you have taken the positions (or have run out of soldiers).


u/Chief_Mischief 7d ago

This would only be tactically sound if you actually cared about the lives of your soldiers

Yes, hence why the irrational choice to toss conscripts into a meat grinder actually makes sense in this case based on studying Russia/USSR military history and the blatant disregard for human life


u/TricksterPriestJace 7d ago

This is known as the Zapp Brannigan maneuver. Send so many troops their carcasses form a meat shield around the road. Then drive your armored vehicles through the area covered by the meat shield and clog the enemy ATGM positions with wreckage.

Once the Ukrainians run out of ammo you win!

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u/OakTreader 7d ago

Really?! You mean to tell us that there are terrorists that hide behind human shields!?!?!

[Shocked pikachu face]

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u/Jugales 7d ago

They want Russian people moving there in general, population replacement is a primary goal to retain Crimea. It’s a genocide loophole; removing population from an area is a form of genocide, diluting the existing population with your own is not.


u/El_Gonzalito 7d ago

Justices at the Hague hate this one simple trick


u/Ceegee93 7d ago

It’s a genocide loophole;

They don't care about "genocide loopholes", they're outright committing genocide openly by taking Ukrainian children and putting them in Russian families.

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u/NightSalut 7d ago

Population replacement is how Russia ALWAYS does these things.


u/kerbalsdownunder 7d ago

The have a long history of doing that. A lot of the former eastern bloc had it happen. Estonia still has a large number Russian transplants

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u/shoeman22 7d ago

Maybe voluntarily vacationing in an active war zone wasn't such a great idea after all.


u/Paschalls_Law 7d ago

At this point I think they’re using tourists in Crimea as a human shield.

Supporting Putin suddenly intensifies across the popular subreddits.


u/GildedZen 7d ago

they were promised an airshow and fireworks

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u/EnormousChord 7d ago

“People keep getting killed in this war we started.” It’s an incredible position to take.

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u/nagrom7 7d ago

Also who the fuck is chilling on a beach in occupied territory during an active war? It's not like this is the first time Ukraine has attacked Crimea or anything, if you haven't got the message yet, that's on you.


u/radred609 7d ago

I'd imagine it's some combination of local residents who don't have the ability to just up and leave, and russian tourists who believed the official government line that Crimea is a totally safe holiday destination.


u/andiamohere 7d ago

This beach is really popular with locals. This time of the year it would normally be 50/50 locals and tourists, but this year it's probably 70/30 as there aren't that much tourists as usual.

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u/criipi 7d ago edited 7d ago

It's not that they merely shot the missiles over a crowded beach. That's where the Russians literally place their military hardware.


(Though my understanding is that this radar in particular was not the one that was targeted)

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u/Ashjaeger_MAIN 7d ago

Tbf the people going to the fucking beach in a warzone are even more to blame than the russian army


u/Syssareth 7d ago

I mean, no, the Russian army holds 99% of the blame since it's entirely because of them that it even is a warzone.

...But it isn't the smartest idea, to say the least, to go to the beach in a warzone.


u/LetsGetNuclear 7d ago

Lots of military aircraft and shit blowing up. Sounds like my idea of a good time.


u/CosmicCuntCritter 7d ago

Imagine the savings though!


u/Osiris32 7d ago

Three bedroom beach house with a hot tub for 70 rubles a night! It would be stupid NOT to take such a deal!


u/Traspen 7d ago

Plot twist... The hot tub's heated by burning debris!


u/Pm4000 7d ago

That's like, $0.50 atm right?

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u/andiamohere 7d ago

Okay, I just had to check and the only 3br house in vicinity is 14K a night, which is around $160. Still not that expensive.

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u/ZhouDa 7d ago edited 7d ago

By Grabthar's hammer...what a savings.


u/NinjaCaviar 7d ago

Reminds me of that guy who books vacations to destinations that have recently suffered terrorist attacks

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u/Pm4000 7d ago

I mean, I would enjoy watching expensive Russian military stuff blow up.

Do they arrest you for cheering?


u/JustADutchRudder 7d ago

If you can get a sweet picture of a jet exploding mid flight. Probably make like 6 bucks off that from someone.

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u/Droom1995 7d ago

There are videos of stuff blowing up in Crimea next to the beaches from 2022, and from 2023. And yet people go to those beaches again and again.

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u/Mondelieu 7d ago

idk why no one said this yet, but the air alarms in Sevastopol that normally sound in such a situation were inactive as the russians didn't care (or didn't have time) to enable them, so the population ended up not knowing of the attack.


u/john_moses_br 7d ago

Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't a coincidence.

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u/innocent_bystander 7d ago

Crimea Beach Party in action


u/Fayi1 7d ago

Have you considered that maybe a bunch of people that go there are locals? 

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u/Snaccbacc 7d ago

Russia doesn’t give a fuck about its civilians. They are clamouring for a way to blame the US and paint America/NATO/the West as the big bad wolf.

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u/turrettes 7d ago

The Russian Defence Ministry said four of the U.S.-delivered Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles, equipped with cluster warheads, were shot down by air defence systems and the ammunition of a fifth had detonated in mid-air.

deliberate missile attack on the civilians of Sevastopol

Sir, pick one


u/Osiris32 7d ago

Well, see, since Russia deliberately attacks civilian targets in Ukraine, they assumed that Ukraine does the same thing. Not that Ukraine might have legit military targets to go after.


u/Popinguj 7d ago

Belbek airfield is literally a bit further north from that beach, so I'm pretty sure it was the intended target.

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u/ivosaurus 7d ago edited 7d ago

deliberate missile attack on the civilians of Sevastopol

What's funny is they say this with a straight face as if they haven't been deliberately attacking Ukrainian civilians with missiles in their home towns for the last two years


u/Kryptosis 7d ago

And kicking in their doors raping their children and stealing their toilets.

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u/fapsandnaps 7d ago

Russian in charge of the AA guns when presented with a trolley dilemma:

"Fuck those civilians"

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u/Particular-Elk-3923 7d ago

Next year I want to take my family to Kabul to show them where I was deployed.


u/Spirited-Detective86 7d ago

Probably the most sensible comment yet!


u/kamahqezzky 7d ago

Take them to Florida.


u/RazerBladesInFood 7d ago

Hey hey hey. I lived there my whole life and its only slightly worse then kabul. Come on now.


u/Monstrositat 7d ago

Yeah kabul is just a dry heat at least


u/inu_yasha 7d ago

I always found a certain amusement in the "Ski Afghanistan" bumper sticker at the bus stop.

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u/john_moses_br 7d ago

Maybe you shouldn't take your family for a vacaton in a war zone.


u/Salladshuvud 7d ago

Special Operation Zone you mean.


u/Adept-Cash9013 7d ago

And maybe ruzzianz could take their shit and go back to ruzzia?


u/WankSocrates 7d ago

Both. Both is good.

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u/SnooDoughnuts506 7d ago

Ohhh, now you’re the victim

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u/TheNebulousMind 7d ago


u/Zeryth 7d ago

This needs to be higher up. Ukraine is getting indiscriminately bombed with precision miunitions that can be very accurate, yet they keep on hitting random crossings in cities, on a daily basis. Thousands of people have died already like this and nobody seems to pay attention to it anymore. But the moment debris falls on a beach where a bunch of people are vacationing on occupied territory it's world news worthy.


u/TricksterPriestJace 7d ago

It's world news worthy because people are memeing about vacationing in a war zone. Not because we empathize with Russia.

This is still tragic for the locals who were hurt or killed from Putin's war.

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u/jradz12 7d ago

Don't vacation next to military bases


u/Pkwlsn 7d ago

Seriously. This beach is right next to an airfield that has been struck repeatedly in recent months.

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u/melancholymax 7d ago

If Ukraine had actually targeted that beach with cluster ATACMS there wouldn't be three dead but rather like 95% of the people on that beach would be dead.


u/Leather-Map-8138 7d ago

End this war in the three easy steps: 1. Exit every inch of Ukraine 2. Pay enormous reparations 3. Turn Putin over to The Hague


u/TylerDurdensAlterEgo 7d ago
  1. Return all Ukrainian captives and abducted children


u/phire 7d ago

Chances are Russia has "lost the records" and would struggle to return all the children, even if they wanted to.

Especially younger children.


u/MrL00t3r 7d ago

That's for sure. That is job for Ukraine's intelligence.


u/h4x_x_x0r 7d ago

This war won't be over for a long time but unraveling all the shit that's happened will be a job for a whole other generation...

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u/luisdomg 7d ago

You know, even only 1. would be acceptable to everyone at this point.

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u/DeliciousBlacksmith7 7d ago edited 7d ago

Nobody feels sorry for russians willingly vacationing* on stolen ill gotten gains while an active war in happening with ukraine trying to get it back. Absolute lunacy.

*phone keyboard typo


u/PonkMcSquiggles 7d ago


Vacationing. Vacating is what we want them to do.

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u/k4Anarky 7d ago

Motherfuckers shot the missile down into a civilian beach and blame Ukraine lol


u/MrL00t3r 7d ago

They also blame USA btw.

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u/PriorWriter3041 7d ago

Them rusky tourists are in for a HOT summer, vacationing in an active warzone. Then again, it might still be preferable to NK

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u/Rickhwt 7d ago

I think they want Crimea back.


u/Liesthroughisteeth 7d ago edited 7d ago

The problems of being such a notoriously unreliable source of accurate information is, that how can anyone believe you?.... even if there's a small chance you might be telling the truth?

Imagine negociating a peace treaty or an end to this conflict with these people!....LOL


u/Killjoymc 7d ago

Don't shoot down the missiles, then they won't fall on random stuff. You're welcome, blyatman.


u/SandmanOV 7d ago

Putin acts like this is an atrocity to be blamed on the US. Literally the same day they sent how many glide bombs and missiles at Ukraine civilian infrastructure? Any news article like this should mention how many civilian attacks by Russians occurred the same day. Ukraine isn't targeting civilians. Russia has been from the beginning.


u/vinceswish 7d ago

Russian tourists know where they are going. It's annexed territory of Ukraine. Expect to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


u/Ploppyun 7d ago

Why would Sevastopol parents take their kids to the beach when they know that Ukraine is getting missiles from the West now and can and want to send them into that area? Are Russians THAT disconnected? Or kept in THAT much ignorance? Their government isn’t protecting them at ALL.

Was The Kremlin using them as human shields?

Obviously parents wouldn’t bring their kids there if they had the slightest inclination it’d be dangerous.

Just what the hell is going on here?


u/Malachi108 7d ago

Are Russians THAT disconnected? Or kept in THAT much ignorance?

Yes and Yes.


u/Previous_Shock8870 7d ago

you say disconnected, i say evil.

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u/Durmyyyy 7d ago

Perhaps Russia should get out of Ukrainian territory then they wouldnt get hurt or killed there


u/Informal_Process2238 7d ago

Wouldn’t be surprised to find out it was russian missiles that killed the people since they have a record of randomly dropping things on their own side and lying about intercepts and everything else under the sun


u/nikonguy 7d ago

Well maybe you shouldn't have started a war ..


u/jojozabadu 7d ago

It's almost like Russia murdered its own citizens by telling them it was safe to holiday in a warzone they've illegally annexed.


u/ITrCool 7d ago

Also Russia earlier: “Crimea is not in play. No way they can attack us there.”


u/jedateon 7d ago

Holiday in a war zone. Sounds like they got what they asked for.


u/Appropriate-Law-6181 7d ago

Stupid is what stupid does. Go to occupied territory expect a box a chocolate.


u/Jesusaurus2000 7d ago

You need to be extra stupid to go for vacation to a beach near military base of russian terrorists.

Haven't you seen video of russians shooting naval drones with machineguns pointed towards the city? They absolutely do not care about how much people they kill in an attempt to save their weapon (bases/ships).


u/CyanConatus 7d ago edited 7d ago

As long as Ukraine tries to limit civilian casualties I put 100% the blame for any civilians killed by Ukrainian weapons on Russia as it was their invasion that triggered it.

100% of all civilian deaths on the hands of Russia. This includes both Ukrainian and Russian civilians


u/Many_Ad_7138 7d ago

Um, yeah, that happens when you invade another country. People die.


u/tampereenrappio 7d ago

"Russia says" is all anyone has to know to stop reading any further

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u/TenTonCloud 7d ago

I think this article is a perfect situation for acknowledging why Ukraine has not yet destroyed the Kerch Bridge.

For whatever insane reason, tons of Russians still visit Crimea for holiday, the summertime specifically being a big draw. If for example, Russians had no bridge available, very few would likely bother traveling to Crimea surely due to how bad the situation would seem if that glorious bridge were destroyed. Plus who wants to wait for the ferry.

Instead.. what if the bridge were to be destroyed at the peak of the summer season? There is still ample time for Ukraine to continue picking off anti-air units across the peninsula, and it doesn’t seem to be enough to stop Russians from coming to visit.

Should Ukraine time their strike on the Kerch Bridge so as to have as many Russian tourists (notably wealthy enough and local enough Russians to enjoy a holiday in Crimea) trapped there as possible, Russia will suddenly have itself an incredibly massive political crisis on its hands.

Crimea is effectively an island for the average civilian when the bridge is removed due to the land route through the mainland still being in what most would consider an active warzone. The ferry will be available, but something as dramatic as a strike on the bridge with a likely combination of strikes across Crimea would trigger a mass exodus event that would require tons of supervision by Russia for managing the fleeing tourists. Even worse, those Russians who have made the peninsula their home will be forced to make a choice as the food and water dries up. The “unsinkable aircraft carrier” becomes a humanitarian liability for Russia in one fell swoop.

It’s one thing to have the headline that the pride of Putin was destroyed in a bombing raid everyone has been surprised hasn’t happened yet. It’s another when you have thousands of Russians suddenly thrown into a chaotic event that can return home and make that headline feel very very visceral.


u/notmyfirstrodeo2 7d ago

Sorry but why the fuck are there russians on holiday in a war zone next to a military base.

Sorry but those people put themselves in danger.


u/Kelutrel 7d ago

Russia, add your red tears to the other blue and yellow tears, and go back home.


u/BlueInfinity2021 7d ago

Every death in this war is on Russia. They started this war and they could end it by leaving Ukraine.


u/Adept-Cash9013 7d ago


We remind you that the Ukrainian authorities and the Ukrainian military command often called on Crimeans to refrain from visiting beaches, resort facilities near military installations of the Russian Federation, and crowded places located far from any Russian military installations in annexed Crimea.

Today's tragedy in Uchkuevka is the result not only of the work of the crooked Russian air defense, but also of the carelessness of citizens who forget that there is a war going on.


u/Lumpy_Yogurtcloset71 7d ago

To be honest who cares? They are Russians. Russians are the 21st century Nazis. The only way this war ends sooner is once large populations in Russia really feel what it is to be at war, to have people in the large cities have their children shipped off to the front lines and then stop supporting the slaughter of innocent people in Ukraine. You don't show sympathy or mercy to terrorists...and Russia is a terrorist organisation...it is not a country

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u/MechaFlippin 7d ago

im sure all those wounded and killed were pregnant children nuns


u/gruese 7d ago

Probably carrying puppies, too.

Why would the Ukrainians do this to those poor innocent Russian pacifists (and their cute dogs)? Literally no possible reason.

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u/ApprehensiveAd6603 7d ago

Maybe don't holiday in a war zone... Sucks to suck.


u/10poundballs 7d ago

What were these Russians doing in Crimea anyway? It’s not a safe time for vacations in Ukraine

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u/GoalFlashy6998 7d ago

So it's the United States & Ukraine fault, for the war Russia initiated! What kind of messed up logic is that, Russia illegally seized the Crimea 2014 and fomented a rebellion in a couple breakaway provinces in the east of Ukraine, then in 2022 outright invades the Ukraine; but Ukraine defends itself with weapons acquired from the United States, but somehow both are fault for Russian actions. Why are there Russian civilians at a beach in an active war-zone, in an illegally occupied and annexed area of Ukraine? Russia is clearly reaching for culprits, in a war it started and bare's responsibility for any actions carried out in response to its hostile and terroristic actions in its war in Ukraine.


u/Naduhan_Sum 7d ago

I am repeating this for the 1000th time but media outlets simply won’t listen.

Ukraine is not attacking. Ukraine is defending itself. Russia could end this war in 30 seconds by simply stopping the attacks and going back home.

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u/Adept-Mulberry-8720 7d ago

So, if we’re responsible for this cause Kyiv used our missles then when Russia uses North Korean or Chinese military supplies then we can blame them? Crazy! The blame is on Putin’s blood stained hands. He started this war……and he’s losing.

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u/princeps_harenae 7d ago

Good, get out of Crimea.

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u/Hellkids2 7d ago



u/TruthHurts899 7d ago

Shame…. Anyways good job Ukraine for defending your sovereign right and a big ole suck on that Russia


u/Natural_Rise_6474 7d ago

You started the war. Though I feel bad I just regret it was not you killed putin.but stop the war or it may yet be.