r/pics 2d ago

Welcome sign for Donald Trump in Georgia. Politics

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u/ranterist 2d ago edited 2d ago

Too many words for a roadside billboard.

What’s the best edit?

“Welcome Felon” {with his mugshot (and maybe add a smiling peach in one corner bc GA)}?


u/particleman3 2d ago

7 words or less. That is the rule for billboards.


u/Namasiel 1d ago

“We have enough felons already. Go home!”


u/poodleface 2d ago

In Atlanta rush hour you would have plenty of time to read this (if you wanted anything to do with the barrage of political advertising that has saturated everything since 2020). 


u/could_use_a_snack 2d ago

Naw, that sounds like a greeting not an insult, at least to some. Let's workshop that a bit. Maybe mention that in addition to being a felon, he's also a loser.


u/BD_HI 2d ago

I’m sure “welcome, loser felon” would offend a large amount of people from Atlanta


u/myasterism 1d ago

From around Atlanta, perhaps; a lot of the metro suburbs are pretty conservative, but the vast majority of ATL is not friendly to trump.


u/Netwerked 1d ago

It sounds like a greeting with an insult at the end. I thought it was funny. You do realize that the fact that we're all talking about the billboard means that it was effective marketing.


u/RKID084 2d ago

Agreed. It doesnt even make fucking sense. ELI5 - Does it support or oppose?


u/pixel8knuckle 2d ago

Nah it’s cool to be a felon now if you are a hypocrite. The party that doesn’t want voter rights to felons wants one as president, naturally.


u/Ukflowergurl77 1d ago

Hopeful that moving from WA to GA, our 2 votes will be helpful to President Trump!!!!


u/Arimer 2d ago

Someone spent money to put up a roadsign he's never going to see.


u/kadargo 2d ago

It’s not for him but the voters.


u/beerisbread 2d ago

How many undecided voters do you think a billboard is going to sway?


u/Same_Character_6504 2d ago

from everything I saw there seemed to be a large majority of pro trump people with signs compared to Biden. As someone from Canada could someone explain why there seems to be more Trump supporters than Biden supporters. Is Biden that bad or was Trump better than people made it seem?


u/kadargo 2d ago

Don’t confuse signage with support. Trump will lose because of people voting against him, not because of people voting for Biden.


u/OnBase30 1d ago

Except Trump will win because of people voting for him


u/kadargo 1d ago

Trump has never won the popular vote, so I seriously doubt that.


u/Same_Character_6504 2d ago

i was more referring to the people holding the signs. what about the poll data it seems to show trump in the lead. would the democrats do better if they swapped Biden out and had someone else run in his place? is that even allowed?


u/kadargo 2d ago

It depends on the poll. Some show trump up some show Biden up. It’s all about turnout, and the republicans have no ground game.


u/Same_Character_6504 2d ago

it is interesting, i have a hard time believing either party will accept the eventual winner. also could democrats just replace Biden, do you think that would give them a better shot of beating Trump. I would assume Kamala cant just take over


u/kadargo 2d ago

Democrats have won the popular vote and lost the election twice in recent memory. Nobody went full Trump on January 6.


u/Fataleo 2d ago

Stupid all around


u/SignificantEngine393 2d ago

Oh yeah. That’s definitely going to change minds after the disaster of a show, your fearless leader Biden put on last night.


u/WyoPeeps 2d ago

Not just someone. The DNC.


u/Chemical-Leak420 1d ago

ironically in atlanta this would only get him more support


u/Netwerked 1d ago

Nah, Atlanta itself is blue. Most of what is outside of Atlanta is red.


u/Takayama16 2d ago

Waste of money.


u/nartmot 2d ago

Yeah, everyone knows Don can't read.


u/ABlumpkinPumpkin 1d ago

And we know Biden can't think.


u/Takayama16 2d ago

Good one!


u/QuoteOpposite6511 2d ago

This sign tries too hard. Less with emphasis.. marketing 101.


u/ABlumpkinPumpkin 1d ago

It's what they do. Passive agressiveness.

This is as trashy as if they put up a billboard that says ,"welcome to Atlanta Biden, don't forget you have a debate coming up!..don't forget your meds...or whatever


u/QuoteOpposite6511 1d ago

I completely agree! Thank you


u/Waste_Click4654 2d ago

Somebody spent money they are never gonna see again.


u/Puzzleheaded-Age-638 1d ago

That'll show him...


u/Langosta82 2d ago edited 1d ago

absorbed pen joke rinse marble aware vegetable attraction toothbrush melodic

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u/moving0target 2d ago

Someone bought "Let's go, Brandon." signs when that became a thing. Welcome to Georgia.


u/Langosta82 2d ago edited 1d ago

gold grandiose run bike entertain melodic carpenter worthless trees rich

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u/moving0target 2d ago

Me, too.


u/Dark-Ganon 2d ago

That can be said about everything, any money you spend could go towards something better. Besides, who's to say that this person isn't putting money into fixing other issues around the state as well? People can spend money on multiple things.


u/Chappie47Luna 2d ago

convicted felon slogan is the new thing and it somehow makes him more popular so I guess trump would endorse those billboard


u/Langosta82 2d ago edited 1d ago

vegetable meeting racial far-flung puzzled crown stupendous arrest toothbrush gold

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u/Strykerz3r0 2d ago

These aren't aimed at the opposition. MAGAs are not going to change. But it never hurts to remind everyone else.


u/fingerpaintswithpoop 2d ago

This is exactly the point people are missing, somehow. The MAGA crowd isn’t going to change their minds no matter what evidence you show them or argument you make, but swing voters who were turned off by Biden’s performance at the debate last night may still be convinced to vote for him if they’re reminded of all of Trump’s vices, and the horrible things he has planned for a second term.


u/Own_Yogurtcloset6868 1d ago

What horrible things are planned? You mean, making American independent, for itself, helping the American people get back on their feet and out of crippling inflation? Furthermore, thr felony charges are going to be overturned on appeal, and that's a fact. Another fact is that the judge should have removed himself in that case due to a clear violation of the NY ethic code for starters. Let's not ignore the judge refusing to let the countries best voting law export witness on stand. To explain the law, the prosecutors claimed Trump broke while providing no factual evidence to back it. This is evidence, and unlike you, I can ack everything I just said using the court transcripts, court emails (letters), and the NY ethic code.


u/CoryW1961 2d ago

What exactly is that besides turning abortion back to each state for the voters to decide?


u/Connbonnjovi 2d ago

How is everyone glossing over the fact he wants to mass deport like 10 million people, from a specific ethnic group. Like wtf


u/Lots42 2d ago

To start with. They'll be going after all their enemies soon enough


u/Connbonnjovi 2d ago

It’s literally the precursor hitler had for the holocaust. It’s just fukn mind bogglin


u/Own_Yogurtcloset6868 1d ago

Do you mean Mass Depot illegal people who shouldn't be here in the first place? It's not one ethnic group. It's all illegals. More than one ethnic group is coming in through the southern boarder.


u/Connbonnjovi 1d ago

They’re not illegal people. They’re people. Gtfoh with that. That’s literally how the holocaust started and was portrayed to the every day person in Germany, which is why they supported it. Those “illegal people” are also the backbone of the agricultural industry so good luck with inflation once you get them out.


u/Own_Yogurtcloset6868 23h ago

They entered into a country illegally. They broke the law. Please tell me, if they aren't illegal, then what are they? They sure as hell aren't legel.

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u/fingerpaintswithpoop 2d ago

Passing a national abortion ban (don’t believe Trump when he says he’ll “leave it to the states”, the evangelical crowd won’t be satisfied with that), millions of deportations of immigrants, and dismantling democracy.


u/Own_Yogurtcloset6868 1d ago

Ibsee how you have no evidence or proof. You're just making an assumption and a terrible one.


u/darklightrabbi 2d ago

To remind everyone else that you think a smart use of your money is telling everybody what they already know?


u/Lots42 2d ago

Your last sentence proves you a Trump supporter.


u/Langosta82 1d ago edited 1d ago

steep elastic boast subsequent toy disarm pathetic enjoy middle humor

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u/Lots42 1d ago

Okay Trumper


u/Langosta82 1d ago edited 1d ago

waiting familiar expansion close airport onerous follow instinctive nine screw

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Pavlock 2d ago

I still encounter people who did not know he's a convicted felon, so I wouldn't describe this as a complete waste.


u/CoryW1961 2d ago

Pay attention and learn to think without the corrupt media telling you what to think.

These Trump trials have been mostly to stop him just like every other sham including mail-in voting to ensure voter fraud and the inappropriate reaction to Covid which is still causing our economy to be terrible.

Have you ever heard of a sexual battery conviction with no witnesses and where the “victim” could not even name the year? The stripper stuff is just dumb. Stormy Daniels has been accusing him of crap for decades. No proof other than a possible payment and I don’t blame him for attempting to get rid of that literal fly.

Now CNN is turning on the Bidens. It’s because we have been lied to for so long and now they are trying to change the narrative by eating their own.


u/Pavlock 2d ago

Ok, Boomer.


u/Anhedonkulous 2d ago

There's a surprisingly large amount of conservatives that post on /r/pics. It's looking like the comments section of a yahoo news article.


u/CoryW1961 2d ago edited 2d ago

If all else fails throw an insult. How about an intelligent reply and possibly a thought-provoking answer? The only thing you can parrot is what the 24/7 media taught you to parrot: hatred.

I don’t mind being a Boomer at all and advertise it in fact. You aren’t insulting me. It’s an honor and a privilege to grow older and more experienced. I hope that for you too. It does tend to open one’s eyes about what is truly happening around us though. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Even since I was a child.


u/Pavlock 2d ago

You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.

  • Jonathan Swift


u/CoryW1961 2d ago edited 2d ago

Okay. So reason with me and list some talking points to change my mind versus some random quote you Googled that supposedly reflects “why even try?”

A lot of you are on Reddit because you follow stock news. As do I. Most of you recognize it’s fake coming from the media but can’t accept the rhetoric you are spoon-fed about politics is fake too.

I am asking you all to try and think for yourselves and you aren’t doing that. I suggest you learn to. You will be running this country soon enough. And hopefully that’s a good thing but not being indoctrinated by entities with an agenda is very important.

I vote for candidate not party. The truth is the media has just taught hate based on lies. This makes me sad. The brainwashing is real. In elementary school we were taught about the crazy Russians and how they were indoctrinated since childhood to believe things about their country that weren’t true. We are there. Probably have been for some time. The 24/7 news cycle and paid actors have ruined America. And for the record I watch more liberal media than any other. I want to hear all sides and form my own opinions. The spin on any story is crazy and ironically CNN tells the truth more than Fox now.


u/Strykerz3r0 2d ago

Reminding people that Doe174 is a convicted felon is definitely a worthy cause.


u/Fataleo 2d ago

Everything about this is done poorly


u/dknisle1 2d ago

The fact someone paid money and that’s the best word salad they could think of. Lol


u/Georgiaonmymindtwo 1d ago

Re-write it for us…


u/dknisle1 1d ago

I mean. Wasn’t he there in 2016? It could literally just say “welcome back felon” Not that hard of a rewrite and reads 5 times better than this scrabble bag.

Oh shit. Or did you thing I was this crazy Trumper idiot and wouldn’t respond? Hmm


u/Netwerked 1d ago

Trump was in Atlanta on August 24th, 2023 to get his mug shot. I know that he visited Atlanta this year, because I saw his airplane at the Atlanta airport. It was April 10th, but he wasn't yet a convicted felon.


u/Georgiaonmymindtwo 1d ago

I didn’t think one way or the other. That’s why I asked you to show us how it’s done.


u/OnBase30 1d ago

Need the help, obviously


u/OnBase30 1d ago

On point!


u/cookiesNcreme89 2d ago

RENT FREE forever! Lololololol


u/AceTrainerMichelle 2d ago

Talking about current politics is rent free? Are the cultists the only ones allowed to talk about politics now?


u/RacingGrimReaper 1d ago

They still talk about Obama so even the “rent free” line is projection.


u/BigBeardedIdiot 2d ago

It would be rent free if the fucking debates weren’t last night my guy. If he wasn’t on trial for the past year. If he wasn’t president 4 years ago. You can’t use rent free for something that’s always fucking around. This is a complete misuse of the fucking saying. Goddammit.


u/JollyMollyMan 2d ago

lol he’s a felon currently running for president. Obviously he’s in people’s heads. Meanwhile conservatives are still crying about Obama on a daily basis 😂


u/typicalgoatfarmer 2d ago

That’s not in GA, it’s in Atlanta. Two very different places.


u/Whycadz 2d ago

Imagine using that money instead to feed an immigrant family or fund a soup kitchen for those in need. Instead they bought this sign. 


u/RacingGrimReaper 1d ago

Yeahh, spending thousands of dollars to advertise for your political candidate of choice over donating money to charities shouldn’t be praised…

Now I want you to go look at a Trump rally and apply the same logic to those folks.


u/Whycadz 1d ago

“What aboutism”

So because the MAGA nazis stoop that low the dems should too? 


u/hulknuts 2d ago

you actually think he drove?


u/Georgiaonmymindtwo 1d ago

It’s not for trump.


u/hulknuts 1d ago

obviously, but i guess thats the joke.


u/Fufeysfdmd 2d ago

Well the next time he comes to Atlanta it'll be as president so, congrats on your billboard, or whatever


u/EdwardOfGreene 2d ago

The next time he is in Georgia he will be on trial for election fraud.


u/Georgiaonmymindtwo 1d ago


This is the correct response.


u/Fufeysfdmd 2d ago

What's that Sublime lyric?

Isn't it something like, "I smoke copium in the morning, I smoke it in the night, I smoke copium before I smoke copium and then I feel alright."


u/fxxftw 2d ago



u/Fufeysfdmd 2d ago

LoL, I know it's not. I'm very familiar with Sublime lyrics


u/panhndl 2d ago

Honestly, the Left and Right are so freaking obsessed with Trump. It’s spooky.


u/ADampWedgie 2d ago

You talking about about the presidential nominee and why people are obsessed? Like seriously?


u/panhndl 2d ago

It’s way more than that and you know it.


u/diginfinity 2d ago

If he wasn't the presidential nominee for his party, he wouldn't be in the news, and you know it.


u/panhndl 2d ago

He has stayed in the news and in the Left and Right’s thoughts constantly since he lost the election. It’s more than just running for the presidency. He is absolutely the most divisive person this country has seen, maybe ever.

Essentially, the Left is just as guilty for keeping him relevant as the Right. I think it’s insane.


u/smurfsundermybed 2d ago

Why has he remained in the news? Is it just because of who he is, or is it because we're still dealing with the legal ramifications of his last term while preparing for the possibility of another? Nah. It couldn't possibly be that! / s


u/RacingGrimReaper 1d ago

Republicans can’t even stop talking about Obama so this person is just projecting like always.


u/ADampWedgie 2d ago

…. Because he was the failed coup to front runner turned presidential nominee…..


u/panhndl 2d ago

There was a couple years in between those events that could have allowed him to slide into the background, but he has persevered. I hate the guy but he has absolutely epitomized the saying, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” His guilty verdict was one of the largest fundraising triggers ever.

Look, if you don’t want to admit that the Democratic Party has absolutely helped keep Trump relevant, that’s fine. It isn’t true, but ok.


u/Lots42 2d ago

Correct. What you said is not true.


u/panhndl 16h ago

Okie dokie


u/_busch 2d ago

billboards vs actual material harm he has and will cause.


u/Ok_Painting6520 2d ago

Somebody paid good money for that lmao


u/pants-pooping-ape 2d ago

Left cant meme.

Mucho texto


u/zonnipher117 2d ago

Somebody paid for this. Both sides have acted ridiculous this election season. Acting like a bunch of children Both sides


u/Lots42 2d ago




u/Rockefellerlockstep 2d ago

Its Georgia. The land of convicted felons. He'll fit right in