r/oddlysatisfying 2d ago

A skilled Durian cutter at work

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u/woodrax 2d ago

I remember when we visited Vietnam, they had No Durian signs all over. Businesses like Hotels and “Tourist” places like Museums knew people who were not used to the smell would gag.

My mother loved the fruit. I tasted it, and it tasted okay, but I could not detach the taste from the smell.


u/Danmanjo 2d ago

Same. Visited Thailand and had it a few times. Smells of onions, tastes of milky, fermented fruit. It’s not bad but taste and smell just doesn’t match and throws off your senses. Would eat again. 😂


u/woodrax 2d ago

Yeah, I thought it tasted like sweet onion (the “fermented” flavor) and burnt caramel.


u/pm_me_flaccid_cocks 2d ago

It smelled like fart and I blamed it on my sister the whole trip.


u/slobs_burgers 2d ago

Maybe if she stopped farting you wouldn’t have to keep calling her out for it…


u/semper_JJ 2d ago

Yeah, how's a guy supposed to enjoy exotic fruit with all this farting going on. For fucks sake. Every vacation.


u/kaz12 1d ago

This guy brothers

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u/armoured_bobandi 2d ago

I read this in Bob's voice

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u/WakaWaka_ 2d ago

They have cakes here made with fresh durian, tasted like I was eating onion more than cake. Couldn't eat more than a few bites.

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u/MatiKatakRempit 2d ago

Thailand durian is very bland and tasteless, not worth eating imo. Only the Malaysian Musang king, Red prawn or XO is worth my money imo. Even the famous Black thorn pales when compared side by side with the musang king coming from a 30 year old tree.

Even musang king have grades, just like how wagyu have A2-A5 grading. Any musang king tree above 20 years will produce incredible durians.


u/canzicrans 1d ago

This person durians.


u/iloveokashi 1d ago

Do you know what kind of durian is in the video? It looks darker than what we have here in my country.


u/MatiKatakRempit 1d ago edited 1d ago

I'm guessing the one in the video is Musang King due to the concentration of the color (because musang king is very yellowish and concentrated in terms of taste, sweetness, bitterness, smell and flavour), but I cannot say 100% for sure as the Red prawn durian also has a very concentrated color. You need to taste the durian and smell it to be able to tell if it's really a musang king or some other species.

Johor is famous for it's musang king and it always gets exported over the border to Singapore due to very high demand. The start of the video mentioned Mas in Johor, so I'm guessing it is a Musang King..

Red Prawn is one of the sweetest durian species in existence, but the texture is very wet, soft and mushy, something like wet tissue paper. Musang King has a more solid texture and a very concentrated durian flavour, and musang king is split into wweet and bitter types. Whereas, red prawn is only sweet.

Once you taste musang king durian, you'll never go back to other durian species... I have not liked any other durians anymore except musang kings ever since I've tasted it a decade ago.


u/imma_letchu_finish 1d ago

To add to this, musang king also has small seed. Depend on musang king grade, it might also have a super tiny seed with lots of flesh. Making it very different compared to other types of durian. Musang Kings are also very expensive and not easy to care for (10 years is your earliest harvest)

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u/Shlant- 2d ago

highly recommend eating it in Malaysia. It's night and day compared to how they harvest it in Thailand. Almost a different fruit taste and texture wise.


u/krakaturia 2d ago

proper durian harvested naturally is only good for a couple of days from tree to eating. especially from seed planted trees because what comes out is wildly unpredictable, and also the fruit doesn't taste as good as it can get until the tree itself is 20 years old. Don't know what thailand does to stretch durian shelf life so long, it's terrible.


u/Raining_dicks 2d ago

In Thailand they cut the durians off the trees while in Malaysia the durians are allowed to ripen and fall off naturally


u/geokon 2d ago

That's a different variety of durian. The one that falls also exists in Thailand where they call it local or wild durian. It's usually smaller and ~4x cheaper than commercial durian. It has a very short shelf life and it has a fundamentally different flavor.

It's much easier to grow than the commercial varieties bc it's less finicky. Commercial varieties are also generally controlled with hormones to control the timing of the flowering (so the fruit all can be pollinated manually at the same time, and the fruit ripen simultaneously) while the local one isn't managed


u/perhapsasinner 1d ago

Terrible practice imo, the taste of durians that's harvested way too early vs durians that ripe and fell off the tree naturally is like night and day.

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u/paprikapants 2d ago

It is the worst flavour to ever accost my tongue. Would make a great diet food as I was genuinely concerned for about 12 hours of vigorous brushing that I was cursed to only taste the vile sick of durian forever.


u/KiltedTraveller 2d ago

Yeah, I think there must be a genetic component to it.

I've eaten a lot of strange foods in my life. Some have been surprisingly nice, some have been rancid. I've even had surstromming.

I'm not a remotely picky eater. I don't think I've even sat down a plate and not been able to eat it.

Except durian. I've tried it quite a few times and every time it touches my tongue, my gag reflex kicks in, I have to spit it out and I can feel the after taste linger in my mouth for the rest of the day.


u/zrooda 2d ago

Durian worse than surströmming for you? I thought it's bad, not legendary bad.


u/KiltedTraveller 2d ago

For me, the smell of sustromming was by far worse, but the actual taste was better than the durian.


u/MeijiDoom 1d ago

Kind of fascinating. People often describe durian taste as being more mild in comparison and there are durian flavored sweets/drinks. I can't imagine doing surstromming flavored anything.


u/SlagathorTheProctor 1d ago

Andrew Zimmern, the "Bizarre Foods" guy had the same experience. He was in Thailand, eating whole fried birds, bugs, etc, no problem. Then he tried durian, he said it was like every autonomous defensive mechanism in his body kicked in. Like, his throat closed up, refusing to let it get into his stomach. He was quite dismayed at the thought that a fruit, of all things, would be the one thing he could not eat.

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u/RecursiveKaizen 2d ago

Onion custard taste. If you like onions, you’ll love it.


u/bigblackcouch 2d ago edited 2d ago

Onion custard

Thanks I absolutely fucking hate this description


u/DaddyBee42 2d ago

I love onions, and I love custard. I'm not so sure that I would love the two combined.


u/ATinyKey 2d ago

Raw onions? I've never smelled it


u/sinz84 2d ago

I would more call it similar to acidic bile smell but it is really hard to describe completely... it's kind of like your brain can't place it so it places it on a 'similar to bad smelling things' list

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u/sparkfizt 2d ago

More like caramelized.. but less good?  You will have durian burps for hours after 😭


u/jld2k6 2d ago

The more I'm hearing about this fruit the less I'm sold on it lol


u/FlyingRhenquest 2d ago

I've run across the fruit a couple of times so I ordered a durian boba tea from a local Vietnamese joint while eating with some friends, for the hilarity that was sure to ensue. Friend of mine tried it and said "Tastes like someone vomited a blueberry pie into my mouth."

It's in about the same spectrum as blue cheese. Like if you can't imagine what it's like, it's kinda like blue cheese, only closer to blueberry pie vomit than cheese. If that makes sense. Also gives me heartburn, so I avoid it. I'm pretty sure it's heartburn and not the... other reasons...


u/NewestAccount2023 2d ago

The more I'm hearing about this fruit the less I'm sold on it

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u/SingleKey5 2d ago

Stealing this! Blueberry pie vomit is so hilariously accurate. I often say it smells like rotting onion inside a dried up dirty sock in a 15 year old boy's room.

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u/IndiRefEarthLeaveSol 2d ago edited 2d ago

It smells like something died in the room, every time I visit my Indonesian relatives, they break out the durian, and I just can't. I'm called out for not being Indonesian enough, that's why I'm half, because you need to be fully committed to eat that shite. 😑

And before anyone says it tastes different to how it smells ....

.... It doesn't, it tastes exactly how I smell it. 😑


u/TurboBerries 2d ago edited 2d ago

If you ever see durian ice cream in Costco get it. Best ice cream I’ve ever had. Hold your nose the first few bites if you can’t stand it then it becomes addicting. You won’t smell it anymore.


u/truthandtattoos 2d ago

Glad somebody said it. Scrolled down looking for comments saying the taste is on par with the amazing skill it took to harvest it. The more I scrolled, the less appealing it got lol

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u/PreferredSelection 2d ago

i was shocked at how close it was to limburger cheese, smell-wise.

like limburger, it tastes better than it smells.


u/THEBHR 2d ago

"like limburger, it tastes better than it smells."

About that Limburger statement... I beg to differ. Unless you have a cold, or plug your nose with a clothespin or something. Then it tastes fine.


u/josecuervo2107 2d ago

A coworker described it as tasting like an oniony mango.


u/snapdrag0n99 2d ago

More like rotting onions. It’s revolting


u/ToesocksandFlipflops 1d ago

Sweat socks after playing soccer/football for 90 minutes in 90 degree heat twice, then stored in a sock drawer with onions.

That's the smell

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u/fqh 2d ago

Should have tried Malaysian durian. Thai durian is,, erghh..


u/FattySonofaBih 2d ago

Sorry but Thailand's durian just doesnt taste good. Tastes real bland conpared to Malaysia's. If yall wanna try real good Malaysian durian, its called "Udang Merah".

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u/TldrDev 2d ago

I lived in Vietnam for a decade, and I'm married to a Vietnamese woman. She fucking LOVES Durian. Man, I cannot stand it.

One time I had to take a day trip to Cambodia, and you have to cross the border on foot. Hot as fuck, walking to Cambodia and back, like an hour dealing with immigration and whatever, get back to my car and I'm just dying of thirst. Ask my wife if she has anything to drink, and she hands me what I thought was sugar cane. It was a sugar cane durian smoothy.

You ever go to drink like Coffee and accidently drink something totally different and it hits wrong in all the right ways?

I instantly vomited.


u/nicolauz 2d ago

Like forgetting you put a cigarette out in the beer you just took a drink of. Ugh.


u/LiveDieRepeal 2d ago

Who puts their cigarettes out in a beer they are drinking?

Because I’ve never once even considered it while drinking and smoking


u/nicolauz 2d ago

When you're a bit lit and have some empties around and pick the wrong one.

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u/Lou_Salazar 2d ago

I've had it once at dim sum. I liked the taste, hated the texture. But then there was a back of the throat taste/smell that lingered for about 24 hours. The smell was absolutely horrible.


u/jawndell 2d ago

Same for me.  Tasted fine.  Texture was hardest part - kind of pastey 

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u/SlagathorTheProctor 2d ago edited 1d ago

There are "no durian allowed" signs on buses and subways in Singapore. I have seen similar signs in hotels in four or five different SEA countries. I know some people claim it tastes good, but I'm not one of them. It tastes like rotting pigshit and smells worse.


u/silenc3x 2d ago


u/Thomas_K_Brannigan 2d ago

I like how there's no fine listed under "no durians"; I'd like to believe that's because the punishment is "shot on sight"!


u/glitchyikes 2d ago

In SEA, air-conditioning is prevalent. Durian smell is retained in the air-conditioner and not easily removed.

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u/Queef-Elizabeth 2d ago

My Taiwanese friends went to a hostel and one of them ate a durian in their room and he got a fine lmao


u/DigMeTX 2d ago

In Malaysia my hotel forbade durian but also mangosteen because of the stains from the skin.


u/OrgJoho75 2d ago

Classic prohibited pairs, even in public transportation...

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u/Kall0p 2d ago

It's not just for people that aren't used to it, they also forbid durians from public transport because the smell is just too strong. Even if something smells good, it's not a good thing to stink up places with a lot of people. I wouldn't want my hotel lobby smelling like curry either.


u/Twomekey 2d ago

I worked in a small ice cream factory that made small batches of whatever people wanted and once a month a man would bring in 20kgs of durian pulp for us to make into ice cream. For the whole day it smelled like a bag of Onions that had been left in a hot car for a week. I'd get some of the peppermint extract and smear it under my nose on durian day. I refused to taste it.


u/PlsDntPMme 2d ago

My friend has durian candies. It's really fun watching people try them. Her one coworker hated it so much that he went for the mouthwash on their other coworker's desk. It was her dog's mouthwash.

Personally, I don't love it. It's just okay. Probably wouldn't go out of my way to eat the candy again. Most everyone else despises it. I think the real deal tastes alright.

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u/Elegant_Run_8562 2d ago

People in this thread sound exactly like Chinese people talking about a blue cheese would do!

It's an acquired taste. As a Westerner, I hated it at first too. 5 years later, I loved it. I appreciate the complexity of the taste, and have to admit it's the king of fruits. Where else can you find cigar, vanilla, banana, whisky notes and so much more in a creamy, sweet fatty concoction that tastes like a chef made it? It's amazing, just not what westerners are used to. There is probably a genetic element at play too, like with cilantro.

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u/Dramatic_Mixture_868 2d ago

I have a strong sense of smell soooo this would be a no go for me 😳.

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u/MooreRless 2d ago

Without smell, this video means nothing.


u/dfddfsaadaafdssa 2d ago

And what's wild is how is expensive durian is in the US. You won't find it at a major chain (only Asian grocery stores) and if you sort by price descending it will be #1 on the list, coming in at a whopping $70.


u/CanIEatAPC 2d ago

Same in Singapore, it was kinda funny and interesting to see the signs because durian was just specifically called out. I hated the smell because my brilliant friends decided to cut one up in our dorm lobby, where we literally cannot open any windows. I smelled durian for like 3 months. I didn't even want to eat it at that point. My sister loves durian tho, and I'm ok with the smell now.


u/fantasmeeno 2d ago

Can’t be worst than casu marzu


u/AcidicVaginaLeakage 2d ago

I wonder what would happen if you tried it with some orange smelling stuff put under your nose.

Like, apparently if you bite into a white onion with your nose plugged and your eyes covered, it's somewhat enjoyable.


u/Glittering_Sign_8906 2d ago

It’s weird, it’s like eating a sweet and nice tasting fruit inside of a sewer. 

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u/bradydcallahan 2d ago

What’s the purpose of that quick, small horizontal cut before throwing the exterior in the bin?


u/Killshot91 2d ago

Hi, Fellow Malaysian here. The durian grows like garlic cloves , and the line indicates opening within. We cut the shell open to inspect if there are yellow flesh inside, as some sneaky small flesh might hide within.


u/Heads_Or_Tayls 2d ago

You can see at around 1:06 this exact thing happens. There's a small piece hiding!


u/kernowgringo 2d ago edited 1d ago

I don't think that's what the OP question is regarding, after the little bit you're referring to at 1.06 you see them take that segment out and then do a little horizontal cut on the pith before throwing it away


u/TheHomieAbides 1d ago

Just a guess: cleaning the blade? Every time the blade touches the outside he cuts into the inside rind.


u/MyPasswordIsMyCat 2d ago

And he calls it a "fantastic durian" because it has more fruit inside than usual.


u/Orgasm_Add_It 2d ago

I like how it's orangeish. What's the flavor comparison between yours and the Thai durian?


u/dezzalzik 2d ago

IIRC from comments elsewhere, Thailand durian farmers cut the fruits off the tree a week before it falls to the ground naturally. So they have an optimal balance of ripeness and sweetness.

While in Malaysia, durians are allowed to fall naturally from the tree when they're fully ripe. Natural fermentation process will occur right away at this point, leading to the distinct richness in taste, plus extra smelly too (both from the fruit and the gas from your ass) 😆


u/Orgasm_Add_It 2d ago

OK so my flight is booked.


u/MiniMeowl 2d ago

As a Malaysian, we think Thailand's durian is weak and flavourless because they cut it before the fruit is truly ready. But because they harvest in that manner, Thai durians are able to be last longer in shell and can be exported longer distances.


u/random_avocado 1d ago

As a Singaporean, most of us think Malaysian durian is better. I doubt anyone would go out of their way to sample Thai durians. I personally love ‘red prawn’ variety.

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u/MiniMeowl 2d ago

If you are new to durian and want an easy gateway, go for Thai durians. Since they are cut from the tree, they are less ripe, meaning mild, sweet, and less offensive. If you see a durian overseas, it is 99% a thai durian, because only less ripe durians can survive the export timeline.

If you love durian and want to be slapped across the face with many different flavour profiles, go for Malaysian durian. Bitter, sour, sweet, alcoholic - Malaysia takes durians seriously and theres a specialty durian for everyone. You can't get the true durian experience outside of Malaysia (and neighbouring countries) due to the ripeness.

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u/idiot_of_all_morons 2d ago

Check out malaysia’s subreddit we have a guide for all durians across the peninsula.


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u/beno9444 2d ago

Singaporean here. Hi malaysia


u/tea-and-chill 2d ago

Half Thai here. Hi Singapore!

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u/TheHeartAndTheFist 2d ago

My guess is that it makes the durian exteriors much more likely to flatten under the weight of others, so that you don’t have to empty the bin too often (as would be the case if you let them keep their shape)


u/bradydcallahan 1d ago

Oooo, good theory!


u/MaleEggplant 2d ago

Cleaning the edge of the knife, I'm guessing.

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u/AVandelaySeven 2d ago

Came here for this comment


u/AnonymouseStory 1d ago

Might be trying to clean the blade off before moving on to the next fruit

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u/Certain_Passion1630 2d ago

I’ve always wanted to try one, just because people always say how horrible they smell. This makes me want to try one even more


u/SpyAmongUs 2d ago edited 2d ago

Malaysian here, currently enjoying the durian season. Depends on what durians you got, some tastes like sweet custard, others taste like fermented garlic, without the spiciness. The ones in the video seems to be the former.

The texture is amazing, you can "peel" the flesh from its seed with your tongue, like meat off a bone from a stew.


u/KamikazeMizZ 2d ago

To me the texture is almost like ice-cream. It's melt-in-your-mouth-delicious. I'm envious of you right now. I'm in California now (we moved here from Singapore when I was 13) and it's more difficult to find fresh durian here. Enjoy some on my behalf pls!

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u/Shlant- 2d ago

not Malaysian but living in Penang - so much good durian around right now!

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u/uncoolcentral 2d ago

It tastes okay. I don’t think it smells like death. Doesn’t smell great though.


u/Inferno317 2d ago

It smells like a natural gas leak to me. I still like eating them though.


u/GodlessCyborg 2d ago

I always thought durian is where they got the smell for propane. They smell the same to me as well


u/kamilayao_0 2d ago

So like stale boiled eggs?


u/MatiKatakRempit 2d ago

It's more like a light hint of sulphur and onions, but I don't think you can describe it accurately. There's no specific smell, it's unique in it's own..


u/-Badger3- 2d ago

No, like a dead body.


u/KamikazeMizZ 2d ago

Smells nothing like a dead body. Not only was I raised in a country where durian is common, I had a career where I assisted in autopsies before I had to medically retire. They smell nothing alike.


u/awful_circumstances 2d ago

I've also had the misfortune to learn what rotting corpse smells like, but I've also found there's an overlap with the scent of mangos. I've never smelled actual durian but is it anything like that?


u/kamilayao_0 2d ago

Have you ever smelled one before? If yes, give us details 🧐🧑‍⚖️

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u/Johannes_Keppler 2d ago

It's all sulfuric smells, so yes.

But dead bodies are especially foul.


u/nooyermar 2d ago

Actually, natural gas is mostly odorless. The scent is added for safety concerns. But yeah, it stinks!


u/NatureSuccessful 2d ago

You are correct, the odorant is called Mercaptan.

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u/IReallyLikeAvocadoes 2d ago

The flesh is very soft and creamy once you bite into it, and I would describe the taste like sweet garlic. I kept thinking of garlic while I was eating it and that was enough to make me stop. Definitely an acquired taste.


u/Overly_Long_Reviews 2d ago

I remember finding the creamy texture to be more disconcerting than the smell when I first tried it. I like the sweet garlic description. One person I was with described it as a very expensive French cheese that is also somehow sweet.

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u/Forumites000 2d ago

I really love durian holy shit.

It really must be a genetic thing, just like how some people love or hate coriander.

So I don't force people to like durian or judge if they don't like it. But for me, I'm willing to pay top dollar (like 50 USD) for good durian. Great fragrance, great taste, great texture. Those of us blessed (or cursed cus durian is expensive lol) with a love of durian understand why it's called the king of fruits.


u/tenkokuugen 2d ago

People have never tried the really good Durian it seems. The perfectly ripe one is just no words. My favorite is rambutan but durian is very close to it


u/just_another_jabroni 1d ago

Rambutan is basically seeded lychee but the process of chewing the flesh off the seed is part of the experience imo.

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u/band-of-horses 2d ago

I bought some freeze dried durian off amazon and put it out at work in a candy dish with a sign inviting people to try an exotic southeast asian fruit. I made some enemies that day. Luckily the freeze dried ones are not that smelly.


u/Reddit_Account2025 2d ago

It's durian season(June to September) in Malaysia, come and have a taste.


u/Overly_Long_Reviews 2d ago edited 2d ago

If you can get over the smell (which is easier said than done) and to a lesser extent, the texture they really aren't that bad. I'm not really quite sure how to describe it, the flavor is completely unique. I've never tried anything like it before or since. I've eaten it on several different occasions when I was in Singapore and each time the flavor has been different to the point where it resists characterization.

The problem is the smell can be so overwhelming that it overrides your sense of taste. Which is why you have so many completely different descriptions of the flavor.

I wouldn't call it my favorite flavor in the world but I had a lot of fun traveling to different stands and trying it. I've since had durian flavored candies and drinks (I came across a place selling durian flavored bubble tea stateside a few years back which was pretty bizarre) since and I have enjoyed those too.


u/ShahinGalandar 2d ago

I read "durian flavored candles" and thought that the manufacturer of those must really hate people

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u/Shlant- 2d ago

I love durian and hate any durian-flavored product. They almost always represent the worst qualities of durian. Sometimes ice creams can be good if they actually use whole fruit.

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u/Natasya95 2d ago edited 2d ago

Theres different types but if you want to try one try find Musang King one while a bit expensive its one of the best. Not all durian tastes the same.

Edit : i show my dad and he said that the one in the video is called Udang Merah durian, taste sweeter. Theres a lot variety, you must try ioi too 😋

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u/NihongoThrow 2d ago

I feel like I'm an anomaly when it comes to Durian in that I really like the smell but absolutely detest the taste. I have never eaten anything worse I don't know why I dislike it so much.


u/bigblackcouch 2d ago

This lady trying it is what always comes to mind when I see durian being discussed. Doesn't really sell itself very well.

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u/lxcid 2d ago

one of the few fruits that have a creamy texture by nature.

the variant of taste between a good batch vs a normal batch is quite wide.

definitely one of a kind of fruit.


u/newbatthis 2d ago

Not all durians are made the same. Musang King durians are the creme de la creme of durians. Tastes like sweet creamy heaven.


u/gmishaolem 2d ago

My takeaway is it looks the same way it smells.

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u/Primary_Flatworm483 2d ago

Why does he cut across the inside of the husk once the fruit is gone? He does it so fast it's hard to see, but after he removes the fruit he slices the inside white portion sometimes.

I thought it was quickly checking to see if there was more, but he's not even looking at it, so that can't be it. Anyone know?


u/ezl90 2d ago

you are right, he was quickly checking for that sneaky flesh in between the cloves.

source: Fellow Malaysian Durian lover


u/scienceworksbitches 2d ago

but he's not even looking at it, so that can't be it

I bet he can feel the difference.


u/Meior 2d ago

He's basically doing it as it's halfway in the bag.


u/ravenhair_rubylips 2d ago

I'd guess he does it to clean the knife.

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u/one1002 2d ago

In Malaysia, when it's Durian Season, people from other neighboring countries will come and have a feast here.

There are also durian orchard owners who will do "open houses" at their orchards, like having durian party.

I have friends from indonesia who will take a flight to malaysia just to eat durian..

I love durian!!


u/Natasya95 2d ago

Samee!!! I love durian and i wont take any slander towards durian! My dad also do open house at his orchard but only with his friends


u/FreeUsQwety1 2d ago

only part that sucks when eating durian is that it gets me sick when I eat too much of it :(


u/Ok_Flan4935 2d ago

Where in Malaysia?


u/random_avocado 1d ago

Singaporean here. There are a few places in Johor Bahru that opens till late night, every Singaporean have their go-to durian places but my family love going to this one.


u/Ok_Flan4935 1d ago

Thanks. So the season lasts all summer or are there specific dates for the event?


u/one1002 1d ago

Best to go in July. You can find durians being sold literally everywhere at the side of the road.


u/one1002 1d ago

Go to penang bro, and KL SS2... 😋

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u/lalalibraaa 2d ago

I was just in Vietnam and saw signs all over that prohibited people from bringing durian inside hotels bc of the smell. So it made me hesitant to eat it. What does it taste like? I’m planning to be back in SEA next year so maybe I’ll try it then!


u/HushTheBlues 2d ago

Im from a country that has them so i might be biased or had the freshest ones,but its supposed to be very sweet and creamy custardlike,i think of it as the sweet cousin to cheese,they both smell a certain way but taste good int their own way


u/HolidayInvestigator9 2d ago

never thought about it being like cheesy i can see it that way. ive always looked it sort of like a slimy, gooey mango, if i could compare it to any other fruit. the only thing i personally dont like is sometimes the smell hits the back of my throat sometimes if im about to take a big bite, its like a very powerful zesty tanginess to it.

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u/Hungry-Space-1829 2d ago

Once you eat it it doesn’t smell as bad


u/Shlant- 2d ago edited 2d ago
  1. Do not let the smell turn you off - "Don't judge a book by it's cover". Once you eat it a couple times (I always recommend people try it 3 times before judging), if you like it, the smell just fades into the background or becomes pleasant. The smell comes from the sulfur content. I feel bad for anyone who forgoes one the most unique fruit experiences just because of the smell.

  2. Eat it in Malaysia or Singapore. If you can, Penang during the season (mid May to August) - best durian in the world. Thailand cuts their durian before they ripen so expect it to be much more fibrous and the flavors to be very simple and sweet. Tree-fallen durian (like they do in Malaysia) is a whole other fruit in terms of taste + texture.

  3. The taste is hard to describe and can vary widely between varieties and species. There are the underlying notes of marzipan-y almond-y custard and onion/garlic (again, sulfur content) with the latter being less prevalent in fresh fruits. Other than that, within the Durio Zibethinus species (which is almost all durian outside Borneo) these are some tasting notes you can experience:

  • Dark, dark chocolate
  • Caramel
  • Vanilla
  • Floral
  • Marshmallow
  • Banana liqueur
  • Gasoline
  • Whiskey
  • Grape
  • Maple syrup
  • Old pennies
  • Cherry
  • Coffee

If you are ever in Penang, hit me up. I keep a spreadsheet of the best durian on the island :) Also home to the best cempedak - my second favorite fruit which I am eating as I type this.


u/Logical_Engineer_420 2d ago

Also make sure to eat it fresh.

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u/slimwillendorf 2d ago edited 1d ago

The best is freezing Durian and eating it like ice cream. It smells less and offsets its dense heat. This fruit is said to be internally-heated in Thai, meaning that you’re supposed to eat only a few and avoid drinking alcohol. It’s very calorific as well. My mother had a craving for durian whilst she was pregnant with me. I turned out to be a giant baby and the tallest in my entire family. I ended up being a six foot tall Korean chick. My dad called me radioactive. 🤣

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u/Dry_Salamander_9437 2d ago

Looks like uni, smells like death


u/Maitrify 2d ago

What is uni?


u/MistaGalaxy 2d ago

Sea urchin but the delicacy type

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u/Fun-Tank2235 2d ago

Sea Urchin. It's a delicacy.


u/jingylima 2d ago



u/Gumbercules81 2d ago

Tastes like chicken?


u/kcinc82 2d ago

But it taste so heavenly!!!!!

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u/Hungry-Space-1829 2d ago

Lived in SE Asia a handful of years. The smell killed me at first then after I ate it the smell wasn’t nearly as offensive and sometimes even good. Hard to explain but eating it was the best thing I did

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u/waferselamat 2d ago

No, the inside skin of the durian is useful. After eating durian, you can wash your hands with the inside of the skin. Just put some water on it and use it to wash/rinse your hands; the durian smell will disappear. You can also gargle with it to reduce the durian smell in your mouth.


u/charliesk9unit 2d ago

You can also boil the seeds and they taste like chestnuts.


u/openterminal 2d ago

Wat? I like durian and this is the first time I heard someone says you can actually eat the durian seed. Is it only applied to certain durian or to all durians?


u/charliesk9unit 2d ago

All durians. You can do the same with the jackfruit seeds. You wash them and then boil them in lightly salted water. After they are cooked, you need to break through the harder shell to get at the inside.


u/RinaShim0218 2d ago

Just prepare to gas a lot after eating those seeds though

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u/Shlant- 2d ago

I love how many old wives tales there are around durian

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u/tartworm 2d ago

You can also grind the rind to create other things.

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u/theshadow62 2d ago

Okay, that's actually very impressive.


u/SirSignificant6576 2d ago

They really don't smell that bad. I have a fruit lab every semester for my botany class, and bring durian in. It's always...fine. Everyone seems to enjoy it.

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u/ames_anne 2d ago

Urgh now I'm craving Durian looking at that


u/PM_ME_YER_BOOTS 2d ago

Yum yum, gimme sum


u/MithranArkanere 2d ago

Why does it smell like that and why am I smelling it through a freaking video?


u/HolidayInvestigator9 2d ago

i can smell it through the screen. haha weird ass fruit. i love it. i feel like im doing drugs everytime i eat one since nobody likes the smell and i have to hide and eat it.


u/New_Understanding333 2d ago

I could watch this for hours lol


u/Alchemist_Joshua 2d ago

He must smell great at the end of the day.


u/Fireinred77 2d ago

That’s insane! I would definitely have lost some fingers in learning how to do that. 🤯


u/docArriveYo 2d ago

I’ve had a durian that smelled like rotting nest, but the flavor was so damn sweet. Would eat again.


u/ConversationCalm2622 2d ago

Durian….the stink only hits you at the beginning. You get used to the smell it becomes unoticable. Eating the fruit is a delight.


u/AshyWhiteGuy 2d ago

Honestly, how sharp is that thing? Mild annoyance, ruin your day or hospital trip?


u/Medium-Impression190 2d ago

Mild annoyance. Kinda like bed of nails trick. The thorns are a lot but if you know how to hold it properly, then it would not hurt as much. Safety gloves helped a lot.


u/Logical_Engineer_420 2d ago

It is quite sharp. But if you know how to handle it, theres no issue

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u/FairFaxEddy 2d ago

Video I could smell


u/Mundane_Complaint490 2d ago

Fcking amazing


u/nhom_0204 2d ago

The knife must be extremely sharp


u/Cjgraham3589 2d ago

I’ve never had durian. Does the orange fruit inside smell or is it just the outer layer?


u/Vietfunk 2d ago

The whole thing, but mostly inside. So like you only smell 10% of its full capacity before you open it


u/Reddit_Account2025 2d ago

You have to come to Malaysia to try it.

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u/babe_ruthless3 2d ago

Why the little slice at the end if he is just going to toss it.


u/GrimValesti 2d ago

Mmmmmmm, durian, love it 🤤🤤🤤


u/CaramelDrippin504 2d ago

Looks like mango. What does it taste and smell like?


u/The_Adeptest_Astarte 2d ago

The smell is very strong and has been described as a combination of sulfur, sewage, fruit, honey, and roasted and rotting onions. A study on the aromatic compounds in durian found 44 active compounds, including some that contribute to scents of skunk, caramel, rotten egg, fruit, and soup seasoning

I hope like fuck it tastes better than it smells


u/DimmyDongle 2d ago

It taste better than it smells


u/Logical_Engineer_420 2d ago

Total propaganda/rant by someone who ate shit durian. It smells nothing like that man

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u/TastyTadpolePizza 2d ago

Well the guy from “Man vs Food” couldn’t eat it.

Most people are either in the love it or hate it camp.

It’s like a cross between a mango, ripe banana, and custard. The smell can be strong and to some it smells like rotting trash. To others it’s distinctive but not horrible.

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u/LazyOldCat 2d ago

I’ve come to love the ‘Durian and sticky rice in sweet cream’ dessert from the Asian store, haven’t graduated above that yet. Way better than Uni for sure.


u/reddoot2024 2d ago

I still only know these things from Mario Sunshine


u/fkmeamaraight 2d ago

Important note : this video does not have annoying music. Please feel free to listen with sound on

(and hear how many actually super rapid cuts he makes to work the durians)


u/sbtvreddit 2d ago

I remember someone talking about durian fruits being smelly at work once and someone piped up and got super defensive and upset and triggered and said it’s racist to say durian fruits are smelly. Uh….. ok?


u/ll0l0l0ll 2d ago

I just opened Durian today. Took me 20 mins and 4 band aids.


u/SelimNoKashi 2d ago

Growing up in the Philippines everyone in my family loves this fruit. As in they can eat entire scores of it in 1 sitting. But I never inherited their passion for it. Like what everyone says its the smell. Even the ice cream version. Lol It makes me wanna vomit. But there's a candy version of it with condensed milk that one I can take. 😅


u/PsychologicalTough43 1d ago

He's skilled cause he's not throwing up as soon as he makes the first cut!


u/Pop-A-Choppa 1d ago

Arthritis after he do about 20 of em


u/haljhon 1d ago

Glad we’ve established that some people think it stinks. On to a real question: why does he cut the discarded pieces slightly before tossing them? He just takes his knife and cuts them across a little.


u/SinjiOnO 1d ago

It's to clean the edge, the durian flesh is sticky.


u/-SlapBonWalla- 1d ago

His greatest skill is actually not to gag and puke while doing it.


u/Wild-Craft5607 2d ago

How I feel cutting apples at home


u/BreakfastOk9902 1d ago

Clearly this man had skills, but this still doesn’t solve the biggest problem. Why in the fuck does anyone want durian?

Did your home just smell too good and you needed to dial that back? Did you accidentally put on deodorant right before the Motörhead concert? Worried the other line cooks will think you’re soft because you use dryer sheets?

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u/involution 2d ago

I can smell him from here