r/facepalm 2d ago

To Make America “Great” 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/SirPoopaLotTheThird 2d ago


u/No-Seat9917 2d ago

Just missing St Gods Hospital sign.


u/Tangent_Odyssey 2d ago

Not long ago, I was commissioned to print a sign with a mission statement that included “We are God’s chosen people.”

For a dentistry.


u/Lost-Age-8790 2d ago

Are you an anti dentite?


u/Tangent_Odyssey 2d ago

Well played

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u/RevolutionaryAd2472 2d ago

Please tell me you're joking?


u/Tangent_Odyssey 2d ago

Wish I was. Plenty of businesses where I’m from do things like this to attract the religious. They’re the majority here, so it’s just marketing to your broadest demographic (quite often with a dash of in-group signaling).

It’s kind of like “Go [local sports team]!”…but judgier.


u/Dhiox 2d ago

For me, religious symbols just make me feel unwelcome and I avoid businesses that do it.


u/Tangent_Odyssey 2d ago

It’s often unavoidable for me, but I try to as well. I am just honest with myself about the fact that I’m in the minority here…and, for other reasons, try not to advertise it too much.

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u/hascogrande 2d ago

Welcome to Costco, I love you

Give me President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


u/bravedubeck 2d ago

Go away, I’m batin’

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u/PopADoseY0 2d ago



The most unrealistic part of it now is the length of that movie

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u/djquu 2d ago

If Trump told his dear farmers that they should use Mountain Dew to irrigate their crops, I honestly think many of them would


u/anubis2268 2d ago

To be fair, it does have electrolytes. I've been told that's what plants crave


u/VPofAbundance 2d ago

Hey thats pretty good, you sure you're not the smartest guy on the earth?


u/ThisWillPass 2d ago

We can make him VP of Science or something.


u/anubis2268 2d ago

I can't be, the Dr says my shits all fecked up

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u/oyasumi_juli 2d ago

My wife's grandma uses watered down Sprite as Christmas tree food

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u/icewalker42 2d ago

If Mountain Dew execs bribed Trump with votes to say it, he would.


u/sheezy520 2d ago

Some random person could just tell Trump it’s a secret that only super smart people know and Trump would start telling everyone nonstop.


u/DrunkCupid 2d ago

"You know, a lot of people are saying - have you heard of this? The numbers, for this beverage product - the BEST numbers, everyone is talking about it - let me tell you what they're saying.. what they're saying is.. do the Dew? That can't be right..."


u/FoleyKali 2d ago

I hate that my brain can recreate his voice speaking these words exactly.

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u/Drakeman1337 2d ago

Jesus, this is so good that I want to downvote it. Well done!

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u/alvadabra 2d ago

I honestly dislike that movie, but I hate how we’re inching closer and closer to its reality.


u/DarthTheRock 2d ago

Honestly, they took care of their prisoners and were actively trying to fix the problems. I mean they were all dumb but I’d take dumb and wanting to be better than what we have now.


u/Last_Sundae_6894 2d ago

I loved that they also put the smartest guy they could find in charge.


u/AlternativeLack1954 2d ago

It’s a utopia

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u/keepcalmscrollon 2d ago

Ya, as much as Idiocracy is mentioned I'm beginning to feel like the real problem is more of a They Live situation.

Malicious overloads, deeply embedded in human society, exerting constant control, mostly through seemingly innocuous channels.

Every possible input screaming "obey," "submit," "consume," "no independent thought," and so on. Heck, now they're even telling us we need to "reproduce".

It's not actually as subtle as the aliens in the movie, though. But then, since OP started with Regan (and it goes back before him), I think maybe it was more subtle in the beginning. They've been boiling us like frogs and the water is bubbling pretty fast now.


u/SpecialistAddendum6 2d ago

given that They Live was made to criticize Reagan ideology, yeah

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u/MinMaxie 2d ago

Fun Fact: Regan wasn't the start, but the result of constant inching pressure starting in the 1970s.
Trump isn't the first time this has happened, but it might be the finale?

Source: Interview with Brody Mullins, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of "Wolves of K Street: The Secret History of How Big Money Took Over Big Government", "Decoder" podcast, June 28th
(10/10 would highly recommend)

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u/No-Seat9917 2d ago

We are inching towards this daily. That debate last night cinched it for me. 341 million people and this is the best we can get? FML


u/Glytch94 2d ago

Biden, as President of 1-term, is entitled to run again. He doesn’t have to, but it’s too late to change course imo. Biden was always a “Not Trump” vote. He was more likely to sway center-right Republicans than someone like Bernie.

And MAGA was always going to choose Trump, no matter what. Back when Biden won, I figured we’d get a rematch in this election.


u/Redshoe9 2d ago

Biden is my three more Supreme Court Justice votes.

There is no way that Thomas and Alito want to keep working. They are getting old as fuck. Especially since that quote from Alito‘s wife, who basically said when you are done with all this, I’m gonna go back and flag fight with the neighbors

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u/Clean_Ad_2982 2d ago

Nobody is entitled to anything in life. That notion reeks of selfish, childish thinking. RGB wasn't entitled to fuck us all because she didn't want to retire. But guess what happened. She went all entitled on us. Grandpa Joe stands ready to do the same.

If this entitlement thing is baked in, we better find a way quick to get rid of it or we're all screwed. 

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u/12BarsFromMars 2d ago

My thought today exactly. The two political parties with the corporate media behind the wheel have offered up a fumbling old octogenarian and a lying traitor as choices for national leader. Beyond mind blowing. Pathetic and disgusting. I’ve heard said that the difference between animals and humans is that animals would never select the dumbest of the herd to lead them….


u/Wor1dConquerer 2d ago

While octogenarian is technically correct. I don't like how your using that as a negative vs trump. Trump is only 3 yrs younger. Yet people act like Biden is decades older than trump.


u/DelicatetrouserSnake 2d ago

They’re both doddering idiots. One just happens to be felon, fascist, rapist doddering idiot.


u/SvenTurb01 2d ago



u/TheRider5342 'MURICA 2d ago

That movie is amazing dude edit: Wait what movie even is this?


u/_Bren10_ 2d ago

It’s Idiocracy. Check it out if you wanna feel worse than you already do about where the country is headed.


u/TheRider5342 'MURICA 2d ago

I thought that was Wall-E for a second😂😂


u/ButChooAintBonafide 2d ago

That is hilarious! Idiocracy is right before WallE in the timeline of events. Except if Idiocracy is real, then no way we would be intelligent enough to make it to space. Lol

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u/MortarByrd11 2d ago

Brawndo has electrolytes

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u/rynomite1199 2d ago

It’s almost like these decisions were made by old fucks who only care about themselves and all the sweet perks of sucking off their corporate sugar daddies.


u/RhythmTimeDivision 2d ago

The pay is SO GOOD though


u/Squawnk 2d ago

You really can't beat the benefits


u/awesome9001 2d ago

Do you even understand the difference between a motorcoach and a rv? Clarence Thomas does.


u/Boomchikkka 2d ago

I mean I've been adjacent to power like that. It's fucking intoxicating and you want it. Fuck 'ol ronnie though.

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u/samuraidogparty 2d ago

Yeah, if you read the Lewis Powell memo, it’s just been a long con to create an oligarch corporate class in the US. He even called it an act of war against progressive ideas. He was angry about Ralph Nader and the rise of consumer protections, and wanted to make sure corporations could regulate themselves and that citizens were powerless against them.

Reagan didn’t start it, he just got asked to run the ball. Powell started it, shared it to the CEO class he wanted to create the laws for themselves, and asked them to spend billions on conservative think tanks to help sell the idea. And 50 years later, we’re at the final stage of his plan. We’re on the verge of dismantling democracy at the behest of the corporate oligarchs.

Conservatives are about to win.


u/SwillMcRando 2d ago

Bruh they won a long time ago. Ever since Clinton went full neo-lib as a D. The last couple decades were just a matter of jockeying to see WHICH oligarchs would get to be in the driver's seat. The plan succeeded way back then, and the rest has just been billionaire in fighting. Think of it as arguing over who gets first go and who gets the sloppy seconds.


u/samuraidogparty 2d ago

You’re not wrong, and that makes me even more sad.

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u/FallenKnightGX 2d ago

They will be dead before the worst of any of this hits us, but they will have gotten everything they want at our expense on the way out and they fucking know it.

They're bleeding us and the world dry before they go.


u/friggintodd 2d ago

Consequences are for the poors.


u/SemiHemiDemiDumb 2d ago

I feel this too real


u/Redshoe9 2d ago

That’s why all the billionaires have already bought their bug out bunkers in other countries.

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u/BZLuck 2d ago

"I got mine, sucks to be you." Should be our new national motto.


u/3-I 2d ago

Not if we can help it.

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u/star_nerdy 2d ago

This has nothing to do with age. It has 100% to do with conservative values.

In the 1700s, conservatives believed they should be able to own humans as property. There were progressive people like Quakers who opposed this at the time, but in the interest of leaving the British Empire, human rights got put on hold and slavery was allowed.

In the 1800s, conservatives opposed ending slavery and again thought they should do whatever they want. They would bully people on congressional floors to the point people would get into fist fights and duels. Much of this was deleted from the Congressional record and only captured realtime via newspapers and wire services. Historian Joanne Freedman has a book on this, The Field of Blood.

After the civil war, conservatives went right back to pushing for being able to abuse people of color and enacted god awful policies and fought against unions.

In the 1900s, conservatives pushed for isolationism during the march up to WW1. They pushed nationalism and eventually anti-minority visa policies to make sure this nation didn’t get too brown. Today, it’s why people from Mexico have nearly 20 year waiting lists for their visa hearing and people from European countries wait a couple of years.

All this shit adds up. It’s not about age, conservatives have always been anti-minority, isolationists wrapped in patriotism, who turn the other way to civil and human rights when it benefits them.

Who is a democrat or republican has flipped, but conservatives have always been dickheads and backwards morons.


u/transitfreedom 2d ago

At this point conservative ideology should be banned

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u/adn_school 2d ago

There are young fucks too. See: Bitcoin scam, great recession


u/SoupidyLoopidy 2d ago

These people don’t have kids? They don’t care if their kids live in a shitty times? I don’t get it.


u/Gowalkyourdogmods 2d ago

Some of them really don't care.

I watched some climate change documentary some years back and they talk to an old ex-CEO of an oil company. It was something like "You all knew about how fossil fuels were impacting the earth and climate for years, how do you feel that your children and grandchildren are going to have to face the consequences and have much harder lives because of it?". Or something like that. It was probably much more succinct.

And he just replied with something like "That's not my problem nor my concern, my job was to make money."

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u/Other_Dimension_89 2d ago

That’s why it was like shards of glass in my ears to hear Trump say he wanted clean air and water and has done more to keep the environment clean than anyone. Just more lies. Like bro you’ve been trying to defund the EPA for how long? And now your scotus is doing this a day later?


u/Comadivine11 2d ago

Not only that, he literally installed Heads of those agencies that were known opponents of the agency they were appointed to lead.


u/RustedAxe88 2d ago

Yeah, Scott Pruitt was supposed to kill the EPA from the inside, but he was even too cartoonishly corrupt for Trump to ignore.


u/Th3_C0bra 1d ago

Scott Pruitt had multiple court cases going on against the EPA when he was appointed Secretary of the EPA.

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u/Brave_Escape2176 2d ago

you mean like picking Rick Perry to run the Dept of Energy after he said he would shut it down if he became president? like that?


u/Comadivine11 2d ago

Yep, although Rick Perry is interesting because he fully wanted to help dismantle it but once he was there and he learned about what the DoE actually does, he did a complete 180 because he realized if somebody dismantled the DoE, they would literally destroy the US economy.


u/schattmultz 2d ago

Dismantling the DOE would destroy the world. Not even kidding.


u/thefrydaddy 2d ago

*would destroy the world more quickly


u/newsflashjackass 2d ago

More recalcitrant examples include:

  • Louis DeJoy for Postmaster General
  • Elizabeth DeVos for Secretary of Education
  • Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury


u/Comadivine11 2d ago

As a postal worker, oh, I know. 😐


u/THEguitarist117 2d ago

As an education student, F*CK Betsy DeVos!


u/rhapsodyindrew 2d ago

It’s… it’s almost as if government agencies exist for a reason, and expert management is important. No, wait, given today’s SC ruling dismantling Chevron deference, that can’t be right. 

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u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/1II1I1I1I1I1I111I1I1 2d ago edited 2d ago

That's not what the DoE does, their name is a misnomer. It would more accurately be named the Department of Nuclear Energy and Weapons. They were created from the Atomic Energy Commission which was responsible for the Manhattan Project.

They regulate nuclear reactors and help with the creation, transportation, testing, and maintenance of nuclear weapons. They also operate all of the national labs, which do a variety of research into things that sometimes aren't even energy related. Lastly, they do have some research and sway regarding clean energy.

But in the end, your local coal power plant has little to nothing to do with the DoE.


u/schattmultz 2d ago

I work for a DOE subcontractor and this is pretty much on point. They oversee and handle basically the entire country’s nuclear program. Everything from power generation to waste shipment and processing. If the DOE were to be dismantled, a lot of very powerful, very dangerous stuff would be in complete disarray.

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u/H_is_for_Human 2d ago

Trump is a germophobe and an idiot.

I doubt the man has drunk tap water in his life.


u/pegothejerk 2d ago

In this instance it gives me great pleasure knowing many of the bottles of water he's drank were in fact just regular tainted tap water thanks to shit regulations.

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u/To0n1 2d ago

any time Trump talks it's as if shards of glass are being dumped into my ears

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u/realhmmmm 2d ago

I can’t decide who I hate more, Reagan or Trump. Probably Trump, but Reagan’s up there. He kickstarted everything bad about conservatism.


u/porscheblack 2d ago

I blame Reagan for the state our country is in, both wealth disparity and division. There were 2 paths for America to go when he was elected: we could embrace the necessary changes to maintain middle class jobs in the face of globalization, or we could pretend it was only temporary and then start scapegoating groups to promise once they were addressed, we'd be back to normal. He chose the latter and doomed many towns to economic failure.


u/zzaaaaap 2d ago

I blame Roger Stone, that little weasel eyed fuck


u/krismitka 2d ago

And Roy Coyne

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u/Hadfadtadsad 2d ago

I hate Reagan more for the downfall of labor unions.


u/porscheblack 2d ago

Well that's the loss of the middle class and the economic failure of small towns. Those were part of the fallout from the loss of unions.

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u/Ok_Appointment7522 2d ago

Reagan did damage that has lasted decades. Chances are, we won't live long enough to see the carry on effects of what trumps done.


u/meeps_for_days 2d ago

Regan can be blamed for a lot, and is easy to point at for many things. But he didn't start it. It has always been bad. The pollution thing actually started with Nixon. Teddy Roosevelt, for all his issues, actually started environmental conservation because he didn't want all the big game to die out. A lot of early conservation was that way. Nixon was the one that started trying to make environmental scientists look like idiots. And it worked, well, very well. We've known about climate change since the 50s during the big boom.


u/dllha 2d ago

The pollution thing actually started with Nixon

What's your take on Nixon starting the EPA and early environmental legislation?

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u/ThebeNerudaKgositsil 2d ago

it started with the great depression and world war 2 - FDR.

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u/erritstaken 2d ago

Him and thatcher screwed over both countries but at least the English get to piss on her grave.


u/BorkBark_ 2d ago

Oh given the chance, I will take a massive shit on Reagan's grave.


u/constapatedape 2d ago

My wife and I have a game we play where we make our “last man on Earth” list. Pissing on his grave is on mine

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u/jomosexual 2d ago

I live in Illinois. My friends pissed on the house he was born in in Dixon, IL

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u/Blew-By-U 2d ago

Remember when he became president at 69 and everyone thought he was too old?


u/ShiroHachiRoku 2d ago

I've made this comment twice in the past couple of days but Bill, W, and Obama were all below 55 when they became president. We had 24 years of "young" presidents. Clinton is STILL younger than both Joe and DJT!


u/BP619 2d ago

Bill Clinton, George W, and Trump were born in the same year. One was elected 32 years ago, one was elected 24 years ago, and one is currently running.


u/AdSignificant6748 2d ago

Boomers won't let go of their grip until every last one is dead


u/the_than_then_guy 2d ago

Thanks to the decisions today, that might happen a little bit sooner.

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u/sportstrap 2d ago

And Biden is somehow older than all 3 too, it really is a damned if you do damned if you don’t

Hell Biden was born while Hitler still occupied France and Trump was born less than a year after Japan surrendered… for scale


u/Fishtoart 2d ago

Kennedy was less than half the age of Biden or Trump

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u/BeachJustic3 2d ago

The only time 69 is not nice


u/AdFlat4908 2d ago

It’s not awesome when you’re camping or after doing yard work but I take your point


u/lajdbejdk 2d ago

You’re out of your mind!! Fucking while camping is in tents!

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u/CropDustLaddie 2d ago

Speak for yourself, buddy

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u/SchmartestMonkey 2d ago edited 2d ago

Well, he was likely in early stages of Alzheimer’s by the end of his second term.. and if you go back and view photos or watch movies from the 1980’s today.. it’s hard not to come away with impressions like ‘holy crap, that old guy was only 50YO?’

I think we’re aging a lot better now, for the most part, than we did just a few decades ago.

Quick Google search.. Diane Keaton and Steve Martin were 45 when Father of The Bride 2 was released in 1995. They look like 60 year olds today.

I figure this is trending because Joe seemed like a properly old man in last nights debate. Personally, I’m not put off by the mere fact Biden is 81. I’ve known people who were razor sharp into their 90s. However, I also know that some of those same people went downhill fast after a certain point and that does worry me about Biden and Trump,.. who’s only 3 years younger than Biden but who’s also an aspiring Dictator.

EDIT: Check out the old photos here.. Crazy. Carol O'Connor was only 47 when he started playing Archie Bunker?!? The ages of the Mary Tyler Moore cast is nuts too. https://www.boredpanda.com/past-young-people-look-older/. <- and yes, clearly some of those posts aren't serious.


u/Boomchikkka 2d ago

Suncreen. The secret is sunscreen. That "base" tan everyone used to get? Aging and cancer. I'm a lifelong scientist inside and outside of academia and I finally ended up in a "medspa" and the lady was like, moisturize and sunscreen. It's all you need to stay young. I WANTED her to to sell me more and she was like nah you're good, just use that and if you'd like, we have REAALY nice stuff, but whatever you use is probably the fine.

Between hormones and skincare I look 10-15 years younger. It's fucking shocking. The nice stuff on the other hand, holy fuck.

Also, I am a legacy of the fraternity that man was in. Fuck him and everyone who enabled him.


u/Fishtoart 2d ago

One thing to keep in mind is that the presidency really ages a person. If you look at the photos of Obama before and after his presidency, it looks like he aged 20 years.


u/max1030thurs 2d ago edited 2d ago

Accept for Trump.. That clown 🤡 didn't age a day.. 


u/ThePhlipidy 2d ago

If you don't care about the job, you won't feel the burden of stress.

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u/Steve-Dunne 2d ago

Steve Martin has looked 60 years old for the past 40 years.

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u/beanpoppa 2d ago edited 2d ago

With Biden, he surrounds himself with a competent cabinet and takes their advice. And if he truly does go down hill mentally, I trust the democrat party to step in, unlike the MAGA wing of the Republican party (which has become a redundant statement)

Edit- Democrat, not democratic

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u/thepoustaki 2d ago

I mean I do agree with the concept that millennials look way younger than their age. I think it was those few years we had in the 90s lol because our poor Gen Z counterparts tend to look older than their age but they never had a normal period or calm pretty much this whole lives lol


u/InsertRadnamehere 2d ago

He was early stage Alzheimer’s in the middle of his first term. He was almost a vegetable by the end of his second term.

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u/Mr_Minecrafter88 2d ago

Betty White was still spinning epics wayyy into her late life.

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u/SpiderDeUZ 2d ago

I remember when changing your mind on an issue made you unelectable


u/Fishtoart 2d ago

I remember when being a Nazi made you unelectable


u/BZLuck 2d ago

I remember when being a convicted felon would have gotten you laughed out of even trying to get on the ticket.

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u/Peach_Proof 2d ago

If you cant change your mind, do you even have one?

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u/trace_jax3 2d ago

I will still never understand how "flip flopping" became the key issue in an election. Shouldn't an educated society understand that it's okay to change your mind when presented with new information?

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u/cptnpiccard 2d ago

Another senile Hollywood huckster who somehow infiltrated politics.

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u/Danboon 2d ago

Prosecuting a homeless person is a bit like charging overdraft fees to someone with absolutely no money.

Maybe, make it a human right to be homed, then prosecute the states who fail in their duty of care.


u/LiveLaughSlay69 2d ago

Slavery is legal for criminals. This is the prison industrial complex filling its slave labor ranks.


u/AdversarialAdversary 2d ago

Not to mention prisons get paid more the more prisoners they have. So they’re incentivized to have as many prisoners as possible and spend as little money on them as possible.


u/zeptillian 2d ago

I'm sorry but we don't have $400 to help you not be homeless, but if it comes down to it we have $75,000 per year to lock your ass up.


u/Sparkism 2d ago edited 2d ago

400 goes to the homeless and 75,000 goes to the people in charge. The issue isn't the amount, it's the internal group exchanging money like the left hand giving it to the right, and the external group suffering for it.

we as a society has known for a long time that it'd be cheaper to build complexes and house the poor than it would be to clean up after the homeless and socially disparaged. The suffering and cruelty is the point.


u/Dat_Basshole 2d ago

If Satan made a country it would be run like America. 


u/ThisWillPass 2d ago

Sadism you mean

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u/NoHippo6825 2d ago

And the prisoners work in what is basically a sweatshop for $0.42 an hour making products sold for hundreds of dollars apiece. It’s called Unicor. The revenue in 2019 alone was $531,453,000.

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u/zeptillian 2d ago

We will soon see the return of poorhouses because our "Christian Nation™" would prefer to enslave people rather than giving them a safe place to sleep.


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u/anansi52 2d ago

another obvious effect is that crime will definitely go up if its illegal to be poor.


u/Apprehensive-Call568 2d ago

Just fixing the "nobody wants to work" problem is all


u/cuelos 2d ago

Same reasoning for banning abortions, they need more peons.

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u/Fantastic_Reach1325 2d ago

Now That Mary Jane will be legal they gotta find slaves for the Prison Industrial Complex


u/Agent_Vox 2d ago

It's literally illegal to give homeless food here. Ridiculous.


u/DaBozz88 2d ago

When you don't think of them as people it's easy to understand where these come from.

Don't feed em or they'll just keep coming back and not do any work. Then what happens when you stop?

I remember my father telling my grandfather about that when he tried to feed squirrels when he first moved to the suburbs. It only takes a slight perversion of that logic and the ability to not see the homeless as people to see where these laws come from.


u/_svenjolly_ 2d ago

I once tried to close a bank account that was over drafted and they were charging me $5 every day.

“We can’t close a bank account with a negative balance”

Okay well I’m telling you I have no money, can you maybe at least put a pause on the fees??

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u/RepresentativeBee545 2d ago

Wrong, a homeless person can be turned prisoner and then private prisons can suck money out of Gov for holding him captive or even put him to work.

Criminalizing homelessness paired with US juidical system is just modern serfdom with extra steps. You belong to the wealthy.


u/GreatQuestionBarbara 2d ago

There were concerns that some prisons might have to be shut down.

Thank goodness they took care of that problem in a timely enough fashion.

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u/IveChosenANameAgain 2d ago

Prosecuting a homeless person is a bit like charging overdraft fees to someone with absolutely no money.

This is a very apt analogy, as banks charge you overdraft fees to intentionally keep people poor. Making their lives harder is exactly the point in both situations.


u/xMyDixieWreckedx 2d ago

There was a homeless person convicted of starting a massive fire in CA and was fined 101 Million dollars. Good luck on that.



u/Altruistic_Box4462 2d ago

They allow cities to enforce these laws. Vote in people against it

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u/ElectricalRush1878 2d ago

Regan gave it a photogenic makeover, but the Blair Mountain incident didn't happen because the government played hardball with the rich.

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u/david13z 2d ago

Yeah, fuck that guy. And don't forget Bush 1 & 2 who dumped Thomas and Alito on us. And you thought all the Republicans were good for was tanking the economy.


u/WillMunny1982 2d ago

And this folks is why senile old folks shouldn’t be allowed to run for office. You shouldn’t be able to make generational decisions when you’re gonna be dead in 5 years

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u/Silver996C2 2d ago

Yup - Mr Trickle down. His wife was President for his second term because he had already Alzheimered out. Nancy was probably the real alt rightwing nutter truthfully that pushed that shit. Just say no to rightwing extremism.

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u/Lifesalchemy 2d ago

Tell this to our 3rd party or not voting crowd when they didn't think Trump would have an impact on America. Wait till they hear what he has in store if elected again.


u/Justdoingthebestican 2d ago

SCOTUS dropping an absolute lifeline to Biden after last night reminding us the dangers of trump. I’ll take bidens rotted left foot before Trump


u/anansi52 2d ago

they can "weekend at bernie's" that shit for all i care. he's still the better option.


u/Justdoingthebestican 2d ago

Goddam miracle trump can’t just keep his mouth shut. Would have cruised to victory both times


u/Lifesalchemy 2d ago

Yeah I read that today. My jaw hit the floor

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u/Dingeroooo 2d ago

He can be hanging on fucking strings... Still a better choice!

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u/BohelloTheGreat 2d ago

I said the very same thing to my partner. How much worse will they get if Trump gets back in? Nothing will hold them back since we will be in a free fall into authoritarianism.


u/ballerina22 2d ago

I think the phrase "free fall" has never been so sadly appropriate.


u/Lifesalchemy 2d ago

100% correct. People who shrug at trumps insanity make me furious. He literally installed a kangaroo Supreme Court. It's going to get worse.


u/Plaid_Bear_65723 2d ago

And a decent amount of the people voting for him will be dead before the end of the next term. A big ole fuccckk yoouuuu yet again 

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u/biesterd1 2d ago

The orange idiot has already appointed 3 Supreme Court justices, it sickens me that he may get more. That should be enough to get everyone off their asses in November


u/Dextrofunk 2d ago

Oh, it's gonna be real bad. A lot worse than last time.


u/Lifesalchemy 2d ago

Scream that to the top of the mountain. Scotus went berserk today


u/Routine-Budget8281 2d ago

Dude, I'm so fucking tired. If I could afford to leave, I would. Project 2025 is absolutely terrifying.

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u/-laughingfox 2d ago

That shit is terrifying, by the way. Worst thing I've ever read.

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u/BeneficialPeppers 2d ago

America is what happens when you choose all the bad options in a video game


u/Mr__O__ 2d ago

Conservative politicians and private interest groups (corporations) have been setting the stage for outright fascism for decades now…

Going back to Nixon/Reagan, many within the GOP have been strategically working to Expand Executive Powers.

They want a literal king-figure to rule over the US—as do all fascists.

It makes controlling a labor-force easier for those in leadership positions, since human rights don’t get in the way of productivity. Effectively eliminating labor laws and unions, and eventually legalizing forced labor.

”Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini

This end-goal is what the Federalist Society has been diligently working towards with placing loyal Judges throughout the Judicial branch, while ALEC drafts corporate friendly legislation, and Fox News reaffirms their actions through propaganda.


u/SoylentGrunt 2d ago edited 2d ago

‘The term “neoliberal proto-fascism” captures well both the features of the current party and the distinction from the fascism of the past. The commitment to the most brutal form of neoliberalism is apparent in the legislative record, crucially the subordination of the party to private capital, the inverse of classic fascism. But the fascist symptoms are there, including extreme racism, violence, worship of the leader (sent by God, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo), immersion in a world of “alternative facts” and a frenzy of irrationality


music video pertaining to post debate incredulity here


u/Privatejoker123 2d ago

and the sad part about it is the people that vote for these people that want this accuse the left of doing all of this. when it is their own party. like last night with the debate when trump was going on about biden wanting to take away social security and medicare and it's like ummm no that's your party a lot of gop politicians have come out and point blank said that they want to get rid of social security among other things yet their followers thanks to trump and his media have convinced their voters that it is the left that wants to take that away.

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u/Kwaterk1978 2d ago

It’s why I don’t care if Biden is old as long as he appoints young SC justices.


u/SnooDrawings987 2d ago

I feel so ashamed for believing Reagan was a good guy, but I was just a child and the whole "ketchup is a food group" policy didn't apply to me at the time.

Then I was taught that Clinton was the bad guy and Bush was the good guy. The adults in my life manipulated my political beliefs to the point where I distanced myself from any and all kinds of political conversation or participation until only fairly recently. Now as a woman of 40 I can see the path of destruction laid down in my infancy and how it trickled down into the swamp that is our government mentality.

Things have just progressively gotten worse, especially for women and now as a mother I know I can't be passive anymore. I have to put in my vote, my voice, in the hopes that I make somewhat of a difference for my daughter's future.

To be honest I'd rather vote in a dog to run things with the choices we have. A dog at least is honest, lol.


u/kevint1964 2d ago

He ended up "Reagan" the country over the coals.

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u/Key_Sell_9336 2d ago

One of the worse presidents we ever had. He just didn’t start what was already stated but he started the trickle down BS theory that never worked and now we’re all suffering, frig him and his SOB of a wife that controlled him


u/Hishui21 2d ago

If corruption becomes legal, then we don't have to follow the law.

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u/Obi1NotWan 2d ago

Inferior Court strikes 3 times. Can we get them out now?


u/Tiny_Net_7377 2d ago

The amount of people who consider him as a great president is just painful. He literally killed the middle class of America to create a super elite class of deca billionaires and made USD worthless


u/Awe3 2d ago

Fucking Regan destroyed us.


u/maringue 2d ago

I hate to add more bad news, but striking down Cheveron Deference is worse than all of those combined.

Basically every regulatory organization just got gutted. I also hope the SOTUS is ready for the hundreds of court cases this is going to cause. It could quite literally cripple the economy by destroying regulatory certainty.

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u/apresmodes 2d ago

Can you imagine if Trump wins and replaces Kagen and Sotomayor are replaced? You don’t just vote for one person, everyone. You vote for a whole team.

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u/TypicalIllustrator62 2d ago

The Supreme Court has lost all legitimacy.


u/PirateKayaker 2d ago

Did you know Reagan was responsible for signing some of the strictest gun laws in our history while he was governor of California? Yep! Look it up. Did it in reaction to The Black Panthers in Oakland patrolling their own neighborhoods while open carrying shotguns to protect their Black brothers and sisters from the brutality of the racist police.


u/legallymyself 2d ago

That isn't gun control however. That is racism. Which Trump exemplifies. Project 2025 protects White male straight Christians.

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u/Kroggol 2d ago

It's legal to commit crimes if you're rich. Capitalism.


u/karmavorous 2d ago

I am dropping in to every thread about this topic to point out...

Anne Gorsuch was Reagan's EPA head.

She constantly undermined the EPA. She said that the states should do what the EPA does, not the Federal Government, so she defunded the department and ceded authority to the states (any states that bothered).

She decried the ruling when it happened.

She is Neil Gorsuch's mother.

That's Justice Neil Gorsuch, the Justice that McConnell held a seat open for 10 months at the end of Obama's presidency.


u/The_8th_Degree 2d ago

homelessness is a crime

So the solution is to put them in prison?

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u/2wedfgdfgfgfg 2d ago

None of this would be happening if Clinton got elected.


u/Fit_Aardvark_8811 2d ago

Remember when Obama asked RBG to step down while he was in office and she was too proud and power hungry to do so? Yeah that happened and she kicked the bucket only to be replaced by Amy Coney Barrett. Millions of women appreciate you...


u/RhythmTimeDivision 2d ago

Seeing as McConnell ass fucked the entire country twice on SC votes, I don't see what difference it would have made.


u/Pubdo 2d ago

Because he wasn't able to do that at the time Obama asked her to step down. Once those Senate seats were lost (and the writing was on the wall), it would be too late for an undetermined period of time, and Obama knew it.


u/RhythmTimeDivision 2d ago

Ahhh,thought that time overlapped. Gotcha

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u/Rojoman2 2d ago

On todays episode of America stripping people’s rights in favor of corporate greed


u/CodeMonkeyX 2d ago

Trump was literally on stage for 90 minutes boasting about he cut more regulations than "anyone in history." They don't care if there's lead in the water, as long as it's not in their country clubs.


u/theglobalnomad 2d ago

Rest in piss, Reagan, you fucking troglodyte.


u/Daryno90 2d ago

I completely lost faith in this country, it will always be a shitty country


u/Plausibility_Migrain 2d ago

Anytime that someone starts rallying for de-regulation, you should know that they are only looking for profit. They are not looking to improve anything other than the amount of wealth to obtain.


u/Hadfadtadsad 2d ago

It’s sad how obvious this is, yet people just don’t care.

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