r/facepalm 5d ago

Why is he even allowed to compete? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Roderyck778 5d ago

“…But it is only fair that they know my side of the story”.

Whatever the fuck his story is, it’s not as bad as “gotten raped as a child”.


u/TheMiniMage 5d ago

I mean, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and try to hear their side of the story, but...

I'm relatively certain he could explain his story for the rest of eternity, and he'd still be "the pedophile rapist guy," I really don't see it getting better in this case.

From what little explanation/justification he seems to have given, if anything, my opinion of him has worsened. I guess, in a sense, that's kind of impressive...


u/SweetPanela 5d ago

What I don’t get is that the only ‘justification’ that would exonerate him. Is that he could plead ignorance of her age. But he fully knew and groomed her. And no extenuating circumstances justifies that.

Just like how murder isn’t exonerated if you drive DUI and end up running over peolle. Or being a victim of SA doesn’t give you a free pass.


u/GingerGiantz1992 5d ago

You give too much credit. DUI crimes are literally influenced. This POS repeatedly, knowingly raped a child.

This is more accurately compared to premeditated murder vs manslaughter. But this was premeditated, repeatedly.


u/SweetPanela 4d ago

Oh yeah Ik that. But I just honestly don’t understand how the Netherlands could tolerate such a pedohile


u/Someonevibing1 5d ago

He already stated in the court hearing that he knew her age aswell


u/Seascorpious 5d ago

So I'm with you, sometimes when shit like this happens if you follow their POV and listen you can kinda see a reasoning develop. It never erases the horrific actions they did of course, but sometimes you can go 'it seems like there's a lot more to this story then at first glance'.

Not with this dude lmao. Nothing about his story gives any room for doubt. Man wanted to rape a 12 year old, he raped a 12 year old. Its really, really open and shut.


u/PolicyWonka 4d ago

Agreed. He’s an Olympic athlete, so naturally a bit young. The crime occurred in 2014, so I figured he would have been pretty young too, right?

He was 19 at the time, so he definitely should have known better.


u/IfICouldStay 4d ago

Right. If he had been 13-14 at the time, okay. But he was an actual adult.


u/koushakandystore 5d ago

How old was he when this happened?


u/rydan 5d ago

Maybe his wife had recently been murdered. Seemed to work for Polanski.


u/VagereHein 4d ago

For a judge these things do matter. The details matter a lot, like whether he used physical violence.


u/Effective_Ad8024 4d ago

Yeah the defense I was a dumb teenager (19) didnt know any better, isnt a defense and that he thinks it is makes him even worse which didn’t think could happen with “ man who raped a 12 year old.“ but by George he did it.