r/TikTokCringe 2d ago

Biden with the four step dap at the Waffle House Politics

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u/SuperDuper___ 2d ago

Why did I immediately think of the Key and Peele skit…President giving regular handshakes vs. dapping people up LOL


u/Ed-Sanz 2d ago

“Afternoon my octoroon!”


u/reddit_sucks_clit 2d ago

one of my favorite words. it should be offensive (and is) but in the context of that skit it's just so brilliant.


u/sourpickle69 1d ago

My bruuuddddaa

sir 🫱🏿

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u/wickedlobstah 1d ago



u/ItsMcLaren 2d ago

“Are you tucked in there?”


u/dect60 2d ago

I'm tuckin' dog, I'm tuckin'


u/CashWrecks 1d ago

You feel that? That's all we got!


u/analologist 2d ago

Me too, but he did that dap up proper


u/themagicnipple69 1d ago

“Remember that, it’s all we got!!”

“Nice to meet you.”


u/player694200 1d ago

I bet you he daps up every black person cause of that skit lmao

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u/Duckettes 2d ago

Obama made sure Joe remembered one thing.


u/Mendozena 1d ago

Almost as smooth as Bernie.


u/bulletprooftampon 1d ago

Of course Bernie knows what up


u/ImprovisedLeaflet 1d ago

He hangs out with Killer Mike

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u/DarkAmbivertQueen 1d ago

I'm voting for whoever Bernie is. I love him, and he's for the people.


u/AmbitiousCampaign457 1d ago

And that will be biden cause Bernie is a good man.


u/miradotheblack 1d ago

I will slap a MFer who disses my man bernie.


u/AmbitiousCampaign457 1d ago

Ditto but this comment confuses me.


u/miradotheblack 1d ago

Just showing I stand with Bernie my dude. Not saying you dissed him.


u/AmbitiousCampaign457 1d ago



u/miradotheblack 1d ago

My man, you speak my lingo. You ever need backup, summon me in the comments.


u/Roland_9 1d ago

Dude, nice! You unlocked a new summon! Lucky


u/International_Day686 1d ago

Summon me also. I’ll bring my army of Bernie loving line cooks

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u/Shot_Acanthaceae3150 1d ago

Dam that's the smoothest one I've seen so far.


u/phatelectribe 1d ago


u/Mendozena 1d ago

Former guy wishes he could sink a shot like that.


u/phatelectribe 1d ago

Felonious Trump can’t even hold a basketball with those tiny hands.


u/MrFittsworth 1d ago

I still can't beleive we didn't get to elect this man. What a sad time line were forced to experience.

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u/amfloating 1d ago

I love dudes head nod of approval lmao

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u/rustys_shackled_ford 1d ago

See this actually looks natural. I've voted for this man every year since I was 18 so no one can tell me I'm not doing my part to save the country.


u/Shpongolese 1d ago

My head Canon is that Killer Mike taught Bernie


u/coffeeandmango 1d ago

The nods and enthusiastic clapping after. Bernie passed fs

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u/SkellyboneZ 2d ago

It's strange that using one president's first name and another's last in the same sentence still looks completely fine. It feels... right? 


u/AlmostSunnyinSeattle 2d ago

Obama just rolls off the tongue a lot better than Barack, ya know?


u/TDOTBRO 1d ago

Barack sounds like an Uzi going off.


u/GarlicToeJams 1d ago

Can someone photoshop Barack to look more like barakka from mortal kombat

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u/Corporate-Shill406 2d ago

Hussein made sure Robinette remembered one thing.



u/SkellyboneZ 2d ago

Perfect 👨‍🍳💋

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u/scenr0 2d ago

Why doesn't this comment have more likes ?!?


u/Salza_boi 2d ago

I ated it


u/cvnvr Reads Pinned Comments 2d ago

this isn’t facebook btw

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u/Nixter295 2d ago

Because this isn’t Facebook

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u/livdro650 2d ago

Where tf was this guy last night


u/MisterSneakSneak 2d ago

Couldn’t concentrate… thinking about the waffle House


u/IlIlllIlllIlIIllI 2d ago

scramble bowl got me thinkin wrong


u/EuropaColonyWhore 2d ago

He strikes me as a steak and eggs kind of guy


u/Wise-Definition-1980 2d ago

Hash browns, smothered and covered

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u/RedStar9117 2d ago

Fuck yeah, now I'm distracted too

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u/ArbitraryBanning 2d ago

Those pecan waffles got me actin unwise. 


u/Lil_miss_feisty 2d ago

Add some chocolate chips and it'll change your life 😩

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u/GoldenGlobeWinnerRDJ 2d ago

Aight he won my vote back. I too constantly think about Waffle House at work.


u/MisterSneakSneak 2d ago edited 2d ago

Who doesn’t ? Eggs, hash browns, bacon, ham, and pancakes with a cup of coffee for less than $11(with tax)?! Who wouldn’t think about the Waffle House?


u/PM_ME_UR_RSA_KEY 2d ago

This message was brought to you by Waffle House

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u/Which-Dare 2d ago

Don't blame ya! 😅


u/Lil_miss_feisty 2d ago

It ain't a Waffle House...it's a Waffle Home ❤️


u/Arilyn24 2d ago



u/Roook36 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yeah he was a bit scattered... smothered....covered

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u/hesi--timbo 2d ago

Dawg that texas bacon cheesesteak will forever have my back

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u/Punkinpry427 2d ago

Thinkin bout smothered and covered hash browns


u/ToxicPurpleBear 2d ago

I’m so glad this became a meme lol


u/NoVacayAtWork 2d ago

Scattered, smothered, covered and yes

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u/Reddit-IPO-Crash 2d ago

9pm was not a good idea. Needs to be at like 10am, best chance before the day takes it toll on Biden’s brain.


u/Sir_Penguin21 2d ago

Agreed. Seniors can’t handle evenings. Don’t give seniors any responsibility that takes place in the evening or early morning hours. Surely being president of the most powerful country in the world doesn’t have odd or long hours…


u/HospitalHorse 2d ago

If he follows the Trump white house schedule he'll be fine...

 president [Trump] has designated "Executive Time" from 8:00 to 11:00 in the Oval Office, but actually spends these hours in his residence watching television, making phone calls and tweeting.

At about 11:00, the president emerges for his first meeting of the day, which is typically an intelligence briefing.

 During the day he has a couple of meetings, with several breaks of "Executive Time" interspersed, and returns to the residence at about 18:00


u/yusill 1d ago

And I'm sure a 2-3 hr "lunch" thrown in where it would eat a cheeseburger and yell at fox news in the dining room. Solid 2 hrs worth of people telling him he's great in meetings.

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u/AustinFest 2d ago

Sundowning is an actual medical term for the phenomenon of elderly people experiencing brain fog after the sun goes down. It's not 100% understood yet but this IS actually a legitimate medical issue lol

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u/FratBoyGene 1d ago

Seniors can’t handle evenings

I'm in my late 60s, and I'll bet I can beat you in chess or bridge or backgammon at 11 pm any night of the week.


u/forestman11 1d ago

Joe's got over a decade on you, though.

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u/dontbajerk 2d ago

This is like two hours after the debate on the same night. People are going "Wow look how much better he is now" without even trying to understand where or when this was. Sheesh.

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u/BettyX 2d ago

Heck, lot younger than Biden and I'm ready to go to bed by 9pm.


u/fourdoglegs 1d ago

It started at 8:00 for me in Texas, and that felt late to me! I’m 57yo and I don’t think I would’ve been any better than he was…..9:00 is way too late for something like this….

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u/Brendan_Fraser 2d ago

Waffle House…didn’t you just watch the video?  Clearly not daytime

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u/DrNopeMD 2d ago

Well listening to Trump talk makes me feel like I'm having a stroke, Biden got first hand exposure last night and had his brain fried lol.


u/necromantzer 2d ago

Biden caught a whiff of Trump's stench and couldn't focus after that.


u/VyseTheSwift 2d ago

There’s videos out there where he seems to clearly pass gas during the debate. It’s audible


u/phoenixphaerie 2d ago

Sounded a bit wet (🤮) for it to have just been “gas”

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u/FailingLotus 2d ago

He probably became exhausted as soon as Trump opened his mouth. Then imagine being old as hell and how crazy it is to try and decipher wtf Trump is shitting out his mouth.

I want to see a debate during the day. Idk who thought it was a smart idea to have 2 old men argue at 9pm.

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u/Reasonablefiction 2d ago

This was last night! 


u/Jaexa-3 2d ago

I know, and I was sad to see him like that on TV but you know what, I ain't voting for a convicted felon who thinks he is the chosen one and is above the law.

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u/New-Fig-6025 2d ago

I mean just goes to show that while he is old, maybe he just had a bad performance. Like when you watch the debate again and ignore the stutter, it really just seems like he’s a little nervous and trying too hard to hit every topic, he’s debating and answering questions when he needed to just talk to trump and shut down his lies.

It might be cope, but I assume he knows this as well and it’s why he accepted a second round in september. If it was really just “i’m old and can’t handle it” I have a hard time believing he’d ask for a second shot.


u/reddit_sucks_clit 2d ago

he's trying to tell the truth and state what he will do when re-elected.

trump just gets to say blatant lies all of the time and answer zero questions and is someone viewed as the "winner" of the debate for some reason. despite trump not actually debating anything whatsoever, and just re-iterating his lies he says at all of his rallies.

I guess you can't bring the truth to a lie-fight, according to american media. fuck cnn. they should've called out all of trump's obvious lies, which would mean calling him out on pretty much every single thing he said.

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u/redditmodsblow69 2d ago

Biden PR is in full force right now


u/ColdAsHeaven 2d ago

It's needed. After that debate, his appeal has absolutely crashed.

I haven't seen any conversations about the actual questions or responses either gave. It's entirely Biden looked lost and confused with a raspy voice and Trump looked "normal"

God I'm worried about our future


u/MrTurkle 2d ago

Trump didn’t shit on the lectern so everyone thinks he crushed. The bar was so low it’s incredible.


u/Flimsy_Demand7237 2d ago

Trump did shit his pants though at 1:16:21 timecode on the debate. The microphone picked up him crapping his pants. I'm amazed nobody is mentioning this while everyone focuses on Biden being too old.


u/Nyucio 2d ago


Video with timestamp. Right after Trump says 'can't, because it's too much money'


u/AmericanBornWuhaner 2d ago

This needs to be cut out into a video and made viral


u/whatthecaptcha 2d ago edited 1d ago

here you go

Uploaded to streamable, hopefully this link won't have the same issue


u/ShiningRedDwarf 2d ago

Biden looks like he flinched right after Trump ripped ass


u/Redshoe9 2d ago

Holy shit! Poor Biden was having to smell that - no wonder he was giving stank face at Donald.


u/keesh 2d ago

can you reupload it ? says bandwidth exceeded


u/whatthecaptcha 2d ago

Just tried uploading again and it's telling me bandwidth is exceeded.

If anyone knows a better hosting site where I can upload it let me know. I just googled "video hosting no signup" and found that random site.

It's kind of dumb that you can't just upload a video in a comment on Reddit but this site has been pretty short sighted for a long time as far as being user friendly.

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u/babylonsisters 2d ago

Bro……. bruh…

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u/johnny_51N5 2d ago

God that shit was so funny. He like sharted his undies.


u/pez_dispenser 2d ago

Ew wtf are you serious 


u/Flimsy_Demand7237 2d ago

100% serious watch the CNN debate video at the timecode. You hear the gurgle and plop of Trump doing a dump in his nappy.

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u/Dan_Cubed 2d ago

Biden should have waited a moment, scrunched up his nose, then asked immediately when his mic was turned on, "Man, did you just fill your diaper? It stinks!"

Imagine the questions of fitness for Trump after that.

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u/attempt_no23 2d ago

I genuinely thought I heard someone rip a fart but it was already so astonishing of insane debate that I assumed it was the dog. Thanks for pointing this out.


u/mordakka 2d ago

It's so moist.


u/Flimsy_Demand7237 2d ago

That one's got a gravy layer for sure.

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u/ZinaSky2 2d ago

One guy made a couple mistakes in his college level math homework (unforgivable) but the other guy made a finger painting that’s on par with a 2 year old (which is what’s expected of him) so obviously the second guy wins.

This is what debate discourse sounds like rn it’s absolutely infuriating


u/MKs2008 1d ago

It's unbelievable. Biden gets up there and spends the entire debate actually responding to the questions being asked of him and doing his best to refute the endless stream of lies and nonsense from his opponent, but a few stutters and stumbles and apparently the content of his answers no longer matters. Trump does nothing but blatantly lie and hurl shit for an hour and a half and nobody seems to give a damn. The reaction has been fucking shameful. It's like being in a madhouse.

You know, it's probably easy not to stutter when you don't give a fuck what the next word out of your mouth is, when you place no importance on truth or on saying anything of merit. And it's probably pretty fucking stressful getting up on the world stage and fielding questions for the better part of two hours, constantly being reminded that your every response is under a strict time limit, when you actually give a shit about your answers and your policies and know that you are literally fighting for the future of democracy. I think I'd stutter a few times too.

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u/mrastickman 2d ago

That's the advantage of being able to mostly string together sentences and not forget what you were saying halfway through.

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u/elcee84 2d ago

Actually he just may have... There was definitely a shart noise.


u/agirardi24 2d ago

He was too busy being a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist

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u/DMercenary 2d ago

I have. Trump dodged questions and rambled about nonsense the entirety. Biden actually kind of got it together in the 2nd half but in the first half the strat seemed to be to point out specific numbers which in an actual debate would win points.

But not in this. Didn't help that it seemed he had a frog in his throat too.


u/Effective_Roof2026 2d ago

Alright folks, gather around, because I’ve got a fantastic story for you. It’s unbelievable, really, how smart these little creatures are, and you know, I come from a family of big brains—huge brains! My uncle, a genius, worked at MIT. Not a professor, mind you, but as a janitor. That's right, a janitor, but probably the smartest janitor they ever had. He knew everything about those high-tech labs—more than most of the scientists there!

So, let me tell you about these squirrels in my backyard. You wouldn’t believe it. These squirrels are smart—very smart. I mean, if my uncle could pick up a thing or two just by sweeping floors at MIT, imagine what these squirrels can do living out there among the nuts and the trees. And they’ve got a situation, let me tell you.

These squirrels, they're not just collecting nuts. No, they're strategists, the best. They're in a silent war, a war you wouldn’t see unless you're as observant as I am. And it's against the birds. But not just any birds—these birds are sneaky, very sneaky. I’ve been watching, and I've figured it out. These birds, they're drones. CIA drones! Can you believe it? Spying on us! On my beautiful, big, luxurious backyard!

Now, these squirrels, they’ve figured it all out. They know about the drones. Every morning, they start their operations. I see them, sending signals to each other, from tree to tree, bush to bush. They're outmaneuvering these drone-birds at every turn. It’s like watching a great, big, very important espionage movie. The birds swoop in, thinking they’re in control, but bam! The squirrels are ten steps ahead, using the branches like highways, moving with tactics that could only be described as military-grade intelligence. I'd hire them as advisors if I could!

You know, it makes you think. Here we are, living our lives, and right in our backyards, there’s a battle for the ages happening right under our noses. The squirrels, defending their territory from these high-tech bird drones, all because they know, they know what’s at stake. And let me tell you, no one is going to outsmart these squirrels. No one outsmarts me either.

So, next time you look out the window and see a squirrel, remember, they're not just cute little animals. They're warriors, the smartest warriors, in a battle against the spying skies. Just like my uncle at MIT, these squirrels, they know things, important things. That’s the story, and it’s a great one, really fantastic.


u/No-Listen-5634 2d ago

Nobody reads rants like this. Including me


u/DrunkCupid 2d ago

But what if it has the bestest numbers, like "they" are all saying? Everyone's saying it. The best- and you know what else, let me just say - you know those people.. they're coming for.. they're saying.. they're not even.. and borders!


u/jake63vw 2d ago

Yeah didn't you hear, everything was the best ever before Biden and now it's the worst ever under him. Every American is saying that, it's all over the news. We were the best nation, and now we are the worst nation.

God I fucking hate him.

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u/Silent-Hyena9442 2d ago

I have as well but only on Reddit. And if you go by the consensus on this site Bernie sanders would be on his 3rd term.

It’s telling that the nations premier newspaper the NYT has called for Biden to step down. CNN has been lampooning Biden all day.

There’s a lot of takes on Reddit saying that this debate changed nobody’s minds on Biden . I feel like those people need to venture out and touch some grass.

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u/GeneralZaroff1 2d ago

Conservatives are all super hyped right now for Project 2025.

The future terrifies me.

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u/BodhingJay 2d ago edited 2d ago

I missed the first 20 minutes.. so I had no idea what everyone was complaining about. Then I saw the low light reel, so I guess I caught him after the meds finally kicked in

anyway, Biden has a cabinet of specialists... he could be comatose and I'd still have to vote for him over the orange felon who can't work with anyone but nepots and loyalists who can't read or do math, just people paid to take the fall for him every time

I think we should just give Trump Florida and be done with it. republicans can visit Trumpland when they're too upset when a democrat is in power. it might end up looking and feeling like North Korea, but it'll calm down half the country if they get King Trump


u/Euphorium 2d ago

That’s what is sorely left out in so many of these discussions of “both sides bad”. You don’t just elect a president, you elect an administration. I’ll take the president who doesn’t turn the Secretary of Defense a temp job.

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u/deridius 2d ago

I’m voting blue because the whole Republican agenda atm is a whole scam to fool people with lies. Don’t believe me? Then what proposals did trump say? I didn’t hear a single one just complaints. Essentially trumps whole cabinet he use to have won’t support him and for good reason. If his own family and people close to him say he’s bad then sorry he’s bad but even then I can look at all the video and texts/messages proving my point. So again I’m voting blue.

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u/GlizzyGulper6969 2d ago

Obama to Biden directly after the debate: "Alright watch close. You're gonna need this."


u/TheRobfather420 2d ago

All they need to say is at least he's not convicted rapist. Normally that works in a functioning democracy.

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u/AmberDuke05 2d ago

Honestly he needs it

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u/veedubbin 2d ago

This is what he was practicing all week at Camp David frfr

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u/AlatreonGleam 2d ago

He kinda clean with it 🤔


u/Legitimate-Donut-368 2d ago

He’s got a black friend.


u/godiegoben 2d ago

He had a black boss


u/crippledgiants 2d ago

Both things are true.

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u/SparklingPseudonym 2d ago

That’s the friend


u/slowpokefastpoke 2d ago

I bet that friend has one of those black jobs Trump was talking about


u/zSprawl 2d ago

You’ve heard of Cornpop but have you met Cornrow?


u/mogul_w 2d ago

That little squat before seeing one of your best friends is tuff


u/TruRateMeGotMeBanned 2d ago

He’s a dudes dude. Good guy. Old. But good guy.

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u/lysergic_logic 2d ago

For real. I'm mid 30s and there is no way I would have made it look that smooth.


u/lannisterandahalf 2d ago

You can't teach that 😂 clean

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u/FunkyChewbacca 2d ago

There's a part of me that is like "Where was this pizzazz when we needed it last night?" and then I remember that this dude is 81 years old. EIGHTY ONE YEARS OLD. My grandparents didn't make that far and they weren't expected to work a 90 hour week.

There's gotta be age changes made and I don't mean the minimum age.


u/m00nf1r3 2d ago

Was just talking to my boyfriend tonight about this. We have a minimum age, we need a maximum age, and I think it should be 67 (retirement age).


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi 2d ago

63, majority have two terms.

If you’re gonna limit it. Do it right.

Not wrong


u/LargeBloodyKnife 1d ago

Average age of nation + 10 would be really nice. People who understand current technology and social norms

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u/ComprehensiveIce76 2d ago

Y’all got me dying laughing at the reasons for last night. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But for real where was THIS guy?!!

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u/davidhucker 2d ago

Get his man out doing this until November.


u/zacharymc1991 2d ago

Never have him leave the waffle house, it clearly gives him powers.

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u/BacktotheUniverse 2d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Historical-Funny-576 2d ago

Stop, I can only get so erect. 


u/PoorFilmSchoolAlumn 2d ago

What about in the middle of an Atlanta Waffle House?


u/Shoondogg 2d ago

I mean, its possible the supreme court might say presidents can have seal team 6 kill their political opponents on Monday.

Seems unlikely, but in the last week they've legalized corruption, made being homeless illegal, and neutered the executive branches ability to govern, so anything is on the table.

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u/Fladap28 2d ago

I mean…the dap was clean……

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u/Alice_Buttons 2d ago

Jill Biden is looking fabulous!


u/redlight886 2d ago

She really is!

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u/Jedi_Lazlo 2d ago edited 2d ago

Cringe would be seeing Trump attempt that.

Biden has done it enough that anytime anyone initiates he flows through.

So he just comes off as an old school G who sticks to the basics.

Of course, in his case, the G stands for "government worker."


u/Ok-disaster2022 2d ago

I mean he did hang around old Corn Pop back in the day.


u/imadragonyouguys 2d ago

Let me tell you, the fact that they investigated it and found out Corn Pop was a real person had to be the most wild thing that came out of his entire campaign.


u/SamuraiCook 2d ago

Shit, I somehow stayed completely oblivious to the whole "Corn Pop" saga until looking it up right now. 

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u/zSprawl 2d ago

Why wouldn’t he be though? Most of us don’t talk about our imaginary friends…

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u/wack_overflow 2d ago

Bad dude

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u/Clever_Losername 2d ago

Trump wouldn’t even shake a Waffle House customers hand, he’d do that weird ass fist pump in the air.


u/MasonSaundersRodeo 2d ago

He would finger gun and then fist pump. No touching the peasants

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u/Itherial 1d ago

If you look closely it appears that Joey B is the one who initiates even. Impressive.

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u/truelegendarydumbass 2d ago

If that was the bite in you to seen at the debate it might have been a game changer this is not the version of him we saw lol

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u/2two22too 1d ago

Seeing him like this, I’ll give him my vote since I was gonna throw it away and vote independent for the sake of fuck both of parties. After what the Supreme Court did with the chevron case Biden secured my vote.

/edited: because I suck at English.


u/LadyxFinger 1d ago

I honestly couldn't care less about the debate performance. At least he didn't just tell straight up lies for an hour and a half.

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u/Wakuwaku7 2d ago

Sad thing is that Trump really is having the chance to be president. A convicted person being President. How corrupted is that.


u/one-ohmusic 2d ago

Who tried to overthrow the election with a fake electors scheme that resulted in an insurrection attempt. Like what is anyone even talking about Trump for? He needs to be disqualified on those grounds alone, not to mention stealing classified documents and sexual assault.


u/Blake404 2d ago edited 2d ago

And will continue to sew sow doubt into democracy per his statements in the debate. Moderators asked him if he'll accept the election results and mofo pretty much said "we'll see"

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u/Tim4Wafflez 2d ago

While I 100% agree he should be nowhere near the office whatsoever. Especially for the crimes he committed if anything.

I still am okay with convicted felon becoming president (not him). It's explicitly written in our constitution that way bc if a felon can't be president then our elected leaders would just throw everyone opponent in jail to prevent them from running. It's to prevent dictator like bullshit to happen to us.

But the thing he did is egregious and should be barred for that type of crime

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u/HappyDJ 2d ago

Lead in the water/air and destruction of the education system. I post this often because it’s the why.


u/crash12345 2d ago

With Chevron being overturned today, get ready for a whole lot more of that.

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u/Still-Cable744 2d ago

Welp. He Passed the dap up test


u/PreferredSex_Yes 1d ago

Cringe? Man has culture. Some of yall can't handle a hand shake.


u/diarrhea_planet 1d ago

Lol they took him out to shake hands after telling everyone his was sick


u/Tanleader 2d ago

Don't really think it's cringe, he's glad handing, like most politicians do when out on a pr campaign/trip. Tbh, he comes across genuine and honest, like a doting grandfather lol


u/greysapling 2d ago

this sub name doesnt mean what you think it does

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u/Lucky7Actual 2d ago

Bro definitely learned that from Obama


u/AdRoutine9961 2d ago

Great guy but no prep next debate, he just needs to call trump on all his BS and point out all the horrible shit about him period! STOP TREATING the FELON as if he’s NORMAL!!!!!


u/DrummerSteve 2d ago

Say what you will about Biden, but Trump could never pull that off


u/Sir_Penguin21 2d ago

Trumps handshakes are literally the worst in the world.


u/McSuede 2d ago

Everybody knows. The best people know it. He gives bad shakes and I think it's because he has small hands. You heard it here, tiny hands folks. He couldn't thumb wrestle a toddler. Sad.

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u/LoveBabesCarsPoems 1d ago

What I know about the next presidential election is this: one candidate is a flawed but decent man that loves his kids, his wife, and his country. The other candidate is a flawed indecent man that only loves himself. I'm voting for decency.

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u/imOVN 1d ago

It makes me so sad that Joe isn’t 20 years younger lol I feel he would be an absolutely fantastic president. I mean I still think he’s doing great, but there’s just too much concern around his age.

Don’t forget though that the other guy is just as old, and happens to be the definition of evil, a compulsive liar, and totally self obsessed. I’m not a Democrat but please for the love of God vote blue y’all

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u/SwissMargiela 2d ago

I know Joe Biden is old as balls and is going to turn to dust any minute, but this dude is G as fuck and has been G as fuck for 50+ years. Sure, he’s fallen off a bit, but if you know this man’s history, he a warrior fr.

Inb4 people say he was never in the military… I never said he’s a solider, I said he’s a warrior!


u/pragmatao 2d ago

Actually you said he a warrior

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u/Historical-Funny-576 2d ago

When was this recorded, because if it was recently where the hell was that energy yesterday Joe! 

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u/Levitate66 2d ago

Biden is so silly he acts just like my grandpa, my grandpa also has dementia so maybe there’s a pattern


u/ResidentIll1390 1d ago

I’m sure Jill had a bottle of hot sauce in her purse too


u/Throwaway_acct3205 1d ago

This was the guy we needed during the debate


u/AuphTopek 1d ago

No hesitation on that dap, though 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


u/brannon1987 2d ago

And this is what the president actually is. A people person. One who can talk to anyone and be their friend regardless of background or history.

This is how he's been effective his first term in getting major bills passed like the Infrastructure bill, the Chips Act Bill, Insulin prices.

Hell, he talked with CEOs a month ago or so and shortly after, they announced they were slashing prices.

That's a President.

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u/Kcee101 2d ago

Bots are in full force on Reddit.

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u/computersaysneigh 2d ago

Dude is plato compared to Trump

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