r/SipsTea 5d ago

PSA Chugging tea

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u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/LordGalen 4d ago

You also aren't making $200/mo off 12 viewers. Last month, I had about 20 subs and made like $40 between that and the scraps of ad revenue.

Streaming is not a job unless you have enough viewers to get sponsorships.


u/Alexis_Bailey 4d ago

In like, 20 years of blogging, I think I have made maybe $200 total.

 Most from one ad during Black Friday one year.

It costs me that much per year in hosting.


u/ravioliguy 4d ago

I cook for my friends occasionally and they jokingly call me chef sometimes but it doesn't really make me a chef.

Hobbies are cool and there's nothing wrong with having 12 viewers but it's a bit disingenuous if they market themselves as a streamer, because everyone is thinking about the 10k+ streamers.


u/CjBoomstick 4d ago

That's because you only think of things people enjoy doing that literally don't give you anything. Some people enjoy extreme couponing.