r/NRLcowboys Oct 13 '22

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r/NRLcowboys 1d ago

Good win


Another great win and defensive display by our reserve grade side basically lol and it really makes you question some of our origin stars. I honestly don't think Holmes should return next week in the starting side, and I know this might sound crazy but I maybe question Dearden a little as well, just think about it, Townsend and Clifford really have a good thing going I think, and I love Dearden, he can be very damaging at times obviously but I have noticed particularly this year that he gets a bit out of control sometimes, he sometimes just yeets balls like 20m sideways for no reason and he's definitely a bit down on confidence from Origin, yes he has that JT mentality but at the moment I'd say that our team has that relatively covered already and It would be good to reward that reserve side for their efforts, I honestly would consider sticking with Cliff and Chad in the halves, just for now to see a bit more.

Also I know that everyone on this sub has a hate boner for Townsend so I will once again point out that he was a crucial part of that win because most people for some reason can't see that. If you watch I think it was the last 2 dropouts or so that we had you will notice that Townsend actually runs behind to put himself in the perfect position to get the ball back, and it works the second time. Also just watch his cover defence on the occasions were they get past the line, he's dead spot on, So yes nothing flashy but some really experienced high IQ plays.

Also Kyle Feldt man. Enough said. Kyle Fucking Feldt.

r/NRLcowboys 1d ago

Crazy half


Our fill in squad plays stats, worked against roosters and it’s working tonight.

Clifford has to be in the squad he’s such an asset.

The league’s blatant stroke fest for Penrith is showing again but we’re beating em back. Need to slow their momentum through the middle and get ball in hand. Penriths left side defence is atrocious we gotta keep stacking it on.

Completions are 👌 we need this Winnnn

r/NRLcowboys 4d ago

Premiership half linked with surprise move to NRL rival


r/NRLcowboys 4d ago

Val Holmes


Pretty bad for Queensland tonight, how many more years do we have this contract for?

r/NRLcowboys 16d ago



Strong win by the boys very proud of em!

I don't know about you all, but in particular that attempted chad field goal at the end just fucking angered me so much, like why even..

Edit: not tryna nit pick but fuck me, put on the points

r/NRLcowboys 17d ago

Cotter back to prop


Big fan of this move. Hopefully JT can bring some of the form he has had over the last month, repping solid numbers. I like how he has simplified and just runs hard with that step before the line, vintage.

r/NRLcowboys 17d ago

For my boy: The emotional reason behind Mikaele's Cowboys rise


Nice read on Big Tom!

r/NRLcowboys 20d ago

Anyone kind enough to share the Cowboys code for early release tickets to Broncos?


Please 🙏?

r/NRLcowboys 21d ago

Fuckn hell boys, gotta get dem wins ey


Don't care how yiuse do it. Just get dem fucken points up there or you'll be running castle hill from sun up till a couple hours after sun up!!!

r/NRLcowboys 23d ago



I think everyone was bad. Very bad. You could point out pretty much any player on the field and make a case for them, Holmes I think was the worst, Townsend had maybe 1 okay kick the entire game, Dearden missed multiple 3 on 2 opportunities and lacked a lot of spark, forwards were awful, especially Neame, I really hoped he would be good after last game, but he wasnt, back rowers were non-existent, and Luki seems awful, has he done anything ever?having no actual hooker I think also really hurt us, although I suppose there wasn't much we could have done about that.

I know a lot of people don't agree with me usually, but I think the one thing we can agree on is that the coach needs to go. Because honestly Payten is a moron, it was maybe some of the shittest coaching ever. Running backs out of the line, not contesting any balls, and he clearly brought back origin players (Holmes, Dearden Mostly) who were clearly still on the bus, when he had a perfectly good team who won last week with a chance to prove themselves further, but no. He knows hes under pressure too, he was the overhead as to why we lost that game.

r/NRLcowboys 23d ago

Really glad we got Townsend playing this week


Kicking game on point, standing 🧍‍♂️ on defence. Great tackles. Hopefully he can continue to kick us out of trouble with his leadership

r/NRLcowboys 27d ago

Cliffdog over Townsend after origin plz


r/NRLcowboys 26d ago

I don't think People understand our halves, and how it could end up being trouble


Warning: Long (but I tried my best to be interesting, and yes I'm already bracing for the go to bed Comments, and no it's not a rant, I wrote this over a long period of time, so don't even try)

TLDR: if our future halves are Dearden/Clifford it's actually very concerning, and I don't think people understand how that won't work

You know it's honestly kinda crazy. I'm sure after last game everyone will be clamoring for a Dearden-Clifford halves combination, but I think maybe trying to avoid this is the only smart decision Payten has really made.

Yes it's true, Clifford had a decent game last game, best one he's had in a long time, (whitch I think that just proves my point more) because like, you do realise why he did right? It's because he didn't actually have to do much on attack! Because Townsend (yes even though he played pretty bad, whitch is inexcusable for a player of his experience) and even Drinkwater to some extent just took a lot of attacking and kicking pressure of him, and what that actually did was allow him to focus on the 2 main positives of him, Defence and an occasional big bomb kick. That is the key.

I've said this before, and you can disagree all you want, but Clifford will just NEVER be a player who could week-in week-out carry an NRL Side, organise 5th tackle plays, give players a Spray for ill discipline and just being a general game-organiser, like okay could you imagine Clifford trying to give a player a spray?, the poor kid, no one would take him seriously. and the thing is is that all of that currently falls under Townsend, and even the biggest Townsend Troll hater can't deny that he handles those tasks very well, and yes I know that he's kicking game has been FAR from what it should be, and I'm not trying to make excuses for that, but honestly his kicking game could get twice as bad as it currently is and I think that you could still make a case for him just off of everything else he provides.

The thing is that I think after JT retired in 2018, from 2019-21 our main issue was that we didn't have someone who could lead the team. Now yes you could blame end of career Paul Green (R.I.P btw), and yes you probably have a point on that, but still, some of it still has to fall on the players, and watch any game from 2019-21 and the same things will keep popping up, clunky play, disorganisation, errors and lack of spark. and I think the main issue was that we just didn't have a leader who could step up and lead the team, despite how absolute quality he could be, Michael Morgan couldn't actually do that, he needed a great player (aka Thurston) inside of him in order to be the best he could be (an obviously he's body giving up on him didn't help either) but throughout that whole era Clifford was right there, but he never really stepped up, more so just went along with everyone else. And he had more than ample time to prove himself, he had 3 years initially at the Cowboys, 3 different half pairings (Asiata, Morgan, Drinkwater), 2 coaches (Green, Payten) and a crack at both Five-eighth and halfback, but he just never really showed he could be a permanent- team leading First grader. He then went to the Knights, where he got to play alongside a terrific representative half in Mitchell Pearce, but nothing changed, and the Knights soon realised there lack of du- diligence and quickly showed him the door. And as horrible as it sounds, it took Clifford LEAVING and Townsend coming in to bring that leadership we so desperately needed and propel us into a PRELIM for the first time in 5 years! Clifford never improved, it's as simple as that. Compare that to Drinkwater, who yes I'm still not a fan of really, but look at his improvement over the last few seasons. When he first strapped on his boots for us back in 2019, he was crazy. Thought he was top shit, made constant errors, botched plays and more. But over the last 3 years he has matured and refined his game, finding himself much more as a player. Or look at Dearden, came to us in 2021 as a yeah sure I guess we'll take him signing, to about to soon play as Munsters replacement in SOO game 1. Clifford however is still the same he's always been, he's not going to advance past where he is now, and where he is now is a decent backup half or someone who could maybe play alongside a good game organising half.

And that brings it to why Dearden-Clifford will not work as a halfs combination. Both Dearden and Clifford are the kind of player that only can play well alongside a game organising halfback, it's why Dearden-Townsend Worked Well, and it's why Dearden will probably work well with DCE in SOO. Because as crazy as it sounds, I think (and someone else pointed this out to) Dearden and Clifford are a little similar in that they both want to be second receiver, so I just think that having both of them won't work, I think if Townsend is going to leave we need to find another similar halfback because-

Just tell me what seems better to you:

Dearden- Townsend/another Similar halfback: Game Controlling halfback who Can Kick and a second receiver Five Eighth who's got lots of heart, defends decently, has loads of Speed and X-factor


Clifford- Townsend/another Similar Halfback: Game Controlling halfback who can kick and relieve pressure of a second receiver Five Eighth who defends decently, has heart and an occasional good, big bomb kick


Dearden- Clifford: Two players who prefer being second receiver, both can't really step up and lead the team, versatile kicking game would be limited and 5th Tackle plays could be a serious mess

It could be an issue because both Dearden and Clifford are sticking around it seems like, so I really hope they don't go with this. I think if Townsend does leave the best Solution is to find another solid Halfback, and honestly maybe get rid of Clifford, we don't really need him. Although I suppose he could be a good backup if one of our playmakers is out.

Anyway, that's just my opinion, if you actually made it to the end just Know that I really Appreciate you and would love to here your thoughts/Opinions 😊

Can't wait for this week's game!

r/NRLcowboys 29d ago

Fuck yes


What a win. Was at the game, fuckin oath.


r/NRLcowboys 29d ago

Now that's a win I can celebrate!


Everyone turned up tonight, glimpses of our 2022 season for sure.

All the Clifford haters need to shush after that.

Our only liability was drinkwaters defence but everyone else stepped up another level!

Hoping this can spark our season

r/NRLcowboys 29d ago

What a win 🐮🐮✊🏽


What a win and all the nrl experts tipped against us too making the win even sweeter!

r/NRLcowboys 29d ago

Purdue to debut


North Queensland Toyota Cowboys Todd Payten has been forced to make a late change to his side for this afternoon's clash with the Sydney Roosters in Sydney.

Tom Chester (hamstring) has been ruled out, with 18-year-old North Queensland product Jaxon Purdue called into the starting side to make his NRL debut.

Purdue, who graduated from St Patrick’s College Mackay in 2023, was promoted to the Cowboys’ NRL squad earlier this season.

The Norths Devils Mackay junior graduated to Queensland Cup in recent rounds after a standout Mal Meninga Cup season with the Mackay Cutters.

Payten: It's a lifelong dream to play for his childhood club

Cowboys team to play Roosters:

  1. Scott Drinkwater

  2. Kyle Feldt

  3. Jaxon Purdue

  4. Viliami Vailea

r/NRLcowboys May 27 '24



Reckon Clifford gets a run at 6 during origin or is it duty or Chester?

r/NRLcowboys May 24 '24

Why do we keep switching off?


It’s like hot and cold out there. The only thing I can put it down to is the interchange. When ever there’s a shift change the intensity just evaporates. Hold the fucking ballllllll.

Townsend was on fire tonight, couple blunders by drinky but he set up some pearlers. V Holmes is back from his holiday as well 💪

Also they need to see this hip drop rule out. Holmes cops ten but not Klemmer who was out on report for the same offence.

r/NRLcowboys May 24 '24

Ok game


Should have been 42-12, some really bad defensive errors from drinkwater. He needs to apply some more effort in defence or we are not gunna win going forward.

Rest of the team played well, val played great unlucky with the sinbin in a try scoring situation.

GGs I guess

r/NRLcowboys May 22 '24



So Payton's surely the next coach on the block.

Arthur surely worth a look?

r/NRLcowboys May 18 '24

What a shitshow


If we were vsing any other team tonight we get 40 put on us..

Happy with the win but my God it doesn't feel like a win

r/NRLcowboys May 17 '24

Guaranteed win today!!!


You kno it. I kno it. Kno way the cows are losing today

r/NRLcowboys May 17 '24

Updated team list: Round 11 v Rabbitohs


r/NRLcowboys May 17 '24

Tom Gilbert, one that got away


I’m aware his move to Dolphins has been marred by injuries, but he is the kind of workhorse you want in your team. Does all the 1% things and competes. I think that’s what we need right now, someone who competes. Cotter gives you a bit of that but has dropped off a bit, probably because is carrying this pack right now.