r/MinecraftDungeons Jul 06 '20

I know the dlc was cheap but I crave more Meme

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u/HyPnOtIcCoWwW Jul 06 '20

I swear the lower temple had more loot lmao


u/markgatty Jul 06 '20

Between 2 and 15 gold chests in the room just before the exit. Thsts more than a lot of maps.


u/MinerMinecrafter Jul 06 '20

I think it is the most gold chests but the forge has the most potential wood chests


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

What about creepy crypt? So far I've seen 33 chests in it (though I ALWAYS miss 1)


u/awfulfalafelwaffles Jul 06 '20

I got 26/25 one time lol


u/MindScape00 Aug 03 '20

Just got 28/26 on it 🤣


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20 edited Sep 14 '20



u/markgatty Jul 06 '20

Its good but im yet to find a unique battlestaff.


u/myusername2238 Jul 06 '20

I found the unique and three regular on my first play through yesterday. I was surprised to say the least.


u/HyPnOtIcCoWwW Jul 06 '20

Yeah, i have found all of new items except the vine whip, im gonna farm the end boss soon... the growing staff and the battlestaff of terror are descent imo but i prefer my bindings...


u/RGMN_Relentless Jul 07 '20

I have had a run on Creepy crypt with 31 chests and 22 secret before...


u/TrueEvasive1 Jul 06 '20

Mine had 24 chests about half of them were fancy chests


u/Le1jona Jul 06 '20

You do not even need the dlc yourself

Just koin anyone who has it, and you can do dlc missions together


u/DomXChong Jul 06 '20

Can you get dlc weapons though?


u/HyPnOtIcCoWwW Jul 06 '20

The only dlc weapon is the whip and vine whip, theyre not good at all the vine wgip is only a bit better... the rest of the loot is in the lower temple


u/Azuran_SHadowSky Mod Creator Jul 06 '20

There’s the seeds and ocelot armor too


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

Whip is actually really good with the right enchants but that applies to most weapons.

Whip with Shockwave is really good


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

You forgot about the battle staff and it's unique variant


u/Azuran_SHadowSky Mod Creator Jul 06 '20

Those aren’t dlc, they’re part of the update


u/Le1jona Jul 06 '20

Yes you can


u/PeppyMinotaur Jul 06 '20

On console it won’t let you join together if one of you doesn’t have the dlc


u/LiamAldridge1117 Jul 06 '20

Not true.


u/PeppyMinotaur Jul 06 '20

It wouldn’t let a friend and I join the other night so that’s good to know


u/LiamAldridge1117 Jul 06 '20

That was kind of rude of me to not explain. Sorry.

Yea, yesterday, I was able to have my friend join my camp and then I chose one of the 3 DLC maps, which he doesn't have as he doesn't have the Hero DLC, and he was able to vote and start it with me.


u/hantoo Jul 06 '20

I'd happily pay more for more missions. 3 missions just feels extremely short. I'm not really into lore but with only 3 missions you don't get a sense that you are contributing to the story - instead it feels like someone is frantically reading you the narrative and pushing you along through the levels so that they can wrap this game up. I'm not sure if that makes sense or if it's just me that feels like this. Since every dlc will have a different theme, there is so much they could do with it in terms of level design. The levels they have are great for the jungle dlc, but there is definitely alot more design that could happen. Also why aren't there any parrots in the level design.


u/Zombie_Booze Jul 06 '20

5 would have been ideal


u/SkeletonYeti713 Jul 06 '20

As well as a secret level.


u/Tweezle120 Jul 06 '20

I think 5 levels and a secret is worth way more than $5 though, more like $10. On the plus side we will likely have about that much after the second DLC drops, so just pretend they took one, good sized $10 dlc and served it up half at a time so they could get some of it out to us faster!


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

I mean 5 levels and a secret is at most 2 hours of playtime if you’re efficient


u/Tweezle120 Jul 06 '20

You really dont get the full experience only playing stages once or twice though. I think people expected more of a classic adventure game than a dungeon delver.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '20

no I got every item the DLC has to offer


u/rodinj Jul 06 '20

Played for 2 hours and then was done, it was fun but quite short.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

me too. I mean the dlc is cheap and the game play is nice, but there is only like three missions so you can finish it in a day or so


u/CantaloupeCamper Jul 06 '20

I kinda feel like that about ... everything Minecraft Dungeons.

Just not enough to keep me going, in the main game, or DLC.

The pricing is just fine, I have no complaints.... it's just maybe for me a dungeon crawler just needs more baseline variety to keep me crawling / interested...


u/Nomanisanasteroid Jul 07 '20

The attempt at a "story" was lame too


u/emywox Jul 06 '20 edited Jul 07 '20

Yeah took me like 2 hours max to play thru it and get 111 tier gear from it. I think they need to bundle the last 3 together as a dlc and start chopping on 6 more. This one island with 3 levels and a secret isn't enough. At least not for the price.


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

The max is 113 now, not 111


u/Erastin Jul 06 '20

I have 3 trinkets that are 114 and 115.


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

Now that you mention it I did hear that, but weapons and armor dont


u/Erastin Jul 06 '20

I think you are right. I haven't seen any weapons or armor above 113.

With my luck...I am lucky to see a unique above 110. :(


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

We're all there with you xD


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

I know this what I'm saying is the game isn't a challenge at all even at 111


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

Lemme guess. Shroom, fighter bindings/whirlwind, ghost cloak, harp bow, with all the best enchantments on all of these?

Try playing without all the best stuff.


u/Chris_Isur_Dude Jul 06 '20

I bet if you win too much at other games you start intentionally losing just for a change of pace. Yes?


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

Lol no glaive with a feather/shroom/horn and a red snake bow. I'm not a min max meta nerd


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20 edited Jul 06 '20

Ah yes, nothing ever touches you cuz it all just wobbles in a daze of permanent stunned. That's just a different kind fo min max lol. After the recent changes this might be better than old meta, so you may indeed be a min max meta nerd xD


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

I use the horn for creepers, the feather for mobility and sometimes getting to chests. And the sroom is to speed up the slow glaive. My armor is trip cool down to use my feather when ever. Not a min max build at all. Just something I like.


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

Double cooldown or more with shroom is already kinda maxing lol


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

I use it for a speed boost in running and because my weapon is slow as fuck. Sure I could get FB and just blaze thru the levels but it's not fun. So I challenge myself.


u/Tweezle120 Jul 06 '20

It's only $5?!


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

It feels like 2 bucks of content.


u/Tweezle120 Jul 06 '20

Considering I've put like, 40 hours into a "$25" game so far I'm happy. I feel like people might be forgetting this is just a casual lightweight game geared towards family friendly and social play; not hours-long hardcore gaming sessions.


u/JohnnyPlasma Jul 06 '20

*laughing in original minecraft with more than 500h of fun gameplay for only 25 euros *


u/Tweezle120 Jul 06 '20

Yeah I think dungeons from a lot of people expecting more minecraft and less of what this genre usually is.


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

Shrug I guess. With modes like apocalypse in the game I would wish it could be. More hardcore game with miles of good content. Looks like I'll have to wait.


u/Subatomicfish Jul 06 '20

To be fair, the levels actually have kind of a lot of variation in generation, so you can find a lot of different things playing more than once


u/emywox Jul 06 '20

There are more weapons in the free update than the paid dlc the armor is ok at best. This just wasn't enough content and alot of people agree. And the wait in-between each one is far to long.


u/Subatomicfish Jul 06 '20

I’m not disagreeing, I’m just saying that you might want to play through the dlc levels at least once more cuz it’s unlikely you saw all the random generation on the first run through, that’s all.


u/BuddhaBlackBear Jul 06 '20

No achievements either...


u/Chris_Isur_Dude Jul 06 '20

I’m kind of glad. Because now I don’t have to waste $5 just to keep 100% on something with such little content.


u/SpicyLogCutter Jul 06 '20

Temple level rock. My tear is block.


u/minionman978 Jul 06 '20

It was still fun, but I think I’m more excited for creeping winter


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

Something says the first 3 will be really cheap and the ones after will be overpriced


u/Coldspell Jul 06 '20

4 missions!

They added the secret mission to the desert temple too.


u/RuairiJHB Jul 06 '20

That's not DLC related however. That's just free content


u/Coldspell Jul 06 '20

Meh still NEW content


u/Aetheldrake Jul 06 '20

Idk why people downvoted this. He's right. It didn't come out until dlc came out, therefore it's a free dlc


u/Coldspell Jul 06 '20

Thanks, but you know how Reddit can be.


u/Realshow Jul 06 '20

I’m honestly still kinda disappointed the game isn’t mission based. When they said it had missions, I thought they meant multiple levels set in the same general area, which sounded really cool. Instead, they just call each level missions, and the only variation is just difficulty.


u/Magmabrother Jul 06 '20

These levels are long so I wouldn’t be surprised that there is only 3 levels


u/nuggetduck_ Jul 06 '20

Wqit,it wasn't free for everyone???


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

I didn't buy it, but I've got it, was wondering the same thing...

[edit] apparently I have the Hero edition? Guess the DLC comes with.


u/nuggetduck_ Jul 06 '20

Ok,i had it too,but it says two so does it mean we get the creeping winter later too?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

Dunno. Gon find out eventually, I figger.


u/DynamonRuler Jul 07 '20

It says you get the first two dlcs, so if theres more I don’t think you get them with the Hero Edtion.


u/Joeyisthebeat Jul 06 '20

It’s completely unacceptable for them to charge 6$ for a dlc with so little content, even if bough I have the hero pass it feels so empty


u/ryannewton85 Jul 06 '20

Yeah I did a post about the same thing. Not only was there only 3 missions they aren't very high level so can't even run them more than once. Gutted tbh


u/Kariston Jul 06 '20

I don't know about cheap, I've purchased games full price for $10 that give me far more enjoyment and entertainment than that DLC or all of the game with the DLC have done.


u/lilbyrdie Jul 06 '20

It also came out super fast after initial launch.

Maybe they can do quarterly releases? Or something like D3 with seasonal content.


u/DuckAHolics Jul 06 '20

This entire game has less content than Sea of Thieves at launch. But at least their dlc is free.


u/british_roadie Jul 06 '20

I thought we would get 3 missions and 1 secret level


u/Flamingopoli Jul 06 '20

The only thing that I don't like is the new boss. It's too slow and you can easily kill it by spamming arrows.


u/-__-YES-__- Jul 06 '20

How do you get the MC dungeons items next to your name?


u/EuSouRolezeira Jul 07 '20

3 boring missions rip


u/Surfboarder4 Sep 21 '20

Hopefully an eventual nether update or dlc includes a level for each of the 5 biomes, and one for a fortress.


u/quietnoobz Jul 06 '20

Yup. Boss mod was better than dlc lol


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '20

Paid DLC before CrossPlay and CrossSave implementation is absolutely criminal.
Very unimpressed by the devs.


u/MysticCosmogYT Jul 06 '20

I can't even finish the first dlc mission since they refuse to fix any of the switch versions bugs


u/jtp__ Jul 06 '20

it was $5


u/NinjaFox_PBC Jan 06 '22

echoing end