r/MinecraftDungeons 2d ago

what would you add to make the game 10x better? Discussion

I would add maybe custom levels and pvp so you can have infinite things to do in the game


34 comments sorted by


u/Sea_Rabbit3585 2d ago

Deep dark dlc


u/Adventurous_Boss_787 2d ago

That would be sick


u/Large-Acanthisitta77 2d ago

Trust me.Pvp would need a lot to be fair


u/gratefulkiwis 2d ago

Yeah but it's impossible to balance like bows dealing hounderts of millions damage or glitched items? Deflect mobs one shot u and u would fight an inteligent one?


u/White_Zoroak 2d ago

me and my 1.697 untrigintillion damage would like to have some words.


u/gratefulkiwis 1d ago

Yeah I know and that's the problem😭


u/Adventurous_Boss_787 2d ago

Some of the new content from the regular Minecraft like deep dark stuff and the trial chamber. Maybe an underground dlc with like mineshaft mazes, trial chambers, and ancient city which could lead to a skulk realm dlc or something. Oh and update the vex and bat texture


u/PersonThatLikesHats 2d ago

Tbh I’m currently working on ideas for an underground dlc, probably gonna start sharing on this subreddit soon. Mineshaft mazes is an actually good idea, gotta write that down (maybe it could be a Lower Temple type level with lots of chests in the branches?)


u/Yeateacup 1d ago

How about, and hear me out on a very biased opinion, a kind of dlc or end game part with dragons, dragon armor ( specially dragon armor ) weapons and stuff. The dragons would be a different kind of boss fight something like how the golem from the howling peaks but fun.


u/Ludakyz 2d ago

Picking your enchantments, instead of paying for them to change randomly, and have the prices based on how good they are.


u/Derplord4000 2d ago

I would add a "creative" mode that let's you build your ideal builds and test them out to see if they're actually good or not.


u/cappuccinolol17 2d ago

Add a really big DLC featuring some of the Overworld structures we haven't seen in dungeons yet, like trial chambers and trail ruins, and then some new things to make it more exciting and interesting. I have a whole set of ideas for a DLC like this written down on paper lol. I call it "Empire of Ruins DLC".

Also, I think pvp would be awesome. Another great thing could also be an arena where you are attacked by consecutive waves of mobs, not so much for getting new gear and more just for testing weapons, etc. Though there could be rewards too.


u/NotLandperior 2d ago

it's a good idea, trial chambers would be really cool, but, they already have the gauntlet of gales which is really similar...


u/Jrlopez1027_ 2d ago

Making ancient hunts more intuitive

Im tired of searching youtube for the things I want


u/MaxRocketDuck 2d ago

This wouldn’t last forever but higher difficulty’s. I miss leveling and don’t just want to artificially set my power level down or make a new character. 

Also giving apoc plus some boss health and damage increases maybe up to 4-5x health and 2-3x damage or more at +25, as long as it doesn’t apply to mini-bosses. So Mooshroom Monstrosity would have 1.3B. Idk maybe this would be a bit too much, I just really think they go down too fast atm.


u/gratefulkiwis 2d ago

Gild merchant, instead of ass seller we would had option to cover weapon in gold first stage (debatable) would cost 100 gold but u could have choose whatever enchant u want, second stage would cost 250 and third lvl 500


u/DualityREBORN 2d ago

2 Things !! (technically 4, I guess??)

  1. 3 New DLC’s.

“Realm of Blossoms”would take you threw Countless Forest Biomes, with the newest Inclusion, The Cherry Blossom Forest (or whatever it’s called), and would have you fight a large Queen Bee - type enemy at the end!!

The “Darkstar Sea’s” DLC would pretty much be a sequel to Echoing Void, but would also have you piloting one of the End Ships like an actual ship, sending you through a Sea of Void !! (It would also include a slight buff to the Cutlass, and 2 new Cutlass Uniques !!!)

And finally, The “Banland’s Raid” DLC would but you through the Badlands, specifically for a new “Bounties” Mechanic that would allow you to go through these Badlands levels for Gold, Emeralds, and a new Currency to trade with the “Western Villager”, Rubies !!! (The Western Villager would Trade you Uniques for a Hefty amount of said Rubies, and would be the one assigning you missions too !!)

And now:

  1. Event Weapons that aren’t just reskins.


u/KingCool138 1d ago

Custom towers.


u/BladedBee 1d ago

towers offline too


u/KingCool138 1d ago

Nope. You need an internet connection to play it, even if the layout hasn’t changed since you last played it


u/BladedBee 1d ago

No I know but I wish it wasn't online only. Like why are you forcing me to be online to play the same 6 or 7 stages in random order like these are not randomly generated levels either its just a bunch thrown at you in random order that shouldn't require Internet

and yes I'm aware 99% of people playing this have Internet I do too obviously since I'm writing this message but I'm just talking for those times when you don't like a long car ride or train or your WiFi goes down or something. I have this on the switch and pc a d it makes even less sense on switch since the game doesn't require Internet to boot up the game like pc does


u/that_fireball 1d ago

A developer team


u/SagmaTheRealOne 1d ago

Different mobs, idk, maybe hybrids just to make the game more interesting, and more items that are exclusive to dropping from those new mobs


u/Sad_Screen_1455 1d ago



u/Wooden_Touch_2973 1d ago

Reputation system you could do quest for certain factions like undead, end, illagers eg and if you had good reputation with a faction when you go to levels they have a lot of control over you would help them defend it from another faction and on other levels you might get a small skirmish of them helping you in the level and you could get items you would get from killing certain mobs that are on your side through specific traders like an enderman trader or something I just think it would be cool


u/Talitintti0913 1d ago

A stable flow of updates


u/Yeateacup 1d ago

How about, and hear me out on a very biased opinion, a kind of dlc or end game part with dragons, dragon armor ( specially dragon armor ) weapons and stuff. The dragons would be a different kind of boss fight something like how the golem from the howling peaks but fun.


u/Confident-Molasses83 1d ago

Gambling, cigarettes and alcohol and guns


u/Fickle_Welcome_7403 2d ago

Making it so that the game pauses when you go into your inventory or the map.


u/JarringSteak 2d ago

play single player then


u/MaxRocketDuck 2d ago

Are we playing the same game??


u/humanperson1236 1d ago

using the uniquesmith on unique items so you can upgrade the power


u/BladedBee 1d ago

Being able to play without being online ( I mean having to be online just to get past the title screen) Thankfully the switch version doesn't have that but it's annoying that this isn't the default on all versions