r/MinecraftDungeons 3d ago

So I did a Apocalypse +15 Ancient Hunt and I didn't find a single ancient even checking every nook and cranny is there something I'm doing wrong? Help


3 comments sorted by


u/ShinkuNY 3d ago

It's just RNG. I would back your hero up in the hero save menu from the main menu first, and then start a hunt.

Then you can explore the first area a bit, before exiting back to camp from the pause menu. Then back your hero up again in another slot.

Once you leave a hunt, the hunt is rerolled. So when you return to the hunt, since your save has been backed up in the second slot, the hunt will stay that way as long as you keep redownloading that save.

That way, if you happened to reroll a hunt with multiple ancients, you can farm that hunt over and over until you get something good, since you can just redownload your hero slot to keep entering that hunt again and again.

And if leaving the hunt didn't reroll it into something good, you can just redownload the first save (the one you backed up before starting the hunt) and do it all over again.

Rinse and repeat.


u/Cold_Coconut_8068 3d ago

Thanks for the help man I'll update you on the situation once i can actually find some gear I can sacrifice


u/ShinkuNY 3d ago

Np. I did make a video on this, but it's still somewhat obscure info. I found it out by accident lol. I had no idea that's how hunts were rerolled.