r/MinecraftDungeons 5d ago

Just rerolled so many times please tell me there’s good enchants😭 Gameplay

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u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

Rip. Final Shout sucks


u/Reasonable-Tour1758 5d ago

It’s really good, what are you tarding you tard


u/CumMonsterYoda 5d ago

It's really not good, it's only useful if you suck at the game but have a friend to revive you or if you make AFK farms


u/Reasonable-Tour1758 5d ago

Can you tell me why it’s bad? You saying that it’s good only if you’re bad at the game is really dumb when every enchantment is good when you’re bad at the game, final shout can activate artifacts regardless of cooldown.


u/CumMonsterYoda 5d ago

Well you need to fall below 25% health for it to activate, and this is very close to death. Having Cool Down for less artifact cooldown is much more useful. So it isn't good unless tou play default or adventure. Because on apocalypse+ if you fall below 25% you might be dead anyways. And if you have a soul build with the corrupted beacon it actively sabotages you since it activates it while you're on danger and you can't move. It's only useful for AFK farms, but at that point just open save file editors, it's not like you're going to get banned, this game has been dead from the developer's side for 1.5+ years.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

And afk gets outclassed by a Prospector Build. So Final Shout is even more useless lol


u/CumMonsterYoda 5d ago

Well said Grim


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago


You should see what that guy said in another post. He literally made an entire essay on how he thinks that Final Shout is good


u/CumMonsterYoda 5d ago

I'm going to read that, it'll be fun, thanks for the suggestion


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

No problem, any time 🤣


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

Not every enchantment is good. Many have flaws and are downright terrible. Given, some enchants are only good in specific builds. But some enchants are just bad no matter what. Final Shout is one of the bad ones.