r/MinecraftDungeons 3d ago

I got this highland armor and was wondering what enchants are recommended, or if I should reroll some Discussion

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14 comments sorted by


u/ShinkuNY 3d ago

I would reroll... everything really. Potion Barrier + Cooldown + Deflect, but if running a fast weak weapon with Thundering, then you can keep Lightning Focus.

At 200 power, Cooldown makes Death Cap Mushroom infinite, which works for this armor since it's primarily a melee armor. It makes Iron Hide Amulet infinite too.


u/Beeeeeeeeeeeeean 3d ago

They are just at level 190, it's not worth spending the annoying to get gold on an armor they are gonna change in 2 minutes.


u/OldManThreeNuts 3d ago

Y'all killing me in the comments.

This is not apoc 25, they're still climbing. If this is better than what you already have, take multiroll, surprise gift, and nothing for the third unless you're running a very fast weapon with electricity. Discard when you find something higher level and better with gilding that is with holding onto. This will be too costly to enchant Smith into something worth rotating into the blacksmith upgrades.


u/ShinkuNY 3d ago

195 though is still very high. Anything in terms of Apoc+25 applies to Apoc+1. The only difference is the scaling.

Hell, I'd even say it's questionable for Apocalypse, even considering you can get away with more on that because mobs take hitstun.


u/Sea_Rabbit3585 3d ago

All the enchants suck. Not worth rerolling in my opinion.


u/Large-Acanthisitta77 3d ago

Suprise gift is pretty good.Multiroll would benefit from built-in swiftfooted.I'd reroll third slot.Not the godroll but still usable


u/MrAgenciak 3d ago

It's not even gilded + not a single good enchant Just throw it away


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 3d ago

All are good enchants except Protection, Final Shout and Gravity Pulse


u/MrAgenciak 3d ago

It would require some rerolling to actually be useful, i mean that in this combination these enchants are not that good, it could work for a rolling build, but it would require rerolling some things, and looking at the fact that it's not gilded i don't think rerolling is worth it here

Good enchants without the correct combinations often won't work good


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 3d ago

So what are “correct” combinations? Do you mean meta? If so…I have 355 Themed Builds that work and the majority don’t have the “correct” combinations


u/MrAgenciak 3d ago

Is there really something you can make out of these enchants? I don't think it would be possible without rerolling some of them, and imo it's just not worth it when this item isn't even gilded, it would work with some gold spent, but is it really worth it when that guy didn't even reach the max difficulty?

By "correct" i mean something that works good with other enchants, here we have prospector on the 1st slot, good for farming emeralds and using death barter, on the 2nd slot there is surpride gift, used pretty commonly, I won't call it top meta but it's workable, on the 3rd slotslot there is lightning focus, it's a good enchant if you use a weapon with thundering and i think it works with some artefacts

We have enchants that are not bad, but together they just don't create anything good, to make it actually a good armor you'd have to reroll some of them, and given the fact that it's not gilded i don't think it's worth it, also it depends on what weapons and artifacts they want to use with that armor, lightning focus is good, but having it and not using thundering etc makes it bad in that exact combination, it's hard to rank McD enchants, becous most of them are good or at least workable in correct builds


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 3d ago

Gilded is really only good and should only be farmed in late game. So this armor is fine for OP, especially at his level. He isn’t too worried if it is gilded or not. It still works.

Since the armor has Swiftfooted built in, He can pick Multiroll to keep the speed up. Great for dodging and staying alive longer. And we don’t know what the rest of his build is, so we really can’t judge the rest of the enchants.