r/MinecraftDungeons 5d ago

Adventure Tower Guide 23Jun -> 29Jun2024 Gameplay

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u/RavelingsYT 5d ago

This guide details my latest Tower run of which you can find a ( VIDEO HERE )

For this week: More guides, More information, More content, Tower Guards or Bosses? ( 3 GUIDES POST )

P.S. Always use the matching difficulty when using any guides.

Best of Luck!


u/Grepaugon 5d ago

Thank you for your service!


u/Mcglizzy210 5d ago

I got an apocalypse method already but do you think this’ll work on apocalypse also?


u/RavelingsYT 5d ago

Only the gear is identical. The enchants are not. The sawblade doesn't have healing on it for instance.

Check my Apocalypse guide here from Sunday

That post also has a link to my 3 guides post from when I did this tower 29 weeks ago.