r/MinecraftDungeons 5d ago

which enchants and should something be rerolled? Enchanting Advice


6 comments sorted by


u/Derplord4000 5d ago

Get new armor, all these enchants suck or have niche uses that don't pair well with each other.


u/Lava2008 5d ago

Well, should I use it till I get better armor?


u/MrAgenciak 5d ago

Nope, it's terrible


u/Lava2008 5d ago

Well, there goes 2k hp then


u/Few-Lawfulness-2574 5d ago

If you don’t have anything else, make do, don’t worry about the meta


u/mobiscuits_5000 5d ago

I’d keep looking.

Reckless is good. But only if you have lots of defensive enchants to counter the loss of health. Unfortunately there are no good defensive enchants on this gear…

Thorns, rampage, and protection are all pretty terrible enchants. Definitely not worth the enchantment points.

beast boss is good if you are doing a pets focused build. So it’s a bit of a niche use case

Multiroll is nice if you plan to make a build around rolling, but is usually better paired with armor that reduces roll cooldown. Or if you have acrobat to further reduce roll cooldown so you can roll all the time.

Long story short, you’d need to reroll a bunch to get the right combination of enchants to have good synergy. Imo. Wait til you find a piece of gear that has 2/3 of the enchants and then just reroll the final enchant you need. Gold is too precious to do it any other way…