r/MinecraftDungeons 6d ago

Whats y’alls “off meta” hot takes? I’ll go first Meme

Post image

Potion barrier is so good with refreshment and leeching. I can jump into a crowd, use it, tank all the hits, and regain my health and my potion barrier without feeling a thing

Combine this with good artifacts like gong and death cap mushroom and you get a build that will absolutely slam dunk high damage and damage sponge enemies

Alongside potion barrier I also like having snowball and cowardice for dealing more damage (since im basically always full hp) and snowball for singular tough enemies like creepers


179 comments sorted by


u/Admirable-Tap8354 6d ago

My off meta take is that ill use my speedrun Armor for everything, since I cant stand walking slowly.


u/Epic_potbelly 6d ago

That’s me in tf2

I underperform as anything but scout because I’m slow.


u/notabigfanofas 6d ago

Reason I don't really play soldier

If I'm so damn slow I might as well go heavy


u/AshSystem 6d ago

learn to rocket jump and feel true joy


u/hexdrive348 5d ago

Fr tho Especially with the beggars and air strike

(Thank God for auto correct cause I misspelled beggars with an n instead of a b 😅)


u/ImRainboww 6d ago

I feel you lmao, whenever I unequip my boots the game feels soooo slow.


u/Diamondboy247 5d ago

So what if I die in 2 hits, I got respawns for a reason


u/CBRONoobTraderLolz 6d ago

the battlestaff and its variants are actually so fun to use, the animation and the damage are great.


u/Cust0mCraft 6d ago

I love echo swirling shockwave battlestaff 🤑🤑🤑


u/CBRONoobTraderLolz 6d ago

Crit, exploding and gravity for me 💥💥💥


u/clarinet_trackstar 5d ago

Gilded with freezing 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Swirling and Shockwave only activate after the attack combo, so they’re not great. Echo repeats the attacks, which makes the attack combo longer, which takes even longer for Swirling and Shockwave to activate.


u/Cust0mCraft 6d ago

That's the joke, grim


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

There is no way to tell if it is a joke or not. People literally pick combos like this all the fricking time and they are serious about it! (I used to be one of them, this was my combo back in the day).


u/Cust0mCraft 6d ago

That's fair. I used to think echo was good, and I would put the combo enchants on any weapon regardless of combo length.


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

Wouldn't call that off-meta. It's S tier. Deservedly.


u/gamer_dinoyt69 6d ago

You're wrong, just straight up wrong.

Fighter's bindings is OFF meta, your build is meta.


u/LemonOwl_ 6d ago

this is just the meta...


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

I mean, leeching on a potion barrier build’s a bit weird.


u/LemonOwl_ 6d ago

eh itll work. could use some extra healing instead of just potions


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

Maybe. But I don’t find hero’s armor potion barrier builds to ever need that, that’s part of why they’re so great.


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

If it's a Refreshment + Potion Barrier build, maybe, but even then it's best with Life Steal + -40% Potion Cooldown Mystery Armor, for the in-between healing.

Because Banner Trials can still chunk you down through Potion Barrier.


u/avocado2-3 6d ago

Fighters bindings isn’t even meta and hasn’t been the best choice for quite a while


u/giannis1325 6d ago

Dont care i just want to feel like dio when i use the mushroom


u/Masterpiece-Haunting 6d ago

Now we need time stop


u/giannis1325 6d ago

Unfortunately the didn't add something like that or something that even slows time


u/TheUnseen511 6d ago

Where did u get that emoji


u/Rude-Ice1523 6d ago

Remove the spaces from that----> ! [gif] (emote |free _emotes _pack|cry )


u/TheUnseen511 6d ago

K thanks


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Actually, it is meta. It has been top tier since the beginning, even with the nerfs. It has about 25 enchant godrolls lol


u/avocado2-3 6d ago

Actually let me rephrase this heavily thats not what i meant it is still a very good weapon it is definitely s tier but it isn’t the best s tier in the game that is what I meant


u/LetterheadOk9146 6d ago

what would be better? just coming back into minecraft dungeons lmao. still have 2 built fighters bindings tho 😅


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Encrusted Anchor, The Starless Night, The Beginning and the End, Battlestaff of Terror, Pickaxe, Bone Cudgel, Vine Whip, the Maces, the Scythes, Mechanized Sawblade, etc. Lots of good weapons.

But anything can be good, meta or not, rare or unique. You just need good enchant combos, build synergy and in the right build / build type. And there are MANY different types of builds. Enchants depend on the type of build you are going for, not just for the type of gear.


u/LetterheadOk9146 6d ago

thank you!


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

No problem 👍


u/The_Healer0 6d ago

Meta is bad If you like weapon that is off meta, then that is best weapon. Purpose of game is to have fun in the end and if you have fun with off meta weapon then meta is bs


u/Dr_Bowgart 6d ago

Anchor. Das it. Just anchor. Funny bonk go brr


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

Isn't Anchor meta? like afaik the strongest build I the game is an anchor build


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Anchors are meta…


u/Dr_Bowgart 6d ago

They are? I've never seen somone with an anchor build


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Look around. They are literally top tier


u/DrDumpling88 6d ago


This here is the in my opinion the undisputed best build in the game built around shadow shifter and anchor this is not my build just fyi


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

I've seen this link posted so many times that I've actually gotten to recognizing the code without clicking on it lol.


u/DrDumpling88 5d ago

Hahahahahahah well it makes sense I guess XD


u/Financial_Play9692 6d ago

Funky bonk goes wait a lil sec and then it makes BONK!


u/Ravenjade09 6d ago

I think bee builds are fun. Having an enchanted swarm is wild to me.


u/MasterJongiks 6d ago

Hammer of gravity (swirling, shockwave, crit/leeching) that's what I'm using now.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Swirling and Shockwave blocks Leeching


u/MasterJongiks 6d ago

Yeah, I had to blacksmith it lol. Now just using anima conduit bow


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

Definitely not bad. Hammer of Gravity does have low DPS, but ShockSwirl is +140% DPS on it.

Just that Voidstrike + Crit is +102.2% and enhances Leeching/Life Steal, while being fully buffed by Str Potion.


u/clarinet_trackstar 5d ago

I use a diamond pick something with shockswirl and gravity


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

Why half the people are posting meta stuff here


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

I mean. What do you expect? “Guys i use protection, food reserves, life barter, and sickles with void strike, what do you think of my off meta build”

The takes here are a bit off meta but still viable


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

I expect some off-meta takes. Like half the people here are commenting stuff like Anchor, Wither Armor etc. like my brother in Christ the best build in the game uses the unique Anchor and Wither Armor that is not off-meta.


u/PercPointGD 6d ago

Your take is literally meta as well so...


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Protection is never viable. It literally adds nothing


u/Excellent-Brothel-72 6d ago

That was exactly his point- no one is going to be running things like that which are insanely off meta


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

You would be surprised….people pick the strangest things sometimes


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Exactly, its off meta

The point being a true off meta build would be so unviable that its not gonna be mentioned lol


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

It isn’t even off meta, it’s just garbage.

Pet Builds aren’t meta, and yet they can be good.


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

Backstabber isn’t meta, yet Backstabber builds can be good. Wolf Armor also isn’t meta afaik but it can be good. A build can be off meta but still be good, because meta isn’t just good things, meta is the best stuff. Something can be good but off mega because it’s outclassed.


u/TheUnseen511 6d ago

What i thought that protection was good tho, just how bad do you think it is


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

If you are taking 59% damage from an attack and slap on Protection, you will still die in 2 hits with or without it.

If your armor has 35% reduction and an attack is doing 56%, and you slap on Protection, you will still die in 2 hits.

If you are using Iron Hide Amulet and an attack is doing 55% to you, putting on Protection won't change the amount of hits you can live. You still die in 2.

If your armor uses 35% reduction on top of Iron Hide Amulet, and an attack is doing 54% to you, adding Protection won't allow you to live an extra hit.

That's how bad it is.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

I don’t think that it’s bad, I know that it’s bad.

Protection by default only adds 15%, which isn’t good. Especially when you compare it to every other type of damage reduction. 35% on some armor, 50% from Iron Hide Amulet, 50% from Guarding Strike, 30% from Chilling, and 90% from Potion Barrier.

Protection also diminishes more than the other damage reductions. All damage reduction stacks and diminishes, but not as drastically as Protection. It doesn’t add, it multiplies.

If you put Protection on armor that has 35% built in, Protection diminishes to 10%. Protection plus an Iron Hide Amulet gives you 8%. Both 35% and Iron Hide Amulet will make Protection drop down to 6%. It just keeps getting smaller and smaller, making Protection worthless.

The 15% is also not very consistent. No matter what, Protection starts at 15% and keeps dropping lower. While everything else stays the same when it activates. Potion Barrier gives 90% for 9 seconds when you drink a health potion. Guarding Strike gives 50% for 4 seconds after killing a mob. Iron Hide Amulet gives 50% every time you activate it. Etc.

Protection is just bad an outclassed


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Downvote me all you want, but i’m not wrong


u/TheUnseen511 5d ago

I will not as I agree with you.


u/TheUnseen511 6d ago

Fair enough, you have changed my mind.


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

Afaik damage reduction isn’t additive but multiplicative so Protection diminishes and unless I’m understanding how the reduction stacks, Protection can diminish to as little as ~0.25% damage reduction.


u/False_Ratio8797 6d ago edited 6d ago

The main reason is that because meta has most flexibility without giving too many flaws and limitations for a build for example spider armor is good but too limited due the fact the armor effect does not have 35% damage reduction.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

that build is literally meta


u/Thegronkgrinder 6d ago

I have an off meta. Go with whatever the f*** I want.


u/mikethespike056 6d ago

literally the meta


u/Hahr8269 6d ago

Guard's Armor is good and better than you expect, despite having an unobtainable Unique Variant.


u/Popcorn57252 6d ago

Your off meta is just a different, equally popular, meta


u/Kabrhelis365247 6d ago

thats literally just the current meta tho


u/ZPL4599 6d ago

your build is almost meta .

my off meta : stunning + thundering on fast

pain cycle + void strike melee / weakening / gravity / any elemental enchantment ( lightning , fire , poison , even soul when possible ) + refreshment and potion barrier + cooldown on armour .


u/AntarcticIceCap 6d ago

Fighters bindings are not even a top 5 weapon anymore


u/logimeme 6d ago edited 6d ago

You are a fucking CHAD. I run the same exact set up minus the heros armor because i have some wither armor with better enchants. This setup is so nice and so fun to run as well. Nothing like being on the brink of death and swinging the starless night a single time and getting all your health back. I have two starless nights. One with refresh/crit/void and the other is refresh/leech/void. Both are amazing

Fighters bindings are great but they’re just so boring to me.


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

So real for that lmao


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

Wither Armor and Starless Night are even more meta than Fighter's Bindings though. Wither Armor is the undisputed best armor in the game (and arguably the best for melee) while Starless Night outclasses Fighter's Bindings in terms of DPS, reach, area, defense, and healing.


u/Professional_Push724 6d ago

my main build for apoc +25 ancients and challenges is: . 263 Wither armor with cooldown, snowball, beast boss or soul focus and guilded chilling 2 . 263 jailor's scythe with sou syphon, unchanting, void strike and guilded swirling 3 . 258 voidcaller with aenima conduit, void strike and levitation shot. . 254 corrupted beacon . 254 soul lantern . 250 harvester

but I've been levelling a new character and trying out new things. So far I'm apoc +15 and having a lot of fun with: . 181 hero's armour with cooldown, deflect, luck of the sea and guilded cooldown 3 (gifted from a friend) . 184 cursed axe with leeching, refreshment, radiance and guilded commited 3 (also gifted) . 196 lightning harp crossbow with chain reaction, void strike, gravity and guilded exploding 3 (tower clearing) . 191 flaming quiver or fireworks arrow . 182 golem kit . 183 enchanters tome

this second build I'm looking into a more "let them hit for me" style while I provide healing. My next goals are fast crossbows with radiance shot, multi-shot and gravity and armours with "potions heals ally or life-steal aura and beast boss


u/ValenceElectrons- 6d ago

Harp bow + multishot is goated (Unfortunately my brother put mine in the blacksmith 😩 RIP one million arrows per click bow)


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Wait what? How did you do that?

Also, punt the child


u/ValenceElectrons- 6d ago

I miss the sound of that bow… it was so beautiful! I just got lucky with my enchants on it, but I guess I can try to do it again eventually

Also my brother is heavier than me, no chance of me punting him lol


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Wait it should keep its enchantments though? You cant just re apply them?


u/ValenceElectrons- 6d ago

I think they reroll, but I might be wrong, I don’t think the enchants are still there


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

In the blacksmith? No, they just remove the current enchantments and give you your enchant points back, all the enchants it had stay the same. Only the power level changes

The only way to reroll enchantments is the enchantsmith


u/ValenceElectrons- 6d ago

Oh? I’ll check it in the morning then

Wait I might have an idea where it went tho. I think my dad and my brother traded their harp bow (they each had one). If that idea is right, then big yikes


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

They traded your bow? Dangit. Why are they touching your character though lol. Tell them to make their own lmao


u/ValenceElectrons- 6d ago

So basically my and me brother share the same account for Minecraft dungeons, and there was only two characters on it, my brothers (more stacked and higher level), and mine. I don’t think they were thinking about it at the time, but it is a bit unfair because i know not to touch my brother’s character. It’s fine anyways because tbh, it’s just a game and I’ll have plenty of other chances to get one


u/1234IJustAteADoor 6d ago

Cowardice and sun's grace with leaching and refreshment


u/HorridCabbageFeet 6d ago

Don't need Leeching with that build, you should have enough healing. Guarding Strike or Exploding would prolly be better


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Ive found leeching to be better, i have absolutely 0 health regen besides a quicker potion and if enemies hit like trucks ima just use potion barrier anyway. Might as well have leeching for big crowds


u/Derplord4000 6d ago

I have no health regen either when I use Refreshment/Potion Barrier and I don't use Leeching. I use Unchanting to double my damage against enchanted mobs, the ones that hit like a truck. This allows me to kill them quickly and be able to quickly regen my health Potion. You see, when you have a constant 90% damage reduction, you barely ever get hurt so much that you need constant healing, and the healing from the health potions which you trigger every 5 to 10 seconds is more than enough. As such, I would also recommend getting rid of Leeching for something else like Unchanting or even Critical Hit if you're up to it. Also, I use Renegade Armor, which lacks -40% potion cooldown, and I still survive with Refreshment/Potion Barrier and no Leeching.


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Maybe i can try this out, the way i deal with those enemies is using my swords void strine and a overcharge power bow. But if i cant kill them with that im kinda screwed and just boots of swiftness away till my potion gets back, its a rare occurrence but an annoying one that I wanna counter


u/Derplord4000 6d ago

But with Refreshment, you get your potion back faster by killing more mobs, and with Champion's Armor, you don't even need to kill as many. Trust me, Potion Barrier will let you tank through those hard-hitting mobs while you swing at them with your Starless Night, but you do need to be dealing great damage, which is why Refreshment can use as many offensive enchants.


u/Justaperson358 6d ago

The bindings are hella fun for sure, but nothing surpasses my big Bonk stick


u/Flareion09 6d ago

I use the same shit


u/thenicenumber666 6d ago

Fun over meta


u/Derplord4000 4d ago

Meta is fun


u/ArcannOfZakuul 6d ago

My favorite build has a Jailor Scythe with Void Strike, Enigma Resonator, and Bag of Souls, part with any ranged weapon with Anima Conduit.

The healing is delayed, but it's huge when it arrives. Supplement with soul items as needed, such as Harvester.


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

You never specified that you have it so I’m gonna suggest soul syphon on the scythe.


u/ArcannOfZakuul 6d ago

That's what it was, I mixed up Bag of Souls with Soul Siphon, thanks!


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

As a soul build aficionado, I'd go with Voidstrike + Soul Siphon + Weakening on the Scythe.

Mainly because soul builds typically don't like melee engagements, because they're not built for it. They don't like mobs getting up close and hacking at them, while the best damage reduction you'll have is 35% with Wither Armor.

Weakening not only buffs Voidstrike's damage per hit slightly, but will take you up to 61% damage reduction in those situations.

Also because you wanna use Soul Siphon to farm souls. Snowball on your armor is great for soul builds because, aside from looking like a soul orb, it can stun mobs to help soften melee encounters, and lets you stunlock a single mob so you can farm souls off of it with Soul Siphon.

But if you're landing Enigma Resonator crits on the mob, it'll die in less hits and give less Soul Siphon. Overall soul builds that focus on artifact combat don't benefit as much from melee buffs.


u/ArcannOfZakuul 5d ago

Excellent tips, thanks! I've mostly used this build to leverage Anima Conduit on my bow, with soul artifacts to boost collection and provide emergency damage. Not the most effective use of souls on my part, so I'll keep your advice in mind!


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

Np. Despite soul builds being kinda mid overall, I've loved them since day one. As of now I have about 12 soul builds, give or take. All can run Apoc+25 without needing to potion, while Trials and Banner Trials are a "results may vary", but one did a hitless trial, another did a Banner Trial, and another did a full T3 Banner Trial. The builds are:

Pure Souls (Wither + Scythe + Lightning Rod)
Pure Souls (Wither + Knife + Lightning Rod)
Pure Souls (Souldancer + Scythe + Lightning Rod)
Pure Souls (Souldancer + Knife + Lightning Rod)
Pure Souls (Frost Bite + Scythe + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Frost Bite + Soul Knife + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Wither + Scythe + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Wither + Knife + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Souldancer + Scythe + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Souldancer + Knife + Torment Quiver)
Pure Souls (Wither + Scythe + Soul Lantern)
Pure Souls (Unstable Robes + Scythe + Shadow Shifter)

Soul Lantern (Wither + Scythe + 3x Soul Lantern)

Soul Melee (Titan's Shroud + Scythe + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Titan's Shroud + Knife + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Titan's Shroud + Fists + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Titan's Shroud + Daggers + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Wither + Scythe + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Wither + Knife + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Wither + Fists + Mushroom + Iron Hide)
Soul Melee (Wither + Daggers + Mushroom + Iron Hide)

Melee Souls (Wither + Scythe + Mushroom)
Melee Souls (Wither + Knife + Mushroom)
Melee Souls (Wither + Fists + Mushroom)
Melee Souls (Wither + Daggers + Mushroom)

Rolling Melee Souls (Wither + Scythe + Torment Quiver + Mushroom)

Ghostflame Souls (Gourdian + Scythe + Torment)

Ghostflame Melee Souls (Gourdian + Scythe + Torment Quiver + Mushroom)

Ghostflame Soul Melee (Gourdian + Scythe + Torment Quiver + Iron Hide + Mushroom)

Technically 29, but it's 12 of them that differ a lot, mainly when the artifact changes. The last one was used for the T3 Banner Trial.


u/TalmondtheLost 6d ago

Literally, Dynamo Bow with Supercharge.


u/Swift_Shot 6d ago

Mystery Armor all day, no argument.


u/GothMothIV 6d ago

Wow this is exactly my build lol but I use spider armor with 25 weapon speed and bonus leech and I use the bone club! I pretend I'm Guts from Berserk lol


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

It's not bad. Spider Armor is an SS tier armor and Boneclub is an S tier weapon. Very solid.


u/RubixandGames 6d ago

Fighters bindings arent fun at all, because glaives and claymores are way better. Also pickaces with shockwave is the best in the game


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

I use Sugar Rush a lot. Just very fun for roll builds.


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

Sugar rush? What is that again?


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

It’s an anniversary trickbow with I think wild rage built in.


u/Your_Average_Meatbag 6d ago

I don't know what is meta or not, but what do y'all think of this?

Verdant robes with snowball and potion barrier, Eternal knife with leeching, Exploding crossbow with chain reaction, Slow arrows, lightning rod, corrupted beacon


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

You'd benefit from Wither Armor more than Verdant Robe because of the Life Steal and +50% soul gathering, since the cooldown of Verdant Robe doesn't help much because soul artifacts don't have much cooldown to begin with.

Bonus is, because of the Life Steal, you don't need Leeching on the Eternal Knife. You could use Voidstrike to seriously buff the DPS of your Beacon and Harvester.

Snowball is a W though. Helps a lot for soul builds. But if doing Lightning Rod, you'd do better with a Voidcaller that use Soul Siphon. It's a soul ranged weapon that pulls mobs into the one you shot, which works great with Lightning Rod.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

That is meta


u/BurgerFromTheUk 6d ago

I haven't got to end game yet so I don't think I'm really entitled to an opinion, but I been enjoying alot the weapons.

I do enjoy being the tank for my archer friend as I go in soak up damage while she rains hellfire apon the enemies


u/blueguy211 6d ago

anchor bis


u/Alpha_skibidi_sigma 6d ago

Wait there’s a meta…


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Always has been


u/alvadabra 6d ago

Frozen Foil go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 🥶


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

It's about on par with Fighter's Bindings in terms of tiering. It's weaker, but has more reach to keep mobs away. Uses Gravity like a demon. Has great Stunning use too.


u/Derplord4000 4d ago

Alright, could you perhaps enlighten me as to why is Freezing so bad? I mean, on the surface, isn't it essentially reducing the damage you take by up to 50% similar to how Chilling overall reduces damage intake by 30%, or is that not how it works? And, if the game was still being updated and enchantments could be buffed, what would it take for Freezing to become viable or even meta?


u/ShinkuNY 4d ago

It's kinda how it works, but the effect doesn't take place mid-animation, so a mob is only slowed down on their next attack, which they often don't live to see anyway.

Plus a Freezing Foil with Gravity is gonna be keeping mobs from being able to attack most of the time, on top of Stunning added to that, so Freezing has less room to shine.

Also Freezing is a "mob effect" type of enchant, which benefits more from AoE, which Freezing Foil lacks.

The worst part is when it's paired with Chilling. Due to an oversight, when Chilling's effect runs out, mobs don't only return to "normal" speed, but when Freezing is also in effect, it brings them back to normal and DOUBLES their normal speed. It's really weird.

But Freezing Foil as a weapon is still S tier.


u/BadyFatyCaty 6d ago

Wither armor, great for soul builds


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

And just about every type of build possible. Literally the best armor in the game


u/BadyFatyCaty 2d ago

Honestly, other than fighters binding, idk the meta lol


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 2d ago

Well, Fighters Bindings are low meta now, but i don’t care for the meta.

Anything can be good, meta or not, rare or unique. You just need good enchant combos, build synergy and in the right build / build type. And there are MANY different types of builds. Enchants depend on the type of build you are going for, not just for the type of gear.

As my 357 Themed Builds prove


u/BadyFatyCaty 2d ago

I mean the amount of freedom is insane considering all the rerolls on enchants you can do now, shame this game was discontinued though


u/Radioactive_Entity 6d ago

Me personally I like the starless night with triple sharpness and ofc I like the hungriest horror armor (prot, thorns, flame aura). My artifacts would be the following:

Corrupted beacon


Totem of regeneration

As you can see, my setup is made for a combination of attack, defense, and healing. And all my gear is at level 251.


u/ShinkuNY 5d ago

I do have to agree with Grim. Protection isn't helping much. If you are taking 56% damage from a mob (where you'd die in 2 hits) and you slapped on Protection, you would still die in 2 hits. That's how little a difference Protection makes.

And then you have Thorns and Burning. Even though Thorns is 200% damage dealt back to the mob, they have so much more HP than you do and they do much less damage in comparison, that it doesn't amount to much DPS. Even Burning has more DPS than Thorns does, and Burning's DPS is bad.

There is Starless Night, which is a meta weapon (just like Hungriest Horror is a meta armor), but the enchants aren't effective.

Triple Sharpness, combined with Hungriest Horror's 20% weapon damage boost, gives you +155.3% DPS. Meanwhile, just Voidstrike with Hungriest Horror is +140% DPS minimum. It would actually be more like +200% DPS since you aren't using a Mushroom to boost your attack speed.

This also buffs the damage from your Harvester and Beacon, mind you. A lot. You can melt a Raid Captain in less than 3 seconds with Voidstrike + Beacon.

This would free you up to use the remaining 2 slots for actual defense and healing. Guarding Strike, combined with 35% damage reduction, is 67.5% total reduction, as opposed to the 41.65% your setup currently is limited to. And with your melee DPS, Leeching gives insurmountably more healing than Totem of Regeneration.

And it would give even more healing per second if you then used that to replace Totem of Regeneration with Death Cap Mushroom to nearly double your attack speed.

That said, the armor wouldn't be able to use it very well without Cooldown, which would make the Mushroom infinite. It would also make Iron Hide Amulet infinite too, giving you a total of 80.3% damage reduction when combined with Hungriest Horror and Guarding Strike.

tl;dr, this setup would have more DPS, more healing/sec, more damage reduction, more speed, and overall performance:

Starless Night - Voidstrike + Guarding Strike + Leeching
Hungriest Horror - Cooldown + Deflect + Potion Barrier / Chilling
Iron Hide Amulet + Gong of Weakening + Death Cap Mushroom

But if you wanted to go the soul route, that can also work fine, with proper support for the heavy soul use.

Jailor's Scythe - Soul Siphon + Voidstrike + Weakening
Wither Armor - Soul Focus + Bag of Souls + Snowball
Voidcaller - Soul Siphon + Anima Conduit + Wild Rage/ Tempo Theft
Corrupted Beacon + Harvester + Lightning Rod

Or you can combine the two for a soul melee build:

Jailor's Scythe - Voidstrike + Soul Siphon + Guarding Strike
Wither Armor - Soul Focus + Bag of Souls / Potion Barrier + Cooldown
Soul Hunter Crossbow - Anima Conduit + Soul Siphon + Wild Rage
Corrupted Beacon / Iron Hide Amulet + Harvester + Death Cap Mushroom

Sort of delving into the realm of meta. Soul builds aren't exactly meta, but a Starless Night melee build is meta. But it's discussing the weapon and armor that you're using, which are both meta. Just explaining the metrics of the buidls.

I could go into detail the DPS and damage reduction and healing/sec of what you're using vs what I posted, but it's probably not needed. As it stands, a build with 2 soul artifacts that only has 2 soul gathering is not gonna be using those artifact slots much, which leaves you to rely more on the melee weapon without any good melee support.


u/Radioactive_Entity 4d ago

And yet I somehow manage to absolutely destroy my enemies.


u/Radioactive_Entity 4d ago

But that isn't my usual setup. My usual is:

Starless night (guilded-leeching 3)-void strike- unenchanting-guarding strike-lvl251

Wither armor (guilded-deflect 3)-chilling-multiroll-deathbarter-lvl251

Elite power bow (guilded-overcharge 3)- power- super charge- growing-lvl251

Artifacts are:

Ironhide amulet- lvl251

Deathcap mushroom- lvl251

Weakening gong- lvl251

This is my usual setup. I have a few setups but none are as well performing as this.


u/Radioactive_Entity 4d ago

And I've been playing since the game came out.


u/ShinkuNY 4d ago edited 4d ago

It would be interesting to see, so I could determine if your idea of "completely destroy" is the same as mine. But then, I've done potionless runs with a build that's completely unenchanted and only has 2 artifacts, so it's not as if bad/ineffective builds cannot "work". And even so, I can very easily determine what parts of the build are actually contributing to the "complete destruction" of the enemies, and which aren't pulling any weight at all.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Where do I begin?

Protection by default only adds 15%, which isn’t good. Especially when you compare it to every other type of damage reduction. 35% on some armor, 50% from Iron Hide Amulet, 50% from Guarding Strike, 30% from Chilling, and 90% from Potion Barrier.

Protection also diminishes more than the other damage reductions. All damage reduction stacks and diminishes, but not as drastically as Protection. It doesn’t add, it multiplies.

If you put Protection on armor that has 35% built in, Protection diminishes to 10%. Protection plus an Iron Hide Amulet gives you 8%. Both 35% and Iron Hide Amulet will make Protection drop down to 6%. It just keeps getting smaller and smaller, making Protection worthless.

The 15% is also not very consistent. No matter what, Protection starts at 15% and keeps dropping lower. While everything else stays the same when it activates. Potion Barrier gives 90% for 9 seconds when you drink a health potion. Guarding Strike gives 50% for 4 seconds after killing a mob. Iron Hide Amulet gives 50% every time you activate it. Etc.

Protection is just bad an outclassed

So it definitely doesn’t make you tanky lmao.

Thorns barely does any damage to mobs and it pushes you in different directions.

Burning is only decent if in a Fire Build, but by itself it does bad tick damage.

Sharpness is a flat buff. So all it does is boost the weapon’s damage and Sharpness itself. It also diminishes over time. There are better damage enchants. Void Strike is required.

Totem of Regeneration isn’t good for healing. It stops you from being mobile, takes forever to heal you and it only heals for half health.


u/Derplord4000 6d ago

Boots of Swiftness is a great artifact that I use in almost any build, mainly because I don't have the patience to walk at normal speed.

Sharpness is also kinda underrated. I mean, 33% is not the best, but it's still something, and one of the few damage buffs that actually buffs your first attack. As a melee focused person who just wants to kill things as quickly as possible, choosing between Sharpness or a defensive enchant is honestly kind of a difficult choice.


u/CoolRabbit75 6d ago

idk if really off meta, but i will never use armor if it doesnt have potion barrier, especially in the early-midgame, even if the other wrmor is like 10 power levels higher


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

Potion Barrier is meta, but it isn’t required in every build, nor is it used in every build type.


u/CoolRabbit75 5d ago

ah thanks! could you provide an example of a build that doesnt use it? (except a speed build of course) i would like to try something like that


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

Rolling, Soul Builds (typically), Mage Builds, some Pet Builds, some Melee Builds, Ghost Form, Shadow Form, Prospector Builds (typically), Jungle Poison builds (cause it blocked by the poison) and some Ranged Builds. And most Dot enchants can block Refreshment a lot, so Leeching (even though it can also get blocked) replaces Refreshment since it actually heals you. So Dot builds also usually don’t have Refreshment.

If you want some cool and good builds, then check out my subreddit. Link in my profile. I have made 355 Themed Builds. Just made one last night


u/FiamForFall 6d ago

I used to think fists/gloves were overated, but I got gilded soul fists from grinding and they are from no souls to full bar in about 5-10 secs even with extra capacity and no soul items really... But they still overated generically. People say they or the foil are the quickest but mechanized sawblade is, only reason it shows slower is recharge


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

If you spam click the sawblades, then it doesn’t burn out


u/BurnLeaf 6d ago

Mines the encrusted anchor


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

That is meta


u/Commander_Crumb 6d ago

I was gone for so long I didn’t even know that this game had a meta


u/Lightspeed5617 6d ago

i go with refreshment and tempo theft cuz i need to run, my build normally is lucky explorer, death barter and multi roll on armour


u/TheyTookXoticButters 6d ago

Torment Quiver best quiver


u/kliperek505 6d ago

Pre ender dlc i could spend hours on obsidian pinnacle just to get that sweet claymore


u/Mr_black_hat999 5d ago

Frosted scythe with leaching, wither armor with poison damage boost, vine seeds, boot, golem


u/that_wierd 5d ago

I have a giant stash of weapons so I use what ever I feel like


u/SokkaHaikuBot 5d ago

Sokka-Haiku by that_wierd:

I have a giant

Stash of weapons so I use

What ever I feel like

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/WebHopeful8108 5d ago

Tempest knife and flock pet builds(multi summons like vex and bees)


u/Otherwise-Resist6683 5d ago

Change the claymore for a heartstealer, that's my setup


u/NuggieBoi02 5d ago

I find the unique anchor and a tank set of armor to be fun


u/Redslimemat 4d ago

My build is wither skeleton armor, elite powerbow. Max overcharge, void strike. And something else. And fangs if frost. I use the bow on bosses. On 3rd arrow, because of void strike, i do over 15mil damage. Fangs of frost have radiance, void strike, and something else, and because i have a mushroom in my artifacts, my build is basically stun-lock.its goofy.


u/norecommendation2k9 3d ago

I always thought Fighter’s Bindings were an offmeta take… this just changed my whole worldview-


u/Some_Travel_8952 2d ago

Counter argument frost/jailor scythe and champion armor for 25% less potion cooldown and a power bow with overcharge on it


u/Single_Horse_5272 2d ago

I’m trying to get that lol


u/humanperson1236 6d ago

wither armour is best


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

I like hero armor for the -40% potion cooldown


u/humanperson1236 6d ago

also my final hottake

master's katana is goated


u/Admirable-Tap8354 6d ago

these are not even hot takes tho


u/humanperson1236 6d ago

trust me some1 will be offenended by this


u/PersonThatLikesHats 6d ago

But the majority won’t. The point of a hot take is that the majority of people will disagree or be offended by your take.


u/gamer_dinoyt69 6d ago

These are not hot takes. These are just unanimous opinions.


u/MaxRocketDuck 6d ago

Man I’m getting kinda chilly from these painfully cold takes.


u/mastermistypotato 5d ago

Your build is literally entirely meta


u/TheCheeseBurgerBand 6d ago

Potion barrier refreshment is so underrated it makes the game so easy I love it


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

That is not underrated at all lmao. Literally is the most common combo


u/clevermotherfucker 6d ago

wait this sub is alive? i thought dungeons died out after official support died?


u/Jrlopez1027_ 6d ago

No, still a very active community


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 6d ago

It never died out