r/MinecraftDungeons May 15 '24

Improved the setup (: Loadout

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u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24 edited May 18 '24

Main changes from the original setup:

ANY of the trick/bubble bows will work with this setup so it really doesn't matter which you use, just comes down to preference. me personally i like bubble burster cause of how fast its arrows travel

Replaced health synergy and looting with fire aspect and fire focus which deals over 4.2m damage with the fire alone thanks to void strike and thats without gong lol. lifesteal + damage reduction gave me plenty of survivability so health synergy isn't needed and i still have pot barrier for tough spots. looting was unnecessary as i didn't need strength pots and i found myself finishing levels with 1k+ arrows even without arrow bundles from looting. (helps that im not roll spamming anymore)

Swapped out cool down for snowball due to me using cooldown shot to reduce cooldown of mushroom and amulet instead, snowball is clutch against lone mobs especially creepers

Committed got subbed out for crit since it deals more overall damage (thanks shin for the find and explanation)

Since i shouldn't be roll spamming (i was guilty of doing that lol) and instead should be doing single rolls to spread voidstrike/fire aspect and avoid resetting voidstrike, just putting one arrow in a mob and waiting for the damage to rack up will produce far better than constantly hitting them with arrows resetting voidstrike which leads to less damage overall as you aren't allowing time for fire aspect to climb in damage with void.

and finally i subbed out feather for gong for even more damage since im not spam rolling

this build truly shreds now


u/ofthesindar86 May 15 '24

Nice, dude! I like the changes. Glad I was wrong about the bubbles and Void Strike, Bubble Burster is my favorite bow lol. 

After u/ShinkuNY corrected me about the bubbles, I was theory crafting a bit, and thought about keeping Cooldown on the armor, and dropping Cooldown Shot for Wild Rage. I was just wondering if mobs affected by Wild Rage consume VS?


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

thanks man! i would see no reason why wild rage would affect the void strike but i could be wrong haha


u/ofthesindar86 May 17 '24

Hey dude, I made your build! It's really fun and crazy strong lol. Well, mostly made it. I swapped Snowball for Cooldown and Cooldown Shot for Wild Rage because I really enjoy it lol. A little extra CC is nice. 

I did a Broken Citadel tier 3 daily with 3 banners, 2 Threat and a mob health +80% (+25 ofc) and only died once.

I know the whole point of the build is Pain Cycle, but after the above trial, I swapped it for Committed. The big damage is crazy fun, but I prefer the consistency of Committed. Just a personal preference. Again, love your build, one of my favorites. Cheers!


u/NameLess_YT May 17 '24 edited May 18 '24

yooo that’s awesome hahah, glad it’s working well for you! yeah obviously everyone’s gonna have their own tweaks and stuff but that’s what i like about this game hahah, there’s so many options


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 May 15 '24

Why the Fire?


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

in the explanation but you got to it first lol

pretty much because voidstrike isn't resetting on each firetick, the damage will keep climbing provided you dont hit it again with the bow. This leads to one arrow doing around 4.2m damage with the fire alone (and thats without gong) before it wears out which is more than enough to kill most trash mobs (idk what the health numbers for any of the mobs are but it was suffice to kill mooshrooms)


u/APT1003 May 15 '24

bubble burster fire aspect ig, fire aspect + void strike ranged is pretty good too


u/gamer_dinoyt69 May 15 '24

Replace Snowball with Cooldown.

That's all.

Btw, is this your actual build or is this a test or something?


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

i already explained in my explanation i don't need cooldown cause im using cooldown shot to lower cooldowns instead

and this is an actual build yes


u/gamer_dinoyt69 May 15 '24

No, you need cooldown.

Cooldown will pair nicely with your cooldown shot, cooldown shot can't work effectively without a bit of Cooldown.

Trust me, I have tried a build like yours, and it was frustrating to use without Cooldown.


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

power 251 amulet and mushroom both last for 21 seconds roughly and have a cool down of 25 and 30 seconds respectively. and cooldown shot reduces cool-downs by 1.5 seconds for each shot, meaning to negate the 9 seconds of downtime maximum (for mushroom) i’ll need to roll 6 times in the 21 seconds which is not incredibly hard to do considering the base roll has a cool down of ~3 seconds (i could be wrong)


u/gamer_dinoyt69 May 15 '24

Yep, you won't be able to unless you have light feather which requires cooldown to use.


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

what no i just said that i need to roll 6 times (9/1.5) in 21 seconds which would take 18 seconds (6*3) so it is doable


u/ofthesindar86 May 15 '24

Burst Bowstring fires three charged shots. If all three hit a mob it's 4.5 seconds of cd reduction per roll. So yeah, you're fine lol.


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

oh the enchant description is really misleading then haha i swear it says like after a charged shot reduces cool-downs by 1.5 seconds


u/ofthesindar86 May 15 '24

Just checked to make sure of the actual wording.

"When you attack with a charged shot, artifact Cooldowns are decreased."

I'm using it on a Bee/Lightning rolling build right now, and as long as there's mobs Mushroom is always up. Two or three rolls is all it takes. There are instances where the mobs die too fast and Mushroom falls off on the way to the next pack, but one roll and it's back up


u/bigdogdame92 May 15 '24

Fire aspect on the bubble burster removes the bubble bursters defining feature. Maybe you got the unlucky gild of fire focus but i honestly would've just left it as is and not yet and use it.


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

i thought that’s what i was seeing, and eh you don’t really need the bubble bursters bubbles you just need the ricochet really. and no i did not get an unlucky gild, i made this build from scratch lol


u/bigdogdame92 May 15 '24

Well when you let the bubbles pop by themselves void strike multiplies it's damage by 2.5. the bubbles also offer a lot of defensive capabilities.

I would replace it with pink scoundrel


u/NameLess_YT May 15 '24

true true you right. yes pink scoundrel is very easily interchangeable and the wild rage is amazing for creepers also it’s got a cool looking seasonal variant


u/False_Ratio8797 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Honestly there are not a lot u can improve without changing the build completely set for bow which is opinion.The rest can be improved but depending on the build u are going for.

Improvement(optional)replace snowball with cooldown and hope u cowardly or reckless as gilded enchment because life steal go well with cowardly and somewhat fix the problem with reckless


u/NameLess_YT May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

does anyone actually read my explanations haha

cool-down is not needed as explained twice before. reckless sucks cause the damage boost is not worth the health you lose, cowardice would be good except for the fact that pain cycle is also an additive damage buff so they don’t work well together


u/False_Ratio8797 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Yea that is why I said there are not much improved without changing the build completely I know u what u mean not need explained why don't want cooldown and reckless or Cowardly is optional

I said improvement because in my opinion will make ur build more flexible and more balanced without pay too much for it aka hint why I said there are not much improved without changing the build completely

Thought I am confused why fire focus instead of something else but I don't say anything about it because I don't know what to try with ur build.


u/NameLess_YT May 16 '24

right gotcha, fire focus is to increase to potency of fire aspect so that it actually deals decent damage


u/False_Ratio8797 May 16 '24

I kinda guess that but the fire aspect is only bow not the weapon unless a build in a fire aspect oh well it is ur build plus the gilded enchment is fire aspect which cannot get rid off


u/NameLess_YT May 17 '24

this is a build i made from scratch, the gilded enchant does not matter as i can just change it. the interaction between fire focus and void strike on the bow makes it do really good damage


u/False_Ratio8797 May 17 '24

Ah ok then that makes sense tho I suggest getting spider armor that has a chilling or potion barrier as gilded enchment because then u can use that armor for a different build instead of one or two


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u/ofthesindar86 May 15 '24

He's taking advantage of the Void Strike/Weakening interaction. He uses the bow to apply Void Strike, and because the Nameless Blade has Weakening built in it won't consume the Void Strike debuff.

So Void Strike is still better than Crit on slow weapons, he's just using it differently.