r/MinecraftDungeons Mod Mar 18 '24

PSA about IP grabbing links Announcement

Hey all, Landon again

I really shouldn’t have to say this, and I’m sorry to the 99% of you to whom this does not pertain. In the last few days, I’ve had to delete an excessive number of posts containing IP grabbing links using “Minecraft Dungeons Alpha” as a way to make people click.




I’ve done my best to remove these posts and ban the accounts, but I can’t catch everything, and some may get through. Please please please report anything you think is suspicious. I’m not worried about excessive reporting. I’ll always welcome the assistance in removing unwanted content.

Just to make myself abundantly clear, any account posting a phishing link (or other malicious link of any sort) will be immediately, permanently, and unappealably banned from the subreddit (I don’t care that unappealably isn’t a word, I have the talking stick). I will also be reporting this activity to Reddit as necessary, which can result in a site wide account ban. This sort of activity has absolutely no place in this community. Thanks for your continued support as a community while I’m getting things back up to speed. Happy Dungeon Crawling!



10 comments sorted by


u/YOLO-Username Mar 18 '24

I was trying to Google this, without luck. So, what's the deal with MC Alpha and the videos then? Is that all fake, or is there a new game really coming?


u/Luna_dwp Mar 18 '24

From what I saw the other day, there was a guy who had a day old account just posting links saying trust me guys! No new game and most likely a dodgy link. The videos may have potentially just been a mod or something


u/humanperson1236 Mar 19 '24

i will stay in creepy crypt for the rest of my life if it means i will never see a bot stealing and reposting my memes


u/bigdogdame92 Mar 18 '24

Yep. I put the link thru a analysis website and it told me it was a phishing website.


u/Impossible-Quiet392 Mar 23 '24

I know that there is original link which actually downloads Minecraft Dungeons Alpha and not a phishing website but I forgot it's address and it seems some people make phishing websites


u/internerdt May 25 '24

thanks mr excel workbook


u/XLandonSkywolfX Mod May 25 '24

you’re welcome internerdt


u/Dungeons1908 20d ago

Well, the Minecraft Dungeons Alpha is real, as I have played it and I have proves (someone gave me the link to it in some discord servers).

But I can't discuss about IP Grabbing, that isn't ok as its obvious.

I just want to say that Alpha it's real but I'm against IP Grabbing