r/LivestreamFail 2d ago

Dan gets one hit away from defeating Rellana after six days of attempts DanGheesling | Just Chatting


99 comments sorted by


u/F-b 2d ago

what is this mosquito health bar?


u/MediumSizedTurtle 2d ago

That's my question. Is he doing like a level 1 challenge or something?


u/jrebel_0 2d ago edited 2d ago

During his original run through the base game he was having trouble with Radahn and someone in chat kept nagging him to put more points into Vig or he would never stand a chance (he had only sparsely invested into Vig at that point in favor of Damage stats). So in very Dan fashion, he respecced his character to REMOVE the Vig he had already put in and vowed to beat the game and every optional boss without putting a single point into Vig, he's carried that into the DLC.


u/MediumSizedTurtle 2d ago

Man willing to spite so hard you're doing a challenge run is next level. Specially after spending a week on like the first boss of the dlc.


u/jrebel_0 2d ago edited 2d ago

Malenia took 3000 attempts, a week of attempts at Renalla is nothing


u/MediumSizedTurtle 2d ago

There's a fine line between dedication to the bit and mental illness. Dudes up there dancing on the line


u/thanosthehandsoffate 2d ago

Suffercore is an acquired taste.


u/jwfd65 2d ago

He makes money doing it tho, can’t really call it mental illness. A ‘challenge’ run is free content


u/brgnschmrgn 2d ago

He's just like me dragging out a 30 minute task for the whole afternoon


u/sowelijanpona 4h ago

Most people who work fulltime jobs are very much used to hours of sisyphian suffering for their paychecks :p


u/EbolaDP 2d ago

I can and i will.


u/MaikuKnight 2d ago

Should have seen him on Big Brother, hosted his own funeral.


u/HiddenReflexes 2d ago

I had never seen big brother, but decided to watch the season Dan was in.

I ended up watching 19 hours straight, the entire season. I couldn't turn off the TV and I'm not someone who binges shows. I don't regret a second of it.


u/my5ticdrag0n 2d ago

The man is an enigma.


u/supawatcher111 2d ago

He was in 2 seasons. I didn't watch the whole season, but there are good videos of just the parts relevant to Dan. Combined it's about 5 hours long if you have some time to kill




u/MrFluxed 2d ago

bro didn't even know Melania had life steal until attempt 300-something. his entire playthrough has been painful but also awe-inspiring.


u/shmellit 2d ago

and then theres moon moon


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/dabmin 2d ago

I have no idea how he’s gonna do the final boss and I say that as a believer, especially because he will probably not resort to complete cheese builds


u/ClownSevensix 2d ago

Last boss might be easier for him than malenia.

In general I know it’s arguably the hardest boss in any fromsoft game, but with like 0 vigor Malenia water fowl is the hardest attack to dodge.

I’m guessing last boss will be tough for him but not as tough as malenia.


u/5Ping 1d ago

is renalla that low in difficulty? I think the only bosses that I will put above or par with renalla is Radahn, Gaius, Messmer, Bayle, That shitty dragon fight before bayle You could even argue that Messmer and Bayle is a tier a below rellana in terms of difficulty due to their well done, telegraphed and dodgeable attacks


u/Silly_Chef_1828 2d ago

Holy shitt


u/Kermiukko 2d ago

Dude hates his chat/s

Proved em wrong lol


u/Jrmcjr 2d ago

He also has the shabiri woe and fia debuff icons on his buff bar. Are those also intentional to spite his chat?


u/DanGheesling 2d ago

Yes, well not all of chat, just the one guy who told me I couldn’t beat Radahn with 0 Vig 2 years ago


u/Trident47 2d ago



u/levraimonamibob 2d ago

Dan is the man


u/linkszx 2d ago



u/the_smalltiger 2d ago

I pictured this exact scenario instantly when I saw his health bar.


u/new_account_wh0_dis 2d ago

This is what my friend does. Dude hasn't used any scoobydoo treats cause I mentioned he should explore and invest. Beat madness dude, rellana, and lion and being at messmer basically turns it into a no hit requirement. Thing is he won't change weapon, use flask of physick, etc. He just bashes his head for 6hrs till he gets the kill.


u/Schmigolo 2d ago

So I assume if you suggest to farm scadus or use parries he will super duper not use them? Cause there's no way even smoeone with physical disability takes 6 days on Rellana with parries as long as you're allowed to stack damage.


u/jrebel_0 2d ago edited 2d ago

He refuses to use a shield/spells/incantations/buffs/anything cheesy/etc...


u/Schmigolo 2d ago

Don't need a shield to parry tho. Pretty sure he can just put it on his sword.


u/jrebel_0 2d ago

Not on the kind of sword he uses and frankly I think he might also never use AoW skills at all anyway


u/caindaddy 2d ago

Nah he used lions claw very heavily, as seen in the clip


u/jrebel_0 2d ago

Ahh, I think there may have been a point during the base game where he didn't but I may just be misremembering


u/LimeOdd6791 2d ago

Agree.. if he’s still stacking damage and not doing a full lvl1 run, it’s insane that he’s unable to grind out a no hit run after 6 days, this mfer is just ass


u/75153594521883 2d ago

Liglore3 told him he couldn’t beat Starscourge Radahn with no vig, so he respec’d to play with no vig and did the rest of his play through with no vig. He’s keeping it rolling in the DLC. Liglore hasn’t been seen since.


u/kvbrd_YT 2d ago

yeah, if you are playing the DLC below 60 vigor you're FUCKED... unless you play some crazy tank build that doesn't take damage of course... which he isn't lol


u/Nemeris117 2d ago

You still get two or three shot by many things from 50 thru 60 vigor. The breakpoints are only noticible once you rack up enough fragments or are fighting less threatening mobs so far.


u/Nerellos 2d ago

40 vigor plenty enough with the scooby snacks.


u/SvenskaLiljor 2d ago

Scunthorpe's Braising


u/balaiuca 2d ago



u/The_Old_Workout_Plan 2d ago

I’d be so surprised if he ever manages to get past Radahn

But this is also the guy who beat Malenia and S ranked Chef Saltbaker on his last possible attempt so I acquiesce


u/balaiuca 2d ago

Hopefully before Big Brother season 27


u/Framed-Photo 2d ago

Malenia is super difficult don't get me wrong, but at least she's got a fair difficulty for the most part. There's some bs but overall it's fine enough.

A lot of the dlc bosses though, and especially radahn, are just so full of bs I genuinely think it's just poor design. It's not fun difficulty I guess, and it doesn't feel fair when playing even with the op min maxed build I cleared the dlc with in like 25 hours lol.

Malenia was walking the edge of the line for me, most of the remembrance dlc bosses are way past it. The dlc would have been so much better for me if the bosses were designed better and it feels like a lot of people are just too blinded by their love of the franchise to critique it.


u/demonickilla 2d ago

You beat the dlc in 25 hrs with a minmaxed build you looked up online and you’re wondering why the dlc didn’t feel fun.


u/tens00r 2d ago

Honestly, the amount of people who are treating the DLC as a boss rush and completely ignoring everything else is insane. It's like rushing all the great runes in the base game without collecting any golden seeds / sacred tears. Of course you aren't gonna have fun if you ignore 80% of the content, including the RPG mechanics that power you up. Especially if your boss "strategy" is just to spam attacks with the most broken build to try and kill them before they kill you, without ever attempting to learn their moveset. Might as well just get a summon to carry you at that point.


u/ZlyLudek 1d ago

Half of the entire elden ring subreddit is gloating about killing Radahn with the bugged lightning bottle or greatshield + poke cheese build they found when googling "elden ring strongest build" 😁


u/Framed-Photo 1d ago edited 1d ago

I'm not saying the dlc wasn't fun I'm saying the bosses are too difficult. I had much more fun exploring around and fighting normal enemies.

If the bosses felt like bs even for my optimized build then yeah they're gonna be total shit for normal builds.

It's not like I wasn't collecting shit, I fought all the major bosses, quite a few secondary bosses, I was scadutree level 16 by the final boss, and I didn't struggle too much to beat anything. That doesn't change the fact that I don't think the bosses are well designed.


u/Potato_fortress 1d ago

I haven’t found a poorly designed boss yet besides mini bosses and the last two dragons that basically dont allow camera lock. The mini bosses aren’t even necessarily poorly designed they just still have headshot flinches turned on in the case of the mausoleum fights so they’re kind of jokes. 

Everything else has been reasonably tough but fair. There are moments you can run into where you’ll find yourself in an unavoidable frame trap but those are mostly contained to Rellana because of her glint blade phalanx spell and how pushing her phases functions; they’re entirely avoidable as long as you’re letting her trigger the glint sword naturally. The other fights all have obvious and exploitable weaknesses and don’t end up feeling too tough. Dancing Divine Beast is probably the easiest of the DLC remembrance bosses since his weakness is so obvious and exploitable and Radahn is probably the hardest because he borders on unfair until you understand the mechanics. Rellana and Messmer can both be made easier by understanding jump iframes, putrescent knight requires you to understand jumping iframes and how to dodge the horse combo, and Midra is pretty much just a fair fight but you can always cheese his opening since it’s consistent. The rest aren’t really worth noting or worrying about and all of them are hard but other than maybe a few unique situations the only thing that feels “unfair” is the camera in the last two dragon fights but even those fights themselves don’t feel poorly designed compared to some other souls dragons.


u/Shovelman2001 2d ago

Bro's RP'ing his Big Brother 14 game


u/michel6079 2d ago


u/Limp_Bar_1727 2d ago edited 2d ago

He looks like one of those rubber dolls you squeeze and the eye balls pop out 😂


u/deepfriedhotdog 2d ago

LOL this is a great clip. Spelunky 7-99 was my favorite Dan arc.


u/VolkPlsWin 2d ago

An actual fail



u/Elon_Almighty 2d ago

We should make a subreddit for these


u/Zazierx 2d ago

Tis a rare thing


u/drododruffin 2d ago

Honestly, for moments like that.. I'd at least appreciate having it recorded on stream so you can actually look back and see just what went wrong.


u/SolaVitae 2d ago

You see, what went wrong is that the his health bar reached zero before the bosses


u/tacopeepee69 2d ago

I’m surprised every tickle from the boss doesn’t just one shot with that vigor level.


u/Etrafeg 2d ago

Thats what surprised me also, he's gonna have to no-hit the entire game pretty much.


u/kamikazoo 1d ago

Must be damage negation from armor , talismans and spells or something


u/WHALE_BOY_777 2d ago

This guy did 7-99 in Spelunky 2 which is considered one of the hardest challenges in gaming, if there's no time limit he literally always wins through sheer persistence.

Anybody whos watched his streams knows he's also insanely lucky in any game with RNG for god knows whatever reason.

So he's a freak and an outlier, in the most positive sense.

And if you're wondering how he's gonna beat Radahn, well ... it's going to through his unshakable iron will.

It may take months, or years but it will get done. His way. I can guarantee it.


u/Erdolleg 2d ago

It's not going 3000


u/Dantesdominion 2d ago

He got the equivalent of the barista saying, "I have a boyfriend" to him when he went for his shot.

Better luck next time, buddy. KEKW


u/bobby3eb 1d ago

Author me


u/Dew4yne 2d ago

Upvote for Dan but damn that sucks


u/Makecompbowskinnable 2d ago

This is tragic


u/poeBuck 2d ago

This is worse than losing BB14.


u/DickPinch 2d ago

Dan Beat Malenia with this character as well as every remembrance/big boss with this character. 99 strength, +25 heavy greatsword. Sure Malenia took 2999 attempts and the final boss more than 600 attempts iirc but it was awesome being there for when it finally happened.

Also no summons, no greases, no crab, no magic buffs


u/ZlyLudek 1d ago

Excuse me it's pronounced RESIN.


u/UberTanks 2d ago

You can see the devastation on his face.


u/YummyArtichoke 2d ago

that "what?!" was deep and chunky


u/DayDreamerJon 2d ago

oh man thats brutal, make sure to post when he actually pulls it off, I wanna see it


u/Augusstus 2d ago

Hahahaha man was dialed in. Until he wasn’t.


u/DDJFLX4 2d ago

"say goodnight" reminds me of those movies where the bad guy says some shit before killing the good guy and then the good guy does an uno reverse lol


u/pledref1 2d ago

Never lost a one v one


u/Althuzius 2d ago

all that to be one shotted... you people who enjoy this game are delusional masochist...


u/ariashadow 2d ago

excited to see him reach the final boss


u/TooDamnFilthyyyyy 1d ago

If rellana takes him this long i would say radahn will take a few months probably


u/lazypieceofcrap 1d ago

Gheesling needs more vigor. That tiny bar for the DLC is insane.


u/JesterMagnum 1d ago

blud hasnt blinked since the DLC launched 💀


u/brewedtealeaf122 15h ago

Someone teach this guy about crouch poke on the UGS :( he left at least 3 free hits on the table, the low boss HP panic is so funny to watch someone else do though


u/page0rz 2d ago

Context? Boss isn't that hard, but looks like a low level run? Is that why it's taking a week?


u/Elon_Almighty 2d ago

Dan's chat always tell him to level his vigor (HP) so Dan respecced and put his vigor to the lowest level


u/page0rz 2d ago

That's admirable dedication to the bit. Respectable


u/Look_At_That_OMGWTF 2d ago

Dan's been doing a no vig run since the beginning of the game basically, he's got a highlight of his malenia attempts somewhere (took like a whole month, iirc?)


u/bad_faif 2d ago

Took him exactly 3000 attempts to beat malenia.


u/Yergason 2d ago

Jesus. That's God-tier resilience and commitment