r/DrDisrespectLive 4m ago

Do not protect someone who has lied to your face for years - and still made millions..



I live in Sweden, so I'm used to the whole idea of 15 years old having relationships with 16-17. However, I am NOT used to seeing a grown man in almost his 40s, texting a 15, 16 or even 17 years old, in an inappropriate way. That itself, is disgusting, if that was my daughter, I would make it my lifes mission to make sure he gets a lesson or two. It's not illegal in Sweden, but it is MORALLY wrong and DISGUSTING.

Now that's discussed:

Why do you still want to support a guy who has lied to you for YEARS, saying that he doesn't know why he got banned from Twitch? Like Shroud put it so well: "The moment he got banned from Twitch, I distanced myself. I am not a fucking idiot, you don't get banned for NOTHING."

Twitch is also in the wrong here for hiding something so valuable to the community. But the one who is MOSTLY in the fault, is DrDisrespect, for using whisper feature to communicate with a teenager/minor.

Tell me again, why do you want to support someone who is lying through their teeth? Are you saying you want to watch narcissistic people? Are you saying you want to live in a world full of lies?

Are you saying that you love that people are lying and want to support that and give your hard earned money?

What if your parents lied to you for years? Think of it this way.

Stop, and think about this for a second then decide, if you still want to support him.

Just get this through your head: He made millions, while still lying about why he got banned on Twitch, talked to a minor and still continued his work effortlessly without any interruptions or anyone confronting him.

Rant done.

r/DrDisrespectLive 5m ago

Farewell to the Neon Icon (tribute)


r/DrDisrespectLive 32m ago

Mondays are going to fucking suck now

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r/DrDisrespectLive 1h ago

Doc will be back


What he did (7 years ago!) was pathetic and wrong, no matter how you turn it. But pathetic in the same way as Amazing Atheist sticking a banana in his bunghole on camera, no one will give a damn after a while, it will be a dirty little secret.

Don't believe me? Take a look at the guy from Channel 5. There was actual harm and victims and actual partaking in r4pe culture, unlike with doc. No one gives a damn now, the guy is back at his previous level having millions of views. And there was a pack of rabid haters stuck on an accusatory loop everywhere just like now for doc, I've witnessed it. It was ten times worse (because what the guy allegedly did was ten times worse). My point is, your agitation is useless.

Doc literally didn't hurt anyone (was there ever a minor?), he just made a stupid fukking mistake (that's what he actually meant), probably only once and we don't even know the circumstances around it at all. Give him a break. And take a look in the mirror, are you sure you're beyond reproach yourself? What about that time you pump-and-dumped an half-drunk chick? This is just as despicable as hitting on a 17.9 year old and I have seen/heard it many times.

Stop acting like he unalived someone FFS.

r/DrDisrespectLive 1h ago

To all you Chomos


There's a lot of pedos here and shame on you.

One might think he needs to report a few potential Epsteins and creepy uncles up in this bitch!!! .

r/DrDisrespectLive 1h ago

GTARP has become my new daily show... its a 24/7(better than) netflix show.


https://www.twitch.tv/lord_kebun He is the leader of the biggest gang on the server- Mr. K of Chang Gang

r/DrDisrespectLive 2h ago

I don’t even own a gaming console and this shit makes me genuinely sad.


Like the title says, I don’t even play video games and I watched Doc all the time. I feel like he was the one streamer that was unique enough to have that kind of appeal to non-gamers. I’m actually super bummed out and every time I realize it’s legitimately over, I get this weird wave of depression. He was the one guy that I could turn on and would make me laugh without fail. Like it’s crazy to reflect on the fact that I don’t even play the games he’s streaming or any video games for that matter and I’m getting real emotions over not being able watch a guy play video games anymore. Its weird and it fucking sucks so bad man. It’s genuinely hard for me to accept and I’m not sure I truly have yet. Like most people, I always envisioned him having an epic final send off in his last stream and instead all we got was that semi-denial.

Anyway here’s the video that I always comes back to when I need cheering up. There’s something about when Doc would interact with people in the wild that was so entertaining.


r/DrDisrespectLive 2h ago

I made a fan remix for fans


I'm waiting for mod approval before posting because I don't know what the rules are for posting music, but I created a remix as an ode to those who experienced some great moments with Doc, those who feel lost and hurt from this, and those whom remain hopeful or forgiving. Is that something that will be welcomed here?

I won't ever not be a fan of the character of Doc. I kinda grew up into adulthood with his streams as a lurker. With all the hate, I just wanna bring something positive. Whether it's to bring smiles as you remember some fun times or bring hope that Doc is and will be a better person than he was 7 years ago when this all took place.

Maybe everyone have a good day. We don't gotta focus on negatives all the time.

Edit: actually, if you are genuinely someone who just wants such a song, private message me and I'll give ya the link.

r/DrDisrespectLive 2h ago

Do we even believe Slasher at this point?


People are making up a ton of fake news including slasher despite him being a journalist and we know what journalists are like. They run any story but a lot of them run stories that state Alleged/accused however with Slasher he tells stories like they are true so his readers believe them. I say they believe them because the amount of hate I get from Rolling Stone readers who think they are right. We have a guy who relies on reliable sources however his reliable source is rumours? Seems legit. I've researched this guy and if he says what is true why didn't he come out in 2020? He said 2 things about Doc in 2020. 1 he released a Tweet between Doc and PC Gamer which stated about Twitch streamers getting banned over Sexual harassers, abusers and otherwise toxic individuals which Doc wasn't interested in crazy speculations etc. To then it said about Slasher knowing why he was banned and if Doc was interested in knowing what he knew which Doc wasn't which you can read here https://x.com/Slasher/status/1284018456963289088

Slasher then came out and said he knew the reason why Doc was banned but failed to elaborate https://x.com/Slasher/status/1276742960286183424 He also said "i'm the only person that exclusively reported he Doc was permabanned and that it's not DMCA. should be pretty clear from that alone"

Also if everything Slasher has said that about Doc is true why did he promote that Doc was streaming? You can also find this here https://x.com/Slasher/status/1291472012762910720 Again.... If you had dirt on someone and its disgusting. You, me and the rest of the world wouldn't even write about Doc streaming. It just seems suss.

He then writes another Tweet personally attacking someone over something (not sure what was said but you can find that here https://x.com/Slasher/status/1301898777318633472 ) Someone calls him out for stop using Docs name to stay relevant to which he states "it's a joke"

He recently stated Doc was arrested and he had a screenshot but he has never mentioned this in his personal tweets let alone released said screenshot which makes me think this is all made up. He said this to HasanAbi live on stream which i've got a link here that goes directly to when he said it (saves everyone trying to find it) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2183181570?t=05h06m46s He tells the story like its true. Never states at the beginning that it's false/rumoured only at the end. At the end of his story telling story he's also laughing over this and saying its a 4 year anniversary over his tweet like he's proud. Proud of what exactly? Hiding a potential child pred?

The guy is a clown. He has nothing better to do than jump on the bandwagon and make it all about himself. Its clear as day. There is sooo many holes in his stories and the fact he promoted Docs stream just makes him a laughing stock at this point. I certainly wouldn't promote anyone if I had dirt on them regardless.

r/DrDisrespectLive 2h ago

Excuse me?

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r/DrDisrespectLive 2h ago

It's this bad

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r/DrDisrespectLive 3h ago

Doc cruising Orange County Irvine.

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r/DrDisrespectLive 3h ago

7 foot tall and still can't see the age of consent.



r/DrDisrespectLive 4h ago

The Doc did exponentially more good than harm as a person and that should count for something


I agree with Destiny’s take that without the chat logs and specific details, it’s hard to know how serious the initial offense was. He made a useful analogy comparing 2 drunk drivers- one in the city and one in a desolate rural environment. They are both breaking the same law, but one is way worse than the other. Sure, he made a shitty choice either way. But the people closest to him who were affected most years ago have chosen to forgive him. Sure, he lied to fans about what happened but unless we know the nuances and details of the legal agreement between him and twitch, we can’t know how outraged we should be, if we should be at all.

But if we were to stop insisting humans be perfect in every way and instead look at the overall performance people have done while on this earth, I’d say by those standards Guy Beahm has by far helped more people than he hurt, by an astronomical level. Sure he was profiting, it was definitely no charity, but the secondary effects were overwhelmingly positive. He provided a joyous refuge for so many. And sometimes the people who help others with their creativity have a hard time helping themselves.

I know this argument is nothing new and haters will downvote me, but it’s only over because we want it to be, because we can’t accept that people fuck up. But overall some things are worth salvaging. How else did Rob Lowe or Mike Tyson or Louis CK or Bill Clinton keep their careers from flatlining? I still like Michael Jackson songs. Am I evil?

It could all be over, but there is another path: complete honesty, and assuming the truth isn’t too terrible (because there is a line for sure -think Bill Cosby or Jared from Subway), an overcorrection to make amends, and humble return having changed. Those who don’t wanna watch him don’t have to. But those who can forgive can stay.

r/DrDisrespectLive 4h ago

Serious question…


Who up grippin their champ?

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

Public service special officer doofy. What cann i do for you guys?


Uf you know you know lmao

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

Its not over


Alot of details are coming out about the inside job at twitch that was conjured up to frame Doc.. he had alot of people who hated him there apparently. It’s reported that the "minor" was actually a former twitch employee pretending to be a 17 year old girl and trying to bait Dr Disrespect with entrapment techniques while the twitch mods illegally recorded it all. This entire fiasco has gone to court and a full investigation was done by authorities years ago and no wrong doing was found and no illegal activity took place by Doc. No arrests were made and no charges were filed. He will be back with a countersuit for defamation.. Just watch.

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

If you argue with this post, REGARDLESS of your position, you are being problematic.

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The only Reddit user with so much unbiased clarity it actually shocked me. I don’t think it could be said better than this.

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

Fight me


Feel like fighting

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

When you think about age consent in some countries..


It was 13 years old in japan till last year, now it's 16. It was 12 years old in the Philippines, now 16 years old.... holy cow

r/DrDisrespectLive 6h ago

Copium with trump but we cant with the doc.


I personally will continue watching the Doc, unless the messages come out and they are very inappropiate. Example:" i know you are underage, but i want to have a lot speed, violence, and momentum with you."

But in America, around 74 million people support the orange diaper clown trump.

1)34 felony counts 2) Civil convicted rap!st 3)twice impeached 4)tried to over throw the goverment decision after a fair election (and whines like a bitch about it everyday) 5)Said he wanted to sleep wity his daughter(on the view) 6)slept with a porn star while his wife was pregnent.

Edit: 7)walking into minors undressing during pagents 8)Hanging out with Jeffery Epstein.

If you want to cancel the doc, but still suport trump, you are a hypocrate. Which you are allowed to be. But quit judging peoole who still want to support/watch the doc and i wont judge you for supporting the human piece of orange dog sh!t.

r/DrDisrespectLive 6h ago

It’s Over


He confessed and then ran away. He hasn’t said shit since. Not even when Rolling Stones reported that it’s much worse than his confession stated

Grow up. Move on. Clinging to denial makes you look like an idiot

r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago



I’m gripping.

r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago

Wake up wake up wake up wake up it's the 1st of tha Month!


r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago

Drdisrespect not being charged with a crime isn't the foolproof evidence people want to believe it is.


People are saying that because he wasn't charged with a crime that he is innocent.

However, based on the timeline the statue of limitation for the crime would have lapsed. Twitch found out in 2020, Drdisrespect talked to the minor in 2017, and the statue of limitation is 1-3 years.

Statue of limitatioj for sending sexually explicit content to a minor (Penal Code 288.2 PC) is 1 year for a misdemeanor, 3 years for a felony


"When Twitch received the report in 2020, they said that Twitch investigated the claims and ultimately banned Beahm’s channel."


"Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. "
