r/DrDisrespectLive 1d ago

⚠️ Reminder: No transphobia or misogyny is allowed


Hey guys,

In light of the new leaks, we would just like to remind you of the number 1 rule of Reddit’s Content Policy:

Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.

So, in short, we will swiftly permanently ban anyone spreading transphobia, as well as take appropriate action (such as removing comments or even temporarily banning users) on any form of misogyny that goes over the line. What warrants action for a misogynistic post or comment is at the discretion of the moderators.

Once again: we are not locking down the subreddit or heavily censoring it, but given the current high level of activity, this also means that we will be less tolerant of anything that appears to be violating Reddit’s Content Policy.

Thank you very much for understanding.

r/DrDisrespectLive 10h ago


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r/DrDisrespectLive 10h ago

Just remember this: He pretended to be the victim for years and that Twitch were the bad guys


Meanwhile, all along he knew what he did and why he was banned. And he knew whoever he was messaging with was a child and still tried to pursue it further. But publicly, he kept it a secret and pretended he was the victim of "cancel culture" and mean bullies Twitch.

He lied and manipulated all of his viewers, preying on their emotions to get their money. Anyone who still supports him and sends him money for memberships and watch time after this is a no-self-respect rube who deserves to be broke. lol

r/DrDisrespectLive 9h ago

Hey Champs, when is the next Elden Ring stream?

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Just got back from a remote vacation and looking forward to seeing the 2x own some Elden Ring! When is he planning on getting on again? Monday like normal? Yayayayayayaya.

r/DrDisrespectLive 15h ago

Dr. Disrespect to be stripped of his Doctorate from San Diego Disrespect Medical School. Now just, "Disrespect"

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r/DrDisrespectLive 13h ago

It's really not that difficult a concept. Don't fuck around w kids.


I don't care if she was 17, 13 or 2. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. You have to be a dumb mothertrucker to put it all on the line for a whimsical convo with a young'n that makes you feel like you're 18 again because your hogan is hard. You aren't 18.

Have a fucking modicum of a braincell in life. Doc is gonna get erased because of stupidity and something that almost every other person on the planet understands. If you feel bad for him at this point you're playing yourself.

r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

Can we get some firm grips in the chat?

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r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago

This sucks…


As a 33 year old web dev, I always had Doc’s stream on my second monitor while working, made my hours/days better, even my 7 year old son would watch some clips with me.

It is not an understatement, he was someone I look up to. A dream life as a video game streamer, millions in the bank, great sponsorships and inspiring people daily.

To go to the arena, participate and be part of the Champions Club will be something I’ll miss a lot.

It feels, weird now.

My salute to you champs.

r/DrDisrespectLive 10h ago

The One Thing I Just Don’t get.


Why in the hell did he think he could just ignore it? Dude gets accused and is like nah I didn’t do shit elden ring Monday.

Like wtf. I am so baffled by this. What was his plan? Did he think this would all blow over?

All those years of calling twitch shitty for banning him after he found out the reason. Saying that’s not how you should do business. Mother fucker you knowingly flirted with a minor.

Getting mad at YouTube for not giving him a contract when he fucking knew why??? Like that’s more damning than anything he ever said. Getting upset with call of duty for not partnering with him? Like obviously big wig insiders knew what he did.

Which is honestly even more concerning YouTube literally admits yeah we know why got banned awhile ago. And still continued to promote him on there platform? Your telling me if all these guys knew his own fucking game studio didn’t? But they conveniently figured it out in less than 24hrs before it was confirmed? All this shit stinks so bad.

r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago

The person I feel worst for is his daughter


Not sure how old she is, but hopefully she's young enough that she doesn't have to deal with everything going on in the media or hear kids at school talk about it. There's going to come a point where she learns the truth about the type of person her father is and it isn't easy to accept (as evidenced by this sub). Hopefully she never has to deal with her own predator.

r/DrDisrespectLive 22h ago

Twitch has just banned Nickmercs

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r/DrDisrespectLive 11h ago

I guess I should turn the bike around so it looks like I'm fleeing

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r/DrDisrespectLive 15h ago

It’s a bad time for those that have a dr disrespect tattoo 🤣


r/DrDisrespectLive 6h ago

Bad Timing?


I know this may not be the best time to bring this up but I never got my Turtle Beach Keyboard and Mouse I won on his last giveaway. I was the last name picked on his stream that day and he said it was going to be for both. Messaged L4yer on Discord gave him all my info, I shared my youtube account so he could verify that it was actually me that won. L4yer said he would get it off to Docs people and I haven’t heard anything since. I won that on May 8th. So not only does my favorite streamer turn out to be a creep. He also doesnt follow through with taking care of Champions Club member that win his giveaways. The whole thing is just fucking depressing as shit.

r/DrDisrespectLive 13h ago

Doc looking at his phone every day just to see another dm leaked and another sponsor dropping him.

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r/DrDisrespectLive 1d ago

DrDisrespect was made aware of the minors age and continued on.

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r/DrDisrespectLive 12h ago

This poor dude is gonna need to get this blacked out

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r/DrDisrespectLive 1d ago

What the actual fuck

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r/DrDisrespectLive 5h ago

Help! I'm locked out of the arena!


Everything's closed and I can't get to my locker. I need to get my Vaseline and Steven Seagal's ponytail!

r/DrDisrespectLive 16h ago

Do you think this should be the end of his career?


My take

As far as the streaming business is concerned, doc is without a doubt top notch entertainers, nobody is close. I always believe behind that persona there's a normal dude. But then he cheated!. Welp, people make mistake and learn from it. Yes, thought little low of him as an individual, a husband, a dad but i slowly forgot about it.

Then the twitch ban happens. We knew nothing except what we could read from his his emotions which were always filled with anger (to the whole situation), unfair(how the whole issue was going in the background), and a lot concern or disappointment (the money he was losing). He took advantage of "twitch works in mysterious ways" and he kept everyone in the dark.

But now that truth is coming out. I hope his career ends. There should be no room for forgiveness now or event 2/5/10 years laters. why?

  • He was made aware it was a minor, still he continued! - That's half crime right there. intent was always there. His whole defence is around that "nothing happened". Yes, nothing happened but because you did not do it but because others did not let it happen.
  • He lied for years - He could just admitted of some wrongdoings without revealing details.
  • His plan was to plan was that if it does not comes out the whole issue would become ancient somehow and nobody would care. That was just fucking dumb.
  • But the most disgusting part is that, he still believes or at least trying to downplay it. i do not think there's any guilt to what he did or agrees to what did was wrong (dont care about his social media statements, i am speaking his personality).
  • Now that more and more people are coming forward who were directly/indirectly involved and revealing things about the situation, he would again come to say sorry and ask for forgiveness.

I am personally in no mood to do that. This should be the end of his career as streamer.

r/DrDisrespectLive 15h ago

Only sorry because he got caught


Events happened in 2017. Proceeded to stream and shit on twitch regarding his ban for a couple of years.

Former twitch employee leaks reason behind twitch ban.

Get on stream amidst the accusation. Check his phone. Midnight society dropped him. Realize he's cooked. Says he's going to take extended vacation. Write a tweet the next day confirming the reason of his twitch ban and downplaying sexting a minor. Apologize to his community. Says he will be back soon. He knew what he did all along. We only know the consequences of his actions (sponsors and friends are ending the relationship with him). There is a high chance that there is more to this, as we've seen with the dms recently leaked. The doc is finished, he profited off your generosity, lied to your face for 7 years and ran away with your money.

Those are the facts.

Remember that there aren't only twitch dms and there might be other platform where he exhanged messages.

To all the loser that desperately hold on to this dude: do yourself a favor and ask yourself what would you do in this situation if you caught a 35 years old man sexting your underage daughter.

The guy is only sorry because he got caught, if it was up to him he'd have kept streaming and milked his fanbase until he eventually retires. He had no reason to disclose his twitch ban although he knew the exact reason why all along. He is a piece of shit.

r/DrDisrespectLive 17h ago

Kick isn’t gonna ban him

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r/DrDisrespectLive 3h ago

This goes out to all the CC members trying to always do better


Been a supporter since about 2016 - since the golden age of H1Z1, Pubg & The Slick Daddy Club. I was drawn for the laughs and the content - but then the positive vibes Doc brought brought the stream to new heights. Always talkin about bettering yourself. Talking about lifting people up . That's the comradery I came to the chat for. I loved seeing people being motivated by positive talk. About working on yourself to be a better person. I could also see a few positive people aligning with Doc that I still watch - Viss... you the man!

And it's in this vein that I write to all of you Champions Club. Trickle on in.

I want the absolute best for you all! As much as I want the best for myself. Work on yourself and build other people up around you. Build a group of people that surround you in confidence, in love for one another, in honesty and integrity for each other. Aim to be a better person knowing that you can easily slip the other way. Aim to be "the best a man can get". And if you find yourself slipping the other way - Therapy absolutely works. I know from personal experience. You have nothing to lose and your whole life ahead of you to gain. You have people around you that want to see nothing but success.

I am sad to say I need to leave the club and unsub here as well. I've realised that the club no longer aligns with my beliefs of holding yourself accountable for your actions. It's not about needing proof or being loyal. It's about showcasing the type of behaviour I expect from myself and those I spend time with. And that's not happening much here.

I wish Guy Beahm the utmost best. But I cannot support him as a streamer because I can see it's not good for him and I wont get my entertainment from someone that is hurting themselves and those around them. I hope he finds a therapist he can trust and sit down and work all this shit out. I really hope he starts that journey because it will be the best thing he can do in this situation. For both him and his family.

Champions Club. Firm Handshakes. Nothing but the best to you all.

r/DrDisrespectLive 7h ago

Should my company take this down?

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r/DrDisrespectLive 4h ago

For some reason this hits hard


r/DrDisrespectLive 1d ago

And here we go

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