r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

The next guru? The Piss Therapist

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u/Sacred-Coconut 3d ago

Wiff Hoff


u/JPSendall 2d ago

Piss Hoff


u/Yashwey1 3d ago

Underrated comment


u/markmywords_mark 3d ago

rare for a comment to make me audibly lol


u/Yashwey1 3d ago

A genuine lol. Rare!


u/MoleMoustache 2d ago

Overrated comment, that's what the upvote button is for.


u/AdvanceGood 2d ago

Nah you're thinking of Wimm Hoff, thats his cousin Piss Huff.


u/MrEoss 3d ago

MODERATOR!!!? I DEMAND to be enabled to upvote more than once!


u/stewedfrog 1h ago

You think you’ve seen Woo Woo? Wait till you meet the Doo Doo Guru.


u/nomoresecret5 3d ago

Ah yes, nothing like smelling like a homeless alcoholic and pretending you like it.


u/Prosthemadera 2d ago

smelling like a homeless alcoholic

Without all the fun from drinking alcohol!


u/garrybarrygangater 3d ago

Hear me out ice bath with piss ice from elk piss.


u/I_Have_2_Show_U 2d ago

Nice try. We all known Big Elk Piss money has skewed the ice bath debate for years now...


u/KustardKing 3d ago

You have my attention..


u/____PARALLAX____ 2d ago

then you hit the elk piss sauna. its like regular sauna, except you pour elk piss on the coals to make it steam


u/sozcaps 1d ago

Sensory deprivation tank filled with frozen elk piss.


u/lateral303 3d ago

He does an edit before drinking it, and then again right between pouring it on his hands and rubbing it on his face. Maybe he does actually do it in the full video, but he seems to be faking it for the piss grift lol. Clever


u/Outside_Taste_1701 2d ago

Ah the Old Piss Grift.


u/lateral303 2d ago

Good ol piss grift lol.

I wonder what century in human history saw the first piss grifter


u/Outside_Taste_1701 1d ago

I'm thinkin' the very first Ye olde' priest or doctor


u/OfAnthony 2d ago

There was a baseball rumor about guys who hit without batting gloves which said...to avoid blisters you pee on any forming blisters while showering. Jorge Posada was rumored to do this. I fell for it. I think it started on the bodybuilding.com forums and I definitely pissed that information along to some others.


u/Teddy_Icewater 2d ago

Wouldn't it be easier to just use a dark beer or something and not worry about editing almost drinking your own piss?


u/lateral303 2d ago

The dark beer may not look genuine enough for his griftees who do drink piss and know what it's supposed to look like. And it's easy enough to edit with most apps and phone cameras these days.


u/Evinceo 21h ago

Faking this wouldn't require an edit, just a bottle of water with uncomfortable food coloring, right?


u/ah-chamon-ah 3d ago

Don't you think... if it REALLY had all these qualities that you are talking about the medical industry would have hijacked it and started selling it to you for crazy high prices and a prescription?

But nope... So... yeah drink your piss if you want. But ammonia is definitely not good for your gut mircobiome. In fact I found a medical study where ammonia from factory farming is fucking up the chickens being farmed there and they are trying to minimize it.

Funny that. Where you can literally spend 5 minutes googling the scientific claims and find actual science saying it is absolutely not what these people say.


u/I_Have_2_Show_U 2d ago

I'm fully in favour of piss based gurus. Anyone who thinks gargling piss and rubbing it into their eyes is a good idea should very much be encouraged to do so.


u/sevenheadedservent 2d ago

As ridiculous as we think it all is, universities SELL accumulated knowledge to people they legally qualify. If itnwasnt for accumulated knowledge from pther people, even the best of us would be worse off.

The more people boast piss drinkingnasna health tpnic, the more people are likely to fl themselves up on it.

Always call ppl out on their bullshit


u/Feritix 1d ago

If piss was actually healthy we wouldn't have evolved to excrete it out of our bodies and think that it's gross.


u/ConsciousHoodrat 15h ago

Measles is spiking in the US because people don't trust vaccines that have eliminated some of the most dangerous and deadly diseases in human histroy.....and yet holistic "healers" are out here encouraging those same people to drink their own biological wastes.  

Humanity is evolving backwards. 


u/whatiswhymyname 3d ago

Dudes rock


u/Cresta235 3d ago

This is a piss take.


u/NonPolarVortex 2d ago

I think he's taking the piss


u/Few-Leopard4537 3d ago

Fun fact, piss used to be used to clean and dye clothes in Ancient Rome. It does break down into ammonia if left long enough, and it is the reason why detergents today use high concentrations of ammonia..

But don’t drink it you nasty ass muppet!

Also people say a lot of crap about gut micro biome but like come on. Anytime somebody tells you anything about gut micro biome your bs meter should be ringing. Yogurt doesn’t cure cancer y’all, and that’s damn near the best thing for your gut.


u/lilmuny 3d ago

True, and at the same time the modern world has more effective and nicer smelling cleaning products than aged piss.


u/okkeyok 3d ago

and that’s damn near the best thing for your gut.

Fibre is, not yogurt.


u/tricky337 2d ago

It’s called tanning. It helps strip the inside of hides to use for industrial purposes. And Fullers were Roman workers that used the ammonia for cleaning clothes.


u/sozcaps 1d ago

Yogurt doesn’t cure cancer y’all, and that’s damn near the best thing for your gut.

I eat yoghurt all the time, and I don't have cancer. Checkmate, atheists.


u/leckysoup 2d ago

Fermented food.

Black tea is fermented. Know who drinks a lot of black tea? Brits.

Compare them to yanks, who have a similar culture but don’t drink so much tea. If fermented food stuffs were such a miracle cure all, there would be a noticeable difference at the population level.


u/MukdenMan 2d ago

Black tea isn’t really fermented. The term “fermented” is used in English for what is really oxidation in the case of tea. It isn’t the same as microbial fermentation (except for a few teas that are “post-fermented” like pu’er, plus kombucha).

Fermentation in the sense of microbial fermentation (as used here) is found in pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, soy sauce, cider, vinegar etc. Americans do eat fermented foods. Most if not all cultures eat fermented foods.


u/TheStoicNihilist 3d ago

Well, he does look like he rubs himself with piss.


u/jhwalk09 2d ago

I don’t know which is more insane, this or Russel brand and Alex jones praying together


u/sozcaps 1d ago

Next week, we'll see them praying while sipping piss from champagne glasses to own the libs.


u/Orichalcum-Beads 2d ago

"Good" for parasites

Yeah, I'm going to need clarification on that.


u/Blastosist 2d ago

The Bladder King


u/Similar-Property-600 2d ago

This is actually liver kings half brother twice removed


u/fix_my_dick 3d ago

More like Therapisst


u/Ororbouros 3d ago

These people are repellent


u/Sandwichcult 3d ago

I've heard him talk about how he rubs himself in piss and the goes sun himself in the Arizona sun. That makes want riot for everyone else has to interact with him the rest of the day.


u/lateral303 3d ago

Have you actually seen him rub it on himself without an edit between pouring it on his hands? I suspect he is using water for the actual rubbing, and it's all just a big piss grift


u/BigMeal69 3d ago

No no no no no no no no no


u/Fuckdidijustsee 3d ago

Someone tell Doctor Rick Marshall about this asap


u/BeYourOwnBankzy 2d ago

I’d like to see the research that shows that drinking 6 month old piss is good for your gut microbiome


u/Eauxddeaux 2d ago

There’s something about drinking pee that makes people sure it’s not crazy to drink pee. This is one of the big reasons to not do it, because you get into a piss-drinking-loop-of-confidence where nobody can convince you it’s totally insane, which it is.

There should be a sign at all Whole Foods and health stores that says, “if you’re drinking your own piss, you’ve gone too far”


u/Outside_Taste_1701 2d ago

"The Research that I've shown"


u/Big_Understanding348 2d ago

I drank piss on accident before and it was relatively fresh(don't ask) no way in hell someone is drinking aged piss and not dieing instantly


u/trail_runner83 1d ago

His name is the Certified Health Nut and got his start on YouTube a long time ago. He's steadily been declining ever since. He used to be a model.


u/amir86149 3d ago

Oh lord!


u/crypto_zoologistler 3d ago

Aged urine sounds delicious


u/Electrical_Hold_122 3d ago

A piss therapist and a shit therapist at the same here.


u/illbeinthestatichome 2d ago

Drinking your own piss? The golden fountain? Come on, Jez, what's next, the chocolate factory?


u/leckysoup 2d ago

“It smells of ammonia”.


u/One_Locksmith1774 2d ago

If you believe this guy, then I got a jar of piss I can sell you.


u/OGAcidCowboy 2d ago

I bloody knew somebody was taking the piss on reddit, I had my suspicions, now I know it with this guy taking the bloody piss!!!


u/More-Net-7241 2d ago

At first I thought this is Rick from The Walking Dead.


u/Background-Job7282 2d ago

Yeah waste from your body is best when put back in said body.


u/SeaOrgChange 2d ago

It's good for parasites

I bet


u/Prosthemadera 2d ago

It's good for parasites? Ok.


u/Maanzacorian 2d ago

that is 100% not old urine. I don't buy that for a second.


u/TraditionalForm3963 2d ago

Urine to it or you are not.


u/West-One5944 2d ago

[Insert Patches O’Houlihan quote]. 🤣


u/Shaunair 2d ago

Bro NSFW this shit. I shouldn’t get unmitigated piss fetish footage in my stream (phrasing)


u/Chef_Fats 2d ago

This is why critical thinking needs to be taught in schools.

If not, just don’t be a stupid cunt.


u/CactusWilkinson 2d ago

If ever there was a metaphor for conservative politics this would be it.


u/StrictYogurtcloset41 1d ago

I’ve heard of tribes using urine for healing but not drinking.


u/HallPsychological538 1d ago

Healthy on the outside, but sick on the inside.


u/Darth_Gaben 1d ago

That's obviously a joke and a parody of gurus. I loled quite hard. Judging by the comments though, people think it's real. I think - no way.


u/Legitimate-Carry258 1d ago

Imagine being alive in the 60s and thinking we'd have flying cars by 2000, and now it's 2024 and a guy rubbing stale piss in his own eyes makes more money than any of us


u/zebra_who_cooks 3d ago

Piss poor excuse for attention!!!