r/DecodingTheGurus Apr 26 '24

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r/DecodingTheGurus 5d ago

Episode Episode 104 - Dr. K (Part 1): OPed Ayurvedic Medicine vs. Nerfed 'Western' Allopathy


Dr. K (Part 1): OPed Ayurvedic Medicine vs. Nerfed 'Western' Allopathy - Decoding the Gurus (captivate.fm)

Show Notes

Alok Kanojia, better known as Dr. K, is a charismatic psychiatrist and online streamer who offers a unique blend of psychological, self-help, and spiritual advice to guide individuals through the complexities of modern life, aiming to help them become Healthy Gamers™. Join Matt and Chris as they embark on a multi-part journey through the diverse biomes of Dr. K's content and try to ascertain the meta.

In this first episode, Matt and Chris take a critical look at a 2019 video in which Dr. K discusses his views on Ayurvedic medicine, the problems with Western medicine, and the unacknowledged scientific evidence for Ayurvedic claims. We consider whether the evidence provided matches the rhetoric and relive youthful follies as we immerse ourselves in the all too familiar water of complementary and alternative medicine discourse.

So join us as we learn about the universal mind and single type of depression proposed by modern medicine, how a tripartite classification is actually incredibly individualistic, how the shape of your nose and kink in your hair predicts the food you should eat and the quality of your bowel movements, and the surprising benefits of drinking elephant milk.

In Part 2, we will delve into Dr. K's recent discussion/debate over Ayurvedic medicine with Dr. Mike, another popular YouTube doctor. And finally Part 3 will focus on the dynamics of Dr. K's long-form, somewhat controversial, mental health-themed interviews with influencers.


r/DecodingTheGurus 9h ago

Carl Sagan in 1995 predicting the future

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r/DecodingTheGurus 8h ago

I got high and thought about Sensemaking and Game B


Last weekend I got really high and I randomly started thinking about making sense of sense making. That episode makes me laugh because of how self indulgent the gurus were and Jamie Weals right to reply episode made him sound like a clown.

However last weekend Game B started to make sense to me. I think the basic idea is that the world has changed so much that there needs to be some sort of change in how we deal with problems. For example, without the scientific revolution we wouldn’t have had the Age of Enlightenment which led to the current state of affairs we have now.

Their belief is the world has gone through another transformation and we need something as impactful as the scientific revolution “a paradigm shift” if you will. We can’t fully describe what that is yet because we don’t know what it is hence why it needs to be described poetically rather than through words.

The Age of Enlightenment didn’t come out of nowhere, neither did the scientific revolution, they were proceeded by many schools of thought that proceeded them. For example, physics and biology were named after Aristotle works. They existed before the scientific revolution but obviously the scientific method enhanced them. Ie. they were “touching the elephant,” of a deeper concept but didn’t get to it. Jordan Hall needs to run 70-90 paradigms because they are all hinting to “game b,” but haven’t captured it. Maybe by combining them all we can discover it.

I am relistening to the decoding the gurus episode now and continue to laugh the same way I did when I first heard it. This doesn’t change my feelings about that ridiculous conversation with 5,000 metaphors, and doesn’t change that “game b” is probably a useless concept. But I got high, none of my friends listen to this podcast and I wanted to share this with someone.

Thanks, hope you guys are all having a good weekend.

r/DecodingTheGurus 4h ago

Samuelo Hoidel Talks About His Experience At Fit For Service©️

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r/DecodingTheGurus 1d ago

The next guru? The Piss Therapist

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r/DecodingTheGurus 1d ago

I’m starting to think we actually aren’t, though….

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r/DecodingTheGurus 23h ago

I have to agree with the good doctor here.


r/DecodingTheGurus 1d ago

The recent wave of Born Agains


Recently we have seen a sudden surge of grifters embracing religion as an 'antidote to modern decay'.

While I understand ( to a degree) the powerful discourse around religion, many of the traditionalist values it pretends to uphold seem incompatible with these characters.

E.g. Russell Brand - accused of sexual harassment by multiple women Tate - human trafficker

The bottom line is I don't get the conservative mindset of people for instance They are willing to ignore Trump bribing a pornstar to stay quiet. I'm at a loss here , can someone explain?

r/DecodingTheGurus 2d ago

Russell Brand Prays With Alex Jones

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r/DecodingTheGurus 1d ago

October 7 by Sam Harris


r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Joe Rogan on Vaccines in 2020. Guy did a total 180 in 4 years.

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r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Joe quickly shuts down RFK Jr impression

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r/DecodingTheGurus 2d ago

What is it with gurus being anti-Ukraine?


Sam Harris' acquitance Maajid Nawaz recently photographed himself with the Russian ambassador at his official residence in the UK. This is a culmination of many (now deleted) retweets, including one that claimed the survivor of a maternity hospital bombing was a crisis actor and others that alluded to the Bucha massace being perpetrated by Ukrainians.

Maajid perhaps represents the most extreme end of this position, yet plenty of others in the gurusphere have expressed views that are either scathingly critical of Ukraine, the aid it recieves or routinely mock its supporters.

Is this mere political partisanship? I honestly can't wrap my ahead around it.

r/DecodingTheGurus 1d ago

What topics are on your mind?


r/DecodingTheGurus 2d ago

The Wojack Meme Generator from Gliffy is something

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r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Marxists just lie.

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r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Michael Brooks’ Against the Web: A Cosmopolitan answer to the New Right

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Thought this book would fit nicely here. RIP.

r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Jordan is a national treasure 😂😆👇

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r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

A missed opportunity for Jordan Peterson

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If this had happened five years ago, JP could have attributed it to Donald Trump dancing at the edge of voluntarily play in the spirit that emerges from the archetype of freedom.

but it's the Biden administration, so his best response would simply to point out that the delay was caused by the tyrannical resentment which emerges from the Luciferian ethos of the left . Obviously.

r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Michael Ian Black talking with Scott Adams - this guy is truly insufferable


r/DecodingTheGurus 2d ago

Suggestions Thread


Who are you interested in discussing?

r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

The Dr. K episode is one of the most grating episodes I've heard.


It just keeps getting worse and worse. The hosts were great. But Dr. K is truly insufferable. AAnd he's the first person covered by this podcast that is liked by some of my friends. Matt and Chris, I salute you for sitting through untold hours of his content. Do you guys dislike him as much as I do? To me, he's much worse than red scare.

r/DecodingTheGurus 4d ago

Doomscrolling and phone/internet addiction - has the pod ever discussed this at scale? Your thoughts?


Definitely not a unique issue but it's something I've always struggled with and wondering if the guys have discussed this or talked about it in any episodes. Also curious if y'all have any advice or anything that's helped you out with this, much love thanks - discovered this recently and I am a fan

r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Last couple months of episodes


I have not listened for about 2 months. Does anyone have suggestions for the "best" episodes during that time? With the episodes so long often I don't want to waste my time on something I'm not going to enjoy thoroughly.

Thanks for any replies!

r/DecodingTheGurus 3d ago

Is Assange about to become the new guru king?


Nothing against the guy. Followed most of it for the last 14 years.

I have him down as a bit of a misfit, I don't believe he holds any deep state knowledge that hasn't already been publicised.

But the guy has gotta make a buck, he's missed the podcast revolution , still think he'll give it a try.

I'm guessing he'll never be allowed back on US soil, means interviews will either be over Skype or in person if a guest is touring Australia.

I saw the things he did for RT (I think it was RT maybe al jazeera) in the embassy, and he didn't seem cut out as a host.

Would I watch ? Sure

Now this cheapens everything I've just said , but the first night with his wife, if he changes lanes without permission, will she be like Alec Guinness at the end of the bridge over the river kwai, "what have I done"

r/DecodingTheGurus 5d ago

There's a New Mindfulness Guru in Town
