r/CoOpGaming 4d ago

What are some Nintendo Switch games that can go up to 4-8 players? Looking for Suggestions


6 comments sorted by


u/GeneralPurpoise 4d ago edited 4d ago

There will be many more responses, but I brought Pico Park to a party and it was an absolute riot for 8. It’s a very simple puzzle/platformer at first glance, but amazing for a group and easy to pick up with just one button and directional movement.

It does require everyone to contribute as the puzzles scale to player count. Half the fun is dying over and over. You just need to be willing to vote off the worst player eventually if someone is just absolutely clueless (read: hammered).

Small edit: Alpaca Ball was silly but runs like crap. Smash Bros obvs. Jackbox Party packs are a hit if just for trivia and quiplash. Bomberman if you have players familiar with it. Mario platformers are fun for 4, and the ultimate 4-player game MK8. Of course, with a large party you have to play Drunken Mario Kart - have to finish your drink before the end of the race and you can’t drink and drive - that would be unsafe.


u/prawncocktail2020 4d ago

Towerfall Ascension goes up to 6 I believe.


u/LLJKCicero 4d ago

Smash Bros Ultimate and the Mario Strikers game both go to 8.

Shipped goes to 8 and is more fun than it has any business being as a party game. Really great hidden gem there.

Also 8 players: Killer Queen Black, Knight Squad 2, Roof Rage, Runbow, Unspottable.


u/WhippityWhoppity 4d ago

Just Dance is up to 6 players... if you have enough room.


u/Flamin-Ice 4d ago

Killer Queen Black makes for great fun!

Its a console version of the Arcade game, its up to 4v4 multiplayer. If you have two switches and two TVs tyou can almost recreate the Arcade experience, but you can also play on one TV up to 8 people as well!

You will have to find a physical copy since it is apparently delisted from the eshop, but its pretty cheap from what I can tell.


u/2canplaygaming 4d ago

I think Mario wonder goes to 4, but I've only played 2. Can't imagine the chaos of 4!