r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ 2d ago

Post-debate Waffle House Country Club Thread

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u/Tiny-Buy220 2d ago

He got that muscle memory from Obama….


u/Thespian21 ☑️ 2d ago


u/allme2020c 2d ago

| had to go save this GIF 😅


u/Tastemyface 2d ago

I'm keeping this one in my reaction GIF arsenal! 😂


u/SheepherderDirect800 2d ago

Amine alive and well, in gif form.


u/Philly_is_nice Wannabe Travis Kelce 🏈 2d ago

You really had me googling this dude realizing I haven't heard anything from or about him in a long time lol.

He's fine.


u/Air-Keytar 2d ago

He's putting on a festival in Portland soon.

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u/MixRevolution 2d ago

At least he still has some memory


u/DarkParadise365 ☑️ 2d ago

Same page club, lol..

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u/blak_glass ☑️ 2d ago

Damn 😂

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u/MeatApnea 2d ago

Don't sleep on Barry-O.


u/Insaiyan_Elite 2d ago

This is still heavily referenced in my friend group


u/Annual-Consequence43 2d ago

Don't ever sleep on Barry-O


u/WeedIsWife 2d ago

We need some diversity in theee uhhhh pussy department.

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u/DocHendrix ☑️ 2d ago

Either awake or otherwise he still got that going on? That's amazing


u/makemeking706 2d ago

It's like midnight and he's hitting waffle house. I was asleep hours before he was. I am exhausted just thinking about being up and out at that hour these, let alone doing a night that finishes at WH.


u/Jorge_Santos69 2d ago

Lol I read that as White House at first

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u/spiegro ☑️ 2d ago

I miss him 😔

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u/RandAlThorOdinson 2d ago

Wow I was literally saying this exact sentence to my girlfriend, look down and see yours. I'm pretty sure there's only like 16 different brain types divided between a few billion of us.

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u/BUT_FREAL_DOE 2d ago

Damn he was pretty smooth with it too


u/Substantial-Pea5679 2d ago

If he had done this during the debate, shit would be different


u/spiegro ☑️ 2d ago

I was about to say has anyone sent this to CNN yet??


u/bulking_on_broccoli 2d ago

They won’t cover it. It doesn’t sell.


u/el-gato-volador 2d ago

For real, look at how much money they made back under orange crush. It was nonstop fiasco after fiasco. With viewership at an all time high. Not much of a stretch to think they want to go back to that level of profit


u/raginghorescock 2d ago

You’re telling me a media company could have their own financial interest in mind and not just providing 100% unbiased coverage???? I’m shocked

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u/IOnceAteAFart 2d ago

Y'know, I never considered it, but i imagine most media companies probably like Trump and hope he wins again; just for the sole fact that his insanity garners clicks for them when they get to report on it. Scary thought, that


u/PoIIux 2d ago

Hate to break it to you, but that's exactly the reality of the situation. Right down to shitrags like the NYT and WaPo


u/IOnceAteAFart 2d ago

When all the writers of the past attempted to write the dystopia that America, and the rest of the world, would become, they all got it wrong. Simply because they never expected it to be so boring and obvious.

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u/user_bits 2d ago

CNN only care about instigating shit.

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u/IronSavage3 2d ago

That’s Scranton Joe what do we expect?


u/guinness_blaine 2d ago

Joe’s always been a lot better interacting directly with people than he is at doing speeches or debates. He just connects with people.

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u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/A1rizzo 2d ago

must be blind man, biden kept it movin the whole dap.

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u/MD_Dev1ce 2d ago

Must be one of those black jobs Trump was talking about.

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u/thegutterking ☑️ 2d ago

Obama and Biden in a secret room in the white house.

Obama: Now what i'm going to teach you is the Dap. This will gain you the trust and respect of the black male community.


u/lookachoo 2d ago

Hard not to read that in his voice. Pauses and all


u/DJMagicHandz 2d ago

Now uh Joe I'm going to teach you the dap. Now look, this will gain you uh...the respect and more importantly the trust...of black men across the nation.


u/salmonerd202 2d ago

Obama hitting that Gendo pose


u/CnlSandersdeKFC 2d ago

“Get in damn robot Joe!”


u/BustinArant 2d ago

I liked how he said ISIL

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u/GCIV414 2d ago

Those pauses made his words hit harder 🤌🏾

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u/Itsmyloc-nar 2d ago

Glad I’m not the only one who imagined pauses


u/CitizenCue 2d ago

Damn, didn’t even realize I did it too until you said it.

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u/CinematicLiterature 2d ago

Biden nods, wide-eyed. “Am I ready?”

Obama looks at him for a long moment.

“We can only hope.”


u/nukrag 2d ago

This is the second best fiction including Obama I have ever read.

This is the best:



u/brevenbreven 2d ago

What about the time the chameleon tried to replace Obama but never learned how to shoot a basketball


u/trimble197 2d ago

There’s also the CW Flash episode where Gorilla Grodd tries to kill a young Obama


u/TheOneTonWanton 2d ago

Man I still don't know if I fell off that show too soon or too late because god damn.

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u/Carameldelighting 2d ago

This post will convince more people to vote for him than any debate lmao


u/wlf--hly 2d ago

Honestly bro feels like a President here


u/postmodern_spatula 2d ago

If only we saw more of this for the last 4 years…


u/DLottchula 👱🏿Black Guy™ who wants a Romphim 1d ago

Listen it don’t matter what I saw the last 4. Trump is still the worst pick

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u/DookieBlossomgameIII ☑️ 2d ago

We are truly a stupid country and we will get what we deserve.


u/pardybill 2d ago

Oh come off it’s a fucking joke

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u/theDarkDescent 2d ago

The debate was bad (I didn’t watch for my health) but honestly how many people are there out there that haven’t already decided. After 8 years of trump I find it hard to believe that actual voters can really be on the fence with their vote. Biden’s actual record vs. Trump’s is (no pun intended) impeachable, there’s no comparison at all. The fact that trump can win because of an antiquated electoral college despite never getting close to the popular vote is the actual problem, and part of the reason we don’t have better candidates on either side. As bad as Biden may have been last night, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to convicted felon and serial rapist Trump. Dude was handing over classified documents to the Russians like two weeks after he got in office. The ghost of Ronald McDonald would be a better CiC.

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u/DiceKnight 2d ago

Bill Clinton playing Heartbreak Hotel on Arsenio Hall did a lot for him back in 92 as well. So there's precedent.


u/peepeehalpert_ 2d ago

Shit that was cool

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u/manzo559 2d ago


u/Middle-Variation-626 2d ago

this shit was so funny 😭😭😭


u/SerendipitySchmidty 2d ago

Seriously, hitting the shrug on Michael is wild.


u/mankls3 2d ago

beating him at quarters is wild

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u/pentachronic 2d ago


u/greenroom628 2d ago

MJ really did. You look at his body language after the other dude throws the shrug. MJ's got hands on hips, his face is just fuming. Probably dropped 50 that night because he was so mad. The other team was like, "Tf did we do?"

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u/how-sway-how 2d ago

RIP John Michael Wozniak

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u/sin_not_the_sinner 2d ago

MAGA saying he swapped bodies after the debate I can't with them bruh -_-

But anyways I got to ask since its on topic, is Waffle House really good? We don't have them up here in Detroit (we got Coney Islands tho if that counts lmao)


u/thegingerbreadman99 2d ago

Waffle House food varies in quality, but some can have truly gifted fry cooks at cheap prices, and the hoodness of the atmosphere is sublime


u/daddymjolnir ☑️ 2d ago

I would say the exact opposite:

  • The quality DOESNT vary from restaurant to restaurant. It’s always delicious.

  • It’s pretty expensive. Hard to eat there and leave full for less than $14-$15


u/BiggieMcLarge 2d ago

I was about to disagree with your second point until I saw the all star special is now $12. Wtf? It feels like it was $5.99 just a couple of years ago.


u/FreakyLou 2d ago

Nah, nah, don't say that. I haven't been to a WH in a while. Don't tell me they raised the price like that. Those All-Stars used to come in clutch after the club or 2nd shift.


u/Herry_Up 2d ago

Yes sir, waffle house is expensive now. 13 bucks for a patty melt and their juices are now served from a single use bottle instead of the drink mixer.


u/daffydubs 2d ago

Go to any restaurant now and tell me where you can get a waffle, 2 eggs over easy, has browns smothered covered capped, bacon, and sides of toast for less than $13… it’s not $7.50 anymore, but it’s still cheaper than all these other places now


u/ptgkbgte 2d ago

People complaining, but they gotta cover paying their employees 3 bucks an hour now.

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u/dbclass ☑️ 2d ago

At least $12 at Waffle House is actually $12 They include the tax in the price

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u/Aint-Nuttin-Easy 2d ago

Drunk college kids, early-bird blue collars, post-shift strippers, thugs…all coming together for scattered, smothered and covered while possibly getting a gun pulled on them or a fight breaking out is peak Americana IMO

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u/Sweetenedsours 2d ago

You know that breakfast is gonna slap when your fork has more teeth than all the staff combined.


u/FloppyObelisk 2d ago

I’m a skinny white guy that travels to Georgia a lot and each time I go to Waffle House the employees always try to warn that some shit might go down. You know, because it’s Waffle House. They’re always surprised when I tell them that I was a cook at Waffle House for 3 years while going to college. I’ve seen it all man. It’s sweet that they have my back though. Nicest employees you’d never want to fuck with.

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u/RoccoA87 2d ago

Waffle House is magical. There’s something truly special about getting a generally solid and cheap meal served by a woman with 4 teeth who calls you sweetie at 2 AM when you’re drunk off your ass


u/TempleMade_MeBroke 2d ago

Best part is when you forget to move your feet for a couple of minutes and your shoes start to stick to the floor


u/1newnotification 2d ago

They ALL have the sticky floors

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u/EpsRequiem 2d ago

It's good, if at 2am, the place is packed 

It's good, if you walk in and see either some big ass country dude grilling, or some tiny chick cooking

It's good, if it's full of truckers

It's good, if you see folks running out because of a fight

It's GREAT, if all the cooks are loud asf and cracking jokes on each other

It's BAD, I you see non of those, and folks speak too quiet or the place is empty.


u/Pandas_dont_snitch 2d ago

I also like it when the cook is a skinny white dude that is clearly watching the door for someone.  He gives you the "you good" nod. 

The big country dude's hashbrowns are the best.  He knows how long to cook the onions. 


u/contactfive 2d ago

He knows the dishwasher has a warrant but they’re short staffed so he’s looking out for the fuzz.


u/elbenji 2d ago

tiny girl also just knows how to get the patty melt just right

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u/OtherwiseAMushroom 2d ago edited 2d ago

Story Time: Here I was scrawny white kid just graduated high school in North Carolina. Applied at the local Waffle House to be a third shift cook, the pay was good and being fresh outta high school at home still it would have given me a leg up from the other local fast food joints in my town.

So there I am waiting for the store leader, and out walks from what I gathered Michael Clark Duncan even beefier twin brother, he grabs the back of this chair like it was a toddler chair and plops down. So here I am thinking his brother was fantastic in the green mile and he starts looking me up and down like he is judging all my life choices, very quickly and quietly he asks me “can you fight?”, “excuse me” I say nervously. He then rubs his temples and repeats the question with an explanation, “ look dude I asked can you fight, it gets rowdy in here after midnight, last thing I need is some scrawny white kid beaten up on a shift that means I have to come in an cook”. I started laughing he started laughing and then got real serious, “but seriously can you fight”?

So anyways third night on the job I was getting a high five from him because when he watched the recording from the night before and I was using a chair and a spatula like some crazy lion tamer, he only responded “well at least you pay attention to your surroundings”, best boss I ever had, always gave it to me straight.

I shared this story to say this, it’s amazing, and if you go after midnight it’s like catching a dinner showing of bum fights, so in other words, spectacular.

Edit: not Michael Dunn I meant Michael Clark Duncan.

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u/Quick_Over_There 2d ago

I'm from Detroit, living in Phoenix. In my biased opinion Coney Island is better, but there's nothing like 3 am Waffle House when you're drunk as shit lmao.


u/DAVENP0RT 2d ago

The further you get from Atlanta, the worse Waffle House gets.

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u/Ken_alxia 2d ago

Waffle House ain’t fucking with our coneys boy! The D always do it betta 

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u/radioben 2d ago

It can be pretty good, but a bad Waffle House is complete ass. You’re best with a local diner if you have one.


u/dapper_doll 2d ago

Can confirm about the lack of Waffle House in Michigan -- apparently, there are none in the state. I'm from Metro Detroit, and the first one I ever saw was in Toledo, Ohio.

Coney Island or any Greek diner is better. Mad love for Leo's Coney Island!

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u/miggy420 2d ago

Where was this energy last night!?


u/Thespian21 ☑️ 2d ago

I truly believe it would have benefitted both of them if they held the debate early af


u/Karhak 2d ago

I mean, senior early bird dinner specials start at 4pm. Can't have two grandpas up well past their bed time.


u/risky_bisket ☑️ 1d ago

Nigga that shit was past MY bedtime!

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u/theDarkDescent 2d ago

I mean president of the U.S. is a 24 hour job, every day, for at least 4 years. That’s why these guys look like they’ve aged a couple decades after they leave office. Biden has been way more effective and accomplished a lot more than I anticipated, and he’s obviously the superior choice in our system that only gives us two viable options. But the future of our country and democracy in general shouldn’t rely on one presidential election, but that’s exactly what’s at stake right now. Regardless of what happens this year, the flaws in the system have been laid bare and it just took a single narcissistic conman to do it. I’m sure he’ll live to 120, but the one thing that could save us is a giant blood clot finding its way to an artery.

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u/ToddisGod 2d ago

That’s not the solution. When they receive the call for nuclear war, they have 7 minutes to make the decision. It could be any time of day. We need someone young and cognizant to take that call.


u/_Diskreet_ 2d ago

Wouldn’t it take longer than 7 minutes for all the chiefs of staff to draw out the situation for Trump so he could understand what’s going on?

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u/Exciting-Ad-5705 2d ago

Huh? Giving a speech isn't the same as deciding to launch nukes

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u/ThatOneGuyfromMN25 2d ago

This WAS last night


u/RecklesslyPessmystic 2d ago

This often happens in POTUS debates. The team rehearses him all week on memorizing a bunch of statistics so he has a prepared, focus-grouped response for every topic so he can come across as very prepared and knowledgeable.

Then the media latches onto something totally meaningless like his voice is scratchy because he has a cold (or they isolate a candidate's mic when he's hollering over the crowd noise in Howard Dean's case) and get everyone arguing about the most inane reality TV type shit instead of who will actually benefit everyday Americans. Because corporate media conglomerates don't want to benefit everyday Americans - they want to benefit themselves. So obviously, the convicted felon reality TV guy is gonna be widely proclaimed as the debate winner.


u/theDarkDescent 2d ago

After the Hilary/Trump debate I realized debates don’t mean shit. Hilary was “too prepared.” Can you BELIEVE that shit? Trump got away with admitting to explicit sexual assault (admitting he didn’t wait - no consent - to “grab women by the pussy”, which is exactly what many of his accusers alleged) and even less heinous but equally obvious BS like saying he had a plan to replace ACA (Obamacare) and it was gonna be better and cheaper and cover everyone. Who the fuck would fall for that? It drives me nuts 

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u/Mediocre_Suspect2530 2d ago

Engaging in a debate takes significantly more mental effort than a handshake, so does running for president and being the president.


u/vanityinlines 2d ago

I was like why is he so alert here? The fuck..

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u/DGVega93 2d ago

Oh he coherent coherent. He just ain’t wanna fuck with Trump last night. Respect


u/NutNegotiation 2d ago

Watching people on Reddit doom post over the debate is like watching all the non sports fans watch the Super Bowl. “I thought Mahomes was good? Why’d he let that guy tackle him?” After the first play. Biden is bad at debates. Biden has literally always been bad at debates. Biden is objectively good at governing which generally does not include closed book oral exams. Debates show nothing and anyone basing their decisions off of anything other than the policies stated and the amount of lies told is just maddeningly ignorant


u/foreveracubone 2d ago

He was genuinely good at debates back in the day. He single-handedly ended Rudy’s campaign at a debate Rudy wasn’t even at. He beat Palin with kid gloves on after the media spent a week setting low expectations that as long as Palin could talk in complete sentences she would win. He dunked on the supposed policy wonk Paul Ryan despite his perception as being the dumb guy.

He’s older so doesn’t have the strengths he did 12 years ago but his aides also just fucked up debate prep. He’s not a dementia addled husk like the media portrays but having him ramble and try to land analogies about abortion bans leading to countless more women dying than migrant murders was not the right call. He fucking hates Trump. He calls him a sick fuck behind closed doors. So many of his voters in 2020 hated Trump. Let him channel that anger (and also just call Trump a sick fuck on tv tbh). The aides prepping him should have let him go off-script or focused more on sound bites rather than minutiae that sound like rambling by an old man that needs a cough drop.


u/bigtallblacknbald 2d ago

That “noun, verb, and 9/11” comment was absolutely legendary. 


u/KyleG 2d ago

that and Obama's "please proceed" to Romney, felonious


u/bigtallblacknbald 2d ago

Hooooly shit I forgot about that one. I remembered Romney screwing up but I forgot about Obama smirking then full grinning like a shark. “Please proceed, Governor!” 

When your opponent is saying that, do not proceed 

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u/larg29 2d ago

Not only that, how do you debate with someone who literally doesn't answer the questions and is dragging you, your son, and everything you've worked to achieve. His face most of the time looked less like "Senior moment" and more like "i don't get paid enough for this shit"


u/a_mediocre_american 2d ago

 how do you debate with someone who literally doesn't answer the questions and is dragging you

You call him a pedophile. No, seriously. Every time a Democrat elected official has any conversation with or adjacent to Donald Trump, that isn’t smattered with references to his close ties with Epstein, his Labor secretary, his civil liability for sexual assault, or the lawsuit his supporters threatened the victim into dropping, they are failing in their jobs as statesmen. 

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u/trivialslope 2d ago

After the first question he was like "I don't even wanna be here anymore"


u/DrNopeMD 2d ago

Well listening to Trump talk also makes me feel like I'm having a stroke lol

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u/Educational_Peak5429 2d ago

I get it. People like Trump drain my energy to ZERO

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u/Numerous-Stranger-81 2d ago

Honestly have you ever tried to argue with someone who is just spewing constant bullshit and won't listen? It's exhausting.


u/Unable-Courage-6244 2d ago

The copium is crazy. Did you actually watch the debate ? 💀💀

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u/AggravatingUnit6935 2d ago

Aight i see you big B


u/JustSayTech 2d ago

That dap was way too clean, he didn't even pull back after the first connect, white people often do that. He kept a solid lock and slid right into frame with the next few motions, his hand didn't seem like the moves were unfamiliar. I gotta say, for daps from a President other than Obama and maybe Bill, this was impressive.


u/Arguingwithu 2d ago

This is W erasure.


u/No_Tea1868 2d ago

W learned it from his coke dealer

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u/Roembowski 2d ago


u/DirectWorldliness792 2d ago

I was looking for this gif 


u/Commercial-Chance561 2d ago

Got the snap in at the end too


u/Consistent-Photo-535 2d ago

My boy taught me this move where I snap my fingers when I clasp (got big ass hands). Always gets people lol

A little spice on the dice

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u/logicsense420 ☑️ 2d ago

Jill wearing that suit boy


u/TheG-What 2d ago

Would. All I’m saying.


u/BrightAd8068 2d ago

boys filming seem to agree when she walk in

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u/SHC606 ☑️ 2d ago

This day with The NY Times has been wicked but I swear I just laughed and you made my day.

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u/giggleboxx3000 ☑️ 2d ago

Jill looks fantastic!

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u/kappifappi 2d ago

Yo this video needs to be publicized. That’s was way too fuckin smooth for this guy to be losin it the way I thought he was in the debate

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u/Datacra 2d ago

Stand up when you greet people


u/NotEricOfficially 2d ago

Hard agree, although I think it's fine to forget something if you kinda stunned by the company you run into.


u/Whathewhat-oo- 2d ago

Plus you don’t want to move too fast or unexpectedly with the secret service around meaning don’t move at all lol

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u/RNsOnDunkin 2d ago

I think he’s in a wheelchair…

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u/Pancakemanz 2d ago

Dont think he was expecting the president to walk in lol. I woulda been shook

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u/SolZaul 2d ago


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u/No_Carry_3028 2d ago edited 2d ago

That's a dope moment though full cognition president knew the handshakes


u/Unable-Touch-3903 2d ago

Who hasn’t needed some late night Waffle House after a rough night? A true man of the people. Dap was clean too.


u/shittysuport 2d ago

Pretty sure he was looking to fight someone after that debate.

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u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/theodoreposervelt 2d ago

Did you just reply to yourself lmao


u/Beavshak 2d ago

They meant to shift to their alt. Lack of control.


u/BuddhaButta 2d ago

You forgot to switch your account


u/Piccoroz 2d ago

Bots with double personality.

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u/andrewkpt 2d ago

" you need anything b anything b I'll handle it for you "....


u/MBGJD 2d ago

Yall think the Secret Service defeating Waffle House workers in a fight?


u/HallucinogenicFish 2d ago

My money’s on Waffle House.


u/bigtallblacknbald 2d ago

Not even Isis could defeat Waffle House in a fight lol


u/SolZaul 2d ago

Secret Service has a blood pact with Waffle House. They monitor line cooks for the mental fortitude and combat prowess to harvest new recruits.


u/theresidentdiva 2d ago

Asking the real questions here!

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u/imaginingblacksheep 2d ago


u/PyroIsSpai 2d ago

That's what happens when you roll Charisma 18.


u/DearKick 2d ago

Trump went to cfa Biden went to waffle house


u/whoanellyzzz 2d ago

All you need to know


u/One-Yam2819 2d ago

Waffle house, barbershop, and black churches. Smfh, same three spots every election


u/Important_Value 2d ago

Remember that time Hillary Clinton said she carried hot sauce in her purse all the time? 😂😂


u/lateformyfuneral 2d ago

I hate this was seen as pandering and we just ignored that Hillary is a serious chili-freak:

  • “I eat a lot of hot peppers,” she told CBS News anchor Katie Couric, who had asked her how she maintains her stamina on the campaign trail. “I for some reason started doing that in 1992, and I swear by it. I think it keeps my metabolism revved up and keeps me healthy.”

  • In her Air Force plane, which stocks fruit, almonds and Tabasco sauce, which she dribbles on nearly all foods, including salads, she slept on a foldout sofa in a private cabin.

  • At a farm stand in Davenport, Iowa, this fall, Clinton detailed scientific research on the health effects of spicy food, telling a cashier that she finds eating raw jalapenos “so refreshing.

I can just imagine her angrily munching raw jalapenos by the fistful circa 1998



u/theDarkDescent 2d ago

Hilary was probably the most qualified candidate ever, thoroughly mopped the floor with trump at every debate, and was also just not the most blatant liar maybe to ever live. There are 300 million people in the U.S., the president is supposed to represent all of them. The idea that you’re only Going to vote for someone who you want to hang out with or agree on 100% of everything with, otherwise you’re just not gonna participate literally just makes it less and less likely you’ll ever get what you want. I have a ticket out of the country if things go south, but I’m Not sure how much it will even matter that that point. Vote you idiots.

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u/Micalas 2d ago

Shit, can we get her on Hot Ones?

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u/bigtallblacknbald 2d ago

She has been saying that since the 90s, Tbf 

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u/Kingtafar3 2d ago

And it never fails, BPT is eating it up 😭

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u/oicyunv 2d ago

He's smooth with that 😂😂


u/311heaven ☑️ 2d ago

This dude was on point every damn place but the debate. Smh


u/theDarkDescent 2d ago

He was definitely bad but how are we just gonna ignore trump doing so many worse things lol. Like dude admitted to sexual assault and owes one of the victims half a billion. I know that’s just how things work now but wtf 

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u/BQE2473 2d ago

We gotta vote for him again off that!


u/xStickyBudz 2d ago

8 years of dappin Obama be payin off


u/Mulliganasty 2d ago

My man supporting them black jobs!


u/trumpsprisonfeefee 2d ago

If you slow it down, Joe was the one that initiated it too. ✊🏾


u/JZ7NVY 2d ago

Not awkward or fumbly at all despite the way-off night on the debate.

His tiny fingered opponent wouldn't have even tried.

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u/blacklite911 ☑️ 2d ago

When the PR move is working.

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u/ooowatsthat 2d ago

Yo that dip he did before the handshake was cool as hell


u/No-Bat-7253 2d ago

Bro no fucking way. He had my vote before but damnit I’m so sold! 😂😂😂😂😂


u/EpsRequiem 2d ago

Very nice..shit, even smoother than myself!


u/louiloui152 2d ago

The man was just hungry they didn’t feed him all day before the debate. He bout to bust up that all star special


u/dillaquantavius 2d ago

Is this all it takes to get the black vote

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u/LeeDUBS 2d ago

After all that's said and Done I think Joe is probably a good dude

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u/Ancient_Lifeguard_16 2d ago

I don’t care I’ll vote for him over the shitgibbon


u/Chimera_Brian 2d ago

If this video goes viral he wins the election


u/Amazing-Bag 2d ago

That was sharp


u/Paraxom 2d ago

guess he went to one of those "black jobs" i'm hearing about


u/notsonice333 2d ago

Dude was probably working all day talking to Israel about shit. And legit was really tired of the bullshit Trump pulled. Don’t have the bandwidth for trumps dumb shit. “Don’t waste your breathe” < was legit how he was feeling last night


u/NOTtigerking 2d ago

That dap was smooth


u/HappinessIsaColdPint 2d ago edited 2d ago

Dapped, scattered, smothered, covered and topped.

Extremely good.


u/Oreoblisstard 2d ago

No lie i thought he was about to hit em with the snap finish.


u/rinny02852 2d ago

I think he trynna get one of them Black jobs

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u/SaddurdayNightLive 2d ago

I dont care what anyone says, the Dap is a Black American cultural staple.


u/Embarrassed-Brain-38 2d ago

Yet another reason to like Biden, just Joe from the 'hood.


u/DiscoVolante0013 2d ago

Hardcore Pandering and y’all lapping it up. Gross.

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u/Jackski 2d ago

Bro dapped, cracked a joke and went to order some motherfucking waffles.

Where was this energy during the debate?!?!


u/tomhaverford 2d ago

Congrats on getting that cold


u/Sol-Blackguy 2d ago

Props to the mods. I see you doing work


u/luke111mart 2d ago

I love how he can not remember where to walk or how to speak but can execute a perfect dap


u/CatKrusader 2d ago

That was the safest any waffle house will ever get


u/FewZookeepergame1083 2d ago

He knew what to do with no hesitation


u/junkgoblins 2d ago

this not so subtle ad was paid for by the DNC