r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/eatmygonks 5d ago

Yup, still hurts


u/TheGreatZarquon 4d ago

I spent 111 BTC on a large pepperoni and sausage pizza and a 20oz Mountain Dew at a local pizza joint back when BTC was just getting off the ground as a usable currency. That pizza at today's exchange rate would have cost $6,816,110.40.

I think about that pizza a lot.


u/snuffslut 4d ago

Dude. I also bought a pizza with Bitcoin. I dont remember how many I used but it was when BTC was worth nothing. I also think about that pizza a lot.


u/kaisadilla_ 4d ago

BTC has never been usable as a currency, much less in 2012. There's a story of a guy who "bought" a pizza for 5000 BTC, but even then he actually just paid some guy 5000 BTC to buy a pizza with real dollars for him.

I sincerely doubt your comment.


u/Cantremembermyoldnam 4d ago

1) Lots of places take BTC as payment, even more than back in 2017-2018 when it took off. It's entirely reasonable that a "local pizza joint" would experiment with this stuff.

2) It was 10.000 BTC and the guy wanted to prove that you can get physical goods in exchange for BTC. Which he got.


u/TheGreatZarquon 4d ago

The guy that owned that pizza joint was super into computers and started accepting BTC after it started to gain a little traction as a currency. I still keep in touch with the guy on Twitter and he's a massive cryptobro now.


u/ADIDAS247 4d ago

What are you talking about? People were buying Lamborghinis and other high end items using bitcoin as early as 2013 and making the news all the time. Dealerships, Rental firms, real estate and a whole bunch of other fields were very quick to start accepting bitcoin coin.


u/SleepTrades 5d ago

Don’t dwell on it lol. Some of us weren’t even born yet to trade it 😭 or too younger


u/oldentimer 5d ago

Oh great so now I'm dumb AND old


u/SleepTrades 5d ago

Ur username checks out 🤣 it’s ok tho ur lucky to be old, nowadays some of us youngsters don’t even live to see that happen :/ one can only wish to reach old age


u/oldentimer 5d ago

Oh great so now I'm dumb AND old AND depressed for my children's future


u/Vegetable-Ad1118 5d ago

Buddy is doing you no favors lol


u/Khamet1 4d ago

Hey atleast your lucky you ol dog


u/BelaKunn 4d ago

I was mining it and let the account I was mining with expire and lost all access to it back in 2013.


u/rdmille 4d ago

For fun, I ran a miner for a few months, a very long time ago.

I don't have the wallet, much less the password or the computer it was on...