r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/isellJetparts 5d ago

Possessing and re-selling 5,000 yachts sounds like way too much work to me. And you'd be holding on to so much liability in the meantime. Give me 5,000 Toyota Yaris(es). I think I could wholesale them for a fraction of the effort. At $5k each that would be a cool $25 mil.


u/Adetteray 5d ago

Or Yukon Denalis, sell them to middle class moms for like 15k they would buy them (you could probably do like 20-30k honestly and still sell them all super fast). More of a market than yachts and less liability while you have them.


u/butterstash 5d ago

Now we’re talking!


u/Rk_1138 5d ago

The thing that everyone’s ignoring with this question though is where are all of these yachts, Yarises, and Yukons being stored? You’re gonna need a big yard for that


u/Adetteray 4d ago

My family owns two cattle ranches in South Dakota, I got the space.


u/WhatWouldJediDo 4d ago

There are thousands upon thousands of massive parking lots that sit empty for most of a year. You could rent those lots of very cheap


u/butterstash 4d ago

Yeah the Denali is a lot more easy to manage than 5000 yachts! Couldn’t give them away fast enough


u/MrXBlade 4d ago

I had to look up what this Yukon thing was..

What a monstrosity, actual child mower.


u/Adetteray 4d ago

And all the suburban mommies want one