r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/YurpleGorp 5d ago

Yeses. I can make anyone say yes to whatever I want 5000 times. I can walk up to someone and say "can you wire transfer all your money to me?" Or "can I get your car for 1 cent?" And have them just say yes.


u/SilentTheatre 5d ago

Like to imagine them bound to a roll of yes tickets and everytime you use the yes you have to remove a ticket.


u/Apprehensive-Ask-610 5d ago

like one of those fake coupons couples draw for each other on their anniversary, lol


u/BigMr8 5d ago

U gonna get assassinated before you can ask them to not do that


u/luke1042 5d ago

It’s okay, he can just walk up to the assassin and ask them if they are not going to assassinate him. They have to say yes and he’s home free. Badabing badaboom.

In reality though I imagine him attempting to yell this at some assassin trying to snipe him and getting shot halfway through the sentence as you were thinking.


u/Sad-Cobbler4549 5d ago

That would actually be a funny movie. The wish guy keeps wording the sentence incorrectly and it only means the assassin can't do something specific, like "can you not shoot me?" And now he can't use guns. "Will you hand me every knife you ever pick up around me?" It goes on for so long they both get tired of it and team up to do something heroic or whatever. 7.5/10 on rotten tomatoes.


u/HesSoZazzy 5d ago

The problem with the plan is that people have to say "yes" but there's nothing that says they have to mean it.


u/ErmaGoon 5d ago

Saying yes but not obligated to follow through.


u/BigMr8 3d ago

Only useful for a corrupt lawyer 😂


u/Townscent 5d ago

I imagine if you really wished for 5000 yes', 5000 random people would just seek you out like zombies to a brain research lab and scream yes simultanously.


u/roadkill_ressurected 5d ago edited 5d ago

OP: you can have anything you want

This dude: I want to be a super villain


u/LongjumpingBrief6428 5d ago

So you walk up to a person, you ask them whatever you want and they must say yes to it. 5000 times. Are you really going to listen to all 5000 of those yesses? I suppose so if you really want that one thing you just asked them.

All of your yes power is now used up on that one ask. I hope you asked them something good.


u/ElCabrito 4d ago

This is a great answer, but with great power...


u/tigressswoman 4d ago

Best answer. YES