r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/ill-be-lonely 5d ago

Idk I feel like if you told a genie that, you'd end up reliving the same day 5000 times


u/apple_sandwiches 5d ago

Or you’d be 5,000 days older, and on March 4, 2038 you’ll have had 5,000 yesterdays.


u/Shot-Combination-930 4d ago

Or you'd revert to ~13½ years old, the age at which you had 5000 yesterdays.


u/MizterPoopie 5d ago

That would be sick. Live the same day over for 13 years and then on the last day use all the collected knowledge to become a billionaire


u/normie_sama 5d ago

Unfortunately, knowledge isn't enough to be a billionaire. That, and you'd probably come out the other end with some sort of crippling psychological problems.


u/Teledildonic 4d ago

...longer then you think!


u/TolmanP 4d ago

Oh, come on, it's just a quick jaunt...


u/MizterPoopie 4d ago

It totally is. You’d have 13 years to figure out the exact sequences it would take.


u/curiousiah 4d ago

If that was the case, living for 13 years normal would possibly give you crippling psychological problems…. Oh. It does for some people.


u/Sluggby 5d ago

I think it'd be more like living in reverse. Say I went back to yesterday right now, well that's not a yesterday anymore that's today, but the day before that was still two days ago. But let's assume for your next yesterday you'd go to that yesterday. So they'd go June 25th, 24th, 23rd, etc back 5000 days. Then what? Do they relive those days in the correct order again (10000 days total) or do they go back to the original today?

Or more simply it might just be a two day time loop scenario, seeing as whatever day you just lived is yesterday, you'd be bouncing between two days the whole time. I just can't see a scenario where theyd drop someone 5000 days in the past and say "yep, this is yesterday"


u/kemitche 5d ago

Or you'd be 13.7 years old again (5000 yesterdays, no more, no less)


u/m_dought_2 5d ago

Not ideal but better than nothing

At least you know it isn't unending.


u/ill-be-lonely 5d ago

But do you get to keep your "future" memory? Does reliving "yesterday" rewrite everything so the "present" day never really happened? If it does... at the end of those 5000 days (which you have have no idea you relived 5000 times), you would probably just end up back at present day and make the same wish again, repeating the cycle indefinitely.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/imacfromthe321 5d ago

Yeah step 1 is figure out a market strategy. Likely shorting an unexpected stock.

Step 2 befriend someone with a LOT of money. Perfect a strategy to convince them to give you a few mill with the understanding that they get a percentage of your profit.

Step 3 live out your 5000 days, lose track of them, forget to carry out your money strategy, get really sad.


u/meme-com-poop 4d ago

Or 5000 copies of the Beatles song


u/HolycommentMattman 5d ago

Maybe from a good genie. I think most genies are going to give you the memories of 5000 days you've forgotten. You can't live in yesterday.


u/splitcroof92 5d ago

you you become 5000 days older. because then you have 5000 more yesterdays


u/CutePainting7769 4d ago

Even better figure out the perfect stock trades to make millions and retire


u/ifeelallthefeels 4d ago

Fairly Oddparents knew what was up. First wish is a magical lawyer who can work out the next two wishes to have no drawbacks.

You’d probably wanna be really specific for representation, but yeah 👍


u/Nuclear_eggo_waffle 4d ago

Call off work everyday, get 13 years of vacation where you don’t age, learn a shit ton of things (e. g. Languages) , profit