r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/browntown92 5d ago

Yvonne Strahovski(s), please!


u/DragonflyMomma6671 5d ago


Please tell me you're a Chuck fan, if not you may wanna become one. She makes me question my sexuality watching thatšŸ˜„


u/jeffsterlive 5d ago

What is Chuck?


u/DragonflyMomma6671 5d ago

It's an amazing show! Zachary Levi stars as a nerdy genius. Great cast.

Action/Comedy..I believe it is on Prime.

You won't be disappointed ā˜ŗļø


u/schmoops 5d ago

Look at who you responded to's user name ;)


u/DragonflyMomma6671 5d ago

I did notice šŸ˜„


u/jeffsterlive 5d ago

I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve never heard of it. Now if youā€™ll please excuse me Jeff is having trouble getting Loretta started again. I told him not to buy gasoline from that weird gas station out in the desert!


u/DragonflyMomma6671 5d ago



u/moxfactor 4d ago

Push it. <heavy breathing>


u/meme-com-poop 4d ago

I quit watching a couple episodes into the final season. I'm told it got better, but it went from a show I loved to one I hated real fast.


u/DragonflyMomma6671 4d ago

Most people hated the ending. I've accepted it for what it was. It's like they rushed a finale outšŸ˜” Still hoping for a movie šŸ’œ


u/Brad3000 5d ago

Chuck is a show I was an extra on several times including in the wedding scene on the beach with Chuckā€™s sister - which is how I found the location for my own wedding a couple years later.


u/jeffsterlive 5d ago

Check my username.

And thatā€™s awesome. Captain awesome. Did you get to meet the cast at all?


u/Brad3000 5d ago

I did. Not like we got super close or anything but when youā€™re sitting around on set for 14-16 hours in close proximity there are eventually ā€œhellosā€ at the craft service table and what not.

From what I remember most of the cast was really nice and got along great - lots of joking around. Except Yvonne. She seemed perfectly nice but while everyone else seemed to be pals, she kept to herself a lot. I couldnā€™t figure out if maybe she was just an introvert and needed time to herself of if they just didnā€™t get along for some reason. Zachary Levi was the nicest dude in Hollywood back then. He would come chat with us extras and say hi or flag you down for a conversation if you were standing nearby. There was a lot of shit talking a few years ago about him being a self important dick and maybe being a covid denier? I tried not to pay too much attention because if any of that is true itā€™s a real bummer. Back then he was always the guy I would point to as an example of an actor who was a real good dude and not a douchy Hollywood cliche. Him and Nathan Fillion.


u/mcj1ggl3 5d ago

Unironically Jeffsterā€™s rendition of ā€œIs This Loveā€ was absolutely wonderful


u/jeffsterlive 5d ago

So much in the show went harder than it had any right to be, but Vik can belt out a tune.


u/TheOnlyVertigo 5d ago

She will always be Sarahā€¦


u/cr0ft 5d ago

Such a fun show.

The ending was horseshit, but it was a fun show, and of course Strahovski was insanely beautiful in it, as well as good in the role.