r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/duhogman 5d ago

If you made $100k per year that would put you at half way to being a billionaire. Kinda hurts to put that into perspective.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Scale is a hell of a thing.

Another way to see the huge difference between $1m and $1b:

Let's say you made $1/second (which is an insanely good salary, $3600/hr), and you earned this not just business hours, but 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Earning $1m would take you less than 12 days. Earning $1b would take you over 31 years.


u/NSA_Chatbot 5d ago

Another way to see the huge difference between $1m and $1b:

If you take a meterstick and put $0 on one end, and a Billion on the other end, a million dollars is at 1mm.


u/DaniTheLovebug 5d ago

And what is that in half giraffes


u/memegwoddess 5d ago

dammit we need a bot


u/Awesomealan1 5d ago

We’ll call it… Giraffe Math


u/Walshy231231 5d ago

The average fully grown giraffe is about 4.9 m tall

Half of 4.9 m is 2.45 m

2.45 m divides into 1 mm 2450 times

2.45 m divides into 1 m 2.45 times

So if $0 was at 0, $1m would be at 1/2450 or 0.00040816 half giraffes, and $1b would be at 1/2.45 or .40816327 half giraffes


u/pujastrankas 5d ago

This guy giraffes


u/RedKhomet 4d ago

No no, this guy GIRAFFES


u/Subjektzero 5d ago

Good bot


u/Walshy231231 5d ago

I got the math worked out if someone knows how to get a bot made


u/ReverendWolf 5d ago

americans will use anything but the metric system


u/JackofScarlets 5d ago

Which half?


u/PsychologicallyFat 5d ago

Asking the right questions


u/Majestic-Marcus 5d ago

The front


u/Avisari 4d ago

Didn't the front fall off?


u/Jealy 4d ago

Yeah like, top to bottom, front to back, or side to side?


u/Walshy231231 5d ago

$1m at 0.00040816 half giraffes, $1b at 0.40816327 half giraffes

If you prefer fractions, that’d be 1/2450 and 1/2.45 (or 20/49) half giraffes, respectively.


u/CoffeeGoblynn 4d ago

The average giraffe is about 4.44 meters long. Expressed in millimeters, a half giraffe as a unit of measurement would be 2,220 millimeters. So I guess a half giraffe is like... 2.22 meters or 2.22 billionaires. So a millionaire is 1/2220 half giraffes.


u/Addickt21 5d ago

Probably less than two


u/hmm-bugger 4d ago

I think you mean long horses


u/Zer0-Sum-Game 4d ago

Average of 2.4 meters for half giraffe conversion, though it depends on sex and genetics, so I'd think .4 milligiraffes


u/kwakwakwak 5d ago

A million cats would probably be enough to take over your neighborhood. A billion cats would be enough to form a furry, meowing carpet that could blanket an entire small country.


u/Embarrassed-Call7484 5d ago edited 5d ago

My favorite is Tom Scott's video about the difference between 1m and 1b.


I really miss Tom's weekly videos. If you haven't seen them before, check them out. Some really interesting stuff. 


u/yotreeman 5d ago

This tells me nothing. Try football fields


u/NSA_Chatbot 5d ago

Rhode Island is a million football fields.

America is 1.8 billion football fields.


u/Autumn1eaves 5d ago

That still doesn’t help.

A football field is 360 feet.

If a football field is a billion, then a million is 5 inches long.


u/Desaltez 5d ago

1 million is 1 football field.

1 billion is 1000 football fields.


u/HiSpartacusImDad 5d ago

That’s still a bit hard to grasp. How about:

1 billion is a football field

1 million is a millifootball field


u/Desaltez 5d ago

One million is the size of the football on the field One billion is the size of the football on 3 connected fields.


u/Malhablada 5d ago

I get it, you're saying we're fucked.

The billionaires are the 49ers in Superbowl 24. Millionaires are the Broncos. And we're a single blade of grass nowhere near the fucking stadium.


u/bobasasf 5d ago

fuck man, that hit


u/Captn_Robmerica 5d ago

A million is 1 yard. A billion is the entire length of the field


u/LawrenceFriday 5d ago

More than that. A billion is 10 football fields.


u/uqde 5d ago

Holy shit, I've heard so many of these kinds of things but for some reason this one really hits for me. Dang.


u/average_texas_guy 5d ago

Bro I'm American. GTFO with your meter stick. You need to explain this in Freedom Units.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

If 1 million were 1 yard, 1 billion would be the length of the football fields of the AFC West, NFC East, and half the AFC North combined.


u/NSA_Chatbot 5d ago

Yardstick, 3/64"

I also converted to football fields elsewhere.


u/PvtPimple 4d ago

If 1 million is a touchdown, 1 billion would be 1000 touchdowns.


u/Majestic-Marcus 5d ago

If you take a meterstick and put $0 on one end, and a Billion on the other end, a million dollars is at 1mm.

So what you’re saying is I can take 228.6 million dollars in my ass?


u/NSA_Chatbot 4d ago

So what you’re saying is I can take 228.6 million dollars in my ass?

$228M is $228M.


u/belleandbill25 4d ago

The difference between a million and a billion is about a billion


u/tajwriggly 4d ago

I like this example. And OP said 5000 years worth of income. $100K is above average. 5000 years of above average income only takes you halfway up the meterstick. And the top 10 billionaires in the world are all worth over $100B, which means that their worth is over 100 m high, or roughly a 30 story building.

5000 years of above average wealth, measured in Millions of dollars per mm, only takes you to about the height of your knees, while the world's richest individuals are looking down at you from the tops of 30 story buildings.


u/bruce_wayne23 4d ago

Lets send a few hundred metersticks to other countries


u/Geminii27 5d ago

Imagine something one inch in size which costs sixteen thousand dollars. Holy crap that's expensive! That's in ultra-custom-jewelry territory! In some jobs that's an annual salary!

A billion dollars is a MILE of those.


u/CrowOne5787 5d ago

I think i get it! I'm never supposed to get it.


u/AssistanceCheap379 4d ago

For the Yankees, that’s about 1/32nd of an inch on a yardstick


u/poop-dolla 4d ago

Can you translate for the Americans?


u/Johns-schlong 5d ago

I always like:

"The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars"


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Yup. To a billionaire, a millionaire is a rounding error.


u/canada11235813 5d ago

To put it in a more relatable scale, let’s say you have around $1,000 in your pocket.

Now I give you a dollar. How much do you have?

Around $1,000.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Good way to think of it


u/TheMisterTango 4d ago

These are all just roundabout ways of a billion is a thousand million.


u/angrydragon087 3d ago

Can you send me $1k so I can get a better idea of this?

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u/Nerdsamwich 5d ago

This is why I laugh at the bootlickers who cry that raising taxes on the rich would be "punishing success". If you just take away 99% of a billionaire's assets, he's still got ten million bucks. There's no appreciable effect on their quality of life, even after losing statistically everything.


u/Proof_Aerie9411 5d ago

Oh no, now they only have two mansions, and only six cars. Won’t someone think of the poor rich people? 🤪


u/Plane_Sweet9812 5d ago

only that its a dum bo take cos a lot of rich people have thier money in companies that run and feed a lot of families . So if you took it out ,

a lot of other people will be affected .

You don't think of that do you .


u/Nerdsamwich 5d ago

Um... you know that if all the owners disappeared tomorrow, the workers could still go to work and make products, right? They'd just be doing it for themselves and their communities instead of some rich asshole.


u/Plane_Sweet9812 4d ago

this is so hilarious , you really think so?

You have no idea how this shit works . do you .

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u/Galzara123 4d ago

Carl Marx having an erection reading this comm.


u/Nerdsamwich 4d ago

Whether or not you see that as a positive, you can't deny it's true.


u/Cha-Le-Gai 5d ago

My wife is a corporate tax accountant, her responsibility is calculating how much her company owes in sales tax for purchases. I remember just a few years ago when she started auditing her old company's tax liability they hounded her to find every single nickel and dime of possible savings because it was a relatively small company. Still large but small enough. Now she's at a multinational company. She was going over taxes for some purchase earlier this year and managed to get their total liability down to $1.2 million, but she had a discrepancy of $15k that she was pouring over trying to get to zero and her boss was like "and? Just pay it. It's only $15k."

I have no idea what her company does but she comes home some days and is like I just had to pay $10 million in taxes. Not a $10mil purchase, the sales tax was $10 million. And that was after she was able to bring it down using various magic witch tricks to find tax discounts. I know enough about tax to know I hate it.


u/42069247364 5d ago

I think about this kind of stuff, and like $20k would be life-changing. Just stop the cycle of barely able to breathe.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Oh man, an extra $20k would be amazing.


u/42069247364 5d ago

Right? Literally pennies to them, totally change my life.


u/maddtuck 4d ago

One billion bottles of beer on the wall.

One billion bottles of beer.

Take a million down, pass it around...


Nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand bottles of beer on the wall.


u/chaos8803 4d ago

And yet the hoard and pinch pennies at every opportunity. God forbid anything actually "trickles down". Fuck Reagan.


u/ClubMeSoftly 5d ago

One million seconds is 12 days. One billion seconds is 31 years.


u/SpottyNoonerism 5d ago

I like the old joke:

A billionaire is waiting in line to check in to his Vegas hotel while some guy in a nice suit paired with a pristine Stetson is making a stink about his room to the receptionist. Billionaire asks if he can just go ahead and get his key real quick since this obviously isn't going to be over any time soon.

"Cowboy" yells, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I'M WORTH 12 MILLION DOLLARS!!!" Billionaire sizes him up for about 3 seconds.

"I'll flip you for it."


u/WhyBruh2 5d ago

I think of it like "oh, a millionaire? You must have a good job!" And then "billionaire??? How many mines does your family own?"


u/dking484 5d ago

This reminds me of one of my favorite scenes from Silicon Valley


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u/_BlueFire_ 5d ago

"The difference between a million and a billion is the difference between me having a sip of wine and 30 seconds with your daughter, and a bottle of gin and a night with her." - Relevant xkcd



u/vkapadia 5d ago



u/sovereign666 5d ago

truly a prophet of our time.


u/xDenimBoilerx 5d ago

after that billion, it would only take another ~6,400 years to catch up to Elon Musk.


u/HipposAndBonobos 5d ago

$100k is 1% of $10mn. $10mn is 1% of $1bn. Elon Musk has a net worth of ~$200bn. $1bn is 0.5% of $200bn.


u/Auxilae 5d ago

To put another way, you could have earned $3.33 every single second since the year 1AD, and still be worth less than Elon Musk is worth today. ($212b vs $213b)


u/gatemansgc 5d ago

That's nuts wtf


u/Supersnoop25 5d ago

The difference between $1 million and $1 billion is about a billion dollars


u/mightycat 5d ago

That is $31.5 million a year, invested into the S&P 500 every single year with dividends reinvested, at an average rate of return of 10%, would net you $6.3 billion at the end of 31 years.


u/fencerman 5d ago

"The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars"


u/gOldMcDonald 5d ago

Keep the scale going…1 trillion dollars at $1 per second would take you 32,000 years. Longer than the human record (and some billionaires are on their way to this number)


u/nemam111 5d ago

I was just thinking about this the other day. With 7 trillion dollar budget, which is projected for 2025, it would take something like 0.01% to end homelessness. At market rate rent.


u/SatansLoLHelper 5d ago

205 people in America who earn more than $50 million a year in wages alone.Oct 22, 2018

It would take them 20 years to make $1B through wages alone at 50M/yr. I'll guess that number hasn't gone up much, since compensation in stock is far better than simple cash in these situations.


u/jojoblogs 5d ago

And If you made 5%pa returns on that billion, not even compounded, you’d be making $5700 an hour.


u/Its_Me_Tom_Yabo 5d ago

Worse yet, if you made $1/second 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, it would take roughly 6,700 years to accumulate Elon Musk’s net worth… or approximately $1 per second since 1,500 years before ancient Egypt arose


u/alexrepty 5d ago

And now try to imagine the 200 billion trillion stars in the universe


u/Bolwinkel 5d ago

What the difference between $1million and $1billion? About $1billion.


u/AdebayoStan 4d ago

Another way to see the huge difference between $1m and $1b

A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years


u/TeachingHelpful1736 4d ago

Another perspective is that 1 million minutes is 1.9 years and 1 billion minutes is 19,000 years. Definitely the most shocking one to me personally.


u/ObamasBoss 4d ago

During bill gates higher earning years if he dropped a check worth $1,000 on the sidewalk it was not worth his time to stop and pick it up. This assumed working 14 hours per day and dividing his income out. And this isn't even using his highest income levels.


u/Routine-Material629 4d ago

This is like the easiest way to get karma I think. Just copy this and paste on the inevitable discussion of a billion, never fails!


u/miraculum_one 4d ago

It would take much less time if you invested some of it, which is what nearly all wealthy people are doing


u/-KingAdrock- 4d ago

This really should only hammer home the simple fact that no billionaire ever became that way solely from collecting a paycheck. 

It's called “INVESTING”.


u/dcdesmond 4d ago

My favorite thing is to extend this to a trillion dollars. Keeping the rate of $1/second, continuously, a trillion seconds is about 31,710 years.

For context, to have a trillion dollars at this rate, you would've had to begin earning money about 20,000 years before the end of the Pleistocene era (you know, back when cavemen were chasing wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers), well before the emergence of the first human civilizations in Mesopotamia.

So when someone talks about a trillion dollar company or a national budget, keep this frame of reference in mind.


u/southernmayd 5d ago

This was the way that was explained to me that broke my brain too. To add to it -- a trillion is 31,000 years lol, and the US has almost 35 trillion in debt.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

A trillion is an insane amount, sure, but a country's debt isn't really comparable to an individual's debt.


u/southernmayd 5d ago edited 5d ago

Of course not, but it contextualizes how much that really is. Most people see million / billion / trillion and just think big number and don't really realize how significantly different they all are. A million is a drop in the bucket to a billion, and a billion is a drop in the bucket to a trillion.


u/vkapadia 5d ago

Yup, I see what you're saying.


u/AidanGe 5d ago

I remember when this was told a few years ago, and it was like, “A million seconds ago? Less than twelve days ago. A billion seconds ago? The Soviet Union was still intact.


u/quintthesharkhunter 5d ago

The most impactful dumbing down of this immense difference that I’ve seen, which put it all into perspective for me as an average person was this: Take a $1 bill. Now imagine this single dollar is worth $100. A person who possesses a million dollars would have 10,000 of these. A person who possesses a billion would have 10,000,000 of them. For some reason this illustration just killed me. I think it’s because $1 means a little something to me in my day-to-day. And I feel like an idiot if I impulsively spend $100 on something or lose it somehow or get shorted that on a paycheck… It is totally fucked that we have any billionaires. My buddy always says, “If you make a billion dollars you should just get a trophy that says, ‘Congratulations, you won Capitalism!’ and then you just stop earning money and it goes somewhere else because no single person or family needs or deserves that much money.


u/sosa_10_guns 5d ago

I've been told before that the difference is that a million seconds is 12 days and a billion seconds is 31 years and some, which is exactly what you said just a lil simplified.


u/Joe-C_137 5d ago

This is exactly what I did to explain to my mom the billion-second birthday party I was throwing, lol. I told her I was approaching 1 billion seconds old and I wanted to host a party to celebrate. She was surprised that one billion seconds is 31~ years, but she said she and my dad would come.

I wanted to cook something that could help visually represent a billion, so I calculated a how much one billion grains of rice was just for laughs... it's roughly 71.5 tons of rice. To put it another way, once cooked, it would serve one cup of cooked rice each to 1,430,000 people. There are 30 teams in Major League Baseball, and each has its own stadium. Each stadium has an average of 42,675 seats. If every seat of every stadium was full at the same time, one billion grains of rice could serve every single person one cup, and then you would still have 200,000 servings left.

I ended up serving paella and told everyone that each grain of rice represented about 2.5 hours of time I've been kicking it around here on Earth. It's such a wild concept, thinking of it like that! Just looking at a tablespoon of cooked rice which has about 100 grains, that's the equivalent of 250 hours, or about 10.5 days.... which is about 1 million seconds. One million is to one billion what one spoon of rice is to a whole pot of paella.

The dinner party was so much fun. My mom made a cake and got number candles for 1,000,000,000! 🥰


u/vkapadia 5d ago

That sounds awesome!


u/Joe-C_137 5d ago

Yeah it was a lot of fun! I recommend this site if you want to do something similar 🙂


u/vkapadia 5d ago

I'm almost 1.3 billion. Maybe when I hit 2b?

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u/Zips20 5d ago

I've always tried to tell this to people, but just as time. That a million seconds is 12 days and a billion is 31 years. Sometimes it's hard for them to understand but when it clicks it really puts in perspective.


u/kaskudoo 5d ago

There’s just something wrong about this, isn’t there?


u/LaneKiffinsAlterEgo 5d ago

No, no it’s you that’s the problem.


u/LogicalMelody 5d ago

Smh so many people nowadays unwilling just to work a 6 figure job for 10,000 years.

/s, just to be safe.


u/ResponsibleArtist273 5d ago

I would like to hear from any folks who have difficulty with sarcasm, because I wouldn’t be able to understand how they’d not get this. Human lifespans are obviously way under this.


u/Majestic-Marcus 5d ago

Every human who ever died did so before their ten thousandth birthday.


u/Remarkable_Goat_7508 5d ago

It’s gotten to a point where stuff like this is flagged with a /s because people are fucking scared of getting misunderstood on the internet

It‘s really pathetic

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u/Not_a_Ducktective 5d ago

We're in the bad place, huh.


u/Zealousideal_Ask369 5d ago

Holy forking shirtballs.


u/InterrogareOmnis 5d ago

Such a good show


u/Future_Being_4358 5d ago

No, not really.


u/Future_Being_4358 5d ago

There is nothing wrong with it, just math.


u/tom_fuckin_bombadil 5d ago

And yet, there are average people earning $50k/year defending and trying to justify Elon Musk's whining about the courts trying to prevent him from getting another $56 billion when he already is $200 billion.

There must be something wired really fucked up in a person's mind when they already have so much money yet it's still not enough. Having another $50 billion to this guy isn't going to change anything in his life. For someone at that level of wealth, the marginal utility of any additional dollar must be approaching 0. It would be like an average person hiring an entire law firm and going to the highest court to sue a coffee shop because they didnt' give you a coffee when you had a coupon.


u/Sinbios 4d ago

He's investing it into shit like space exploration, you need money for that.

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u/K3LL1ON 5d ago

Yeah it's incredible. With $1,000,000,000 you could spend $1,000 a day every day since the day Jesus was born, and you'd still have over $272,650,000. I couldn't imagine the amount of good you could do with that sort of wealth.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/K3LL1ON 5d ago

That's absolutely incredible, in a sad way...


u/duhogman 5d ago

That's just wild


u/Garizondyly 5d ago

Say you earned $100k/day every day since the time of earliest recorded human history. Too bad, you're not even a top 10 richest person today, sorry.


u/Early-Ebb2895 5d ago

Well not to be that guy but if the earliest recorded history dates back to written records in Egypt ~3200BCE, then 3200+2024 = 5224 x 365 x100,000 = 190,676,000,000

This puts you at #4 past mark Zuckerberg at ~166 billion


u/whattaninja 5d ago

That’s still insane to think about, though.


u/Early-Ebb2895 5d ago

Yea especially considering you would be millionaire in 10 days. Yet it would take you 5224 years to get to that… wtf


u/zzyul 5d ago

But the difference is your money would all be liquid while most of theirs is just theoretical.


u/No_Carrot_2100 5d ago

Not to be that guy, but that would be in Mesopotamia 5000 BC for recorded history. Can even take it further for known history to around 9500 BC (some even claim 13000 BC) in Gobekli Tepe. Recalculations are in order.


u/Dr_DoVeryLittle 5d ago

If I made 100k/ year we could t afford to keep doing medical research...or that's what my boss tells me. Instead I make 50k to perform critical and highly complex surgical tasks while ensuring scientific integrity.


u/duhogman 5d ago

Username checks out


u/notoriginal850 5d ago

Haha, I make way less and would still take it. Not worried about being a billionaire or millionaire. I just want to be comfortable.


u/duhogman 5d ago

Oh for sure, for most people on the planet $5k is life changing money


u/ActionPhilip 5d ago

To be fair, a decade of not spending too much of that and you'd be a billionaire. Crazy how compound interest works.


u/THEralphE 5d ago

as sad as that is I think I could squeek by!


u/fancysauce_boss 5d ago

“Years of double pay” found the loop hole awwww yeahhhhhhhh


u/duhogman 5d ago



u/InfoSecChica 5d ago

This would be perfect for me. I currently make $166k a year.


u/duhogman 5d ago

$830MM not too bad! Nearly in the 3 comma club


u/mwraaaaaah 5d ago

Good thing long term wealth grows exponentially via investments instead of cash in the mattress


u/duhogman 5d ago

Well that's just the money you want them to think is your stash. It's actually buried by the old oak.

Or is that also the decoy?


u/tukachinchilla 5d ago

$500 million is still a shit ton to anyone reading this rn. If I only had 1% of that I'd call it Fuck You Money.


u/duhogman 5d ago

You could move to Florida, buy a nice 2 bedroom built in the 90's a few dozen miles from the beach, and still have money for nearly an entire year of insurance!

Not bad at all.


u/Hippopotamus_Critic 5d ago

You know what they say though: the first half-billion is the hardest half-billion.


u/notoriginal850 5d ago

Haha, I make way less and would still take it. Not worried about being a billionaire or millionaire. I just want to be comfortable.


u/Kanolie 5d ago edited 5d ago

If you just save $1 a year and invested it at a 1% return, after 5000 years you would have $404,453,793,550,595,088,449,536.


u/Rubcionnnnn 5d ago

After inflation that will be like 23 cents. 


u/Original_Lab628 5d ago

That’s not how compound interest works


u/foodank012018 5d ago

That's still more than I'll ever realistically see. I'll settle for it I guess.


u/duhogman 5d ago

I'll split it with you!


u/notthatkindofcrack 5d ago

If you made $10k/hr, 24hrs/day, 365 days/year dating to 0AD and saved every penny... you would have 80% of Elon Musk's wealth.


u/BlumpkinLord 5d ago

Yeah but as a disabled individual making 15k per year, that is like 75mil, that is more than I'll ever need


u/duhogman 5d ago

Too true, that's good money


u/BlumpkinLord 5d ago

Less is more in this vase I guess :3 Maybe a metaphor or something of how society is constructed to let you down the more you try to succeed or something


u/PotooSexer 5d ago

That’s insane


u/duhogman 5d ago

Yeah you're not wrong


u/disktoaster 5d ago

Halfway there + Investment experts + chilling on it for a few years = there. At $500m you have access to options that we peons will never even hear about. It's the barrier to entry that makes it such a bitch. I'd take it.


u/duhogman 5d ago

Same here most definitely, I mean that's wife changing money! /s


u/spghtticaptain 5d ago

Uh so ill take the five hundred million dollars pls


u/MuadDib1942 5d ago

5 million at 5% earns $250k, or $4807.69 a week. Doing nothing. I can easily live on $100k a year and do everything I want to do. It only costs $182.5k a year to spend every night in a hotel at $500 a night. They'll probably give you a better deal if you book the year. You're talking about 100 times that, and 500 million earns you 25 million a year or $480,769.23 a week. How does it hurt to be 100 times richer than I need to be to live in extravagance for the rest of my life?


u/yamaharider2021 5d ago edited 4d ago

Maybe im missing something but your math is off by a mere factor of 1000

Edit: ah, it would appear i am a moron. The 1000 factor is because i misread it as 5 years income, not 5,000 years. Nice, sorry bros


u/Darth_Meatloaf 5d ago

At my current level of income, I’d get $267,696,000.

Which, if invested into a conservative, diversified portfolio, would yield an average investment income of $1,204,632. A month. At a bare minimum.

I’m fine with that.


u/blubbery-blumpkin 5d ago

I don’t earn £100k but if I had 5000 x my last years take home pay I would magically end up with £275mil. This would be entirely enough on its own for me to live with, and provide for the following forever generations of my family. Plus I would then be sensible and start using the money to make money in a safe, secure way. Nothing risky. I don’t need to be a billionaire, being quarter of a way there is still insanely wealthy.


u/chux4w 4d ago

Why does that hurt?


u/CrustyToeLover 4d ago

Yeah really hurts to be half of a billionaire


u/ITrCool 5d ago

Maths aren’t mathing


u/Empty_Ambition_9050 5d ago

That’s if you didn’t spend any of it.


u/Prime4Cast 5d ago

Pffff if I was at 100k a year sure.


u/sturmeh 5d ago

If you had a billion dollars in $100 notes, you wouldn't be able to fit it in your house.

(For some context, 1 million would take up the same space as 20 reams of A4 / letter paper.)


u/FikaMedHasse 5d ago

Yottayears of income then.


u/OriginalStockingfan 5d ago

Better to be half way than…. Well rounding included, I’m broke.


u/Nuclear_Geek 5d ago

OK, 5000 year's worth of Musk's current income.


u/celticairborne 4d ago

I make about 40k. 5000 years would put that at 200mil. I'd be good with that...


u/Liberatedhusky 4d ago

Yeah but if you put 500M into the market and followed the 4% rule you would have up to 20M to spend each year, and another 20M in potential growth with a modest 8% on average per year.


u/ezk3626 4d ago

The difference would be that this person would have a pile of cash and most billionaires have theoretical wealth. Remember how Kanye stopped being a billionaire. He didn't lose anything except popularity. Billionaires don't have a billion dollars but companies which banks will treat as a billion dollar value.


u/wam9000 4d ago

Never said WHO'S income. Take Bezos'


u/VampyreBassist 4d ago

But does that account for inflation/deflation? A lot can happen in 5000 years.


u/sdebeauchamp 4d ago

...and that's "just" one billion. There are people with hundreds of those.


u/throwawaoffmychest 4d ago

i do agree with you, but even w how much i make (27k a yr), that would set me up for a very long time. fuck even one years income all at once would be insane to me. i cannot fathom billionaires.


u/GoodBye_Moon-Man 5d ago

Jesus that's depressing.... There should be no fucking billionaires. Disgraceful


u/duhogman 5d ago



u/Blucifers_Veiny_Anus 5d ago

That math ain't mathing


u/LanfearSedai 5d ago

100,000 x 5,000 = 500,000,000 which is half a billion.


u/Blucifers_Veiny_Anus 5d ago

Hahaha.... my math ain't mathing.... I read it at 500, not 5,000...thanks for the gentle correction.


u/DoktorMerlin 5d ago

And then think further about it. Does that change the fact that 5000 years worth of income would be HELL of a lot of money for you? Do you think you could reasonably use that amount of money in your lifetime? I definitely would say that even 100 years worth of income would be enough for me to have hell of a good life without any worrying.

That's why we don't need billionaires. There's no need for anyone to have that much money. Not at all.

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