r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/giggitygoo123 5d ago

5000 Yes Men that are all billionaires.

Ask each of them for $100 million and they have to say yes.


u/Petermacc122 5d ago

Turns out they're all lying to you because they can't say no. They're 5,000 hobos who dress nicely.


u/Chojen 5d ago

5000 of anything is still crazy. Spread them out over a large enough urban area and they can beg, scavenge, and steal. If each of them gives you $1 per day that’s $5000 per day, over 1.8 million per year.


u/Petermacc122 5d ago

They're lazy hobos who dressed nicely hoping you had a job or some booze.


u/Winjin 5d ago

They're still your Yes Men army of five thousand people. Even the laziest hobos have to panhandle every day and beggars and panhandlers make way more than that even in poorer countries.

That's enough to completely push away any other beggar mafia in your city and take it over from down up.

Especially if you could pull them up a bit, if they're truly forced to obey you, then you grow from five thousand lazy hobos to enterpreneuring hobos, then trailer park low-lifers, then five thousand low-income workers... that still look into your mouth like you're a messiah.

Yes, forcing five thousand lazy hobos is like herding cats, but doing that to increase the amount of money you (and they) make is enough to create a sort of positive feedback loop.


u/Cantremembermyoldnam 4d ago

Assemble them around you and use them as a crowd to shout your ideas at. If 5.000 people all agree, others will eventually join. Use this to start your world domination playthrough.


u/Winjin 4d ago

Yeah, five thousand enamored people in a local rally or some sort of a megachurch, spread out, are enough to rally at least twice as many people. If you have people cheering on all sides, it takes a very strong individual to oppose... if there's anything to oppose. Who knows, maybe you are benevolent?


u/giggitygoo123 5d ago

Well...shit. Even hobos are probably richer than i am right now though, so its still a win.


u/MuadDabTheSpiceFlow 5d ago

Why not just ask them for all their money


u/psych00range 5d ago

Why not ask for each of their fortunes? They have to say yes.


u/giggitygoo123 5d ago edited 5d ago

It's still $500 billion and they get to stay billionaires also.

Having 5000 billionaires sucking up to you would be fun. I guess there are probably a few hundred i would like to make bankrupt though.


u/FoxChess 5d ago

There are less than 3,000 billionaires in the world.


u/joshuahtree 5d ago

I'll make the sacrifice for humanity and become one of the necessary 2,000 billionaires


u/clubby37 4d ago

5000 Yes Men from Fallout: New Vegas. Hard currency has its uses, but with 5000 killer robots at your back, you can help yourself to whatever you want, and won't receive a bill.


u/giggitygoo123 4d ago

I could probably buy a lot more than 5000 yes men from NV for $500 billion. Even if each one was $1 million I would still have $495 billion left over plus an army of robots with digital faces and machine guns.


u/clubby37 4d ago

I hope you trust the seller. If a newly-minted Rich Guy offered me money for my robot army, I'd take the money, but keep the robots. If he has a problem with that, he can take it up with my robot army.


u/giggitygoo123 4d ago

I'd bet that out of my 5000 yes men, a few of them would know how to design and build murder bots.


u/clubby37 4d ago

Are you trying to flip sides on me, Bugs Bunny style? I'm the one with 5000 Yes Men. You just have money.


u/giggitygoo123 4d ago

Duck Season


u/clubby37 4d ago

Rabbit Season!


u/giggitygoo123 4d ago

Rabbit Season


u/clubby37 4d ago


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u/rave1432 4d ago

I agree with you on this one.


u/Sudden_Explorer_7280 5d ago

that would create so much inflation your money would be worth nothing


u/giggitygoo123 5d ago edited 5d ago

How? Assuming there are even 5000 billionaires, its just taking money from other people and giving it to me. The money isnt being printed for me and would do nothing for the GDP. Its like saying Elon, Bezos, and Gates net worths are the sole reason for inflation. You dont see $1 million cheeseburgers because someone won a 2 billion dollar powerball.


u/Sudden_Explorer_7280 4d ago

because it requires creating 5000 people with at least 1B$ in net worth

according to google there 2780 billionaires in the world right now and we know they own around 80% of the worlds wealth

that would mean nearly doubling the worlds wealth, therefore creating an inflation of doom and sending the worlds currency to oblivion


u/giggitygoo123 4d ago

Fair enough. I guess i could knock it down to $200 million plus