r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/SpazzBro 5d ago

I pick 5000 Yog-Sothoth. Reality is doomed


u/Dagrinch31 5d ago

I can dig it...


u/tesoterica 5d ago

That's funny, I was going to pick 5000 Yahwehs


u/Reasonable-Mischief 5d ago

He activated your trap card!


u/Yogisogoth 5d ago

I approve


u/Qprime0 5d ago

but... wouldn't that just result in 5,000 more realities...? I thought the sleeper was the one responsible for reality - in that it's their dream. So... another 5000 of them... means another 5,000 dreams, right...?


u/SpazzBro 4d ago

yeah but what if we cram all 5000 into the same reality


u/Qprime0 4d ago

instant multiverse? or is that just like... giving the sleeper multiple personality disorder or something?


u/SpazzBro 4d ago

idk but it would be cool to find out!


u/Theblade12 4d ago

I thought the sleeper was the one responsible for reality - in that it's their dream.

You're thinking of Azathoth, and apparently that's not canon to the original novels by Lovecraft (it's apparently just very strong and very stupid, and reality is doomed if it ever exits its docile state). But yes, from what I know reality is made of Yog-Sothoth in some weird sense.

I know, being told that reality isn't really dreamt up by Azathoth is kind of like being told Santa isn't real, isn't it?


u/Qprime0 4d ago

So imagine, then, being told that they are actually 5,000 santas.


u/ReluctantAvenger 5d ago

Was that the final boss in Doom?


u/UngaBungaPecSimp 5d ago

yog sothoth is a lovecraftian diety, more specifically hes one of the outer gods of the cthulhu mythos and not only that but he’s arguably the strongest maybe only weaker than azathoth (the ruler of all outer gods) and for reference the outer gods in the cthulhu mythos are like what humans are to the great old ones (cthulhu himself is a great old one so yeah yog sothoth is… strong…)


u/Pokedude0809 4d ago

Azathoth is occasionally referred to as the "idiot god" and is characterized by gibbering, roiling madness. By contrast, Yog-Sothoth "the key and the gate" is suggested to literally represent time itself. Hierarchically speaking, Azathoth is technically above Yog, but yeah as an adversary I think Yog is more interesting if not more powerful.


u/ReluctantAvenger 5d ago

Thanks for explaining!


u/AdhesiveEvil 5d ago

Always has been.


u/iamg0d101 5d ago

Yea right, its fir all that yogussy