r/AskReddit 5d ago

You can have 5000 of anything that starts with Y. What do you choose?


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u/HauntedFaculty 5d ago

Years to live


u/Procrastubatorfet 5d ago

I hope you age at a reduced rate rather than having a good 70 years followed by 4930 of geriatric hell


u/Pm_Me_Gifs_For_Sauce 5d ago

Better start working out TF now!


u/DriedUpSquid 5d ago

On the way to your first gym session you are hit by an ice cream truck and must be kept on a respirator to live.


u/Pm_Me_Gifs_For_Sauce 5d ago

Oh the sweet and creamy irony. Now in Neapolitan, limited time only.


u/darktowerseeker 5d ago

This is the funniest shit


u/jasonrubik 5d ago

Better than trying to evade and outsmart a snail


u/version13 5d ago

An I Scream truck?


u/DriedUpSquid 5d ago

You would have screamed but the front tire drove over your windpipe.


u/draconiclyyours 5d ago

Are you a djinn??


u/CrowOne5787 5d ago

Hence your new Wrestler name Respi-Raptor


u/JoJackthewonderskunk 5d ago

Gotta keep them chromosomes from degrading by a bunch of crunches and shake weight shakes!


u/Snake_fairyofReddit 5d ago

Stupid telomeres shortening


u/Pm_Me_Gifs_For_Sauce 5d ago

In that case, workout and take your neurotropics.


u/chomoftheoutback 5d ago

the thought of going to the gym for 5000 years is depressing as hell


u/turtledrum_215 5d ago

Some monkey’s paw material right there!


u/EredarLordJaraxxus 4d ago

Immortality that doesn't come with eternal youth turns into nightmare fuel really REALLY fast


u/CharonsLittleHelper 5d ago

Just change it to "youthful years to live".


u/MonaganX 5d ago

Eternally a toddler.


u/InfanticideAquifer 5d ago

Just change it to "You know that time I had that long daydream about what to do if some magical entity offered me any wish but only if I used it perfectly selfishly and I spent a few hours wandering in circles coming up with the perfect wording for that wish in my head? That."


u/MonaganX 4d ago

Least verbose isekai title.


u/smallmoth 5d ago

Granted! You will now be age 7 for 5000 years.


u/MeowMeowImACowww 5d ago

5000 years of not aging might be better 😅


u/LifeSenseiBrayan 5d ago

Invest all you got on a high yielding savings account and wait till the best 100 years of your life with a brand new robot body


u/_BlueFire_ 5d ago

That's why my answer was "years as a happy, healthy person in a young body still to live, from tomorrow". You never know if the wish is being granted by a genie... 


u/zeugma888 5d ago

Years of youth?


u/WhyNotChoose 5d ago

lol 4930 years of dementia.


u/Alarmedones 5d ago

I would assume you would start to age at a rate equal to the 5000 years. So being 40 years old would last waaaayyyy longer than it does now.


u/DonutBoi172 5d ago

Either way would suck.

You either end up as a 75 year old man who looks 7 years old, or age properly but end up rotting away for a couple thousand years.

At some point you'd end up being only baggage to society and everyone would opt to bury you in a deep cave for thousands of years


u/Jackiedhmc 5d ago

Let me tell you something friend, some of the years up to 70 aren't all that great. For me it started going south around 65, I'm only 68!


u/SailorET 5d ago

I'm 44 now and I've got a bum knee, lower back pain, and acid reflux. I will murder everyone in the room and then myself if I have to deal with another century of this, never mind 49 of them.


u/Fabulous-Ad6763 5d ago edited 5d ago

If lifespan is 1000 you’ll age in proportion. Menopause at 500. For 50 years straight. Puberty for 50 years. Cancer will grow slow from 700 to 1000.. about 300 years of cancer battle. Jisus. Hope you have good insurance. Medicare won’t want you for that long!

(Multiply everything by 5)


u/PaManiacOwca 5d ago

Dayum, you have put things at perspective here dude.


u/Rand_alThor4747 5d ago

4930 years of dementia.


u/spicewoman 4d ago

"Years of youth"? Might get turned into a perma-baby.

"Years of being 25"? Welcome to groundhog day.

"Years of having my body be as healthy and young as it was when I was 25, but also time is progressing normally?" Really feels like we're stretching the "starts with a y" premise at that point.


u/ValorMorghulis 5d ago

5,000 years of youth? Is that stretching it?


u/RoboCIops 5d ago

That’s a very vengeful Palestinian thing to say. Are you Palestinian?


u/8696David 5d ago

Years of perfect health***** 


u/redditis_garbage 5d ago

Years of youth


u/8696David 5d ago

Not sure I’d phrase it like that. What if it means you “lose” a year of your past to stay 20 constantly? 


u/Jackiedhmc 5d ago

But only if you look good


u/_forum_mod 5d ago

There's never a wish better than this
When you only got 5,000 years to live


u/Cody6781 5d ago

5000 is probably in the range where you switch from "this is not fun" to "this is a living hell", and then you get to die. So it works out


u/SpazzBro 5d ago

aw hell naw


u/Vexwill 5d ago

You can always end it when you want to!


u/BabyMakingMachine 5d ago

You go back to year 1 and have to do the next 4999 again until you get it right.


u/iamagoodbozo 5d ago

Can we end this NOW.


u/ptwonline 5d ago

Oh yes. Once you build up a nest egg big enough to live on and still grow then the rest of your life is leisure.


u/SpazzBro 5d ago

you’re not wrong, but I would rather live a normal lifespan alongside my friends and family.


u/CharonsLittleHelper 5d ago

You would. Then another 4900 years.


u/SpazzBro 5d ago

ye that’s why I said aw hell naw to the extra years lol


u/funkyvilla 5d ago

Yeah don’t get trapped somewhere, like a coffin. Lol


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago

Assuming you're immortal until you hit 5000, you should be able to break out of a buried coffin eventually.


u/totally_not_a_zombie 5d ago edited 4d ago

How about being locked up in a straight jacket in a concrete slab deep under the ocean?

Or in a spaceship flung out into the open space?

5k years.. enough time for a cult of hate against you to come around. And we all know this would have a fanatical following. And there's not a single person around who would have as much historical context as you, so watch out for your every word. It would be like sharing a planet with rabid fanatical dumbasses with the attention span of a toddler, compared to you.

Edit: Also, falling in love would at some point become impossible as the age gap widens. Also you would see the entire population of earth get born, grow old and die. At least 50 times. Imagine seeing your thousands of great great great grandkids fighting in wars against each other over race, nationality, religion, territory..

Tldr: this is a horrible curse at best


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago

Oh yeah then you're fucked

Well regarding the cult of hate, you would 100% have to "die" every 80 years and then pretend to be your child or something.

You'd have to change up your look slightly, different facial hair, slightly different hair color, style, etc.

I'm sure a 500+ year old immortal will be able to gather enough wealth so that they can bribe the appropriate officials for new birth certificates etc

Just need to find a corrupt country and buy a birth certificate off them


u/Small_Tax_9432 5d ago

My grandmother's over 100. Trust me, you don't want that.


u/Ok_Celebration8180 5d ago

Why do we have to die?


u/Small_Tax_9432 5d ago

Trust me, I visited my grandmother in the hospital recently because she fell in the kitchen (she's ok now). It was the most depressing place I've ever been to. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Living to that age just isn't pleasant.


u/Everclipse 5d ago

Depends on how you look at it. Living at 100 sucks right now, but in 200? 500? 1000 years? We were throwing sticks at each other not that long ago. Technology is scaling exponentially on itself. Even we couldn't revive a body, then transference or other forms of continuance would become possible.


u/Jackiedhmc 5d ago

Yes, my 94-year-old aunt would agree


u/nitekroller 5d ago

Unless its “5000 years at this biological age” or somethin like that


u/pinkpanda376 5d ago

Is your age proportional or are you gonna look old as shit for 4920 years?


u/throwaway1626363h 5d ago

I would pick months

To me, 5000 years is way too much for me, I'm fine with 416.66 years


u/Any-Practice-991 5d ago

...and to dole out as I please to others. I'd sell those bad boys for whatever I wanted.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/markth_wi 5d ago

Wouldn't it be something if we'd pulled it out though. I'm not thinking go all Star Wars or even Star Trek, just advanced and tamped down on the stupid. I'm sure we'd have wars and natural calamaties but wouldn't it be something to see that we'd persevered over all that and got things on a good track , we still have our problems but we've definitely turned that corner. I think that might be a fun story to explore.


u/Arkyja 5d ago

Probably better than nothingness and if not, well.. nothingness is one bullet to your head away at all times.


u/I111I1I111I1 5d ago

It can't be better than nothingness, because nothingness isn't comparable to anything. Being dead is the same as pre-birth. That is to say, it's not so bad.


u/sisterfister69hitler 5d ago

Exactly. I hope I’m dead before there’s wars over land, food, and clean water.


u/DebtUpToMyEyeballs 5d ago

Haha, joke's on you. There are already wars over all those things.


u/tensor-ricci 5d ago

That has been happening since the dawn of life on earth.


u/Zerksys 5d ago

People thought the same thing 150 years ago. They thought that the streets would be lined with horse poop and trash, but we found new technologies that allowed us to live cleaner.


u/TightValue315 5d ago

Would be a curse everyone you would ever know would die before you can you can't really make connections because they would always die


u/dostillevi 5d ago

I'm friends with cats and dogs, nothing stopping you from having relationships that don't last your whole life.


u/simplespacelight 5d ago

Who the fuck cares lol I have their entire life with them plus so many more years to get to know other cool people. I would take the 5000 years.


u/_Im_Dad 5d ago

I already plan to live for 5000 years..

So far so good.


u/tjspeed 5d ago

I’m rooting for you dad 🫡


u/365wong 5d ago

It’s god


u/HalFWit 5d ago

Star Trek: TNG: ‘Time’s Arrow’, Data talks about how comforting the knowledge that he will die is.

LaForge: So, do you want to talk about it?
Data: Are you referring to the foreknowledge of my death?
LaForge: Yeah.
Data: I have no particular desire to discuss the matter. Do you need to talk about it?
LaForge: Yeah.
Data: Why?
LaForge: Data, this has got to bother you a little.
Data: On the contrary. I find it rather comforting.
LaForge: Comforting?
Data: I have often wondered about my own mortality as I have seen others around me age. Until now it has been theoretically possible that I would live an unlimited period of time. And although some might find this attractive, to me it only reinforces the fact that I am artificial.
LaForge: I never knew how tough this must be for you.
Data: Tough? As in difficult?
LaForge: Knowing that you would outlive all your friends.
Data: I expected to make new friends.
LaForge: True.
Data: And then to outlive them as well.
LaForge: Now that you know that you might not?
Data: It provides a sense of completion to my future. In a way, I am not that different from anyone else. I can now look forward to death.
LaForge: I never thought of it that way.
Data: One might also conclude that it brings me one step closer to being human. I am mortal.

Credit to : u/PiercedMonk


u/DutchJediKnight 5d ago

And then they rebooted said decapitated head, making the point void


u/redditnoobestnoobguy 5d ago

yeah at that point I think people will feel more like pets, and you know your relationship with all your loved ones are gonna be temporary. so you kinda learn how to grieve them. I'd say the only important part of this deal is to make sure you're getting 5000 years of a young and able body.


u/SpikesAreCooI 5d ago

“I do love your mother, but she’s more like a… a pet to me.”


u/redditnoobestnoobguy 5d ago

exactly, omni man for the win


u/SousVideDiaper 5d ago

So homeboy basically fucked his dog in his own eyes


u/Vinny_Lam 5d ago

Yeah, as much as I might mourn the deaths of the people I know, I feel like I’ll eventually get over it given enough time. And after some time I might not even care anymore. 


u/ImportantCommentator 5d ago

Unless civilization ends and youve got 4000 years left to live


u/Dyrogitory 5d ago

Spending 4000 years getting abused by douchebags in a nursing home is not my idea of Quality of Life.


u/simplespacelight 5d ago

Obviously you also gotta stay in your mid 20s or mid 30s


u/creativename111111 5d ago

Ye 5000 years is probably a lot more manageable than actual immortality (which is literally the worst curse you could ask for)


u/simplespacelight 5d ago

Depending on how this immortality thing works. If I would stay young healthy and indestructible I wouldn't mind.

The other thing is, if the world would ever get destroyed I would need the ability to fall asleep until there is human life again. Even if that means sleeping million of years.

Also having a group of people with the same ability to always be able to reproduce.


u/stoneman9284 5d ago

If you were gonna live that long in a 90 year old’s body then I’d agree. But if you can be 30 and healthy for 5,000 years I think it’s worth it.


u/frogandbanjo 5d ago

Eh... mid-20s.

It's pretty shocking how quickly shit starts breaking down.


u/stoneman9284 5d ago

That’s why I said healthy


u/mithridateseupator 5d ago

So kind of like having a social disorder now


u/BadSanna 5d ago

Why would that be a curse?


u/Everclipse 5d ago

One of our greatest strengths and weaknesses is the ability to forget.


u/not_a_bot_just_dumb 5d ago

"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

- Bender Bending Rodríguez


u/NMe84 5d ago

I would hate having to live that long. I mean, I'm 40 and miserable enough as is (though not suicidal, don't worry). I can't imagine the horrors of realizing that I'm not even 1% of the way through.


u/nitekroller 5d ago

Living that long would actually make me happier


u/NMe84 5d ago

Would you? Assuming the rest of the world doesn't get a longer lifespan, you'll see everyone you care about die, over and over again, simply because your lifespan is over 50 times as long as theirs. And if everyone else's lifespan is increased as well, that means the entire planet will be overcrowded to death before the start of the next century.

And whichever is the case, you'll have to see and live through so much shit. In 5000 years you'll be guaranteed to see the fall of the country you live in. You'll have to deal with war and famine, climate change, rising sea levels and pollution. And these are just the issues you'd have to deal with if you're mentally healthy to start with, it gets worse if you're not.


u/Snail_Paw4908 5d ago

People already looking in rough shape after just 90 years. 200 years in being a blind, deaf, motionless lump of arthritis but still conscious would be absolute torture.


u/SlayzorHunter 5d ago

you should clarify with "years of youth", to stop people from misunderstanding


u/iamatcha 5d ago

Not that great...seeing all the persons you'll ever care about grow old and die


u/busstees 5d ago

Well that really only works if you also stop aging. I can't even imagine being like 120 let alone 5000.


u/TacoPi 5d ago

You would probably live to see humankind perfect immortality and then they would wonder why it didn’t work on you.


u/No_Carry_3991 5d ago

yay more people to slap.


u/iamagoodbozo 5d ago

I don't think that you'd like that.


u/BobtheBOAT 5d ago

Youthful years*


u/111Kosmic 5d ago

Good one!


u/NecessaryWeather4275 5d ago

You must have a very happy life. I’m happy for you. We don’t all get the same.


u/kaarinmvp 5d ago

No thank you


u/vom-IT-coffin 5d ago

Why the hell who anyone want that?


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago

5000 healthy years to live


u/c0ld_pizz4 5d ago

Why would you want to live that long?


u/Paperclip945 5d ago

200 good years and 4800 floating through space.


u/User20873 5d ago

Years of being age 18!!


u/MrLizardBusiness 5d ago

Friend. I have a hard time just making it through this required lifetime. I respect your ambition, but please no. I can't imagine trying to suffer through this for 5000 years. I assume at some point, I'd figure out how to manage, but. Still.


u/Randomswedishdude 5d ago

It would be almost 4900 lonely years after the great nuclear war of 2137.


u/Krieghund 5d ago

Everyone is hesitant about aging, but after the first thousand years or so, you'd wind up look like a litch.  That's pretty badass.


u/Glad_Shape_2446 5d ago

Years of healthy and enjoyable years of living, perhaps?


u/AdhesiveEvil 5d ago

Frozen in carbonite.


u/skeptical_dragon_ 5d ago

you have to watch those you care about die over and over again though :(


u/Dramatic_Addition_68 5d ago

You’d end up like Groundhog Day for centuries at a time… just wanting it all to end. Have you not seen the vampire musical from Losing Sarah Marshall?


u/OldSchoolNewRules 4d ago

Years to be healthy


u/KawaiiSlave 4d ago

Imagine getting cancer at age 70, and knowing you now have another 5,000 years to live with it, and not just the old age and family that will die before you. T.T


u/-Minarchist- 5d ago

Without wrinkles?


u/thehermit14 5d ago

Doesn't mean you won't live in tact, without cancer or your limbs or you won't be senile or have parkinsons. Good luck with that one.


u/EndoShota 5d ago

…but you still keep aging.

Monkey’s Paw curls


u/Excellent_Peanut_977 5d ago

I can’t imagine working for that long 😩


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago

If you live to 5000 and still don't have your money working for you then you've seriously fucked up


u/Excellent_Peanut_977 5d ago

I’m sure you have it all figured out guy


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago edited 5d ago

By age 5000 I certainly would

Dude if you haven't got your mortgage paid off after 5000 years then you're an idiot, I don't know what else to say


u/Excellent_Peanut_977 5d ago edited 5d ago

I’ve got a house and 6 figure job but most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and many people under 30 can’t afford a home right now. Most retirees would literally be broke without social security. So yes, your money should be working for you but please stop with patting yourself on the back smug bullshit…


u/Dull_Half_6107 5d ago

We are talking about 5000 years of presumed immortality

If you put even a tiny bit into some index fund then that's going to compound over time

If you can't find a way to monetize that time then there is something seriously wrong with you

You rarely see broke vampires in films

That's 5000 years to take risks, and have some of them pay off.


u/rs-heritage 5d ago

Your state pension age is now 4,986.